03-711Council File # ��� 1( Cneen Sheet # � al�p�� Presented By Referred To 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Committee: Date RESOLVED, that the Taacicab Driver's License Application submitted by Hamdollah Farzan (license ID No. 20020005492), is hereby denied for his January 2000 felony conviction for Tenoristic Threats. This resolution and the action of the Council in this matter are based upon the facts contained in the Dakota County Court Records for case number K9-99-2383, Lakeville Police Deparhnent Report 99012073, and the June 16, 2003 Notice Of Intent To Deny License Application letter to the licensee. The applicant did not respond to the Notice Of Intent To Deny License Application. Z� Adopted by Council: Date %///_'. /, �Oo� Adoption Certified by Council Secretary RESOLUTION CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA Requested by Department of: BY � �i'�-�N4�-n.A� � /�� (�-1! � Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet � �p — License/Inspection/EnvironProt Contact Person 8 Phone: Vrginia Paimer 266-8770 PAUSt Se on 06AUG-03 14-JUL-03 � Assign Number For Routing Order Green Sheet NO: 3002601 0 ice s ns 'oNEnviro Pro 1 icensdtns ctio o"ro Pro De artmentDirector 2 i tto�ne 3 a r's O�ce Ma or/ "stant 4 ouncil 5 i Clerk i Clerk ToW I# of SignaW re Pages _(Clip Ail Locations for Signature) Action Requested: � Adverse action against the Taxicab Driver License App}ication submitted by Hamdollah Farzan. �aatrons: approve (a) or tc Planning Commissiorr� CIB Committee Civil Service Commission (3uestions: 1. Has this personffirm ever worked under a contract for this department? Yes No 2. Has this personffirm ever been a city employee? Yes No 3. Does this personffirm possess a skilf not normally possessed by any current city employee? Yes No Explain all yes answers on separate sheet and attach to green sheet Initiating Problem, Issues, Opportunity (Who, What, When, Where, Why): Taxicab driver license applicant Hamdollah Farzan has a January 20, 2000 felony conviction for Terroristic Threats, which makes him ineligible for licensing as a taxicab driver pursuant to Saint Paui Legislative Code 376.16 (e}(d). AdvantaqeslfApproved: Council action necessary to enforce licensing requiremenu. Disadvanpges If Approved: None - DisadvaMages If Not Approved: City will have failed to enforce its own licensing requiremenu. Total AmouM of Transaction: P�nding Source: CosURevenue Budgeted: AcGvitv Number: ���i+��.-�^z,.,.:i. ' . :;;�, Fi nancial Information: (Explain) � D3-�tl OFFICE OF THE CITY ATTORNEY Mamrel J- Cervnntes, Ciry Altorney CITY OF SAINT PAUL Civif Division Randy C. Kelly, Mayor 400 Ciry Ha(1 Telephone: 651266-S110 lSWestKellogg8lvd. Fncsimi[e:65l298-5619 Saint Paul, Mimnesota 55l02 i July 10, 2QQ3 NOTICE OF COUNCIL MEETING Hamdollah Fazzan 4455 Woodgate Point Eagan, NLN 55122 RE: Application for a Saint Paul Taxicab Driver's License Dear Mr. Farzan: Please take notice that this matter has been set on the Consent Agenda for the Council meeting scheduled for 3:30 p.m., Wednesday, August 6, 2003 in the City Council Chambers, Third Floor, Saint Paul City Hall and Ramsey County Courthouse. Enclosed are copies of the proposed resolution and other documents which will be presented to the City Council for their consideration. This is an uncontested hearing in that the facts concerning your felony January 20, 2000 conviction far Terroristic Threats have not been disputed. The recommendation of the licensing office is for the denial of your taxicab driver's license application. If you have any questions, please call me at 266-8710. Very truly yours, -� c�� �.�-��. Virginia D. Palmer Assistant City Attorney cc: Assistant Council Secretary, 310 City Hall Christine Rozek, Deputy Director of LIEP Rich Jents, LIEP Reid Soley, LIEP AA-ADA-EEO £mployer �3-� �1 UNCONTESTED LICENSE HEARING Appficant Name: Address. Council Date: Hamdollah Farzan 4455 Woodgate Point, Eagan, MN Wednesday, August 6, 2003 Viofations: January 20, 2000 Felony Conviction for Terroristic Threats St. Paul Legislative Code §376.16(e)(4) Recommendation of Assistant City Attorney on beha{f of client, Office of License, fnspections and Environmental Protection: Denial of Taxicab Driver's License Application Attachments: 1. Proposed resolution 2. Notice Of Intent To Deny License Application 3. Dakota County District Court Sentencing Order 4. Lakeville Police Department Report Gase File #99012073 5. License information A.4-ADA-EEO Employer 03-�t1 CITY OF SAINT PAUL Rarsdy C. Kelly, Mayor June 19, 2003 OFFICE ur' THE CI"TY ATTORNEY Manue! J. Cervnn(es, C�ry Atiorney Civii Division 400 Ciry Hal[ I S Li'est Kellogg Blvd. Snint Paul, Minnetotn 55102 Te7ephorte: 651266-8710 F¢csimrle: 65/ 298-5619 NOTICE OF INTENT TO DENY LICENSE APPLICATION Hamdollah Farzan 4455 WoodgatePoint Eagan, MN 55122 RE: Application for a Saint Paul Taxicab Driver's License Dear Mr. Farzan: The Office of License, Inspection and Environmental Protection has recommended denial of the taacicab driver's license application you submitted. The basis for the recommendation is as follows: A criminal history shows that you have been convicted of the felony charge of Terroristic Threats from a 1999 incident, for which you were sentenced on January 20, 2000. Saint Paul Legislative Code § 376. 16 (e)(4) requires that to be eligible for a license an applicant shall have no felony convictions in the last five (5) years. If you do not dispute the above facts, you may withdraw your application at this time. Alternatively, if you do not dispute the above facts, but wish to have a hearing in front of the Saint Paul City Council to dispute the recommended denial of your license application, you will need to send me a letter admitting the violations and requesting a public hearing. The matter will then be scheduled for a public hearing before the City Council to determine the disposition of your license application. You will have an opportunity to appear and speak on your own behalf, or to have someone appear there for you. On the other hand, if you wish to dispute the above facts, I will schedule an evidentiary hearing before an Administrative Law Judge (ALJ). If you wish to have such a hearing, please send me a letter stating that you are contesting the facts. Xou will then be sent a"Notice of Hearing," so you will know when and where to appear, and what the basis for the hearing 4vill be. AA-ADA-EEO Employer a3-��� Page 2 Hamdoilah Farzan June 19, 2003 If you have not contacted me by Monday, June 30, 2003, I will assume that you are not contesting the facts and wili schedule fhis matter for the St. Paul City Council and have it placed on the Consent Agenda during Fvhich no public discussion is allowed and the recommended penalty will he imposed. If you have any questions, feel free to contact me at 266-8710. Sincerely, — l/ �G4yJ �� � Virginia D. Palmer Assistant City Attorney cc: Christine Rozek, Deputy Director of LIEP Christine Rozek, LIEP Rich Jents, LIEP AA-ADA-EEO Employer p3-��� STATE OF MINNESOTA ) ) ss. COUNTY OF RAMSEY ) AFFIDAVIT OF SERVICE BY MAIL JOANNE G. CLEMENTS, being first duly sworn, deposes and says that on June 20, 2003, served the attached NOTICE OFINTENT TO DENY LICENSE APPLICATION placing a true and correct copy thereof in an envelope addressed as follows: Hamdollah Farzan 4455 Woodgate Point Eagan, MN. 55122 (which is the last known address of said person) depositing the same, with postage prepaid, in the United States mails at St. Paul, Minnesota. Subscribed and sworn to before me this 20th day of June, 20Q3. Notary Public ��«�. y��7t� p. PA`1G8 � .��,gs`. tdQiAf3YPU8lIC -����� .. ,y�Y�{}}AMIS519N w., E7iPt�t:S Jp"7.31.?� DAKOTA COUNTY NAME: � �;�1.(.1'� � - u�LCa'�,� � �.t� 3 = � �t� COURT � 03-�� 1 FILE # �;�; y�- �� COMMUNITY CORRECTIONS Judicial Center 1560 Highway 55 Hastings, MN 55033 (651) 438-8288 SENTENCING ORDER 1 � CONDITIONS OF PROBATION FOR `J YEAR(S) to Court � DCC. � Serve Si.S-� C� f�"IN�fESOTA, C�UNZI' C1F DAKOTA � � da ���th�. County Jaih days E.H.M.; __� C credit for time serve work release Commencing on f�,z ard of r rd in my ice this�� . � sc e u e y ommunity Corrections Department ' ��ANA.BROSTPOM COURTADMINISIRATOR _�_ Fine $ � Surcharge $ ;� C.D./D.A. Assessment Fee $ �� Court Costs $ Total Amount $ Payable $ �� Ut,t.•(' Hours community work service by Restitution: Submit to (chemical dependency) (domestic abuse) (psychological) evaluation and follow all recommendations. Follow all aftercare as recommended by any treatment program you participate in. � No use ot alcohol or illegal drugs. �_ Submit to random chemicallsubs �`" t tutq ���G;A CC+.;'r11Y �'�A BR��7rc V,� ,; C,n� �Cr�ns<zr� No DAR, DAS, or Driving Without a Driver's License, Driving Without Insurance or alcohol related offenses. „t�(� '� �i ZQ�[� __�__ Follow rules and regulations of Probation Depariment. BY_��� i' `� � E�v�JT'f Remain law abiding. � O t.G' L-e�d'!�[ ��T" � li(/// �2t�'7"(. ��(��'�'�jC-C � { �! �.��'11)�/n �.1.9 /{}%� Qf J lr� ., _ $10 booking fee payabfe to Dakota County Sheriff. Public Defender Fund reimbursement due DATE: I � � �> 1 i f,, j �oi No iosas siss p�nes and fees are p2yable to: Distr.ct Ccurt, 1560 W. Hvry. 55, Has:i^gs, MN 55033 y` � Contains a minimum of 70/ postconsumer waste �� C�-�- �� � � PLEA: C�L - ��i�t S�C,� ���.P/��-�J 03-Zll Page #:1 Case File #:99012073.doc LAKEVILLE POLICE DEPARTMENT Incident Report Namre oeof�ense: Tenoristic Threats/A9500 GM OFP Violation/N2370 DOC/N3030 Location of O££ense: 9430 W. 207th St.. L2keville, MN 55044 Date Reported: 09-22-99 Time Reported: 1O15hr5. Date/fime of Report: 09-22-99/1234hrS. Status: �Arrest QExceprionally Cleazed �Unfounded []Inactive �Continued O£ficer pssigned : T. J. Hokanson #4849 »»»»»»»»»»»»»»>»»»>»»»»»»»»»»»»»>»»»»»»»»»»>»»»»» PERSON/PROPERTY CRIMES YES NO 1. Was there a witness? ❑ � Watch Commander Approved: 2. Suspect infotmation? ❑ ❑ Follow up recommended? �yes Qno 3. Suspect vehicle? ❑ � 4. Traceable property? ❑ � 5. Physical evidence? ❑ � 6. Follow up warranted? ❑ � 7.Victim/wimessevaluation? ❑ []' ««G«G<GKG«K<G«G««<G SYNOPSIS: Responded to above address on report of OFP violation. Spoke to victim who provided me an answering machine tape containing two messages from Hamdollah Farzan indicating that he wished to hann her if he could not see his children. Proceeded to record copy of the two messages and collected it as evidence. Victim also gave me a written letter from Farzan to his two children, A11en and Wellah Farzan, which is aiso a violation of the Order for Protection. Victim indicated she had received ttus written communication on 09-01-99. This item was also secured as evidence. After obtaining the necessary information from the victim, I responded back to the Lakeville Police Department to follow-up. Spoke to Lt. Schwartz who advised me that Judge Karen Asphaug's law clerk, Natalie Fowler, received a phone call from Farzan at approximately 0900 hours. Fowler completed a typed statement indicating the conversation between her and Farzan. In this document Fowler stated that Farzan indicated "if I don't have an answer today, I'm going to come and destroy the court." ATL transmitted to all metro area departments for the above listed offenses. PERSONS/PROPERTY Complainant: SMI'I'H, Winnie Juntado.DOB/112463 9430 W. 207"' St. Lakeville, MN 55044 469-37°8 Suspect: FARZAN, Hamdollah Hama.DOBf062358 1199 Earl St., 2 floor St. Paul, MN 651-778-1370 Subject: FOWLER, Natalie Aakota County Government Center Hwy. 55 Hastings, MN 55033 651-438-8046 Daughter: FARZAN, Wellah Juntado.DOB/101587 This documex! is provided with !he uxderstanding 1ha! i1 wll( be used an/y as lawju!/y designated. Oth¢r uses nre no1 outhorized! LAKEVILLE POLICE DEPARTMENT 03-� �i Page #:2 Case File #:99012073.doc LAKEVILLE POLICE DEPARTMENT Incident Report 9430 W. 207` St. Lakeville, MN 55044 469-3798 Son: FARZAN, Allen 7untado.DOB/090186 9430 W. 207 St. Lakeville, MN 55044 469-3798 Suspect Vehicle: MN 674JTV 1986 Mazda 626 coupe, silver Lists to: Hamdollah Hama Farzan Evidence: One micro-cassette tape with two phone messages from Farzan to Winnie Smith One letter received on 09-01-94 by Winnie Smith from Farzan for his son and daughter ELEMENTS: On 09-22-99 at approximately 1015 hours I was dispatched 9430 W. 207`�S to speak with Winnie Smith regarding an OFP violation. Upon arrival Smith advised me that her ex-husband, identified as Hamdollah Hama FARZAN.DOB/062358, had called her on the telephone and made threats to her in violation of the Order For Protection that is currently on file against him. I proceeded to listen to the messages and determined that the communication was in violation of the OFP and was harassing in nature. I then proceeded to tape record the rivo answering machine messages and secured the tape as evidence. T then spoke to Smith regarding the two messages. She stated she was scared of Farzan and advised me that he has beat her up in the past and she feels he would do it again if he is unable to see his children. Smith went on to state that Farzan has a bad temper and goes out of control when he doesn't get his way. Smith also stated that she thinks the messages were meant to scaze her, and if he is unable to see his children, she felt that he would hurt her. Smith also stated that knowing Farzan's demeanor she feels very unsafe and is scazed of him. Smith also provided me with a letter addressed from Farzan to Allen and We11ah Farzan that she stated she received on 09-01-99. The letter indicated that Farzan hopes to see his kids soon and is sorry that he couldn't be there for their birthday. Fazzan also inciuded business cards, as we11 as a picture of him. It should be noted that any written, oral, or other type of communication is prohibited in the OFP. This letter was secured into evidence. This documenl is provided wilh tke undenfarsding (h¢1 i1 w8f be psed on[y aslawjully desigrtuled. Othe� uses are not authorized! LAKEV7LLE POLlCE DEPARTh1ENT 03-�1 ll Page #3 Case File #:99012073.doc LAKEVILLE POLICE DEPARTMENT Incident Report After obtaining the basic information from Winnie 5mith, I responded back to the Lakeville Police Department to conduct follow-up to this case.. Upon returning to the Lakeville Police Department I spoke with Lt. Schwartz regazding this case. Lt. Schwartz advised me that Judge Karen Asphaug's office received a phone call from Farzan on 09- 22-99 at approximately 0855 hours. Judge Asphaug's law clerk, Natalie Fowler, returned the message at approximately 0900 hours. Fowler stated that Farzan hung up on her while he was speaking with him. Fowler also stated she called Farzan back and Farzan stated, "if I don't have an answer today, I'm going to come and destroy the court." Fowler completed a one page report on what was said between herself and Farzan over the telephone and this item was f�ed to the Lakeville Police Department and will be secured and attached to the case file. It should also be noted that Farzan was located on 09-21-99 at Kenwood Trail Junior High s�hool (see CF #99012057) in violation of the OFP which states he cannot have contact with his children, including going to their schools. After obtaining ali the necessary information and getting a hold of Farzan's current address, I proceeded to complete a metro-wide ATL on Farzan for Probable Cause Terroristic Tt�reats, this earlier conduct and both OFP violations. STATUS: Cleazed by arrest. BY: T. J. Hokanson /bam C: County Attomey, 09-22-991bam This documettt is provideA wilh the urtderslamdimg that i! will be used only aslawjulfy designated Other user ase not autborized: LAKEI?LLE FOLICE DEPARTMENT Page #:4 Case File #:99012073.doc LAKEVILLE POLICE DEPARTMENT Incident Report SUPPLEMENTARy REpORT BY OFFICER T J HOKANSON: Date: 09-22-99 Time: 1500 hours On 09-22-99 at approximately 1400 hours I received information that St. Paui Police Department was abie to locate Farzan at 1149 Eazl St. in St. Paul. I proceeded to respond to the St. Paul Police Department to transport Farzan to the Dakota County jail in Hastings. After transporting Farzan to the jail, I completed a Victim Notification of Release Form and had the victim, Winnie 5mith, sign the document. Upon completing the document I advised dispatch of the status and cleared, STATUS: Cleazed by anest. BY: T. 7. Hokanson /bam ` C: County Attorney, 09-23-991bam 03-'��i This documen[ is p�ovided with the understamding that i1 wi1! bt used only as [¢wJuQy design¢ted Olher uses ¢�e not ¢uthorized! LAKEVILLE POLICE DEPARTMENT a3-��� Page 1k:5 Case File #:99012073.doc LAKEVILLE POLICE DEPARTMENT Iucident Report SUPPLEMBNTARY REPORT BY M L HOLDEN Date and time ofreport 1Q-Oi-99 at 1135 hours. On 09-29-99 I presented a search wanant to be signed to the Ramsey County Court in St. Paul. The warrant was subsequently signed by the Honorable Judge Van De North. This warrant was presented and signed in the presence of St. Paul Police Sgt. Gregory Kuehl who assisted in the exeeution of this wan-ant. We then responded over to the address of 1199 Eazl Street, St. Paul where we contacted the land-lord and she arrived with a pass key if needed. Prior to entering the residence, the suspecYs 1986 Mazda fi26 Coupe bearing MN Registration 674 3TV was located in the rear of this buiiding and the seazch warrant was executed on the vehicle. However, no items were removed. At approximately 1215 hours myself, Sg[. Kuehl of St. Paul and other assisting Lakeville/St. Paul o�cers knocked on the door and announced our identity and search warrant. No answer was obtained and the pass key was used to enter the residence. Upon entering and securing the residence, no individuals were located inside and photographs were taken of the apartment. There was not a lot of property within the apartment and no items removed during the search warrant. We left the residence at approximately 1300 hours. The land-lord for the premise Marjorie Eliyn Mangine advised that Mr. Farzan had also been renting the commercial space betow the apartment, however, had given verbal notice. She advised that after she had heazd Mr. Farzan was in custody, her and her father had gone into both his apartment and commerciai rented space and she observed in plain view a letter drafted to the court. With this information, an addition was made to the search warrant to include the rental space located at 1058 E Maryland. This again was presented to the Honorable Judge Van De North who signed the warrant, At approximately I510 hours myself, Sgt. Kuehl of the St. Paui PD and other assisting officers knocked and identified ourselves and announced the search warrant, however, no answer was obtained. We had then used a pass key given to us by Marjorie Mangine and entered the property. Located inside was what appeared to be the business operation for Mr. Farzan's financial services. It should also be noted that on the window to the street there were banners identifying his business and phone number. Photographs were taken of the office area and exterior of the building as well. Taken during the search warrant was a yellow note-book from the desk of Mr. Farzan labeled Office Depot with severat writings/letters included, one business card from Farzan Financial Services, another 5- page letter drafted to Karen Asphaug dated OS-21-99 and one photocopied letter dated 04-22-99 with the original stapled to it. These items were taken and processed at the LPD. A copy of inventory/receipt form was left during both search warrants at each property. This documen[ is provided wilh !he undersranding 1ha[ it wil( be used arc[y as lawju[[y d¢sign¢�eII. Other user are not ¢u�ho�iud! LA/CEVlLLE POLICE DEPARTMENT Page #:6 Case File #:99012073.doc �j3- - t t l LAKEVILLE POLICE DEPA.RTMENT Incident Report On 09-30-99 I responded and filed both seazch warrants at the Ramsey County Court " House in St. Paul. A receipt of filing was obtained and will be included with this case file. STATUS: Cleazed byArrest BY: M.L. Holden Ijl cc: County Atty, 10-04-99l7L. This document u provided wiih tke underst¢nQinglhat if wUl be used on[y as fawfuUy desigrtaled Other uses are nat ¢ufhoriyed! LAKEVlLLE POLICE DEPARTMEM 'License�Group Gomments Text Li=�asee: 'HAMDOLLAH H fARZAN DBA: � HAMDOLLIJi H FARZAN License k: 20020005492 12177/20U2 b3-�ti� 12/7 E/2002 To CAO for review ot recora check. CAR 03 t l ���,�,��e,�, ' TWe' 4' kqR21Y C tcervxe C ltmtfiwl C• py� .'_. .. meas nss moe� ocnrE � sk�arrcc �� - .. .. . QrWbrc rWO � } �y.ea �" a� .n�> _ '_ ' "' "'_' c' :� �� � '_.' - -... � �_. � �v KiwiwSchweWU FwdKaimari'sMm4+q(pomNyothdisu 1]111/p2(@56 :."MJ Mareqobmson<Maneflot flE:SVmkYS�SCPalFrefghtns 1?J11N2Qkt9 ,:j OaveNNelsan RE:flxapdmedirg,Nova�a26.200 1�f1]A)2042M °J <p.�wva_actrrewea�@rym S100FF.HPPR'HOL10.4YSFpOMNA 11/17/021/:09 � 'Ti�keKalmes'<nkahxx@ PE:IZmzrg/pemdReQwemeNx 12/13N2�qy ,.�J-. SFeiaReed Siryvtua t7J1Tl@iQlil � � � �` 5 � �;a � � � � � � �i 03'�ll F .'�.r.�Rd3'�:'_�':S4.W�in." _T�'FN 0 Dd4 HFCffZPN a .' ___ .` _" .. ..... .. .... Lker¢e � ypes hsranro BuM ` - -- - ���� 1 �,� , � I IR���=1 _ . - ----- . r e.a�v �' i,:.n:ee r uw�� �e : a�Faau�ear. aoze<.cr�szwe -.. P. ' sve«r �nss , ne.e.xnaioncamie.na " S4¢¢INerM GASF � StreH iYDE � Ov¢Cfqtt � � . LFi¢6M � LTAT � : ' _ "_...." " Gy �PGAN ;�semeGraqCmmMs 9Ur. � �... Z�a 5$1]Z ' ���TOCAOfa.rev�•wolrecoNCM[k.GR �re� :r---. :D9A u ��� R 11.IHId]0] tlqflRpp3 N 5�0.(O .. _. _.' ' .. ............. ... .. ". _._.'. TofaG 140d0 � - ---- - -- - - - -- Js KiarvuSChueiNw FwRKOmraneMabg(pos.�Ly�eHautt 13/11/p1�:5b '=J MariePObmson<MaieRO! flE�Sparkys-SiPaWFiefigMers 1111i/0263:19! 'R,J`^ DareHNdson pE;Recapdmae'vg.Novnrbtt2E.2fp 11/I2/CLpC2U �j <rynanaac�ve�veai@rym S 17/72/ryL11�0.51 ;� 'MkeK:6rtres^<nkakmsC. flE:LammglPennlRepiiierzmh 1�I13A2C&!N �j SFdaReed Sgmm�n 5211/021IItL � � � % � .s2 � 3� n�3 (�j �11 �.�' _ _ ____.___�__ ' � x ���'i �� Lkcuee LLo-HnfuiZPN ..•. DBA _ �A' _ .�� �q�s¢ �cmtte I4cTypes, 4evarce � BoM �Req�remdYS1 ' ; L'cenvsNane MOOLLeNHFARZAN ��,� ; DBA qMDOLLNIHFPRZqN , ; sa�r�e [—" �,s.arct a�ow?a -i��..��.e� , ' MCwtlractRCCd NOA000 AATranvyRecYt �wnw�� � AAFttCOIed�' OA1000 qscowRReCd( ORU i FvrarntllldtlRensms ..- -..-..,.-. . _�:.- .. � ...a� q7aYPL�enshgApmry � ti Kminv� '�,-^�y pqpc:G„�#"�'. � ! Corferls�utMSLicens ' � •� �� - �'ro -�-,Cn-���r _� . .k* 1?� ,•�-.°�t'1 MaiLCemOiIX— �-�����'�" -�"�'- r Mei io Cotpect { _'' &airess+MitA82002WM1k1AD0iFPF]J.N �{qryppLLµ � � __ � 1�' �r,uxu�aao-ese : �r.n'�"ii •• -ti.eEYrvmeSa— �lJtiYt i r. �i ro camxt j . ^�.sc,."^,�m^��;a,�"-Fa.t�.. -...�....�.��=..�:k'� " �'�' ' e�xsowaaw�nnrvPm I � 1[msFmrA �s �aSchNx"vdu Fw3KaimaniMeeYg(po.mblYp�� 1]/I1A20456 :� Manaflebnam<Manefid flE:SparkYS�StPaulFefiqMms 1]J11/CQPi19i :� DaveHNdmn flE.RecapIXmedvg,NOVqMC26,2p0 i1/11/lprpd2N � <pnm�.a acwewem@ryno El00FF.HMNkIpUOAySFqpM.IUA i2l12/021i:�51 ,� 'MxeKaYnes"<mkahne.sCa qE.LCmsvg/PemMRepwmcn�s 1]/13/02[Q44 _] SYedaReed SyrWwes 1Y1]/021k11� � � � z«? � � �3 � � � � � � � RECEIPT FOR APPL1CATfON Date of Application: Nov 08, 2002 Received From: 20020a054s2 HAMDOLLAH H FARZAN HAMDOLLAH H FARZAN 4455 WOODGATE POitdT EAGAN MN 55122 In application for: Tazicab Driver {Provisional) (1 ) Eff Date: Nov 68, 2002 - Exp Date: Nov O8, 2003 Lic Fee. Totai Due on this application $40.00 Other Fees Owed 5�.0� Account Total Amount Due 540.00 Amount Paid $a0.0o Date Received Nov08,2o02 Outstanding Account Balance Due 30.Oo Contads: Project Facilitator: ROZEK, CHRISTINE (651) 266-9108 Inspector(s): JENTS, RICHARD (RICH) License (651) 266-9116 Conditians: Requirements: Record Check - Criminai History Record Cbeck - Driwng �� � � � '! 7his is not a License to operate CITY OF SAINT PAUL 0��� �'� Office of Liwnse. Inspections and EnvironmenWl Protecoon 350 St. Peter S�. Smte 300 Samt PaW, Minneso�a 55102-i5�0 (65t)Ya6-9050 Fex:(65tJ26o-9124 wwv+.ti.sfpaul.m».usl�iep $40.00 Amount Paid: $40.00 t� . J ; � 1 f ;'�� ?� i��;` � i ��i� ° � i , � , �� � � � ; °�" � � '��l` ; Page 1 of 1 . �1� �o� �o.� y 9 2� ��--��1 TAXICA.B DRIVER LICENSE APPLICATION THIS APPLICATION IS SUBIECT TO REVIEW BY Tf� PUBLIC PLEASE TYPE OR PRINT IN Ilv'K CTI'Y OF SAINT PAUL orr,c� oru�ea�e, t�e�aon� and Envunnmental Pruteclion 350 Sc Pec S�ctt, Sune 300 s�r�, ��ou sstoz (653) 2fb9� Faz(6S3) ]Sb9t24 Web: wmv.¢s�avim+uvtiry Applicant Information �y ,_ � , .,, Name and TiUe: ,�;' C� i L:�/-1 �; �Il'�%�� ��} l� �- �T f`� 1� K( V[_ /�'� . First Middle (Maiden) Last Title Home Address: ��r L�,✓j G;>jif 1,�-� � �% � �;� �-�h.� /"�%/�.�� %l f't %� %� Srieet (tl, Name, Type Direction) City State Zip+4 Mail To Address (if different than home address): " Street (k, Name, Type Direction) CiTy State Zip+4 Home Phone: (L 1 Date ofBirth: �/��/ i�� Place ofBirth: �L ��� �' � I�-.�l"LF-.2 -, ,� �-?�• Driver s License #: ���� 1 `�C -= Expiration Date: Are us a citizen of the United States? t� �'' If you are not a US citizen, you must provide proof of work authorization from the US Immigration aad 1Vaturalization Service. Name aad �drl.-ess ofcab companyyou wi1P be driving for: � L�}r �_,_,__ Do you own or lease the cab you drive� L �:��5�" What is the lease rate you pay to operate the cab? Previous residence (past 5 years) Date Street address City County State Zip Code , > .- "/-� L L 1� �'�o �"� ,! � _� v',� ,� %�'I N> r' /' � 1 � � i l l� , -- ' �°'?� � � r'i;- �l.��✓111V�.�; f !?�11f � ! ; ('��u L /1�U1, � �� ��'�` �� � �� �3 ��� n z Z G +� F � < Y ���- ������5��/�-- a�3��i������rna��11�1 MN 55116 � 6-%3 03��41