247775 r OriYinal to City Clerk - � �ORDINANCE 24���� COUNCIL FILE NO PRESENTED BY �'`� ORDINANCE NO � � An ordinance amending Ordi.nance No. 7607, entitled: t'An ordinance fixing the duties and responsibi.lities and the min.imum qualifications for the various classes of positions in the Classi.fied Service of the City,t' approved February 13, 1935, as amended. THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section 1. That Ordinance No. 7607, approved February 13, 1935, as amended, be and the sa.me is hereby further amended by inserting i.n its proper alphabetical order the following title, arid - specifications for Stadiuin Supe rvi s o r »1.. Yeas Councilmen Nays Passed by the Counci� Carlson Dalgliah Tn Favor Meredith Peterson Sprafka Againat Tedesco r. President ) Approved: _ A ea_t;� � Ci Clerk �� � Form approved Corporation Counsel By �Orieinal to Ctty Clerk � � �ORDINANCE 24�'��c COUNCIL FILE NO PRESENTED BY ORDINANCE NO Section 2. This ordi.nance shall take effect and be in force thirty days after its passage, approval, and publication. -3� � 2 0 1910 Yeas Councilmen Nays Passed by the Counci� Carlson / Dalgliah �� Tn Favor Meredith (� Fe°°:"e�t —'" /�� A gainst Sprafka , Tedesc �:, �t 'VIAR 2 �J 1970 �.� �, �r ���jt Ap roved A st• � � Ci Cle �'l' !f� Mayor �� Form approved Corporation Counael By ����I���� MAR 2 8 197U Luplicate to Prtnter ORDINANCE ;�������fr COUNCIL FILE NO - PRESENTED BY ORDINANCE NO Sectiou 2. This ordi.�nan+ce sha.12 tak� effect ancl. be in force thirty days aafter it� passage, app�°oval, and publicatio�. "�" � 2 � 19�U Yeas Councilmen Nays Passed by the ouncil Carlson Dalgliah Meredith In Favor ���' -'� A gainst Sprafka f, Tedesco `�'� �� Mr. Fresiden�. �;„ ��,�,�,�' � = �v� °� Approved: Attest: �a�s. < �'z:-� �aY �t'�:ters�n). City Clerk Mayor O Form approved Corporation Counsel By Daplicate to Printer ORDINANCE �����f � COUNCIL FILE NO �` PRESENTED BY ORDINANCE NO An ordinance amendfng Ordinance No. 76Q7, eatitled: ".Aal ordin�,nce f�Lxin,g the duties a��. responsfbil�tiae a.nd th� rniafmum qw'�.lificatiions for the va.ricus c�ass�s a£ , posft�.on� in the Clas�ified 5ervi�e o�' the City, " apgroved �ebruary 13, 1935, a� arnended. THE COUNCIL OF' 'THE �I�'X QF SAINT F1�UL D(�Ea ORDAIN: Sectilon 1. That CDrdiaaace l�l'o. '?607, approved February 13, 1935� as amended, be a�nd the same is h�reby further ameaded by insexting in its pro►per aiphabet�cal drdex the £ollowing tftle, and specificatione for Stadfuxn Supervisor -1- Yeas Councilmen Nays Passed by the Counci� Carlson Dalglish Tn Favor Meredith Peterson Againat Sprafka Tedesco Mr. President (Byrne) Approved: Attest: City Clerk Mayor � Form approved Corporation Counsel By . ' . . ����1�.5 � /r� �. T<tl.�: ��i c?�s s� � a'�r'�I�T.'L7iVi SIiPt�'l�,.VI�C)..^i , , �l;1i1�3'� �1xC� Z'�:;�01',.ullJlll�'1�'.£; [1nei;�z� c�i�ec�i�n, to �� ��spo��ii�Z� f��r tl1c� o�e;z•aiion ni ��Izc :v:utiici.,��zi. �ta�iul���., ��na �� ��er£�rx•r x�e?.a*ecl 1���rtc as as:�3i�ned_ �.:i�3.?Tl}�.�.;•r^,' U� �,_.+�:�i; ����rio�xn��tr. ��O ?71u^,1:� cci;'�:i1uC'.2?-!C�11�'S :�C�t' �;[1G j?Oi1j:�1i17 :?F1f.� SC�Ilt:C't11�.7.Y1� O� s L:'V�i,'Y?�;5 �j: I:Y',l; u'�"ct��l.l.l�:1, "�'o clra�r u=; ca��i:r�sc're :��>e;cif�rin�; tl�c conr?z':•ion., �z�dc,r �uh<ch , ° �CPrj '.;T.2.Ci111.�°tl i�2C1).'_:i;::: 7.tE r0 �.`C' i,lEC:CY, r .'o c�z 3 in t.r c r�y�;.i�:•�e�. �;�rsaa�i�el x�l� tlac vax•ia�,s evt;r�t:�� ,t �O �1.^�67.L21 <11^iC� tii!}�'L-'IY"1nL ��7C: �'JO.'•.'s� CL c 11 n�r7.C�b12.LY1 YtIET.^•s027�T1C�.: ..�0 �O.Lie;C1: �22'li jC(-:C�3 7'c;c�Dl'f�� 0:�:� ��,�i:C1T?.0 iC'C:S� b�.�:C Y'c?�L2j7�5 �,11C� C:L}11GC,',3S10Y1 iCGT"S'!�£ii:i.�i7.C?Il:i„ ��O ZuSLIN. �i?i��.lI'auS i9T :'i:l?�' c t1:� C��:it_;� ��L''C�< ��U �:3f-;1:C0�'Y�� c`�,.i1t.�i �t1.'��GI"�%,aF; t'12(: ':rJCl1'2C ;.12�i'O�V'Gt� 2S2 OPG2'i3.�:1Tlb, . 1"Y?:11I2127.1!.1I]L.,. c111C� 1'l;�si7,I.1'111�'� �i.?�� 11E'.,-J.t'lll�y V'lsri�;].1"d�3I3�,. li��i:l�ir�s���p:��:j_n':li.i�, r��,i�ii:�ry ai�.d :i�;ain?�e, fa�ili'cies af. ,• L�c, sS:��aiLC:��: '�'o n��?ce a3�ino� :t���a.��;.r. U• i�z c:oilr�eczion. �v'�ih th.� a'uoYtc; an�. to t�c�:,ari; ni:c:�.���ry x�<:��a��-s �0 1�L,i1.c;i�z�;s; �roundti ux er�uApnzet2t C)��lt:l �:i1'c111 j'�.fJ:=C: rJ:� cl TY7121Q]' il"1i:l4.ttti'::r c�.�lr� �O SC',C', Z�lc1� uUCil WOTk 1G C'�OTi;,' LT1 c?L`,:�f3i'i:�Et12c�G V';i'�� :'�C,(.I�7C8,`S:LOII^a� rO �E%'iOPY11 Z"11�. St:;.T�:�i'V?.5e; t�1C c:U.i'tOC.7.�"�. �,, niai.nt�n�nce 1rif1 1 C:na.;.r �vorl; thr��t;.sr�i.c��.�'w :.��� ��i:r�.fl:�u:n.. zAiclL:.uixi� fh� rrzaint�nance of tk�e � j31�,yin� iicla:i,. �O f.�12�3C-.T�r7:9E: �il� .:�E::�Y1i:7r; Uf ii1C:. ��.3'('.%?3 �Cl�f�.�_,C11'� ZO '�p'l� ''a'�c1C21UXYl �nclu�iAzn traL �arkin� lu�s,. `�'o ozde� ru�P!:es anc? xr�u��:e:r•ia'�: '.Co m�.intain r�,t,or�� oi <�y:�i����Z�:in� e;�_tz:>ns�s ai�ze� in�ome and C�T'X:�;`LO�T(;`: �2I"t7L I+�'L'(lx C�':i:: 1 O TY1c1��.t� F'C',}?OI'�;u �.17a� i;;r'OZ71iY]E��CiclT:lCll�,. I�.�:i.nir.xiu.x� c�u�l�.fica�:��n.5� r:�:4pIZ �c-hool c�rac�.t,.ai:ioz� an�] 1;i��•<;e y�r�rs° a� full,�-;,n7e expex•ience as a Tn�.na�;er ox• �T.z�er�:i�-or el � c���ciii�m�. �re:i�a oi equiv�alent; or thf•e�.e ye�»s�' ����r;Y•i�;-rice �s �, C;z����;zian-�Engineer-�M►zni�ipal 5'°<l c�itin�. i .,2�. / � �4`�'��.� �a-:tii:_ ��� ���.,: o I�� �� r .(�.�%:+ �."' C t l.l":'..�. tT.0��.l�:�. �.i��� -. �J.v.: v rJ;:r:'i��ti as�c3 r:-:sr.c3i,.,F�il.il�i:ic�: �Inci���• ��ir�cr�.;z� tc, L�;. ���- ._�:.r•>iz�ii�l�� f<�:t tb.f, o�c;z•aiion �i' tlz� :vi.u;.�ici�r�1. r��..,.iu;i}; L�.i�il ��� ���AfcJr�.... �e1.��4c:c1 �;�o�•I: as assi�n�d i'....'c1T-`��1:`S Of S,.'i3".'�: 1)E,2•��3�'Y.:I;,;�(' �� C� :??;Jf;�_'. ;�:i i'�?i1>';:TIa'�Tlt� jU:c' '�i�t� �:L!.i�.G:l�;,� c�.11:_1 ;�C:Il�:GLI7.Y1�� Of •'�- .:t'c:Y:�`:, c l 'Gi;t� ,.. �tC�11..tT2"?. J. C,1 i.ii:_l\'/ LCA7 C('.i2�;.icC�:'C:; �i1�E:C::I1f�/1I7� ti2�� C011�ill'1•`JI16 1�71f�C'.P �.•V�11C�2 Li,.c :�1:-;IC�iIU.p'::t :!�,C?'1._.';E'.^ �iC� i:7' �i_', i1:f�Ci. ��O C�'.�.}. XI7 'L�'1G :G`:fii;STC.C.'!. C�;:l't:<�1?T.�.c'! �U'•. ��1�' 'V�tI'1Oil.; :'Y�Y".CS: .�O .�:5�??<�Il �31�:.�. :Llr't'a'!"1`.iC: �{1a:, \✓O.i�C t^�i .'.x1 "�l.C�:tL?I't1 n(,-'i�;O11T21":1, �� O C:OZj.�:t��: :�%1Ct ��;�c_',T.F 1'C::�Vl'��.+ OL ',]c�_.'��?..'.'.t�',, sCSf': � �Z.ZC: P?C o:lt.i�:� ��iicl �oL1c;�^>yi.c;n a�o��:;:�:i�.:ir.n:�.. �rG 15:�?.'.C: �'iiZ�1��_: i�OI' :?'�321.'t �.'.Il;l Ci'�:�l:r:i .��t':�:^-u: ��O �:C.3'it�'k'1:� c.i1rL ,'='_1T:�;:("�i`:UC' ti`..C, `.VU:'`•.: :.'t1Vt�1V"t.'.t�t lI: opc-raLin�. �::�,�i_��.�i._�.i��.�� �Y�c? ��:�-�.�i�ii-.�; i::..:: ;::�e_?tin�,, v:;nZi.latin�f 11€�121:�I1�r� ;�L'LI�.:C�I.Tl^, .^��I'll�:�l.:i'l�' 1r�fi. ".�I'��lIlc�':: �cLL;I�.].'vZl:u c1� t::y�: .;i:�lf�iCIi7�,. �.� V t�3�,.�;�� IY13.7"!Oi i�T�3cli.i'=`.' ?"t1 C Ci,"2Y',t;C�`FO;). CVi�IY tj7.�: abc;ve uI2Cl �O �•epr���f n.:c�^;,a�•,- �-�;1.����•� io t��u:.lc:i.z3s, ground: ur equiprnent c��tlxt_'.. thn.t� t'.,ut��, oi � z':��.��t�;' i,�rt:��. an�. �o see tEi�t �uch wox'�. , 1�; Ct��I1C; ill ;�t,C:U1��c12C;�,: �'✓i�'�1 :�1C;CZ.t;C�1.'y'1011�.. .TV ��C'a.'lOT'3�). :i11C�. :iL,.?:i4:i'Vt.;E: fi�).�' +:i1S�.()C.l�l.lr IYi11T12.C'.:I1r3Y1C� and. �'°�i2::1' l�,iUl'�i ZIlY'!_ll�.f'.;�10?_1i ',.i?t', 3'i�.C�i?lf.'�. 111C�t L�211J t'`tli' I'Y:11I1tE,-'12it110E Oe t�lE i,l��y�;n� 1:��;i,�... �O .it1.t�(.iV1S�: �l2;,, �.1<;"c�i1.t:'-t� �J[ i:']�' :�1:?"::eLr3 hC��_1C<:2iti ��J T�'lE &��.f�1LZ1Y1 Yncl.uc:i.nL, t��e p��;.;ei.r_�� �<;1;=: `C'� ord-�r �L?��ii�, anc; Y�:r�.�<:;•i.,^.: :. .�u i:"2c211"t1"�17TY 3'C;C;OT'E�.S Oi Ui]�'i'?.i:til� C';.�)�at1;�C'',^ ��i11r.,1 1.Y1�G�1C' �.T�CI c'7Z?�`.1rJj�+�e t1?YI<: 1'�,CG.'•_'t�^,. �TO I.'f13i:C' T':'?'�Oz��i �?17� I'��t�;t�C1�.T'C?�°''ilfa}3�'tC.1S� 1.-i.i_tl l TY]i,i fi7 ::�LE;cI 1?.�l.C 1"'i JI7.�,° ,...�., vZi t r i r3 � r n r u r � ..: �:. > %.1,j� .. :aC�IOQ� ��1.'ZC�tt,2i ..Q:1 c�57.,.: f;i,iY':;E,' "yL:c.i'u OL {1L1_. L.�XTi(: C:�T�1�?'2�T1CC, c`L.`'.�i i1 £i:�.^ct�C:7" 07' �^t.�.l��^I'S'1.:=G1' O?: �. �;i�l<11L1171E �l.I'C:ilc1 t7i Lt�Lt7.V�.�.f.'Ylt� GI' �':2i.'l:E' V�',;'::'c�b +':::C;1'l.t`11i;^ �.S � �.;i:[:f()C'ili).Tl•- �X1�II�!CI'���:zr�a,�ipal r;.-�c'i.ta�n. �Z� . � 24���.� This ordinance establishes specifications for the new title of Stadium Supervisor. �_� � I st �-S� • ' 2nd . � �-/ Laid over to - �` 3rd and app � � ___Adopted �/�i� Yeas Nays Yeas Nays ! Carlson �Carlson Dalglish �alglish � r I Meredith �� 7� \i�eredith � Peterson �^ �Fe�rsvm� V I Sprafka prafka I Tedesco �desco '✓ Mr. President Byrne `° ;" p�* ��Mr. YSe� Yreeidsat (Peterson)