247844 - -
. ' . �L������ >
RESOL�ED, �hat upon and pursuant to the pertir�ent appeal,
under the 2oning Code, by Leonard L. Carlson, one of the
owners of the sub�eet real estate, situate in the City oF Sain�
Paul and deseribed as :
Lots �+, 5, and 6, Block 9, �ollege
P1ac� i�est Divisi�n;
�hat the provi9ior�s of said 2oning Code hereby are determined
and varied as and to the exteMt neQessary ther�for and the
��tback requirem�nt for said premise� i� h�reby relax�d to
20 feet �o as to a�com�oda�e the �on��ru�tion of a 30 uait
apartment building o� prop�rty loc�.ted or� �h� �o��h side of
Englewood Aven�e be�t�recn �'r� S�r�et �nd �torth S�e11in� Av�nue,
`� , – �_- . _
s�.b��ct to the candition- tha� �aid �a.ppe�iant, and his sucaessors
y anc3 $ssi�r��, otherwi�e, shall m��e due eompliance wi�h all
� appliaable provision� of munieipal ordinanaes, atate sta�utes
> * and rule� a�d r���la.�ions of public autho�iti�s having eognizance.
�IINR 1 1 197 4
COUNCILMEN Adopted by the CounciL 19—
Yeas Nays � 1 � ����
��_ Approved 19—_
Meredith , �n Favor
Sprafka Mayor
�Against �
Mr. President, Byrne PU$�.ISHED MAR 141970
. . � 7
l��, '
�e.l(:� '": :.:•
'' ' �� ` �� Y� ;ONING, CITY OF ST. PAUL
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`� � ' ,.VG • ST. PAUL, MINNESOTA 55101 • PHONE: 223-4151 s
� T�e' $t �' . +u. ����"��•,,���r
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� $ ,�, � � February 25, 1970
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�4�±""�t ,��R�,.k� � nN '� Marshall
� �' r , .
� � , �� � 'f .ty Hall
Dear Mr. Marshall:
This is written in response to the appeal of Leonard L. Carlson to
relax the building setback requirements of the Zoning Code as they apply
to property located on the south side of Englewood Avenue between Fry
Street and North Snelling Avenue. This property is further described as:
Lots 4, 5, and 6, Block 9, College Place West Division.
This matter was considered at the February 5, 1970, Board of Zoning
meeting. The staff report noted that the site was rezoned to "C" Residence
in August, 1969, and is located across the street from Hancock School and
adjacent to the commercial uses fronting on North Snelling Avenue. The
staff explained that the required setback for this property is 20 percent
of the depth of the lot, or 35 feet. This appeal asks that the setback be
relaxed to 20 feet, a variance of 15 feet or 43 percent. Staff conclusions
noted that the variance requested is excessive, will reduce useable front
yard space, and may be detrimental to the low-density residential uses to
the west. The variance, however, would not have a detrimental effect on
the commercial uses to the east since those uses front on North Snelling
Avenue and have no setback from Englewood Avenue. The staff noted that
a lesser relaxation providing a setback of 25 to 30 feet would be more
reasonable, and would still allow the proposed development.
Mr. Jerrold Sullivan, attorney for the appellant, stated that they
had considered a lesser variance but that it would eliminate nearly all
rear yard space and would put the building entrances in a less desirable
location. He noted that the appellant desires to have the building in
the position in which it is planned because of ingress, egress, and traffic
flow, and would prefer the 20-foot setback to provide lawn space equally
around the building.
One person, Mr. Merrill Robinson of the Association of Saint Paul
Communities, spoke in opposition noting that they are opposed to variances .
The Board discussed in detail with the appellant the possibility of
a setback that would represent a lesser variance.
Subsequently, it was moved to recommend approval of the appeal because
of the commercial uses adjoining to the east. This motion passed by a
4-1 vote.
Very ruly your ��`
� � , �
/" 1 + L� I��
PJM:gaf Secretary, Board of Zoning �
Z.F. ��6939
• • � •
�, ,r .
TELe�HONE 224-8396
WM. LESLIE ULVIN September 25, lg6g
7, �
The Honorable Mayor and
City Council
C�4 City Clerk
Room 386, City Hall & Courthouse
St. Paul, Minnesota 55102
Re: Zoning appeal to relax building setback regulations
to twenty (20) feet for construction of apartrnent building
upon Lots �F, 5 and 6, Block 9, College Place West Divis3on,
commonly known as 1598, 160�+ and 1612 Englewood Avenue,
St. Paul, Minnesota, the same having heretofore been rezoned
from "B" to "C" Residence .
Leonard L. Carlson, on� QY the owners of the captioned premises,
for the purpose of constructin� a 30 unit apartment building upon
the said premises, which construction will require a twenty (20)
foot setback, presents the following informa.tion;
(A) APPLICANT: Leonard L. Carlson and Lorraine S. Garlson,
husband and wife, far themselves and for
Tver H. Carlson and Emmy A. Carlson, husband
and wife. '
(B) TEL. N0. : 6�+5-6568 (xOr�) 6�+6-7161 (OFFSCE) ,
DESCRIP. ; Lots �+, 5 and 6, Block g, College Place
Wlst Division.
LOCATION: Located upon the South side of Englewood Avenue
West, between Fry Street and Snelling Avenue,
immediately to the West of the commercial
buildin�s on Snelling Avenue, said Lots �+, 5 and
6 being commonly known as 1598. 160�+ and 1612
En�lewood Avenue West.
(E) Proposed �
USE : Construct�.on of a 30 unit apartmc:nt building.
(F) PRE�ENT ---�-�- "�"
USE : Three single family � � C��� �`��? s�
. . ' 1
♦ �
"� .♦ �
TELErHONE 224-3398
(G) OF APP�AL : To construct �he said 30 unit apartment building within
twenty (20) feet from the inside sidewalk line f'or 2�5
of the building length and within twenty-four (2�+) feet
thereof for 3�5 of the buildin� length.
APPEAL : This appeal is nec�ssary by reason of the City o�' St. Paul
Ordinances requiring under the circumstances, a build3.ng
setback of a minimum of thirty (30) feet; In order to
facilitate a well balanced lay-out for the contemplated
pro�ect, affording adequate lawn, parking and construc�ion
space with an orderly appearance; and in order to
more nearly eonform to the buildings to the East.
(I) This appeal is made under St. Paul Ordinances, Legislative Code Chapter
62 .01, Section Zonin� Code, Paragraph Set Backs.
Construction of a thirty (30) unit apartment buildin$, with i5 garage
parkin� units and 15 additional outside park3.ng units is contemplated
forthwith. Accordingly, two site plans drawn to scale and containing the
required information, are attaehed hereto.
Also enclosed, please find check for the required fi13n� feee �srr�-
ver truly your,.�
� ��
J o1 J ; a�f- Applicants' Attorney
1"-�-`� . //
Leonard L. Carl.son, Applicant
�� ��
Lorraine E. Carlson, Applicant
. . . _ .. , . . ,, _. . . . .
: �' � �;�: ;
. ��. .
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�t��ENG ��LE ����'��
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' �:�A[i,) Jr I�NI:�c; REPORT AND ACTIOr1 February S, 1970 Piat Map ���
� A�tinn under Le�?islative Code Chapter 6�� thru 64
�3s.�'<1 Au^ust 22� 1922 as amendQd to April 6� 1�68 6939
--. 6776
_ :'': '.1�;A;!'i'; NA'1C , Leonard L. Cartson
:. . ,'►,'1�;Stf'ICA'I'ION � X-649
� AnNndn�nt � App�al ❑ P�rinit ��th�r
s, �iR?);t; . ReLx building s�tb�ck regulation to 20 feet
� for construction of an apartaent building
4 , I,')CAT10tJ % South side of Englewood Avenue b�tween Fry
Street and North Snelling Avenue
Lots 4� S, and 6� Dlock 9, College Place West Divi�ion
�. P:tESI;NT L0?IINGt "C" Residence
"� . "'!1RSUANT 1'� Zoning Cod� Chapt�rs 64 Sactions .03 Fanpraph: i
�+ . �TAE'C 1NVESTIGIITION E REPORTt Aat�f 1/29/�0 By� CLS
A. HISTORY: A petition to rezon� this property frc� "n" to "C" Reaidence Mas gr�nted
D. PROPOSED USL►: Relax buildini ��tb�ck r«uire��ut to 20 f�et for ths conatructlat
of an apartaent buildia�.
C. NEED FOR AP!'6AL: Appallant st�t�e s ae[back of only 20 feet !a nec��sary in otd�r
to facilitate a Well-b�lanced layout for the contetnplated project, offotding
adequate lawn, parking and conatruction spact �rith an orderly appe+�rance; and in
order to more nearly confor' to the buildings to the east.
D. PRESENT STANDARD: The buildin� �etback requireuer►t ia 35 feet for thi• site.
E. VARIANCE: This �ppeal asks for a 1S-foot variance or 43 perc�nt of the 35-foat
F. AREA ZONIt�iG: The land to the �outh ie aa�ed "C" Reaidence; the lend to the ve�t
ai�d across the �treet to th• netth is son�d "�" R�eidence and Coam�rci�l.
C. SITE CONDITIONS: The site ie Zsvel and •lightlq ebove street arade.
H. AREA CONDITIOdiS: Hancock School i• to the north ecrosa Bnglewood Avenue.
Commercial uses exist on Nortb Sna,lling Avenue ftont�gea to the east. Imoediately
to the east ia illosal Cae�erci�l parkina in "B" Re�idence as well as on the back
portion of th• easterly lot ot this �ite. An existing and e propoaed 30-unit
apartment building •re to th� •o�th. The larger �rea west of Morth Snelling Ave�ue
hes mixed-denaity residenti�l uae�.
Council Letter
9, 3�ARD ACTION; To Recommend L1Approval D Denial Dated
"lovaci by; Man9ur Ysr�s Nays I)ate of Iie,�rinF�
x ��s 2/26/70
Seconded by; McPartlin Cohon
Danna (Alt) Council Action !
x �ugAr
Secretary' s remarkss Maietta X Date
X McPartLin (Alt)
X Mansur (�4i�t)
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Q�P��Ca�T Leonard L. Carlson LEGEND
PURPOSE Relax building setback regulation LAND U�E
to 20 feet for construction of
an apartment building � Q(�E-FAMILY
�Q MUL?I-FAt�,41LY
FILE No 6939 v � n COP�iMERCIAL
L N pRTN � �
St. Pau I Pianning Boord, Date� 1/30/70 Property Under Consideration
on Tharsday, February 5, 1970, at 2:00 P,M,
PRSSENT: Messrssd Ames, Gauger, McPartlin, Maietta, and Mansur of the Board and
Messrs. Brown. and Sorenson and Miss Schirmer of ehe staff.
LSONARI? L, CARLSON: An appeal to relax the building setback regulation to 20 feet
for construction of an apartment building on property located on the south side of
Englewood Ave�.ue betwePn Fry Street and North Snelling Aveaue.
Mr. Sorenson sum�a.arized �he sta�f report stating that on August 2, 1969, a petition
to rezone this property frrnn "B" to "C'° Reaidence was granted. Mr. Carlson wishes
Co relax the building setback requirement to 20 £eet for the construction of an
apartment building. He states that a setback of only ?.0 feet ia necessary in order
to facilitate a well-balanced layout for the contemplated pro3ect, affording
adequate lawn, parking and construction space with an orderly appearance; and in
order to more nearly conforna to the buildings to the east. This appeal aslcs for
a l.5-foot variance, or 439', of the 35-foot setback requirement. The land to the
south is zoned "C" Residence, to the west and across the street to the north the
zoning is "B" Residence and Cou�ercial. Aancock School is to the north acroas
Englewood Avenue. Co�►ercial uses exist on North Snelling Avenue frontages to
the eest. Immediately to the east is il�egal Co�aercial parking in "B" Reaidence
as well as on the back portion of the easterly lot of this site. An exiating
and a proposed 30-unit apartment building are to the south. The larger area
west of North Snelling Avenue has mixed-density residential uses.
Mr, Sorenson stated the staff has talked to the applicant as to whether s lesser
variance, a 30-foot setback, could be done and would not hamper the development
of this site. This would put the variance in line with the propoaed new Zoning
Code requirements.
Mr. Jerrold Sullivan, attorney for the appel2ant, said he had discussed, prior to
the meeting, the possihilities of a lesser variance and setback and the posaibility
of turning the buildfng around (flopping the plans over), The building ia laid out
aa it is because the main eatr�nce is £urther away from Snelling Avenue and allows
s freer flow o£ traffic for ingress and egress to the building and puts the
entrance further away from the driveways to the building. The rear entrance is
cloae to the side driveway for service vehicles. If the building were "flopped",
it would put the front entrance close to Snelling Avenue, The lawn at the rear is
27 feet wide at the widest, snd 13 feet wide at the narrowest point. It ia desirab]e
to hsve lawn around the building as equally as is poss3ble and to have trees around
the building. If the land at the rear were eliminated, it would not be possible to
landscape as desired. Further, the rear of the building is to the south and it is
desirable to have lawu for a cool appearance in the summer. The building ia a 2;-
story building--the basement in the building gives good utilization of the land.
A buffer strip is allcwed to the wesC where the own.er lives: there is a 29-foot
space between the existing house and the proposed building. The applicant desires
�o have the building in the positlon in which it is planned because of the ingress,
egress and traffic flow, and would prefer the 20-foot setback to space the lawn
equally araund the building.
. , . �
LEONARD Lo CARLSON (2-5-70y (Continued�a
Mr, Ames irnqufred how the appli.cant wou.lc� ;eti �his bu�Iding and the cars on the
site if there ���s�ck rel.axation o€ some�k�ndckthe total�sitenise31,678rsquarea
hav� to be a setb
feet--30 parking pl.aces are pl�nn.ed•
Mr� Sorens�n said the setback requireaaeuts of 35 feet could be met which would
put all of the Zawn in front aud wr�uld e7�tminate the r�ar yard snd reduce the
driveway between the garages a�ad �he parking space. Tt i� felt a larger driveway
is desirable and give a lim�ted a:�ount of lawn. �.'he staff feels th� yard space
would be more usable if i� w�re no� in ane piece. Mr. Sorenson nated thaC the
problem hera is the site is j'us�: too small and thi.s situaCion occura when "C"
Residence property is de��eloped at the maximum density snd ground coverageo
Even with minimum parking, the site is too tight and in this c�se the setback
Mre 5ulliva� said ther� are two bui�ldings behind Chis site which have this
variance. Mrb Ames preferred some open area an.d green area on boCh sides.
Mr, Su113.van sai�l to the east of the �roperty line is a driveway serving the
Cammercial property on Snelling Avenue and i� is part of the Caa�ercial property;
the service drive goes in parallel to Sneliing Avenuee
Mra Me�rill Rols�.uson, reporting for the Association of S�o Paul Cos�aunities and
the Saa�line CoBa�nun�.ty, spoke in oppasttion. He wishes to state they are in
opposition to variances on. density until a new Zaning Ordinance caa be obtained.
They �aould face the necessity of some modification in any future ordinance which
may be adopted but until that is done, they would consistently oppose variances
such as this• Aestheticallgsthis�wouldihaveethe�effecttofcmovingethenbuilding
toward the atreet. '
Mr. McPartli� said it was his feel.ing the way colleges are expanding they ere in
need of some apartments close by for housing studenta. Mr.
Robinson s�id this
is not fully true. HamlYne University �aants studenta living on the premises in
dormitarie� and they own considerable property in tihe neighborhood and that there
is not a great ahortage of residential property in the neighborhood. The Hamline
Comununity wants to decide i� their own minds where the Line should be drawn.
Mr. Robinson stated that Mro Carlson iCs a member of the Hamline Coo�►unity and
that they are not opposed to apertment development as such but they are being
careful and dlscussion�on atether�ornnot�the setback couldnbegchanged andThowemuch.
was turther i '�
Mr, Ames asked if a 22-foot�lre�r dxiveway would be adequate. Mr. Sorenson said 20
feet would be the minimum biut 22 feet is recommended where there are garages in
conjunctian w�.th the driveuraye Mro Ames said the Board realizes some relaxation
is necessary and would lik� to see sosne campramise by tightening up a little in
the park�.ng area.
� � . , , . �
" , v
I.E{3NARD L� CAi�ISQAd (2-5-70,� (Camtinued):
Mro Mac�sur felt wheL-her Ln.e setbacic is 20� 7.2, or 24 f�et �her� is a Comm�rcial
building an the coru�r snd the setback here �sn't going to add anything. If
Che Co�ercial bu�tZding were not c�n �he carner, mo�e considerata.on cauld be
given to the setb�ck.
M�. Maiett� said he would va�e for it if the setback tiaas 24 feet but he felt this
�.s too narrow.
Moved by Mr. Mansur �nd seconded by Mx. McPertlin, the appeal was approved as
presented. The motion csrried with M�. Maietta voting against the motion.
Submitted by: Colonel L, Sorenson RoberC Lv Ames, Chairman
� . • ,
� . Citg� C1erk
tt3 court Flou:e ssto2
February 13, 1970
File X849, Page
You are hereby notffied that a public hearing will be held
in the Council Chambers of the City Hall aad Court Aouse ia
the City of St. Paul at 10:00 a.m. on February 26, 1970 on
the appeal of Leonard L. Carlson to relax the bailding set-
back regulations to 20 feet for construction of an apartment
building on Lots 4, 5 and 6, Block 9, College Place West
Diviaion. The property is located on the south side of
Englewood Avenue beCween Fry Street and North Snelling Avenue.
For further information conCact the Planning Board, Room 1010
Commerce Building or phone 223-4151.
Commissioner of Finance