247850 ' ORI6INAL TO CITY CLHRK �4`�850 CITY OF ST. PAUL FOENCIL NO. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK C NCIL RESOLUTI -GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY � ` CO M M I551 ON E DATF RESOLVED� That upon the recommendation of the Civic Center Authority� the proper City officers are hereby authorized to execute an Agreement for professional serviees to be rendered by Barton-Aschman Associates, Ine. for an evaluation of a development program: for the Civic Genter, copy of which Agreement is attached hereto and made a part hereof by reference; �. and be it FURTHER RESOLVED= That payments to be made under said contract shall be made out of Givic Center Bond Fund 7420. � � :�� O �, � � � � d � �ii �M1lt i l 1970 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Councii 19— Yeas Nays � 1 1 �,�o Carlson 1� pproved 19—_ Meredith � In Favor Peterson ' , Sprafka Mayor Tedesco --�-Against ,,�� Mr. President, Byrne ��� MAR 141970 O . __ __ . _ R • CIV1C CEIvTER AUTIIO�,ITY O I' �i'}�F. ��1�y � CITY OP SAINT I'AliL �r/�'� AUTHOItI�'Y FtESULUTIQN t.j� fi��A$� t�� �vt��r�rity � p��ar'�e� �► p��r4�� �`+�� . . t�r ��r�r�rxa�p�ar�� o! � �ir�i+� C+�n��� i� ���r �it� o! ����� Pr��;� u� "����A1�* ��l1 �►q�4�'�"�"r,'�1" I�iirl��;�►f �i *�'IR�i�,�,10�1 �� t�t�'► +�IM11+���►��� ��!`���'�1�►; �Gf� � �t���� ��t+r �tbMb►+��i�� �+rs�x�s+r �+� eu,�+�a a a��s����� #�► �►��r o��rt�ri,� tsa��,c�al ��arri+��r #� aaat�ua►+a���o� �ritl� ��a� f�al at+ai i:o�, ��ear, "�'ba�ttaa�s� b+� i� ��t�L��►f '�� #h�t +��ti�rl+�t�l i� i�are�� �ath+��rf�i�a►d �+� a��r����r �r ll�air�+��r�►t b����r� �t�we A��+�ri��► +r�d �wr�r�a�►Aa�hm�n As#o��at�r�, ��r��orrt��� �► aop� o�` r�►t�th i• �►��6��h�r� 1����0 a� �i a ��� �►�r���'� o�� �►�e it ��� ��L'f��I� '�tat �t�r a��r��+m��i�y' ��ro�►� �'�►�+��r- sa�cl� tQ 1�t� +����:��1 �wi` t�+rr �i�� af �l��� �'a+�� ���r �e�t��a�f� ' 1►f ��►#+d A��+t�ts��. Yeas Nays I'a,rre 11 '•!Geplia.x 1; Approved Februa.ry 26 � �<� ?0 ✓Jucld ✓��eider _ '� In Fa��or J�Ieredii;h :_ ._ �� ✓E'e s e 1� .e,,�..�.s��.,,,, . � ✓Itacir�an � Again..t Cli��i.rin�r�. ��� Tecie:;co r�1t> �C:����.irrnan, �Iarii.on � Y - �� �. • � - 5 '� ' � , . �� � ; �{��� . � AGRLLr1�NT rOR PROr'rSSTON�IL S�RVIC�S . r • _ , THIS AGR��i�iLNT is entered into as of i�he day of , 1970, by and between the Civic Center Authority ` of the City of St. Paul� Minnesota (hereinafter referred i�o as the "I�utl7ority" ) and Barton-Asclvnan Associates , Inc. , a Delaware Corporation with principal offices at 1771 ��1est Howard Street, Chicago, Illinois (l�ereinafter referred to as the "Contractor") . WITNESSETH THAT: � 'ZaHER�AS the Authority has prepared a program for the developn�ent of a Civic Center in the vicinity o� Kelloqg Boulevard and Auditorium Street in the City of St. Paul, Minnesota, and t�JHEREI�S, the Authority desires an independent evalua- tion of that development program, and WHEREAS, the Authority desires to engage the Con�ractor i:o render certain technical advice and services in conn�c- tion with said evaluation: � NOW, TH�REFORE, in consideration of the mutual obli_ga- tions herein, the parties do hereby covenant and agree as follows : . , � . . . t , : -, r �2 I. SCOP� OF S�RVIC�S - A. Contractox' ' s Responsibilities The Contractor shall periorm services provided for under this Agreement in connection with and respect- � ing the propos�d Civic Center Development Program, and shall do, perform and carry out in a satisfactory ' manner, the following: l. Development Proqram Evaluation The Contractor shall conduct the background ' studies as described herein . The objective of these studies is to determine, within the current economic market, the appropriateness o� the pro- posed development progr�m. Background studies will be oriented to the Civic Center Development Program. �ach will de�ermine those aspects of the program which are valid, and, if any , those which require modification. These . studies �aill be carried only as i'ar as necessary to meet -the above stated objective. 2. Backc�round St.ud ies • a. Economic Study. An updated use study will be made. This wi11 include potential ai:tendance, � , , , t . . � . � . /3 .. type and size of required facilities , and . ' � xev�nue a�zalysis . Existing data will be used to the fullest e�tent possible. The Contractor shall ui:ilize the services of Hanuner, Greene , Siler Associates of Washington, D. C. in con- � junction with this study . b, O�erations Study . Tl�e pr�sent program will be analyzed from the viewpoint of poteni:ial users of the facility , their operational needs and � preferenc�s . � c. Acc.ess Study . The present program will be analyzed in terms of the vehicular and pedes- trian access circulation and parking needs of � the exhibitors and attendees . In addition, the opportunities and constraints created by the city ' s downtown traffic circula�Lion plans will be identified . This study is intended to provide a �ramework for Phase I recommenda- . tions . Detailed solutions are to be accom- � plished in a sec�nd phase not covered by i:his agr�ement. . . �� • . . . , /4 d. Sitc St.udy . Based upon the results of the . Econon��ic, Operations , and 1lccess Studies , an analysis of the loca-L-ion and orientation of the facility will be made . 3. Recommendations The Contractor ' s recommendations , with supporting documentation and analysis , will be submitted in a sinqle written repori: (in preliminary draft and final report) . This report (30 copies of final , report) shall identify, in the case of each recommendation, a new or modified development program element in sufficient detail to be acted u.pon by the Civic Center Authority . Recommenda- . tions shall include, but not necessarily be limited to: � a. Size and facilities to be contained in the . center; . b. General location and orientation, � c. General scheme for access circu.lation and parking, and . � d. Sequence of construction. � 6 . , . 1t . . /5 4. Information . . �°The Contr�ictor ' s representative shall participate � in informational preseni�ations , up to a maximum of. t,hree meei�ings , to the City Council, other � pu.blic aqenci_es or the Guarantors . The Contrac- tor shall prepare photographic slides illustra- ting recommendations contained in the Final Report. At the Authority ' s option, this work may be undertaken prior to the publication of _ ' the rinal Report. 5. Phase T.I ��TOrk Proqram Based upon the Civic Center Authority ' s final decision as to content and sequence, a detailed work program will be prepared for Phase II work, the preparation of new or modified dcvelopment � plans , and shall be included in the I'inal Repori� in the form of an appendix. � B. Responsibili�Li_es of the Authorii:y � The Authority shall provid� to or o�herwise make available to the Contractor copi�s of all economic and physical development studies , building construc- tiQn and renovation plaxzs , traffic, circulation and . , ,t . /6 parking studies contemplated by the Authority or its , predec�ssor Civic Center Comniission. The Authori�y, upon request of the Contractor, shall assist the Contractor in obi�aining information from various public agencies as necessary to complete the Con- tractor' s a�signanent under this Agreem�nt. The Authority shall provide timely review of reports required under paragraph lA 3, Recomm�ndations, above, in a timely manner consistent with Section II, below. .S II: TIME OF PEF.I'ORI�iANC� AI�ID CONiPENSATION A. The servic�s af the Contractor are to commence with- in ten (10) days of written notice to proc�ed, and will be undertak�n in such sequence as to assure their �xpeditious completian in light of the purpose� o� thi� AgreEment, but in any event the Contractor sha�.l provide a preliminary draft of its recommenda- tions within fort�r-�iv� (45) days but not later than Apri1 6, 1970, a.nd a final report within seventy-five (75) daysp but not later tlian I��.ay 6, 1970. Work identified in paragraph 1A 4, "Informatioz�" sha11 be initiated at the option of the Authority any time aft�r the delivery of the preliminary draft , v , . /� - , . of rECOnunendations and shall be �ccomplished within � �,. thirty (30) days of such notification. B. Compensation. For the performance ot s�rvices required by paragraphs 1A 1, 1A2, 1A3, and 1A5, th� Authority shall pay the Contractor a fee in the arnount of $9, 500. For the � ' performance of services renuired by paragraph 1A 4, the Authority �:ill pay the Contrac�or an additional fee based upon the Coa�tractor' s narmal daily rate r � for staff pnrsonnel. �lu� d�.rect reimbursetn�nt for out-of-poc}cet expens� incurred in performing such servic�s, but in no event sh�11 the total fee for such services e}cceed $2, 000. Profe�5ion�1 staff time shall be bi11�d on the basis of the fol.lowing per diem rate schedule: Principal Iassociates $225 - $275 Senior AS..`�iQCl.c3t@u $175 - $225 Associates $125 - $175 Technicians $ 60 - $125 Clerical $ 35 - $ 60 Th� Contractor shall be paid $9, 500 for services rendered upan submission of vouchers to the Authority on the foll.owing schedua_e: Marcli �.5, 1970 $3, 000; � Apri1 15, 1970 $3, 000; $3, 500 thirty (30) days a�ter receipt of final repor_t. Charges £or services under . - i� . . � . ,� paragraph 1� 4, shall be billed �� of the 15th of � � each month fo�.].owing their accrual. Upon receipt and apgroval o� each voucher, �he Authority shall pay th� amoun� �rhich is due and payable within thirty (3Q) days. IN WITNFSS �1'IiF.R?�OT', the Authority and the Contrac�o:: • have eaecu�ed this Agre�ment a� of the da�e first writt�n above. , Att�st as to Civic C�nter Authority of St. Paul, Minazesota Legal Form ,.. �. `� By: By e,�.,�s_:-<���, � Chairman Mayor ComptrolZer Barton-Aschman Associates, Tnc. (Contractor) Attest: . BY By Niartin 1��. Blachm�n ' Vice Presiden� Date