247887 • ���~1��`� ccuao��le xo... .. PROPOSAL FOR IMPROYEMENT and , PRELIMINARY ORDER. Theundereignedhereby propoeeethemalcingof thefc�llowingpubliaimprovement bq the City af 8sint Psui�vis.: ,,,,,.w Changing the grade of the N-S alley in BLK. 8, LANE'S PHALEN GROVE ADD. from Ivy Ave. to Clear Ave. to conform to the grade as shown on the ��� profile on file in the Department of Public Works. ----- Also, condemning and taking an easement in the land necessary for the slopes, cuts and fills, including right of removal of lateral support from """" ,,,�,,,, sub j ect 1 and or rema i nder the reof, occas i oned by excavat i ons thereof or construction of slopes in the grading and surfacing with bituminous material � the N-S alley in BLK. 8, LANE'S PHALEN GROVE ADD. from Ivy Ave. to Clear Ave. (G-1912) ' Cotwo�m�►n. PRELINiINARY ORDER. WHEREA$, A written gropoeat for the making of the following improvement, vis.: ,,,,,,,., Changing the grade of the N-S all�ey in BI.K. 8, LANE'S PHALEN GROVE ,...._ ADD. from Ivy Ave. to Clear Ave. to conform to the grade as shavn on the -�--• prof i 1 e on f 1 l e i n the Dgpartment of Publ i c Works. �--�� Aiso, condemning and taking an easement in the land necessary for the ""'" slopes, �cuts and filis, includtng right of removal of lateral support fran _,,...., sub j ect 1 end or rema t nder thereof, occas i oned by excavat i ons thereof or �.�.... const�uctton of slopes in the gradi�g and surfacing with bituminous mstarlal h�Y' the N-S ailey in BLK. 8� LANE'S �IALEN GROYE ADD. f�an ivy Ave. to Ciear ther Ava. (6-1912) RffiOLVED, That the Commiaeioner of Pubtio Worke be and is hereby ordered and direoted: 1. To inveatigats the neceeeity for� or deeirability of, the making of eaid improvemeat. 2. To inveatigate t,he nature, extenL and eetimated coet of eaid improvement, and the total coet thereof. • 3. To furnieh a plan, profile or eketch of said improvemen� 4. To atats wheLher or not eaid impmvement i�aeked for on the petition of three or more owaena. -. b. To report upon atl ot the foreg�oing mattere to t�he Commi�oaer of FSnanee. Adopted by the Council............... .�.........�........�..1.�--19�� . Y�►e : Councilman Dalglish � l 7 ��� Ca r 1 son Approved..... .. ._._................._...�.............. Sprafka Meredith Peterson ; 7edesco � .. . ' .�....�... Ms. PaBa�n�rrr Byr�e Mayor. a000 7-s4 � � PUBLISHED MAR 21 197Q • , �