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RESOLVED, That' the Council hereby ratifies and
approves the action of the Board of Appeals per-
taining to the following listed properties as shown
by the official minutes of said Board of Appeals
dated February ll , 1970 , a copy of which, marked
� EXHIBIT� "A" is attached hereto and made a part
hereof �by reference .
No. Address Appellant
25-69-B 783 �ork Ave. George Musil
9 � 10 1327 Edgerton St. Roy H. Davidson
RPQ�'�►�N �U�S
N�1R b l��l
COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19—
Yeas Nays � 6 �,��
Dalglish roved 19—_
Meredith � Tn Favor
Peteraon '
Sprafka Mayor
Tedesco --�-Against
Mr. President, Byrne &�1f� �R 14�'
. 2/11/70
, • Me��� No. 25
Wednesday, February 11 , 1970
555 Cedar St . , Bureau of Health Library - 1 :30 p.m.
Members present: Lawrence D. Cohen, Chairman
Gale Rehnberg
Norma Sommerdorf
James Voigt
Arthur Tieso
Members absent : Estyr Peake
Others present : Glenn Erickson, Art Holmstrom, Harold
Yannarelly, Frank Staffenson, �Ienry
Streich, Ken Gauthier , George Musil ,
Donald Wiegand, Mrs . William Murphy,
William Murphy, Joe Wilder, Bob Kerr,
Bernice Swanson, Lorraine ,Willey,
M�rland blork, Richard F1y, Mamie
Greer , Fred Kueppers , Roy llavidson,
Dorothy Hosking, Nicholas Kraft
Thomas Anderson
The minutes of the January 28 , 1970 meeting were approved as mailed.
25-69-B 783 York Ave. George Musil, Cont 'd.
Mr. George E. Musil continued appeal of a letter of April 7 , 1969
from Robert L. Ames , City Architect, Bureau of Public Buildings
to Mr. George Musil - re . rotting roof board at rear of building
and rusted out gutter. A previous 6 month extension of time had
been granted by the Board to complete the repairs . Mr. Musil
stated that he has been unable to make the requested repairs due
to financial difficulties but that he intends to start work on
the repairs in the spring.
Mr. Cohen moved that a six-month additional extension of time to
complete the work be granted.
Ayes : Cohen, Rehnberg, Sommerdorf , Tieso , Voigt. Nayes : none.
Abstentions : none. Motion carried five (5) to zero (0) .
, Meeting No. 25
73-69-B-H 512 St . Peter St. , Lawrence A. Applebaum, cont ' d.
� Capito partments
Mr. Donald Wiegand advised the Board that Mr. Applebaum had suf£erecl
a heart attack and was presently at the intensive care unit of
Miller I�ospitaT . Mr. Wiegand, on behalf of Mr. Applebaum, appealed
for more time' on the matter stating that he was trying in euery way
to arrange financing for Mr . Applebaum.
Tenants of 512 St . Peter St . attested to a substantial number of
deficiencies ,in the apartments such as slime in the bathtubs , an�
inadequate number of electrical outlets , lack of putty in winclows ,
radiators that leaked when heat was needed which would stop leaking
only when turned off, plaster falling from ceilings , cockroaches ,
delapidated furniture in furnished apartments and smoke enveloping
floors above a floor where a fire occurred due to non-enclosure of
stair-ways. Mr. Cohen moved that a team of inspectors :From the
Bureau of Health and the Bureau of Public Buildings go to 512 St . Peter
St. at the earliest possible convenience to inspect the premises ancl
that a special meeting of the Board be called as soon thereafter
as possible � to act upon the findings of the inspection. IIe further
moved that if access to the premises for the purpose of inspection
be denied, that a motion would be introduced, at the special meeting
of the Board, to deny the appeal . .
Seconded by Tieso .
Ayes : Cohen, Rehnberg , Sommerdorf, Tieso, Voigt . Nayes; none.
Abstentions : none. Motion carried five (5) to zero (0) .
83-69-B 1619 Hubbard Ave . Mamie Greer by Fred A.
Kueppers Jr. , cont=c�.�
A memo dated January 23 , 1970 to Thomas Anderson from Robert Ames
indicated that a plumbing permit for the installation of a toilet
room on the third floor of the frame building at 1619 I�ubbard Ave .
was refused as a third floor apartment is in violation of the
Housing Code. At the meeting of January 24 , 1970 a life-safety
survey of the premises at 1619 Hubbard Ave. was requested. �The
resulting recommendation of the inspectors was that adequate
egress from the third floor be provided if a waiver to allow third
floor occupancy be provided. Mrs. Sommerdorf explained that she
felt it was unfair to require Mrs . Greer to make all th� repairs
necessary to make t}ie thircl floor habitable only to perpetuatc
something already in violation of the (,'ity 1lousing Coc1e,
- 2 -
� 2/11/70
" Meeting No. 25
' '
^ Mrs . Sommerdorf moved that the appeal be denied. Motion seconded.
Ayes : Cohen, Rehnberg, Sommerdorf, Tieso , Voigt . Nayes : none.
Abstentions : none. Motion carried five (5) to zero (0) .
84-69-I3 2200 Hillside Ave . St. Anthon Park Methodist Church
Pastor C arles Nelson F� Orris
S u sta , cont
At 2 : 50 p.m, on January 28, 1970 Mr. Orris Shulstad, Properties
Chairman for St. Anthony Park Methodist Church called and said that
they would go ahead and make the necessary corrections as requesteu
by the Bureau of Public Buildings in a letter dated October 31 , 1969 .
Mr. Cohen moved that the appeal be dismissed as requested. Motion
Ayes : Cohen, Rehnberg, Sommerdorf, Tieso, Voigt . Nayes : none.
Abstentions : none. Motion carried five (5) to zero (0) .
86-69-CT 9$10 1327 Edgerton St . Roy H. Davidson
Mr . Davidson appealed a letter of the Bureau of Health dated October 15,
`� 1969 , to Roy Davidson, pointing out deficiencies that deserve prompt
attention at 1327 Edgerton.
Mrs . Sommerdorf moved that the following items as stated in the letter
of October 15 , 1969 be waived.
lst north - Bathroom - install hand lavatory and install
local vent.
Basement - properly vent toilets on 1st north lst apt . -
1�" vent. So. apartment not vented. Two 2nd floor sink
wastes are connected to double tapped side outlet closet
bends. Install clean-out base of 4" soil stack.
Such waiver is to be granted on the condition that the 1st North
dwelling unit be limited to one tenant only and that all other items
in the letter of October 15 , 1969 be complied with within 18 months .
Motion seconded.
Ayes : Cohen, Rehnberg, Sommerdorf, Tieso , Voigt . Nayes : none.
Arstentions : none. Motion carried five (5) to zero (0) .
_ 3 _
� 2-11- 70
�� ' Meeting No . 25
, •
6- 70-CT 9F�10 541 Case Mr . and Mrs . Hilmar Gustavson
by Dorot y . I- os ing
Mrs. Lou Hosking, iiaughter of Mrs . Hilmar Gustavson, appealed to the
Board as no financing was available to meet the code standards at
54]. Case Ave , where her mother and step-father lived. She also
stated that it was not possible to sell the house as FNA required that
all local code standards be complied with before FHA financing could
be provided. She stated that she felt it would be too great an
investment in the house to bring it up to code standards in order
to get it sold. It was also brought out that a court case had been
filed relative to the splitting of ownership of the property. Let�Cers
dated June 25 , 1969 and October 21 , 1969 from Harold J. Yannarelly,
Project Supervisor for the Phalen Area Neighborhood Improvement
Program to Mrs . Raymond J. Hajowik were introduced as subjects of
aPPeal .
Mr. Cohen moved tl�at the filing fee be waived. He further moved
that the matter be carried over for a period of one month and that
Mr. Anderson meet �ith Mrs . Hosking at the premises at 541 Case
to vi�w the loca.tion of the bathroom.
Motion seconded.
Ayes : Cohen, Rehnberg, Sommerdorf, Tieso , Voigt. Nayes : none.
^ Al�stentions : none. Motion carried five (5) to zero (0) .
8U-69-H 1727 Bush Ave . Nicholas A. Kraft
Mr. Kraft appealed a letter dated September 2 , 1969 sent to him from
the Bureau of Health. He specifically appealed the request that he
install a hand lavatory in the bathroom. He stated that just he,
his wife and his granddaughter live there presently.
Mr. Cohen moved that the Housing Gode requirement that a hand
lavatory be installed in the bathroom be waived for the premises
at 1737 Bush Ave. as long as the property presently owned by
Nicholas A. Kraft , be sold or the ownership transferred at which
time the requirement that every bathroom have its own hand lavatory
be enforced and the waiver be nullified.
Motion seconded.
Ayes : Cohen, Rehnberg, Sommerdorf, Tieso , Voigt . Nayes : none.
Abstentions : none . Motion carried five (S) to zero (0) .
There being no further business the meeting was adjournecl at 4 : 20 p.m.
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Recording Secretaxy
- 4 -
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RESOLVED, That the Council hereby ratifies and
approves the action of the Board of Appe�als per-
taining to the following li�ted properties as shown
by the off�cial minutes of said �ioard of Appeals
dated February 11, 1970, a copy of which, marked
EXHIBIT "A" i� attached her�to and mad� a part
hereof by re�'erence.
No. Address _ Appellant
25-69-B 78� York Av�. George Mu�i1
9 F 10 1327 Edgerton St. Roy H. Davidson
� � ����
COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Counci� 19.—
Yeas Nays ,���,�� ,, �a�
�r _
Dalglish Approved 19—_
Meredith `� Tn Favor
Sprafka � Mayor
Tedesco A Sainst
Mr. President, Byrne