03-720Return copy to: (JAO) Real Estate Division 140 City Hall CITY Presented By Referred To Committee: Date 30 1 WFIEREAS, a requesY has been received from Thomas Scanlon to release property rights granted to the 2 City of Saint Paul in a Piaza Easement authorized by Council File No. 278767, 7une 3, 1982; and 4 WHEREAS, the properry rights to be released and the property encumbered by the Plaza Easement aze 5 described in the "Plaza Easement AgreemenY' and "Grant of EasemenY' attached to said Council File 6 1Vo. 278767; now, therefore be it 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 RESOLVED, that with the accompanying Certificates of Intended Non-Use, filed voluntarily on behalf of the Department of Public Warks and the Deparhnent of Planning and Economic Development for the City of Saint Paul, made a part hereof by this reference and filed in the office of the City Clerk of Saint Paul, the City, far itself and on behalf of these departments, abandons and discontinues all of its rights to said easement; and be it further RESOLVED, that upon passage of this resolution, the City Clerk is hereby authorized and directed to record a copy of this resolution in the office of the County Recorder, Ramsey County, and that the City Clerk shall maintain a copy of the Certificates of Intended Non-Use referenced in this resolution on file in the O�ce of Citizen Services. Council File # �� 12� Green Sheet # ��b� �� MINNESOTA 2 2 CERTIFICATE O� IMTENDED NOM-llSE TI� HONORABLE YIAYOR AND MEiVIBERS OF TF� COUNCIL OF Tf� CTI'I' OF SAINT PAUL a3=�2� In the Matter of Vacation File # 03-G03 The undersigned hereby certifies, on behalf of the indicated department or company, that it does not intend to exercise its utility rights in the realty described below: except as here noted: Depariment of Public Works rts C ry E�c/� l•tf�Er� .IYSINNBSOTA RAMSEY J The foregoing instnunent was ack¢owledged day of ��J /U� . 200� by JOHIJ {� �'7�L7K� � ✓ the__ �'.I7 E/lJY(/�/��iC_ of �JT YlYU� 1'�CSL�� �V�I�lL7 .a /17✓�/tit�/C'aTL— C�Q/c`���'t���2, under the laws of the Siate of Minnesota � ��;� • .� ;� ��. - : :.!�! f • : ! . �n�� - 7 � � a n � - �,,�/,, ��/ - �.�/ C'.;�C✓C C� � ' . �� �aL�C_c'-�C(� � � �l�TOtary Pnblic, Ramsey Cb,anry�l4Linnesota� � �, zc� vs _ My comnusrion asp�res � /U,t � , i '% *'` Please return this original copy to 140 City Hall, St. Paul, MN 55102 ** AA-ADA-EEO Employer 03 �Z.c� _ 1- � Z � c° s W 1 Q Q J O W U N � P \ e t �3 O' � G S I 1y�0 � f � � � Q , 0 , 4 � / � 2� 4 �G ` �% e t� . � p� �� � l �,y'�.� �� e� Q �� , (cO �. F `�tO `�. � 0 3� o y p,o .0�� � 4� �■► �� Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Greer► Sheet Green Sheet Depar[menUofficeJcouncil: Date Initiated: -rE �t'ec6nologyandManagementSe�v ,�,��-� Green Sheet NO: 3002504 Contaci Person ffi Phone: Deoartrnent Sent To Person Initial/Date Bruce Engelbrekt � 0 echnolo and ement S 2 �� Assign 1 i Attom h Ril t O AAL� Must Be on Council Agenda by (Date): Number y Io ana n t Di r 23,IUL-03 For Routing 3 or's ce Ma orf istsnt Order 4 m � 5 i erk Ci Qerk Total # of Signature Pages �(Clip NI Locations for Signature) Action Requested: Approve resolution to release easement rights granted ro the City of Saint Paul in a Plaza Easement per CF Na. 278767. Recommendations: Approve (A) or Reject (R): —Personal Service Contracts Must Mswer the Following Questions: Planning Commission 1, Has this person/firm ever worked under a contract for this department? CfB Commitlee Yes No Civil Service Commission 2. Has this person/firm ever been a city employee? Yes No 3. Does this persoMfirm possess a skill not normally possessed by any current city employee? Yes No Explain all yes answers on separate sheet antl attach to green sheet Initiating Problem, Issues, Opportunity (Who, What, When, Where, Why): A request has been received from the new property owner to release the CiTy's easement in this properry to allow the owner to make physical changes to the property. AdvanWpes If Approved: The property owner xnay proceed with the physical changes requested by a new tenant in the building on the properry. Disadvaniapes If Approved: The property owner would no longer be requ'ued to maintain the smail triangular open space adjacent to ffie building as a public plaza. Disadvantages If Not Approved: The property owner would be unable to accommodate the buildout needs of a tenant in the building located on the property. �;nrtfm^� Gnc,�aPG'i1 V��:t�� Total Amount of Transaction: 300. �b CosUR¢venue Butlgeted: nJ ,111� ���� tliJ Funainysource: petitioner/Property ActivityNumber: Financial fnformation: OWrlel' (�cplain) The $300 represents the fee for the City's administrafive costs to process the easement release. JUN-05-2003 09�36 PED 14TH FLOOR Interdepartmental Memorandum CLTY OF SAII9�C pAUL : 6512283220 P.92i02 43 ----__� bATH: �� 25 _ G � TO: 1) ��• LCJtIG�O /�� T !�r (DTSTRICT PLANNER) RE: Vacation Request No. � �3-+�-03 The attached vaaation request was received by the Planning ivision on G�ease zeview and return comments or reoommendations to me by� so tha4 I may prepaze the Divisions recommendations. 20N11�IG SECI'ION: Is this vacation proposa] also tied to a rezoning or variance request? 'YES NO If yes, explain below: STAFF COM�v1ENTS OR RECOMMENDATIONS: % �e. .c:u�.� ,c�n.a�' ��CV�vu.�r U /�� 7- ��-vz�� ��'l ,olrc� nvr� /� � an��"""°i �^cf�n�L / f°Z - a, � a� �- ,�1�-�.. �� �� � � �u��r�t� rr`' ���c.a �C` �� �-�,- ��!'lannars are to return the reviewed vacataon re uest to Allan Tozstenson 9 (Zoming Manager). ���_ �� . 6, TOTRL P.H2 MAY-14-2�3 11�16 ,AhwRT �` 06�M1RTMCIiT [e.Ut - }RAYOA Presrnted B ��� Y� . Referced To � Out of Committee E CITY OF ST PRIJL LIEP CiI"i'Y OY' S�'.IN"i' 1'.1tiL Counci; �� ��� Commiltee Depattmenc ot: �� .. :; RESOLUTION AUTfi0RI2ING � / 1:0�`�']�"`• 'r�, - -- - EXECUTIQI�t OF EASEMENT �/ _ AGREEMENT - � 1 � �.,re . : 9�,Q.� wx��x�s, (y) Tha Gity of St. Paul, Minnesota ("City") has undertaken the improvement of real property, ideatified in Exhibit 1("Property") for use as a pub2'sc pI.aza; • (b) The improvements to said property are bei.ng con- stxucted in accozdance wi.th pIans and speci.fzcations prepared � by the City, idetiti£ied as City Project No. 81-P-0886, Machovec s TYiangle; � . (c) Tha owner of the Pro erty tia,s granred the Cit}'r k e obligationsof�mainte�nance, repair$ operation of the public plaza and i.tuprovements; (d) The Gity wtll benefit fror� the imp�ovements and the maintenance of the xmpYOVements by the owner of the Property; Gity Npt THEREFORE� BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the of St. Paul, Minaesota, as £ollows: The Gity hereby appruves the execution and recoxding of the Plaza Easement Agre�ment attnched hereto as Exhibit 2 and the Grant of Easemerit attached hereto as Exhibit 3. coo�c�LxEH Ytas N++Y1 "�' ftetc�+e� tavu,e Isr �� T Hicasy Sdfe�bd Adup�ed by Council: �OZte __�____ [n Favor � Against ,}UK� 3 t982 8y Focm Agpro7Kb5' Citp BY .Lf/fC(I•LlCV iStfl��"' �� �'y�J?� 6512669099 P.02 �.v_..�a_ Filt N 0. P(.7�.7.�0.� Date Certibed Yax e �ouncil - et �� ��V B �— , J131i �:�:7:�1982.:.-,:' .� ppprvved hy �fuvor: Date _,�- ;-r:.. .--^—� . . : . �;,•� : ;. .,,:' 8Y . . ... ..... ......... . ', ._.. Eu MRY-14-2003 Si�i6 CITY OF ST PRUL �IEP �X�27-b1� 2 . pLA7A EASEMENT AGREEMEN7 �3-�� 6512669e99 P.03 2%8 � 67 Th4s Agreemeni is made and entered into this day of 19& .by ynd between the City of Saint Paul, a municipa3 corpotation, fiereinzfter referred to as the "City"; StanleY F. Machovec and Gloria R. Machovec> hus�and and wife, _ . vxaers of that property described as: a 7hat part oP''1.o_ts_1 and 1 Sjock 31; 7homa5 Qaly's $ubdivision of 81ock 18 and 31, Stinson, Brown and Ramsey'S Addition to St. Paul described as follorrs: Cormenc�ng at the ftortheast corner of Warsaw and West Seventh Streets the same being the Southwest corner of said lot t6, above described, running thence North _ on tbe East Tine of Warsaw Street, 56.41 feet to the Southwest corner of Lot 1, A. K. Koehler's Rearrangement "q"; thence running East along the South'line of said Lot 1, 14.Q7 feet to a point; thence running Southeaster along the Nes'terly line of safd Cot I unti7 it strikes the North line of Uest Seventh Street; thence running Southwesteriy alang the North iine of F�est Seventh Street, 49.8Q feet to the p3ace of beginrting, excepi from said Lot 16 that part descr�bed as fotlows: Be9inn�nSfrn��t��� East line of South Osceola Avenue, 13 feet North Zntersection of satd East line produced SoutherlY With the Northwesterly Tine of Nest Seventh Street produced Southwesterly; thence Southeasterly to a point on the Northwester�y line of �iest Seventh Street, 19 feet ftortheasterly from the afarementioned intersection; thence Southwesterly atong said North�i��to��theiEast l3 feet; thence Northr�esterly to -a p line of Sauti Osteol�encellNortherlytalong sa d line ;paint of be9 nntag; to beginni�g. Subject to Restrictions contained in Document �tumber 2542 .. (ToYrenS� � and Stan7ey F.'Hac3tovec and Sophie R. Machovec+ owners of that property as: Lots l and 2, A. H. Koeh7er's Re-arrangement "A", accord�rsg � t�Q pZat of said addit{on on fiie and ofi record in Lhe offi of the County Recorder. (AbstracL) • '� C E � 1� �, -� l ��� • �', ( l' j /�/� Cjv ���1�' ` �'ti < � y � �•'� ;a •/r7;r;';�_��, . t . 7 r � ,� i : � �• ' � : � 2J�--�^ /I�- ; �� i 1 � :.••.:/� . described • ..- - �` .�'�� �3 w �� . , , f;�: ,L ^ h � / MAY-14-2003 11�16 CITY �F ST PAUL LIEP .2.. b3-?� 6512669999 P.04 all of which owrsers shall 6e co7lectively referred to as the "trwners" and tfieir property �including for this Rgreement bath Tracts) cotlectively as "Property". THIS AGR£FHENi' is s;,ade in cons{deration of the mutual promises and' . artd undertakings of parties hereto, the expendlture of bath pubisc and private funds as requ�red herein, the burdens and benefits affecting the Property of the Owners, and the pubiic benefits accruing from the improve- ments and their maintenance. PLATA CQI�STRUCTFQN i. The City agrees to construct on a portipn of the Property of the Owners a p7aza area with certain improvements, zll in accordance with the pTans attd specifications as prepared by the City and identified as City Project No. 87-P-a886, Machovec's Triangie. The Gity will construcL atl the improvements (unless otherwise provided herein}; includfing ptanters, benches, and a light, and accomplish the landscaping, as provided in said plaas and sQecificat�ons. 7he Cfty wiTl instaTl the wiring and conduit for the 1Tght up to the buitding and adjacent to the plaza owned by the Qwners. 7he Owners shalt connect the wiring and conduit to the buildin4 e3ectricat system at their own expense. 2, The Owners sha31 be responsible for and provide their own . A cost all maLerials or ite� as shown an the pla�s and specifications, i�cluding the buoy and fiowers, ►rhich are indicated to be their responsibiiity. MAY-14-2003 11�16 CITY OF ST PAUL LIEP _3_ pz-73o 6512669999 P.05 � EASEMENTS AND HQfIRS 3, The Owners hereby agree to grant io the City a puhlic easemeni for publit use and enjoyment of the p3aza and improvemenis, Which ob'tigates sa�d Owners dnd bUrdens their Property (including both tracts) by requirirtg them to main'tain, operate, repair and insure ihe plaza and improvements. • The Owners Shall, as to any portion of the Property whose t�tle is registered, present Lhe owner's duplicate certificate for such Property for the purpose of making a memorial of such grant of easement upon such certiricate of title ai the office of the County Recorder 4nr Ramsey County, Minnesata. Said' easement to De granted by the Owrers shall 4e in the form attached nereto as Exhibit A and 5ha11 grant to the pu�lic the right of use of said plaza and inprovements over the Property for purposes of pedestrian use, ingress, eqress xnd transtt, except for such reasonable pot;ce measures re9arding open hours and closing al1 or part of the piaza as the City may, by ordinance, fram iime to time determine. or regarding pubiic conduct therein as may ba prohi6ited by applicable ordinance as amertded from time to time. OPERATiON, MAINTENANCE FND REPAIR . �, The Owners agree to maintain, repair and operate tRe Q'Eaza and improvements thereon at their sole cost and expense, and sha17 keep and maintain the plaza and improvements in repair and in safe condition 'for public use, reasonably clean and free oF litter and debris. The O�+ners shall provide and pay for any and atl costs of electricity needed for the operation of the iight. -� O 3• ?� . MAY-14-2003 11�17 CITY OF ST PRUL LIEP 6512669099 P.06 . . _ . ' S, Such matntenance sha17 include, but not be limited to,�snoW shoveling, siveeping, refuse or rubbish removal; tlean�ng, polishing, and repainting Lbe improvements; repair and rtplacement of said improvenents; fl oxer. shrub, ar+'d tree watering, tare and replacemeni; light bulb J repiacement and light f�xture tleaning. City shail be furnished rr'tth � both preitmin�ry and finat p7ans and specifications for alt additions, alterations or repairs and replacements to the piaza and improVements, wh9ch plans and spetifications Shall be Su�$ect to 9ts reaso�abTe and time]y approyal or disapproval before tommencement of the work contemptated therein, Lack of action on either, preiiminary or final p3ans and speci- f9cations Lo approve or disapprove within 3Q days shall be deemed approval. 6, ,if the Owners faii to adaquately maintatn, repair and operate . the safd plaza and improvements to a reasanable standard of safety, or shail fat7 io undertake reasonable maintenance, operatinq or repair of tRe piaza and improvements Within 30 days after receipt by them of written demand from the City. tne Lity may undertake said reasonabTe and necessarY maintenance, repair and operating tasks,.and t6e costs incurred by the � Cfty tar said maintenance, repair and operation sha7T be assessed to and shat},be paid forthwith by the OKners; provided, however, tfiat the City retairts the righi to as5ess such costs aga'Tnst the Orrners•as a iocal improve- ment in the aanner provided by law. 7. The plaza and tmprovements whieh are the subject of this Agreement shall not be operated for the purpose of advertising the name of any product or business or for any commercial or business purposes. ' MAY-14-2603 Sl�i7 CITY OF ST PRUL LIEP - �'v���^'� .1�f . ✓" o . -5- b3• �Zo 6512669099 P.07 ' FNS� E g_ Th .. ., _._._. < -:.,. :� .; � -`:: _:,. �- .�.:irisurance coverage�:far the p7aza and 9mprovements W�th a dutY licensed ' - .. �.. .. . ":::r•�P.i::'..:•.':i:�::i:'...^ . . .. ,: . . . .,,. '. - F insura�ce company, wherein-the�Ctty�shall..be�designated�a5 additjonal - , insureds; said insurance containing the following minicnum coverages: for _ � property damage to the extent af-S�>QDa.fl n any single accident; for personal injvries, including death���$50� �.���•OQ� eaCh occurrence. -�� Such minimum amounts sha11 be subject, upon 60 days n ot c;.to reasonable change by office action of the Council of the City of Saint Peut, in the event 5t3tutory muniGi,pai iiability l�miis are altered by legislatiaa or judicsa7 decision at any time after the date t�ereof. The cas�alty znsurance sha71 have an all risk or phYsicai loss coverage in the amouni ofi the fvll repiacement tost of the �mprovements. -. ,9; :, ;:I ns.urance : requ i red,,h ereitnd'er..:;:fot,.. r8 ;"aii� ::l.i a�tii 1 i ty. �:fpr.: th e:'area • .. .. ..,• . .._. __. ,.,_:: .,.:,;,;. .w.,:.,, • <assuroed:,bY.:the _ _ '""'-.r_i�`7L'i� -�,1)wr�ers,; BINDING 08LIGA3IONS 10, 7he parties agree that in the Constructjon, maintenance, repair and operation of the plaza and �mpr'ovements, they sha11 be boynd by a11 City codes and ordinances insofar as applfcable. � - � ll. The respecLive rights and obligations of the�partfies set forth in this Agreement shall be binding upon and inure to the henefit of the parties, their successors and assigns, and shali cQntinu ce unti] such time as sald laza and improvements and easement is vacated or abandoned in y the manner permitted by law, or terminated in_accardan,ce With the Gra�of -- - ---• ' � ���� ' MAY-14-2003 11=:,7 CITY OF ST PAUL LIEP 6512669e99 P.08 - ,6 _ . � 12, 'Fh9s Agreement sha11 survive conveyance and delivery of the 6rant of Easement prov�ded herein, and sfiall not be cons4derad merged therein: i3. The Dwners herefn reserve unto themselves the unconditional right and privSlege of�seiling, tonveyirtg and transferring their abutting and/or encumbered or involved reat estate herein and assigning and transferrfng , this Agreement to any other corporation, corporations, trust, trusts, indiv�dual(s), partnerships, or other forms of venture. Fn the event of transfer of any interest in the Property, the Owners may be freed znd relieved, from and after the date of such trensfer, of a11 liability as respects the performance of any covenants or abligat�ons on the part of Owners tontained in this AgreemenL thereafiter to be performed; providing :hat Owners' successor fully and xithout 3'irrritation assumes in writing all duties, respons5bilities and tovenants of �he Owners under this Agreement. For the gurposes of this paragraph, "O�+ners" shatt inciude, but not be limited to, lessors, lessees, sublessors and sublessees. l4. The obligations and duties contained Sn paragraphs 3 and 8 herein sha7l be carried out or commenced xithin fourteen (14) days after the effective date of this-Agreemeat, Frhich date shall be the date of the acknou]edqment of Lhe last stgnature therQto. A11 other obiigations and duties shali became operztive on the said effectiye date of this Agreeme: t. 15. �Any notice to the parties hereunder sha11 be considered sufficiently de7ivered if mailed by certif9ed mail. return receipt requested, postage pre- paid, as follOws: a. Fo: City of Saint Pau3 • Donald Nygaard, Director Dapartment of Public 4lorks 6th Ftoor. City Hall Annex 25 Nest fourth Street . ' ' St_ Paul, �linnesota 55i02 � MFlY-14-Z003 11�18 b. To: CITY OF ST PAUL LIEP __�_ Steve Wettington - HRAJGtty of Saint Paai, Minnesota 12t1t Floor, City Ha11 Annex 25 4test Fourth Street '. St. PauT, Minnesota 55T02 1 F �achavec v3-�Zd 6512669099 P.09 Stan ey . Machovec's Food Market ' � � �j — / /'� � 997 Ylest Seventh Street St, Paul, Minnesota 551Q2 a ; A party maY, by written notice, designate a different address to which notices to �t shall be directed. , APPROyED AS TO fORM CiTY OF SAINT PAUL sy Its Mayor rector, Departmeat of Planning mic Development ay ts D�rector, Oepartment of Finance and Management Servtces . Sy ts C�ty G er ' MqY-14-2093 11�18 SATE OF MIHNE507A } COl1NTY OF RAMSEY ) CITY OF ST PRUL LIEP SS. � '� 3 -�2a 6512669099 P.16 The foregainq instrument xas acicnowledged before me th9s day of , of 1981, by GE�RGE LAY���R� M�Yor af the LITY OF SAINT PAUL, a�n�lctpa corgeration of the State of Minnesota, oa behalf of the City af Saint ?aal. • , 5TASE OF M2NHES4TA ) ) SS. COUN7Y OF RAtdSEY ) daY of •�Tfle foregoing instrument wns acknowledged before me Lhis . ,}gg�, by JAMES BELLUS, Oirectar of Planning and conomfc Oeve o9ment for the LITY Of SAINT PAUL, a municipal corporation of the 5tate of MinResotn, on behalf of the City of Sair.t Pau1. STATE OF MINNESOTA ; ss• COUNTY OF RAMSEY ) day of The foregoiogtg$};rbyep�TERSHAMES,WDirectoreofrFinan e anagement � $ervices or t e CI3Y OF SAINT PAllL, a municipat torporation of the State.of Minnesota,•on behnlf of the CitY of Saint 4au1. � STATE OF MIttNE50TA � 55. COUNTY OF RAMSEY ) The foregoing instrument Nas acknowledged 6efore me this day of � 1981, by ALBERT B. Ot50N, City Clerk 4or the fTY OF SA N7 PAUL, a �nunic pa corporation of the State of Minnesota, on beha3f af the C4ty of Saint Pau1. d MRY-14-2003 11='18 STATE Of NFK�iESOTA j COL'HTY OE RE,NSEY ) CITY OF ST PqUL LIEP Q� SS. 03��Za 6512669999 P.il ��8;s7 day of The foregoing instrum ��ANLEY F� and 6LORIA ��EC, •� , 1983, by . htts and and Wife). $TAT: OF MFNRESOTA } � SS, COUfiTY. QF RAMSEY ) day of r The foregoing�gn�rayeSOPHIE R�kMACHOVEC� aesingteeperson ��dow}. u,,.. ... �---- - � , Notary Public `�� VSCTORIA kt. MURRAY :� rtptAlT W/llG - 4L Nf50TA � '�� R.�,MS'_Y COCRd� [ { My cunm�:iwn sxpirc� Aup.13.2485 NOtary rup��c � -"1 VICTORIA M- A;UQRAY .. f ` " �`.' � NOTAIY PVtttC � M.3:1:Hi07A S '�� R,c,M<gY GCU�uTYl985 i hw ear..misiion axpins Au .13. tI/�� . -..�. MAY-14-2003 11�18 CITY OF 5T PRUL LIEP �3 U GF2ANT OF EASF'�NT 2�8'767 wEiEREAS, Stanley F. .*Sachovec and Gloria B. Machovec, husband and wife, are owners of t.hat propezty desCribed as: _ T} part of FAts i5 and 15, Block 3I, Thomas DaS.y`s Subdivision o� Blocks 18 and 3i, Stinson, Brown and Ramsey's Addition to St. Pau2 desczibed as follows: . Co�encing at the Northeast corner o€ Wa�saw and West Seventh Stzeets the same being the Southwest corner ot said T,ot 16, above described, running thence North on the �ast Iine o� Warsaw Stseet, 56.41 £eet to �he Southwest corner oP Lot �, A. H. Koehl.er'S Re- arzanqement "A°; thence running East a2ong the South line af said Lot i, 14.07 feet to a point; thence runninq Southeasterly along the Westezly line of said FAt 1 until it strikes the North line of Wes� 5eventh Street; thence running South�esterly along the North line of West Seventh Strest, 49.80 feet to the place of beginning, except from said I,ot lfi t1�at part described as follows: Beginning on the �ast I.ine of South OsceoZa Avenue, 19 feet North from the inLersectiOn of said East liae produced Southerly witti the Northwester�y line of Vtest Seventh Street produced Southwesterly; thence Southeastez2y to a point on the t3ort�hwestarly line of West Seventh Street, 19 feet Northeasterly from the a�orementioned �nterseetion; thence Southwestezly along,said North- westerly line, Z1nt�on�theeEast�lz e westerly to a Po� of South Osceola Avenue, 13 feet South £rom t.he poi.nt of beginninq; thence Noz'thexly a2ong said East 2ine to begirsai.ng . Subject to Restxictions contained in Document Number 254217. (Tarrens) and Stanley F. Machovec, a atarried person, an3 Sophie R. Machovec, a widow, owners o£ that certain groperty described as: �3'? ?�`' 6512669099 P.12 MAY-14-2003 11�18 CITY OF ST PAUL LIEP -2- I,ots 3. and 2, A. H. Roehler's ^A^, according to the p2at of on £ile and o£ recard in tihe County :�ecorder. (Ahstract} o3-7Z6 6512669099 P.13 Re-arrangement said addition ofEice of the , herein collectively referred to as "Grantor", ase the owners in fee o� that certain Zand situated in the City of 5ai.nt Paul County of Ramsey, State of Minnesota, moze particulazly described above, hereinafter caXled "Gsantor's Property and WHEFZEAS, Grantor has agzeed purs�ant to that Agreenent 8ated Octaber 20, 1981-, �o grant to the City of Saint Pau1 a public ease�nent for a pubiic plaza with public improvez�eats located thereon, such plaza to be located on Grantor's Property; and further to undertake certain obligations aaiPrOOpezat?on said Agreement concerning the maintenance, zep and insurance of the plaza and improvemeats. t30W, THBREFOgE, in pursuance of that Agreement, and in con- sideration o� the sum of ONE DOLLAR (S2•fla� and other valuable consideration, the receipt and sufficien�y Whex�o£ is hereby ackno�al.ec3ged, Grantor, £or itseZf and its successors and assigns, do6s hereby grant unto the CZTY OF SAINT PAUL, a Minnesota there nafor�ther�se�andabenefit of the publica follows: (See Exhibit 1 attached hereto) Public use of the easement area is exgressly herein made Subject to such reasonabZe pQlice meas�es regarding open hours and closing anY Par� or all of the easem°nt on Grantor's Proper�Y and regarding public conduct within the pZaza, as the City of Saint Paul may, by oxdinance, from time to time determinet and xhe public`s right hezein to use o£ the p2aza and inprove ments thereon shaZl be and hereby is maae SorazzlytcloszngFPartis? abie measures regarding open hours and temp oz all of the easement areas within or on Grantor`s Property as the City o� Saint Paul'may, bX agreement with Grantor or,its successors�or assigns, fram txme to � Se�ight��onexercise, from provision shall not diminish the City or ainance, con-- time to;_tiiae,. .i�.s _pol.ice pow�s unzlatezally, by cerning:hours open for use, ar temporarily c�-O�lic�conduct pr all of�'the easement,�to'•t.he'Pub7-ic, or concerning p within rhe easemen�,.noz_,sha32 such agreed or iegislated hours in any manner' restsict Ci.ty'.s'easement i.nterest, but shall a£fect only the public's:iights ta the use and benefit of the plaza and improvements thereoa. .. . - 11AY-14-2003 11�19 CITY OF ST PRUL LIEP -3- o� �20 6512669699 P.14 Notwithstandiag anything to the contrary herein, the ease- ment given shall be limited ta the life o� the inorovements constituting the plaza and shall tertninate upon the happenzny of either of the foilowzng e�e��s= A, In the eve�t the ease.'nent granted herein is vacated, abandoned or discontinued in the manner recuired by la�r. B, Zn the event the building adjacent to the iand upon whzch the easement zs located, shall be substantially dest;oyed or demol- ished and such building shall not be reoaired o= recoastructed; provided, however, that in the event such building(s) be reconstructied or replaced, Grantor, its successors an3 assigns agree that, without fuzther consider ation,�a substitute easement of substar.tially equa3 convenience, area and general con�igur ation sha1.1 be given. The qrant of easement herein shall be subject to the right of the Grantor, its successors anc3 assigns, to seek vaca�ion o° the public easement; provzdsd, however, that the Grantor shall pay, as co�pensation for said vacation un�ez Secfiion 134.05{}.} o� �e Saint Paul Legis3,ative Code, the City's costs of acqui- sition, construction and installation oE said plaza and improve ments, less depzeciation compvted on a tan-year, straight-line basis; £urther provided, that in the event the Grantor elects to remove or clispose of said �mprovements after vacation o� the aublic easement, this shal.l be at its own cost and responsibility. The City may, at its option, seek vacation of the publxc easement as provxded by Iaw; provi.ded, however, that in that case the City shall bear the cost and responsibility for remo- Grantordshal�inotsbe�obligatedmto�payeany com� nsati.on�for said vacation- Grantor, £or itself, its successors and assigns, does hereby agree that €or and 3uring the life of said easement, Grantor, or its designee by sepaxate agreement, shall be zesponsible for an3/or provide for the cost of all maintenance, operati,on, repair and insuzance of the�public plaza and imp=ovements theseon, it being understood that the aforesaid covenant sha2l zvn F'ith �'e Iand. � Grantor zeserves unto itseI.f the right and privilege of selli.ng, conveyinq and transferring the Property descri.bed above or any interest therein to the extent not prohibzted by or . MAY-14-2903 11�19 CITY OF ST PRUL LIEP —4~ 651 �6909 � P.15 inconsistent with any other Agreement *ahich may be applzcable. Zn the event of transfer of the Grantor`s interest in the Proeezty. the Grantor (sellez} may be freed and relieved, �rom and a£tez the date o£ such transfer, of a27. Iiability as the performance o£ anY covenants or obligations on the P Grantor (seller� contained in the Agreement which ara thereafter to be oerformed; provided that Grantor's successor fnlly and without Iimitation assvmes in wziting ali duties,, resgonsibil ities and covenants of the Grantor hezeunder- TO KAVS AND TO HOLD said easement for a pubiic plaze and imnrovements thereoa, togethez with all rights of ingress and eqress pertaining thereto unti3. the plaza and improvemen�s a~e vacated or abandone3 in the manner required by law, or terainated in accordance 3ierewith.' Tr W NESS WH��EOF, C�rantoz ha� hereunto si9 � hand thzs day of Ti .-i _ e .. I�v1z • STATE OF MTNNESOTA COUN=`l OF RAMSEY The MAC OVEC SS. £ozegoing i�trument w s acknowledged befoSTANLEYhFs day o£ /V , 1981, by and GLORTA Ft• MACHOVEC, h�sband and wi£e. . .to�v n. ��Qnx "� xoT�r aua� �c—L::xr.�sa�r� �S"� ~ �tw�ss���coUn;Y f1� f,tmTisr+ i=;i:a M.^:1I.1984 Y b GLORI A F2, MA �OV£CV Y�-G�-�71--Q� � MAY-14-2003 11�9.9 CITY OF ST PAUL LIEP -5- STAT£ OF MINNESOTA � SS. COU*72Y OF RAMSEY ) � �3`�?.� 6512669099 P.16 The xoregoing ins�zum t was acknowledaed befor� me this ^� day Of � � 1981, by STANL£Y F• M�ICHOVEC, a narried person, and SOPATE R. MAC"rIQVEC, a widow. � ' 7tY�.�A��(J�MArvVJ+MNNMll1MINJ✓wV� • t �� .IC:'.V n. L: :� � ��_.�: �...,.._°-• ' . . ..�� � � s K..�..:� �vc ' — .. . TA ��r� Pi:...�'�'�.i:C.e.•( I`' G.a:..r.,: •••• +a»L : i. : ii� , ;E:;.._ xvvrn� " SOPH3E R 1�ACH VEC � MRY-14-2003 11�20 CITY �F ST PRUL LIEP � �v 03 - 7� 6512669099 P.17 2'l��i'b E Exx�BI� 1 31, Thomas 31, Stinsan, Paul described Brown as £ollows: Commencing at the Northeast corner of Warsaw and t9est Seventh Streets the saicce being the Southwest coznez of said Lot 16, above des- cribed, running thence North on the East line o£ Warsaw Street, 56.41 feet to the Soutnwest corner of 7�ot 1, A. H. Koehler`s Rearrange- ment "P.": thence running East along the South , line of said Lot 1, I9.07 feet to a point; thence running Southeasterly aiong the west- e zZy �ine of,said Lot 1 until it strikes the North line of West Seventh Street; trience running Southwesterly alang the North �ine o� Wes� Seventh Street, 49.80 feet to the place of beginning, exceot from said Lot 16 that part described as �ollows: Beginning on tne East J.ine of South Osceo3a Avenue, 19 fee� North from the intezsection of said £ast line produced Southezly wi.th the North- westerly line of West Seveath Street produce3 Southwestszly; thence Southeasterly to a point on the L�orthwesterly line of west SeVenth Street, 19 feet Northeastez3y from the afore mentioned intarsection; thence Southwester al.ong said Northwesterly line, 13 feet; thence Northwesterly to a point on the East line of South Osceola Avenue, 1.3 feet South from the point of begi�in5% �ence Northerly along said Mast Iine to beginning_ Subject to Restrictions contained in Document Ntunber 254237. (Torrens) That part o£ Lots 25 and 36, Block Daly's Subdivision of Blocks 18 an3 and Ramsey`s Addition to St.