247868 �OR{.GI�L TO CITY CLERK ���j��V • � • CITY OF ST. PAUL couNCi� �� �' - OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK ��E NO. y NC RESOL TION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONE DATF Whereas, the Council of the City of St.Paul has duly canvassed the returns and votes at the City Primary P�lection held on Tuesday, P�Iaarch 10, 1970, and Whereas, It a�opears from said returns and the canva.ss thereof that the following na�ned candidates received the following number of votes for nornination for the following named offices: FOR I��AYOR Robert D. North 16,163 Cha.rles .P. McCarty 11�.,165 Fiarold B. Shapira 12,917 Michael J. McTeague 12�886 3tanley Fishman 656 A.J.Chilef one 536 Williarn H. Bichel 388 Raymond C. Clark 37? A.L. LaFontaine 359 �'` R.L. Dehart 300 Merle J. Baumgartner 18l.� FOR M.�MBER OF BOARD OF �DIIC�.TION for the term of six years Mrs. G. Theodore Mitau 2L�.,57l�. Howard M. Guthmar�n 15,157 John a�i�eill 13,19? Ly�le D. Nels on 10,253 Kathrine L. Hatfield 10,059 Denis C. Dailey 7,783 L.Richard _Schlattman 5,358 Harold N. Schenker 5,292 FOR T�,EMHF.It �F BOA�,RD OF EDUCI�,TIDN f or the unexpired term of f our years Bmery Barrette 25,652 F. R. Kadrie 10,81� John B.. Holmberg 7,03 William R. Postiglione 3,03!} William Riemerman 2,998 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays �. Carlson Dalglish Approved 19— Meredith Tn Favor Peterson Sprafku Mayor Tedesco Against Mr. President, Byrne �� N ` � ������� . ~O��GINAL TO CITY CLERK � - CITY OF ST. PAUL �OENCIL NO. � - OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK - COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER DATE FOR M�MBSR OF BO�RD OF £�DUC�TION for the unexpired term of two years Qeorge Latimer 12,183 William_ M. Magnuson 8,033 Mrs.Jean �lnn Donalds on 7,628 Donn R. Osmon 7,192 Katherine Barron l�,613 Leo C. Kasinak 3,l�1�.2 Jamea J, Halligan 3,162 FOR COUNCILNi�.N Mrs. l�ialter Butler 31,724 Dean Meredith 28,430 Victor J. Tedeseo 27,125 Robert F. Sprafka 2s,610 Willi.am .$. , Carlson 2�,10!} James J. Dal�lish 23,00l� Leonard W. Levine 20,898 Rob�rt F. Peter�on 20,246 William P. Konapatzki 11,996 Richard W. Richie 11,433 . _ __ _ _ W.Jordan Hiclanan 8,656 Lloyd D. Buhl 7,805 R.D.Johnson ?,523 Thomas D. Kennedy �},90� Henry J. Bender . l�,862 Dona.ld F. Wiegand 4,501 Michael Dorr 4,328 Robert 0. Carlson 3,925 aordon B. Carlson 3,159 Robert D. McCsnri 3,444 Robert T. Heine 2,835 Robert L.Carleg, Jr. 2,747 Darrell.D. Scott 2,641 Grant W. ,Frigen 2,301 Glenn A. Smith, Jr. 2,129 David M. �titt 2,129 Thomas �. Schaenzer 1,99? LeRoy R. Hays 1,592 Harvey Rulien Ohlson 1,540 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays CarIson Dalgliah Approvp� 19— Meredith Tn Favor Peterson Mayor Sprafk: A gainst Tedeaco Mr. President, Byrne ��� . OR1t?1AAL TO CITY CLERK �L����� - CITY OF ST. PAUL couNCa � OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK F��E NO. - COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER DATF and Whereas, it appear� from said returns and the canvas� thereof that the following named candidates received more votes than any other candidate or person for nomination for the following nam�d offices: FOR MA,YOR Robert D. North Charles P. McCarty FOR MEMBFR OF BOARD OF SDUCATION for the term of six years Mrs. G. Theodore Mitau Howard M. Guthmann John O�Neill Lyle D. Nelson FOR MEMBER OF BOARD OF gDUC.�.TION f or the unexpired term of four years IDnery Barrette F. R. Kadrie FOR MEMBER OF BOARD OF EDUC�TIaN for the uneapired term of two years George Latimer William M. Ma�nuson FOR COUNCILMtkN Mrs. Walter Butler Dean Meredith Victor J. Tedesco Robe rt F. Spraf ka William E. Carlson James J. Dalglish Leonard T�F. Levine Robert F. Peterson William P. Konopatzki Richard W. Richie W. Jordan Hickman Lloyd D. Buhl and Whereas, It appears from the records of the OPfi ee of the Cit� Clerk that the f ollowing ,named persons are the only ones whose names were presented f or nominations for the offices hereinaPter named and who accepted such COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays Carlson Dalgliah Approved 19— Meredith _1n Favor Peterson Mayor Sprafka A gainst Tedesco Mr. President, Byrne O �� �"lIG�AL TO CITY CLERK ���v�\J �.� . CITY OF ST. PAUL FOENCIL NO. � OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK • COUNCIL RESOLUTION-GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY CO M M I551 ON ER DATF nomina.tion as the candidates for such offices, and the number of such candidates does not exceed twice the number of persons to be elected: CITY COMPTROLLI�R Louis McKenna Joseph J� Mitchell JUDGF OF THE MUNICIPAL COURT OF ST.PAUL, Office to which Roland J. Faricy was appointed Roland J. Faricy JUDGE OF THE NNNICIP�9S+ GOURT OF ST.P�1►IIL, Office to which .�ll.lan R. Markert.was appoin�ed_ ,Allan R. Markert JUSTICS OF TI3B PI�Cg .�T L�RGS William Drexler R.F.Ferguson Perrg B. Fredericks CONST,PIBLP AT L�►,RGE ,A►1.vin F.. Busse Benediet G. Fischer Lawrence 0'Donnell NSTICB OF TI3P �C�-6th W�RD Raymond S. Mickelsen , C�ONSTI�►BLS-6th WARD Harry _Crosby ., .. JUSTICE OF THE PEACS-lOth and llth WARDS Thomas J. Nash _ Therefore, Be It Resolved, That each of the aforesaid persons are hereby declared to be the nominees f'or their respective offices at the next Citg General �lection, to be held in the City of St.Paul, Minnesota, on Tuesda�, April 28, 1970, and their na.mes shall be _printed as such candidates COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays Carlson Dalglish Approved 19._ Meredith �n Favor Peterson Sprafk� Mayor Tedeaco A gainst Mr. President, Byrne �O ORf61oML�TO CITY CL6RK 24'78�;g � ' � . CITY OF ST. PAUL �`E NCIL NO ' OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK . COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER �ATF on the ofPicial ballots of said election, and the City Clerk im hereby inmtructed to notiPy them of the nomination and to deliver to them the proper eertification for such nomination. � 131970 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Counci� 19_ Yeas Nays Carlson M�AR 1 3 197� � � Approve� 19— Meredith Tn Favor Peterson � Mayor Sprafk2 U Against Tedesco Mr. President, Byrne PUBLISHED MAR 21 1970 �� ���� , . b-� CITY :PRIMARY ELECT�TON - MARCH 1Q9 1970 F�R �YOR FOR COUNCILMAN �oet�`: North 16,163 Mrs. a e Butler 31,724 Charles P. McCarty 14,165 Dean Meredith 28,430 Har�ld B. Shapira 12,917 Victor J. Tedesco 27,1�5 Michael J. McTeague 12,886 Robert F. Sprafka 2�,610 Stanley Fishman 656 Willi.am E. Carlsor� 25,104 A,J.Chilef one 536 James J. Dalglish 23,00�} William H, Bichel 388 Leonard W. Levine 20,89t� Raymond C. Clark 377 Robert F. Peterson 20,246 A.L.LaFontaine 359 William P. Konopatzki 11,996 R.L.Dehart 300 Richard W. Richie 11,433 Merle J. Baumgartner 184 W.Jordan Hickman $,bSb Lloy�d D. Buhl 7,805 FOR ME'MB�R OF BOARD OF EDUCATION R.D. Johnaon ?,523 f or the term of s x years Thomas D. Kennedy 4 90S Mrso G.Theodore Mitau 24,574 Henry J. Bender 4,862 Howard Ms Guthmar�n ls,157 Donald F. Wiegand 4,501: John O�Neill 13,197 Michael Dorr 4,328 Lyle D. Nelson 10,253 Robert 0. Carlson 3,925 Kathrine L.Hatf ield 10,059 Gordon E. Car�.sa� 3,159 Denis C. Dailey 7,783 Robert D. McCann 3,00�. E.Richard Schlattman 5,358 Robsrt T. Hein� 2,835 Harold N. Schenker 5,292 Robert L. Carl�y, Jr. 2,?47 Darrell D. Scatt 2,641 FOR MEMBER 4F BQARD OF FDUCATION t�rant W. Engen 2,301 f or the term of f our years Glenn A. Smith, Jr, 2,].29 ( Emery Barret�e 25,652 David M. Witt 2,129 F.ReKadrie 10,81l� Thomas A. Schaenzes 1,99? John B. Holmberg 7,038 LeRoy R. Hays 1,s92 William R.Postiglione 3,031� Harvey Rulien Ohlson 1,5t�0 William Riemerman 2,99g FOR MEMBER OF BOARD OF EDUCATZON or the term o wo years Geor�e Latimer 12,183 William M.Magnuson 8,033 Mrs. Jean Ann Donaldson 7,628 Donn R. �smon 7,192 Katherine Barron 4,613 Leo C.Rasinak 3,L�.L�2 James J. Halligan 3,162 Harry E. Marshall REGISTERED 151,673 City Clerk ; voTED 59,569 � voT� � 39�.27� ^ � 1yt-'J�( �f�{ � DI,�LICwTE TO PRINTER ���d /7'�L�f�Jip( CITY OF ST. PAUL couNCi� '� '� �-�` � � OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK �+�E NO. COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER DATF Whereas, the Counail of the City of at.Paul has duly aanvassed the �turna and vates at the City Primary Eleetion held on Tueeday, Niarch 10, 1970, 1C� '4dhereas� It a;�pears frarn smid returns and the canva�s thereaf' that the �llowing named aandidates reaeived �h� fol].owin� number of vote� for nomination �r the follow3ng named aPfi,ces 3 F'�R ��YOR Robert D. North 16,163 Charles P. :��;Carty " 14,165 Harold B. Shapira 12,917 R�i.chael J. ��aTea�ue 12,886 stanley nishm�n. 6�6 A.J.Chi lef one �36 W311iam �i. �ichel 3�8 Raymond �. Clark 377 A..L. L�.Fontaixxe 3�9 R.L. Dehart 300 �Ierle J. Baum$artnar 1$l� FO�z MEMBER OF BOARD OF �DUCATION for the term of six yeara Nlrs. G. Theodore 1�Iit�u 24.,�74 xoward M. Guthma.nn 15,157 John o��I�i11 13,197 Lyle D. Nelson 10,253 Kathrine L. �ia.tfield 10�0�9 Denia C. Da31ey 7,7$3 E.xiahard schlattman 5,35� Ha.ro],d N. 3chanker 5,292 FOR ��:MBF�Ft OF B�.ARD OF EDUCATIQN f or the uneapired term of f our years �rriery� Barrette 2�,652 F. x. Kactria 10,8],l�. John B. Holznberg 7,03� Wi7liam �. �'ost3,�lione 3,43l�, W3.11iam �i�merman 2,99� COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays Carlson Dalglish Approved 19— Meredith Tn Favor Peterson Mayor Sprafku Against Tedesco Mr. President, Byrne O ,� DUPLICnTE TO PRINTER ' ��L�Y����� CITY OF ST. PAUL couNCi� NO. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK F�LE COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER DATF FOR MEMBER OF BOARD OF EDt?C1�TION for the unexpired term of two year$ Geor�,e Latimer 12,183 Williarn P�I. Ma�nus on �,033 Mrs.Jean Ann Donaldson 7,628 Donn R. Osmon 7,192 Katherine Barrnn �.,613 Leo C. Kasinak 3.1�.l�.2 James �T. xalligan 3,162 r�o� eouNC�z��� Mrs. [�Te1t�.r� Butler �1s72t�. Dean i�erec�3th 28,430 Victor J. Tedesco 27,12� Ro'bert F. �pr�.fka 25,610 tiJillism E, csY�l.s�oz� 25t1ol�. James J. Dal�;lish 23,00l� Le onard �J. Levin� � 20,f39$ Robart F. P�tearson 20,21�6 William P. �ono�at�ki 11,99b Richard W. Richie 11,�.33 W.Jordan xiakman 8,65b Lloyd D. Buhl 7,80� x.D.Johnaon 7,523 Thomaa D. Renriedg 4,9�� . Henry J� �endes 4,862 Donald �'. G�iegand 1�.,501 ��ii ahae 1 Dorr 4,328 Robert 0. Garlson 3�92� Gordon E. Carl�on 3,1,�9 Ro�ert D. i��cCarul 3,00l�. Robert T. Heine 2,$35 Robert L.C�.rley, Jr. 2,741 D�.rrell A. Saot� 2,61}1 Grant W. En�en 2,341 �lenn �A, Srr�ith, Jr. 2,129 David :r�. w3.tt 2,l29 Thomas A. Sahaenzer 1,997 LeRoy R. EIQys 1,59' Harvey Rul ieri Ohls on 1,�l�.0 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19— 'Yeas Nays Carlson Dalglish Approved 19— Meredith __�n Favor Peterson Sprafka Mayor A gainst Tedesco - Mr. President, Byrne O ��,,,,�� a DUIeLICA'iE TO PRINTER � �",.a���yr�V`-�� CITY OF ST. PAUL �OENCIL NO. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONEf� DATF and Whereas, it appears �'rom s�id returns snd the aanvass thereof tiha� the followi.n� named candidate� rece�ived anare vatem than any other esandid�,te or ��rson for nominatinn for �h.e following named offices : FOR .F?AYQR Robert D. North C�.arles P.. I�ZaCarty �'OR PdlEM�3ER Ok�' I�C�ARD OF EI7�JCA'�IOI� for tha term of eix years ]''.�Y'9• Lr, ThE��dOP9 i�j.�Qtl �ioward M. Guthrr�ann John 0'�Te 311 Lyle D. PJelson F�R i�TEM33�R a� ?'O�RD t�F �DU�ATION f or t�ie r;;.a:�expired term of four ye��rs Fmery F3arre��� F. R. Kadrie F+'OR ;�P���>R 0�" �?��R1) OF EDUCA�.�'I(7N for the ualoxpired term o1' two �ears t�e or�;e Lat imer William M. ��?A�nuson FOR COUNCILI°�AN Mrs. Walter �3utler Dean Meredith Vicstor J. '�edesco R obe rt F. Spraf ka W3.11iam �;. Carlson James J. Dalglish Leonmrd Y�. Levi.ne Robert Ta'. '+'eterson ��filliam P. Konopatzki Riahard '�. Richie 1�. Jordan H�4km�n Ll o�rd D. �3uh1 and Whereas, It a��ee�rs i'rom �he recards of the (7f�i c� of the City Clerk tnat the fol].owing nam�d persons are the only anes whose names were �resented for nominations for ths oft'ices her�ixaeffi:er named and who a.acepted auch COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays Carlson Dalg�lish Approved 19— Meredith _�n Favor Peterson Mayor Sprafka A gainst Tedesco Mr. President, Byrne O DUPLICr+TE TO PRINTER � ." ��� /'��-9r}Aw�� CITY OF ST. PAUL couNCa r:�` � � 1 . OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK F��E NO. COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRf_SENTED BY COMMISSIONER DAT� norninatior� �s the eandidateg ft�r such c�F�'iQea, and the number of sueh eandidates do�s nc�t exeeed twic� �2�e number of porsnns to be eleeted: . CITY C0�7�'I'RQLLER Lou3s P�Tel�enna Joseph J� 1�'fitchell JtTDc�F i��' THk�.' ;"r�l�tG T Pr�L C�1UR�' 0�` ST.�'AUL, Of f f ce �o whiah Roland J. ]�ariey w�s 8�pointed Roland J. �mricy JUDt�L �� ':t'k3P f�U�:LG T P.I�L (:QU.�T U�` S'�'.PAUL, Of f ice t o which Allan R. Mark�rt was appointed A11an H. Markert JilS'I'IGE OF TH� P��CE !�T Ld�RGE t�il2iam Drexler R.r.Fer�uson Perry F3. Fred�x�i.cks . CUi�ST�f3LL AT L��GE Alvin E. �usse ;3enedict G. :'ischer Lawrence OrDannell JtJ S"1'I CE Oa�' i�:iE k'EACE-bth WAi�D Ray�nond S. ��Iickelsen COI�1'S':�A�3LE-6th 4�r��D I�arry Crosby JUS�?'IC� CF �� �,ACE-lOth and 11th WARDS Tho:�as J. Nash Therefore, �3e Tt Resalved, That eaah af the a�'oresaid persons are heraby� c��cl�red to �e the nominees �'or �he3r respeativ� offi�es at the next City General �leat�.on, to be held in the G3,ty of St. Paul, Minnesota, on ��ue�da.y, �pril 28„ 1974, and their na�nes sh�1.7. be printed a.s such cand3.dates COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Couneil 19— Yeas Nays Carlson Dalglish Approved 19— Meredith _�n Favor Peterson Mayor Sprafku A gainst Tedesco Mr. President, Byrne O � ,,�1-`�t"j'��.��� DUPLICwTE TO PRINTER P'� .f � CITY OF ST. PAUL �OENCIL NO. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION-GENERAL FORM PRESEN7ED BY COMMISSIONER DATF o� the offiei��.Z ballot� of said elect3.on, and 'the Citg Clerk is hereby in�tructec to notify txiem of �h� nominatian and to del3ver to thern th� proper aertif.ication for such noxn�nat3.on. y!,rt', �v'�� COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19____ Y$as Nays :��r��;�' � ' R' '' Carlson -- Approve� 19— Meredith Tn Favor Peterson Mayor Sprafku ,�,�gainst Tedesco Mr. President, Syrne O