247894 ��r����� ORI6INAL TO CITY CL6RK ' . � CITY OF ST. PAUL �OENCIL N�,. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK LICr��V� COMMITT�;� .�jUNCIL.,R�SQLUTION—GENERAL FORM C MM SS�IONE '�^ � f / � DATF M3Y'CYl 17: 1970 �: T- �.F.�: The Minnesota Conference of Seventh-Da,y Adventists ha.s made applic�.tion for permission to c�onduct a Tag Day on Monday, May 4, 1970� between the hours of 7:00 a.m. and 9:00 p.m. on the streets of the City of Saint Paul� therefore, b e it RESOLVr..�: That permission be and the s�,me is hereby granted to the Minnesota Conference of Seventh-Day Adventists to conduct such solicitations on the day! date arld between the hours requested. Renewal Informally ap�,roved by Counc il M�,rch 12� 1970 y� 17 1970 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays Carlson �IR 1 7 19�0 Dalgliah proved 19�_ Meredith � Tn Favor Peterson ' Sprafka � Mayor Tedesco A gainst Mr. President, Byrne FUBLISHED MAR 21 197p 0 � 7 � " . CITY OF SAIl�TT PAUL .Y1= �c�� ¢c�� ' Capital of Minneaota �J � oUe a�tkce�t o k�`ic �a et � � POLICE Tenth and Minnesota Streets HEALTH FIRE PROTECTION WILLIAM E. CARLSON, Commissioner POL[CE AND FIRE ALARM ROGER M. CONWAY, Depaty ComsLsioner DANISL P.Me LAUGHLIN, Licenee Inspeetor Ma,rch 12, 1970 Honorable Mayor and City Council Saint Paul, Minnesota Gentlemen: The Niinnesota Conference of Seventh-Day Adventists make applica.tion for permission to conduc� a T�.g Day on I�Ionday, May 4, 1970, from the hours of 7:00 a.m. to 9:00 p.m. They have complied with Ordina,nce No. 13338, �ending Chapter No. 450.00 of the St. Paul Legislative Code and Ordinances which deals with solicitation of funds. The application is made by Arthur Kiesz, Fresident and H. W. Pritchard, Secretary-Treasurer. Very truly yours, , �`�c � � License Inspector � dt/`r O s � o �, �ITY �' ST• PAIIL Office of Lioense Inspector 202 Fublie Safety Builct�n.g S`t o P�+ul, hti.nnesota 55101 �pplication for permz.ssion to solicit fund�, or to conduct �ag days, upon the streats o� the City of St. Paul, �'�.nnesota, Date of Application 19�_ 1. Nam.e of organization ���_C��� � ��,�y A�nt,�,g� Addresa of organization iM �^e�c9 �d.,�,,,,�_tndot. t►'�p. 5�Q], 2e Chief officer of organiz�tion �.�y� �s� p=.r�� 3. Secretary of organization_j�__���j�, g��� �y�r 4e Name af person or persons responsible for the distributian of eollected Punds. �hur ICi� �i• �1• P!'1'�OhYrd 5. Purpoae or object for which solioitation is to be made �*�_ 1�ji1�.Ptr p�"O�'� O� t.�t Ct1A�s'Ch� 6. Use to be m�de of funds eollected �j,�t ap j�p �p�� gpd Q�p���p oP tt�s g�pel. 78 Solicitation �ill be �de on n�q j�, ui7Q (Fiset Ato�d�y iD p►gy� ciates, betvv�aen the hours of 3�QQ A��j. and 9t00 P.?`• 8, Looation where solicitation will take placse ��o�tp :3t. Peul 9a List the amounts of any wa�;es„ fses, commissions, cos�a or exp�nses p�id or �.ich �re expected to be paid in connection v�ith solieitatio�.. Also list names of persona to whrnn payments have been r�de or will be tt�ade a�d the amounts of such ymentso (A financial state�nt iaelud�.n.g �his i.nfo�tion may be att�checie� l�d�I". All volnnf,�s worlar�6►. (��°) r � � ♦• 10. Attach a copy of budget shrnrring solicitationa for this fiscal or Qalendar yoaa r. lla Have you read Chapter 450 of the St. �ul Legislative Code, �rhich provides for the securing of permission to conduo-t the solicitation of funds, or tag da yss upon �he streeta of the City of St. Paul and do you fully understand the regulations also provided in said ordinance4 12� Application msde in behalf of the above organization bys Name Title or Office_��=�„� Name �� �„ri_ Title �r Office���,�� Q� ��� STATE OF bI�SO'.�A) �SS / � ��� CQUNTY OF RAMSEY � - and being du Worn. ay that they are the petitioners n above application; that they hsve read the foregoing petition and lrnow contents and purposes thereoP; that same is true of their oasm. knowledge. 1�. � Subscribed and sworn to bef ore me this �—�//- � da y of � �'�C� � �i ���� � otary l�.o, Ramsey Coun.t , Minnesota It4y cammission s�pires MARTiN �: SHAIN h+�;Gyy Pz�b!ic, H^.nnepin Cour�iy,1�AH1R, !�v: . ��,�-.;pjc:i,:�1 F.Xr-'rn� �E:F�'.'. lt?, I�?3: _ 4 , • llar'Cli 12, 19'�'�0 �oa. wilii� g. CarLon, Cowr. o! Pub2ic SafotYs Tenth sa�d l�m� 8ts., St. Pwvl, Mina. Attas Mr. Daniel P. 1icl�an�hlin Dear Sirs The City Ca�eil tc�day iffic�r�a3�y ap�rav�ed tL� applia�tioa o! ttw Itin�ao�t�► Co�ntarsnc� of 8�v�sntb-Dqr Adv�ntists ia� perat,�sioa to aoadv�ct a Ta� DgY on �laa�Y� �Y �• 19'�, tra� 7s00 s.o. to 9s04 p.a. Will you pleas� par�pare t�t �ustarary rerolution! �ny tru],y y�o�s, City Clerlt �