247898 � -. ' - ;� .,,;,,,t 2��78�,�,� ��� INTERMEDIARY rJRDER �OUNCIL FiLE Na By � � . � In the Matter of _ - --- :.d� ___ __�-_ '.,...-� __ __�.,--_ . '. . ' . .. . ... . _. ' ... .4 ....... _ . i( .., , � , . � . � . ., 'f�� . .. . _ M . , � . ResurPacing with bituminous material the following alleys: Prelim. Order No. Approved File No. Description 246526 Dec, 2, 1969 L-321 Brown's lst Addition, Block 4 and Sanborn' s Addition, � Block 4 and Hallers Addition, Block 4 from Milton St. to Victoria St. Bryants Addition, Block 1 from Victoria St. to Avon St. iBryants Addition, �locks 3 and 6 from Victoria i St. to Avon St. + Forepaughs Division A, Block 4 and Smith and I Taylors Addition, Block 4 from Chatsworth St. to �� �` Milton St. Palar.e Addition, �lock 1 from Avon St. to Grotto St. Rngers Additioa�, Block 2, Lexington Place Sub. from I..exington Pke�y. to Oxford St. SumQnit Park Acidi.tion, Block 29 from Chatsworth St. to Milton St. Summit I�ark Adclition, Block 30 from Chatsworth St. to Milton St. Summit Park Addi.tion, B1ock 31 from Oxford St. to Chatsworttl St. _ __ ,�16:t�t PaY# A�dit 'ronx Block 32 from Oxford St. to ! �� �G�eetswortt� S t. ' ! ` Summit Park Addition, Block 42 from LQxington Pkwy. ` ;to Oxford St. , 246519 Dec. 2, 1969 L-301.� `� Milton Addition, Bloek 5, from Chatsworth St. to Milto� St. 246511 Dec. 2, 1969 L-30SG L. K. Stones Addition from Chatsworth St. to Milton St. I 246509 Dec. 2, 1969 I.-306G Fairbanks Addition, Block 1 and Stone and Rogers Addition, Block 3, f.rom Milton St. to "' Victoria St. 24b507 Dec. 2, 1969 L-3�7G B. Wilgus Addition, Block 2, from Lexington Pkwy. tn Oxfard St. 246491 Dec. 2 , �.9G�3 L-309G Summit Park Addition, Block 20 from Milton St. to Victoria St. zr+65Z5 Dec. 2, 1969 L-315G Milton Addition, Block 2, from Milton St. to Victoria St. 246501 Dec . 2, 196� L-316� Fafrbank's Addition, Block 2, and Stone and ' Rogers Addition, Block 4, fsom Milton St . to Victoria St. 246503 Dec. 2, 19E��`I L-320G Marshall Boulevard Addition "A" from Chatsworth St. to I�ilton St. Grade and surface with bituminous material and construct sewer for storm wnter purposes the follo-winn alleys; 246483 Dec. l, 1969 " L-308G Bryants Addition, Block 2, £rom Victoria St. to Avon S t. I I j