247787 Oriainal to City Clerk ' . O� R � INANCE ������� --� COUNCIL FILE NO � �� PRESENTED BY� ��� ` �� �� '� �� ORDINANCE NO / An ordinanc� amending Ordi.n.ance No. 3250, entitled: t�An administrative ordinance relating to the Civil Service Bureau of the Gity of Saint Paul, approving and adopting rules and regulations therefors �r approved August 20, 1g14, as amended. THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section 1. That Ordinance No. 3250, approved August 20, 1914, as amended, be and the same is hereby further amended by striking out of Section 6, where they appear under the heading Professional Group in Grades 39 and 45, respectively, the ti.tles Water Chemist II a.nd Water Chemist III; a.nd by inserting said titles, under the heading: Professional Group i.n Grades 41 and 47, respecti.vely. Section 2, This ordinance shall take effect and be in force on the first day of the first payroll period followi.n.g thirty days after its passage, approval, and publication. APProved: -,-- � (` ,�...r ` ��� . ivil Service mmissioner MAR 2 5 1970 Yeas Councilmen Nays Passed by the Counci� Carlson �f Dalglish � Tn Favor /� Meredith � I Peterson � Against Sprafka Tedesco Ml�R 2 5 197� r. President By e) Approv : _ Atte t. City Clerk o �� ' orm approved Corporation Counael By � � . �" i' Daplicate to Printer ORDINANCE � t r���-��� COUNCIL FILE NO � � � � / t � ,l PRESENTED BY ORDINANCE NO � / A�a c�rdinance amendiag t)rdi�saace �1'fl. 3�50, entitled: "An admini.strative ordinaY►ce relati.ng to th� C3.vx1 Service Bureaa of the City of Saint Pa►al., apparwv�r,g sad adoptiun� x�Ies a�►d regulatfox�s therefor, " approved Auguet 20, X914, as arneaded. �HE COUNCIL t�F '�C"�IE �ITY 4F :AIN? PAUL DOES C�RAAII�t: Sectioa 1. 'That C9�rd€r�ance No. 3250, apgroved August 2U, 1914, as ameaded, be sad the Bame �is �+�reby further amended by striki�g out of Sectipa 6, where th�y appear under the heading Prr�f�ssiogal Group in Grade�a 39 �nd 45, arespec�ively, �he ti#l�s �atex Chemi�t II aad Wat�� +Chemi�t III; and by ineertiag �aid txtl�$, under the heading 3�ro�'�sa�onal Group in Grades 41 aad 47, respectively. 5ectiox� �.o Thi� ordiaaace shall take effect amd be in force on the first-day of the-first payrol2 periad followin� thirty day� after its passa��e, apprnv�l, �d publ#cati�x. Approvcd: Civil �ervice �omrnisa3.oner ��� � � ���� Yeas Councilmen Nays Passed by the Councii Carlson � Dalglish In Favor Meredith Peterson �' Against Sprafka Tedesco , �' "'� Mr Praairiant (Rvrnal _ ;`c4�,`:` " - i�':arch 1 , 1970 ��� �ohn H�ider i�.e �cam ner F�: ?7irector or pe . nel ?3uilding near �ir: The City Cotzncil t�d �ave First eading t� Co��nci1 File Pto. 2�+7�£?7, bei_n�; a.r, or.dinanc� a din�; Ord. . 325fl, �• �• Rtales, Uy strilcing out of Sec. h, under " ofession Cr�up„ in Grade, 3�� �nd �+5, re- vpectively th s II and G7�.ter Chemist ITI, anc' bY insertin� Ps un. ofessional Gro�.�p yn Grades �+l a.nd �7, ,� ��; respectiv „r, This ordinanee will come up for Third Reading an r-4arch 18 �'ery tri,.7_ti� t��a�:�rs, City Cler}c n�r � �`�►� !�V ! This ordinance upgrades the titles Water Chemist II and Water Chemist III from Grades 39 and 45 respectively, to Grades 41 and 47, respectively: \_� • '�J I st �� , ' 2nd Laid over to .._� r � 3rd and app —Adopted Yeas Nays Yeas Nays Carlson �� Carlson Dalglish '�Dalglish Meredith ������� �eredith Peterson �eterson Sprafka � �prafka � Tedesco �`��Tedesco Mr. President Byrne Mr. President Byrne O