247882 . ���8�� : c�,�ail�8 rro... .. PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT and PRELIMINARY ORDER. Tbeundereigned her8by propoeeethemalcingof tbefollowingpnbliaimpmvement bq the City of$sint Paul,vis.: CoAdemnin and taking an easaa�eat in the land necessary for the slopes, cuts aad filis, includi�g ....�........ .......... ....___......... ...............................,.......................... .........................................»»... ......... right of raaoval of lateral support from subject land or re�nai�der thereof,occasioned by excavations thereof or construction of slopes in the grading and surfacing with bitesainous Eaaterial and coAStruc� concrete cr�rb ar�d gutter or�MSUE ST. fran Norfolk Ave. to Sheridan Ave. (6-1917) •�•���M .........................�............... . ,,,, Dsted th }i�.h...day af...... Marcl� .. , 19 ..�� � Robert F. terson .............. .,,,,,,,,,,.,,,,,.. . Cotuxo�mat�. PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREA3, A written propoesl for the matdng af the foUowing improvement, vis.: Condd�qiAg and taking an easea�ent in the land necessary for the slopes, cuts and fills, iacluding right of�removal of lateral sup rt fro�a s�b e�ct land or ren+ainder thereof,occasior�ed by excavations ............. .............P..°..._......».....»___..,I....................._.................._...... .............._.................................. thereof or construction of slopes in the �radin� and surfacir�g Nith bitua�inous materiai and construc ................................. .................._....... . _..�_ ........................................................................_.... _.............................. concrete curb and .�utter.on SWE ST� frc�n Norfolk..Ave.�.to Sheridan.Ave._.(6�1917)�. having been preeented to the Counail of the City of 8aint Peul..._..... _..__.---._.._..._.. .._................ therefore, be it ftESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Fublia Worke be and ie hereby ordered and direated: 1. To investigats the necee�ity for� or deeirabilitq of, the making of said improvemea�. 2. To inve$tigate the aature, extent and ceti:nated coat of eaid imprnvement, and the total caat thereof. • 3. To furnieh a plan� profile or aketah of said improvemen� 4. To state whether or not eaid improvement is aelced for on the pe'tion of three or more ownera _ b. To report upon a11 of the foregoing mattere to t�e Commiesioner of F'inaaae. Adopted by the Council..._»....»---.........�...............�.�..�...�"���� . Y�as � coun� a�rr�8� � 13 1�10 _ _ Ca r 1 son Approved._..�..�......_...�................_.�..._.......... Sprafka Meredith . Peterson Tedesco � •- ' _.............. Ms. Ps�s�a�x�r Byrne Mayor. a000 �-s� � _ � � PUBLISHED MAR� 21 197�