247895 OR161SiAL TO CITY CLBRK 2����� CITY OF ST. PAUL FOENCIL N�,. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK LIC�idS� COMNiITT�:i r,����COUNC,,I� RESQLUTIO —GENERAL FORM �. i PRESENTED BY '- $�,'Ch 17� 1970 CO M M I551 ON E DATF �WHEREAS: Proper notice has been received as to change of officers and stockholders in Andrew Kappas, Inc. holders of On Sale Liquor Licelse No. 7638, expiring 3anu�.ry 31, 1971, at 24L�ast Seventh Street, therefore, b e it Rr�OLVEI7: `1'hat Andrew Kappas remains as President but relinquishes the office of Treasurer; Geor�e Kappas, a new officer, becomes �'ice-president, an office relinquished by Phyllis A. Kappas who now will be the Secretary and Treasurer; and George Kappas also becoming a stockholder, be and the same is hereby approved. OnSale Ziquor �stablishment Change Officers and Stockholders Informally approved by Council March 12, 1970 Orig. App�. L-493 � 171970 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19_ Yeas Nays Carlson � 1 7 l�j� Dalglish Approved 19—_ Meredith � Tn Favor Peterson ' Sprafka � Mayor Tedesco Against p�gLISHED MAR 21 1970 Mr. President, Byrne O • ' , G �-- - CITY�OF SAINT PAUL • Capital oi Minnesota �q v� ��� f— 7 �e a�tiae�t o a�`ic �a et � � roLtc� Tenth and Minnesota Streets HEALTH FIRE PROTECTION WILLIAM E. CARLSON, Commissioner POLICE AND FIRE ALARM ROG&R M. CONWAY, Depaty Cossirioner DANIEL P. Me LAUGHLIN, Lieenee Inspeetor March 12, 1970 Honorable Mayor and City Council Saint Paul, Minnesota Gentlemen: Currently A.ndrew Kappas, Inc. are holder� of On Sale Liquor Licens�� No. 7638, and miscellaneous licenses, all expiring JanuGxy 31� 1971� at 241 E ast Seventh Street. The officers and stockholders of record are Andrew Kap��as� President and Treasurer; and Phyllis A. Kappas, Vice-president. They are the only two stockholders. Andrew Kappas remains as President but relinqu�shes the office of Treasurer. George Kappas, a new officer, becomes Vice-president an office relinquished by Phyllis A. Kappas, who now will be the Secretary and Treasurer. Geor�;e Kappas also becomes a stockholder and joins the other two officers who are stockholc�ers. Attached is a copy of the board of director's meeting as well as a copy of a letter fro� their attorney advising of this change. Very truly yours} G�� G� � , License Inspector � ,�,, � � � O . FISHER, JOHNSON, EVANS & BUTTRICK A'i'tORNEYS AT LAW FRED W. FISHER 624 E7vDICOTT ON FOURTH OF COUNSEL ROSERT W. JOHNSON SAINT PAUL. MINNESOTA 55I01 VERN L. HfiRRYMAN RONALD C. EVANS Asa E. BUTTRICK TELEPHONE 222.6841 WAYNE C. SERKIAND AREA GODE 612 February 27, 1970 :`�s. Daniel P. McLaughlin License Inspector Dcr�artment of Public Safety lOtiz and �•iinnesota St.Paul, Minn. 55101 re: Andrew Kappas, Inc. • , Dear Mr. McLaughlin: In response to your letter of February 13 , 1970 , we are enclosing the completed forms relating to information on George Kappas, the new officer of the corporation. Mr. Kappas will also become a stockholder in the corporation � in the near future. Please advise if you have any additional questions on the matter. Very truly yours, FISHER, JOHNSON, EVANS Ss BUTTRICK , � � . / ; j�� - �, f -:,�_ � i, ���� � ._ L���_� By /Robert W.��7ohnson RWJ:oh � Enc. cc: Mrs. Phyllis Kappas 241 E. 7th Street St.Paul, Minn. 55101 �2g3�31 1��, �� � M � �s� ti p ���`'�� -�'� Cr ' c � c�i : �'r1 : c:.�f N ;., � :• �i' ��j N : �' • �,, � N� ��.�r.:, „•. �. �C`> �,;3Jery �'v Q�6�8 L�9 �4d�'�� RESOLUTION OF BOARD OF DIRECTORS/ CERTIFIED COPY OF RESOLUTION Adopted by the Board of Directors of the ANDREW KAPPAS , INC. . � on December 30, 1969 -------------------------------------------------------------- ' . I, the undersigned Secretary of ANDREW KAPPAS , INC. , do hereby certify that, at a special meeting of the Board of Directors and Shareholders of Andrew Kappas, Inc. , duly held on December 30 , 1969 , and at which all members of the Board of Directors, and all shareholders were in attendance, the following resolution was duly adopted: IT WAS RESOLVED that the following persons would serve in the offices set forth after their names, until the next annual meeting of the Board, or until their successors are duly elected and qualified: � Andrew Kappas. . . . . . . . .Presidazt and Director Phyllis Kappas. . . . . . . .Secretary/Treasurer and Director George Kappas. . . . . . . . .Vice President and Director DATED this 2nd day of February, 1970. �/ �� � i� _� �.� , :� Phylli Kappas Secretary ' f - CITY flF SAIl�IT PAUL DEPARTI�I+1T �F' PUBLIC SAFETY � ZICFSBTSE D�V�SIt7�T Da te F!blttaty 18 19 70 1. Appli.oatiaa� Por �6� otficara ia o orpos�►ti:on holdiag t� Sel� I,iquor- Lieen�e 2, �a�e of agp].icant (�orgs Swppas, oi�re�idru� !or Aud�Y g��ae. Izta. 3. Buaineea addrssa 241 �,7th__gt��t Residenae 2249 Bultitl0, ��e 8es� L�1k� � •`S`L'.�'P's1il�FIxTII'i'_'—' 3�.Pitt t A�. �.. 4q Trade n�me, if any .. . . �, _ � . . _ _ _ �\ '� 50 8etail Beer Federal Tax Stamp Ret,ail Liquor Federal Tax Stamp �rill be usedo ,� � __ . _ �' ` 6. t� �+rhat �loor looated Number of roo� used'�: , , �� _ _ _ _ ?o Bet�resn what cross etraets iRhich side of street 8. �re premiaea novr 000upied What businesa HvR long 9. �re premiaea naw unocsaupied Horov lun.g vacant Previous use . _.._ . __ _ 10. wre y�u a new rnmer Have you been in a simiIar business before '�here 1Rhen 11. Sre you going to operate �his buainsas pers�nally O�`l�caz Qf vo�Zatt�01�__ —__ opsrating C9apher Har. If no�, vrho �vill operate it 12. Are you in an�r other buainess at the present ti.m�e 1QO 13, Have there been any csomplaints against your operetion of thi� type of pl,ace Nhen �� 1Rhere �� . � 14. IIave you ev�er had ax�r license revol�sd �p . �h�at reason and date 1�, dre you a citizen of the Ur�ted Statea YeS Aativ�e Yeet Naturali.zed .....�d. _ _ _ _...�..____— 160 lqaere arere you bor� ���pa��. �• �te oP birth Aue,�t,tati 5, i9d7 17. T amnpt married. My (wife°a) (husband a e) nam�s and addreas i$ .► 18. (If inet rried f`ema le) n�r �id�n name ie � 19. Ho�r lorig have you lived in St. Paul 3i1tC� ,,�947 *� yta�' of b��th � 20, Hav�s you ever been. arreated No Violation af what ariminal lsv� �r ordina�ee� 21. Sre qou a regia�tered voter in the Ci�r uf St. I�ul y¢s Yes �� Noe _ . _ �_.._ �.,. , __ . _ (Ans�r fully arui �ompletelye The�a a liQations are tMorou hl checkisd and'�x� falaificsatian �.11 be cauas For enialo 22, Number oP 3.2 p3aaes within t�vo bl�oke 23o Closeat intoxioating liquur plaQeO �. Sale flff Sale 24. Neareat Churc:h Nearest Sehool 25e PTumber of bootha Tables� Chairs Stools 26. lihat occupQtion have pou Pollovred for the pe�at five yr�arso (Give namea oP emplsa�ar� and date a a o employ�ed.) [atx��►a�r Aa�r 27. Giv+e� x�mea ancl addresee� of t�ro persons, Y°esidsnts of Stb I�uls M�.nnes �rho Qan gi�e it�€orme►tion oonoerning you,, Name Rrih�rt 1�_te �,r� Addreae � 4 �dia�t� ae 4t�h. St.Paul.113.=�. xame g�m g�,1v� �lddre$s 2144 600dri we st.Paui �iinn« � . ._ ignature u pp z n 3tate of Minr�asota� )ss C ounty oP R�msey ) ! � . lieing fir9t duly s�r�rn., depdeae and say� upon c� t he ha� rea the oregoing statement bearing hia signature and �.om� the contenta thereoPR and that-the eam9 is �i�txe- of his own l�oavledgs except as to thoee me►ttera tharoin s�ated upam. inPornation belief and as to th ae mattex°s he believ�sb tYne�m to be true. Signattu°e a pplica Subsoribed and sworn to before_ �ea this th day f F�b�,"txJ��"y 19 70 Not�i^y blie, y C untym ,inneaota OL�VE M. HOPPER, My CO]f1T51188�t113 @7Cp12"A8 Notary Public, Ramsey County, Minn. , 3 . _ (Notes 3'heee atatement forma are �in duplioate. �Both Qopies must be Pully filled auta aotarized9 and return.ed to the Lia�nse Diviaione�� . • . � AFF ID1�V IT B Y APPL ICANT FOR � RETA IL BEER OR LIQUOR I.SCENSE Re: ��Sale Li����_I,iaenae Name of appiicant Geor e Ka as Viae Pr�sident: Andrew Ka as, Inc. Bu�iness addx�ess 241 E.7th StXeet�, 3t.Paul1 Min�i. Are you the sole owner of �his business4 . If' not, is it a p�rtnership? corporation? Corposation , o#�har3 Others interssted in business, include those by loan of maney, property or otherwises Name Andrew Kappas Address 2249 Buftalo, xow Pra�sident White Bear Lalc� Phylli.e Kappas 2249 Butfalo, Sac-T=easurer white Bear Lake, If a corporation, give its name Andl'ew KappaB, IAC. Are you interested in any way in any other Ret�il Baer or Liquox buainess? �_ As aols on�raer� Partner? Stockholder4 Otherwise? (Through loan of money, etce Explain) — Addreas of such business and nature of interest in same — X Signature o� applioa t C3e ge Kappas State of Minnesota ss C ounty of I�maey G�otcre Ka�pas being first duly sworn, deposea and says upon oath that he haa read the foregoing affidavit bearing hia signature and kno�vvs the content� thereof; that the same is true of his own l�awledgea exQept a� to those matters therein atatsd upon infoxmation and belief and as to those �Gars he believea the to be true. X Signatur°e of pplicant Subao ibed and sxorn to bsfore me thia th day o Feb1�'u81'y 19 70 . � �TOtaY°S7 ublic, ' COUrittfy M1ri27.680'CA p��yE M. HOPPER. Notary Public, Ramsey County. Mina. M� oOtruYLi.ssloil expires 19 My Commission Expires lune 12, 19'3 , • , , sTA� +c� r��SC�rA) � ss Ct)iTNTY (�F' RAMSEY Georqe KappaB being firat duly aworn., doth depnse and say that he makes this affidavi� in connection with application for " �n Sale" liquor license (" Sale" malt beverage license� 3xi the �ity of Saint Paal, Minnesota; that your affiant is a reaident of the State of �i.nnesot� and has resided therein for 23 yeara, months, and is nou� and has been for the time above m�antioned � bona fide reaident of said State and that he now residea at 2249 Buffalo Whit! HesY' Lake, Minn. " Addres s , �'innes ota. Ci�y or To�+rn � George K pas Subsaribed and awarn. to before me this y o eb 9 70 otary kalio, R,a,m yr C unty, EQinnesota �y co�nia�ion expirea OLIVE M. HOPPER., Notary Public, Ramsey County, Minm. My Commission Expires June 12, 1973 L , � / I�TQ�1 �� l�0 Han. iiilliaet B. Csrlson� Cavr. of Public SaPety, Tenth and Mina. �s., St. Paul, Minn. Attna lK`r. Dsaiei P. McL�w�lia Dsar Sir: The City Co�ncil toduy informe�lly spprrnred the application of Andre�r Rsppse, Inc., holdere of On 3ate Liquor License 1Qo. 7638, ard mi�cellaneoue licen�es, sll expiring Jant�t►ty 31, 1971, at 2kl E. Sev�nttt Street, !or a che�ge ia stocldaalders a�nd otficers, as described ia yovr letter o! Ms,rah 12th. Will ycu plesse p�pare tlx custa�nry resolation! �'i+ ��Y Y�'s r Citr Cl�rk t►D