247903 � � � �� ,,r , ° _ , _, � _ INTERMEDIARY ORDER �����L F�LE No By File No. L312-8 , In the Matter of conde�iag a�d takiag an easmaeat in tha land neceaa�ary for the slopea, auts and fills� inaludiag right of removal of latazal snpport fr� anb3eat land or resai�der thareof, oacaaioned by esaavatioaa ttter�of or �onatre��tion'ot slopss in �he gradiag aad aarfaaf�g �ith bit�mine�s material the alley �in E�in �ean�s Stibdiviaion B1ock 5 from Fiak Street to Avon $tree�, as part af thes St�it- Hsiverai�f Rene�ral Area, Cc�tract a-1904B, under Preliminary Order 246498 approv� �eea�ber 2� 1969 The Council of the City of S� Paul having ree�ived the report of the �ommiasioner of `Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: " 1. That the said report and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be prceeeded with. 2. That the nature of the itnprovement which the Council recommends is to conde� and take an ease�a� i�:the land necesssry ��r the alopes, Quts aad fills, incl�dias riaht of re�val sf lateral snp�ast frea anb�aat la�� �r re�aiader thereof, ocaaaiva�d b� ex�avatione thsraoi� or Q�s�ruction of', slopea ia the gradin� and snrfaai�g �rith bitumiMOns material �he a11�y� in Edwin De�n''s Snbdiv�taiF►a Bloak � froa Fisk Street to AOaa �traet, as par� oi���a 3a�rlait- Uaiveraity 8e�eval Area, Ce�traat 6-19A4B, in aecor�ance pi�h the bina�rint hereto attaethed sad tiade a part hmreof, '�he hatcbed p�rtioas s�awing tbe cu�s and the shade� porti�ns ahc�f�g the,fills, ' - with no alternatives, and that the e�timated cost thereof is $--75.t� Resolved Further, That a public hearin�be ha.d on said improvement on t�e It� day of Airi1T1Q70 ` , at the hour of 10 o'clock`A.M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hail Building:in the City of St. Paul. That the Commisaioner of �nance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, sta,ting the tiine and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement and the total �t thereof as estimated. �yR 17 197� COUNCiLMEN Adopted by the Council Yeas Nays : MAR 1 7 1'�Q i' 3riSO�O D�l�lish Approv Meredith Peterson _-� In Favor ' Sprafka ' Tedesco Mayor Byrne �against pueiisHEO MAR 2� 197a 8-8&Z�[ �� B.1