247779 ORIGIMAL TO CITY CLERK � -� �����v CITY OF ST. PAUL FOE NCIL NO. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK " COU IL ESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONE DATF BE IT RESOLVED, That in accordance with 4rdi.nance No. 11061, Council File No. 1.836go, approved July 26, 1957, the annual sewer maa.ntenance charges to be made in 1970, a,�ainst the followirig co�nmercial, industrial, and residential properties other than single and two-family dwellings, which are located in the Yilla.ge of Maplewood and which are connected to the Saint Paul Sewer System, be and hereby axe determined to be, the amot�nts set opposite the location of the connections as follows: ADDRE3S USE AMOII�T 1760 Adolphus Apartments $10�+.39 1770 Adolphus Apartments 10�.39 1780 Adolphus Apartments 10�+.39 1685 Arcade Service Station 9.36 1701 Arcade Office 14.32 1915 Arcade St. Apartments 15�+.8�+ 1925 Arcade Service Station 8.00 2150 Arcad.e Studio & Residence 15.12 2271 Atlantic - Apartments 83.82 2275 Atlantic Apartments 83.82 2140 Barclay Apartments 139•� 2026 Bradl�y Apartments 160.00 328 Bellwood Studio & Residence 8.56 2023-2g Bradley Apar�ments 161.40 2455-57 Brad.ley Apartments 155•2$ 271�+ Brookview � Apartments 103.00 9 N. Century Service Stat3on 16.56 11 S. Century Service Station 19•92 1311�. Century Apart�nts 103.00 135 N. Century Service Station 30.�+8 165 N. Century Service Station 28.�+8 749 Century Drive-In 11.0�+ 831 N. Centtxry Store 25.60 $35 N. Century Store 8.00 839 N. Century Store & Apartment 17.08 �149 N. Century Office 8.00 1237 �. Century Ave. Apaxtments 178.14 1247 N. Century Ave. Apar�ments 178.1�+ 1257 R. Century Ave. Apartments 17$.1� 202�+ Claxence Apartments 82.20 25�+5 E. Conway Service Station 29.20 2585 Conway Apartments 201.92 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Counci� 19— Yeas Nays Carlson Dalglish Approved 19_ Meredith Tn Favor Peterson Sprafku Mayor Tedesco A gainst Mr. President, Byrne �� �4'7'��� ORIG�NAL TO CITY CLERK � CITY OF ST. PAUL FOE NCIL NO. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK ' COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER DATF ap ewoo page 2. ADDRESS USE AMOUN`P 2605 Conway Apartments $ 91.2�+ < 2613 Conway Apaz�ments g1.2�+ 359 E. County Road B Of'Pice 8.00 1490 E. County Road. B Apartments 139.68 1510 E. County Ros.d B Apartments 139.68 215 Crestview Office & Resideace 17.20 1615 Demont Shop & Residence 8.00 1830 DeSoto Office & Residence 10. 20 2024 De�oto Apartments 161.20 2056 Dek�oto Apartments 155•�+�+ 2266 Duluth Apaxtments 83.82 1880 East Shore Dr. Apartments 237.�+0 1900 East Shore Dr. Apartments 237.�+0 1723 Edgeffiont Shop & Residence 11.8� 1800 Edgerton Office 11.20 2086 Pdgerton Service Station 8.00 1809 English Apartments 92.68 1810 Tnglish Shop & Residence 11.04 1821 English Apartments 88.80 1840 $nglish 0�'Yice & Wareho�se 25.96 1870 En�lish I,maber Yard 1.4.80 1876_ .�qglish 3hop & Apar�ment 17.8� 19�6 English ,, `' - Haii- 60.80 1955 English Bowling Alley & Tavern 1�+9.28 1965 Euglish Shop & Residence 8.00 2370 English Shop ��.88 1030 Ferndale Beauty Shop & Residence 9•92 1959 �'lan�rau Caterer & Residence 9•52 940 �'rost Office & Residence 38.64 1146 Frost Shop & Store 17.80 1160 Frost Shop & Ha11 30.24 1217-21 Frost Shops 1�+.3�+ �35 Frost Ave. Cax Wash 8.00 12�+7 Frost Store 8.00 1250 Frost Warehouse 137.68 1281 Frost Store 24.00 1291 Frost Service Station 15.60 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Councii 19— Yeas Nays Carlson Dalglish Approved 19— Meredith Tn Favor Peterson Sprafka Mayor Tedesco A Sainst Mr. President, Byrne _ � ORIGINAL TO CITY CLERK �I����V CITY OF ST. PAUL FOENCIL NO. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK � COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER DATF ap ewo pa,ge 3- ADDRESS USE AMOUPIT 1310 Frost Service Station & Garage � 30.36 1313 Frost Service Station 9.56 1315-21 Frost 3tores & Office 38.24 134� Frost Ave. S�ores & Office 40.6�+ 135� Frost 8tore, Of`Pice & Shop 16.00 1351 Frost Stores 53•32 1361 Frost Offices 8.00 1�+26 Frost Apartments 38.2�+ �95 Frost Of'f'ice & Re sidence 13•52 1756 Frost Ave. Office & Residence 13.60 1985 Greenbrier Office & Residence 9.08 1751 Guraey Beauty 3hop & xesidence 8.00 2300 Hazelwood Store 16.16 2310 Hazelwood Service Stati.on 33•� 1145 E. Highway 36 Restaurant 44.72 1175 g• �.��ay 36 Office & Waxehouse 22.80 118o E. xighway 36 Garage 112.6�+ 1180 E. Highway 36 (Rear) Shop 22.40 1195 E. Highway 36 o�fice g.6�+ ` 1255 E. Highway 36 Office & Warehouse 69.20 � 1400 F. Highway 36 OfPice & Shop 85.�+�+ ' 1766 E. Highway 36 _ _ _.-___:-__ _ 9PPice & Shop 130.84 2228 Highway 61 Service Station 8.00 2700 Hi.ghway 61 Store 11.00 2732 Highway 61 Shop 10.80 2005 Ide Apartments 87.20 2025 Ide Apartments 87.20 5 Kingston Office & Besidence 10.60 1�+7 E. Laxpenteur Apartments 27.84 223 E. Larpenteur Service Station 27.0� 315-21 E. Larpenteur Apartments 5g5.20 18�7 E. Larpenteur Ave. Theatre 130.20 2251 E. Larpenteur Service. Station 19.28 2260 Maplewood Drive Service Station & Store 38.40 2280 Maplewood Drive Store 670.72 24�+1 Maplewood Drive Motel, Cafe & Bax 111.76 2557 Maplewood Drive Office 20.60 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays Carlson Dalglish Approved 19— Meredith Tn Favor Peterson Sprafku Mayor A gainst Tedesco Mr. President, Byrne � i � ORIG�AL TO CITY CLERK �7 �� CITY OF ST. PAUL FOE NCIL NO. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK y COUNCIL RESOLUTION-GENERAL FORM PRESENT�D BY COMMISSIONER DATF Maplewood page �+. ADDRESS USE AMOUNT 1899 Niaxy Kno11 OYPice & Residence $ 11.48 1300 McKaight Warehouse 168.00 2150 McMene�y Road Store 17.52 2255 E• Minnehaha (Rear) Garage 8.00 2255 E. Mi.nnehaha (Front) Office 8.00 2259 E. Minneha.ha Store & Apartment 8.00 2259� F• 1�dinnehaha Service Station 15.0�# 2260 E. Minnehaha Theater 75.60 2289 E. Minnehaha Tavern 27.00 2505 E. Minnehaha Office 2�+.00 2727 E. Minnehaha Service Station �+0.00 2048 Mississippi St. Apartm,eats 27.20 � 2056 Niississippi St. Apartments 27.20 2064 Mississippi St. Apar�tments 27.20 2072 I�Lississippi Apartments 27.20 2080 Mississippi Apartments 27.20 2088 Mississippi Apartments 27.20 2096 Mississippi Apaz�ments 27.20 210�+ Mi.ssissippi Apaxtments 27.20 2112 Mississippi Apartments 27.20 2120 AOi.ssissippi Apartments 27.20 1806 Ao:' St. Pau7. Rd. - - Store 5?.28 181�+ No. $t. Paul Rd. Medical Clinic 52.40 1815 No. �t. Pata1 Rd. Super Market 201.2�+ 1834 No. �t. Paul Rd. Office 47.52 1851 No. St. Paul Rd. Drive In 16.60 185�+ No. St. Paul Rd. Cax Wash 9.60 � 1706 Paxkway Drive Shop & Residence 8.00 1721-25 Parkway Dr. Golf Course & Office 116.72 1692 Rice Service 3tation 27.8�+ 1704 Rice Service Station 17.72 1870 Rice Drive In 14.68 1930 Rice St. Service Station 24.2�+ 1986 Rice St. �avern 20.00 2080 Rice Dairy 52.00 2110 Rice Shop 22.�+0 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19- Yeas Nays Carlson Dalglish Approved 19- Meredith Tn Favor Peterson Sprafku Mayor Tedesco A gainst Mr. President, Byrne � ORIGII�AL TO CITY CL6RK CI 1 1 OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL /�/����1J � OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK FILE NO. , � COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COM M I55I ON ER DAT� Maplewood Page 5• ADDRESS USE AMOUNT 2158 Rice 3t. Service �ta-�ion $ 33•52 1160 Ripley Office & Residence 9.08 550 E. Roselawn Nursing Home 360.00 2726 E. 7th Apartm�ents 15.36 �90 E. Skil]�an Apartm�ents 228.2� 491 Skillman Apartments 144.64 542 E. Skillraan Apartments 160.00 23�5 Stillwater Rd. Store 17.68 2464 Stillwater Rd. Beauty Shop & Residence 8.00 2591 Stillwater Rd. Greenhouse & Residence 17.�+0 2627-35 Stillwater Rd. Stores & Apartments 16.88 2637 Stillwater Rd. Apartments 30,00 2675 Stillwater Rd. Multiple Dwelling 9.87 2720 Stillwater Rd. Stores 91.68 2729 Stillwater Rd. Service Station 24.24 2730 Stillwater Rd. Store 9.4�+ 2716 Upper APton Rd. Medical Clinic 61.12 1735 Van DY'ke Store 51.0� 1740 Van Dyke Shopping Center 765.28 674 Viking Drive Office & Residence 9.60 1706 WYiite Bear Store 57•52 1989 white Bear Beauty Shop & Residence 11.88 2055 White Bear Office & Factory 309.76 2210 White Bear Store 29.20 2220 White Beax Restaurant 2�.00 2223 White Beax Service Station 22.08 22�+2 White Bear Service Station 27.04 2248 White Beax Shop �+2.72 2625 White Beax Stores 10.04 2626 White Bear 3tores & Apartments 52.36 2665 White Bear Store 16.08 2800 White Beax Office & Duplex 15.76 � 6 1970 � COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays �R 51,�� Gai�isorr- Dalgliah � pproved 19— Meredith Tn Favor Peterson ' Sprafku � Mayor Tedesco A gainst Mr. President, Byrne pUBLISHED �pIR 1� ��7� �O