247774 Orlainsl to City Clerk , � ORDINANCE 24�'��� COUNCIL FILE NO PRESENTED BY C�,�,�� ORDINANCE NO A.n ordi.nance amending Ordinance No. 3250, entitled: tiAn admi.nistrative ordinance relating to the Civil Service Bureau of the City of Saint Paul, approving and adopt'ing rules and regulations therefor, t' THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAIlVT PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section 1. That Ordinance No. 3250, approved August 20, 1914, as amended, :. be and the same is hereby further amended by inserting in Section 6, immediately after the material in Grade 29 under the heading Manual and Maintenance Group, the following: GRADE 30 Stadium Sup e rvi s o r Section 2. This ordinance shall take effect and be i�. force thirty days after its passage, approval, and publication. Approved: vil Service Commissioner � 2 0 191A Yeas Councilmen Nays Passed by the Council Carlson � Dalglish � Meredith � In Favor �'— c� Againat Sprafka �_ � ��p� r� ..�;;,: � 2 � 197� ����� ,�I�.�:: tteat•' � � t on� Approved: 7 ity Clerk �Ag I � Form approved Corporation Counsel By� pUBLISHED MAR 2 81970 "�9a.-- "z ?'��0 'S'. J''?})Y'• F;+r . '.E�:. rr,�rF ,r�:-�;r��►:- p :5����c�or o�' r�ers � :� l �. Y J...� �u��l7�.i,i�.: " .�'�FA41��',. �;e�r �ir; ��i�.tP r-ai.�.V i.`_l'�.:T;ni� ����.ti�� r� T'�+�� . ��f?��. �., :� �PJ ��l;� ��1.3.'aYtl L �. '; t',4", . ��.�,. 1,:.:': ; - .•�';' � . -' �� � �i .7�. y�+ '" , . � t'? . � �,., ,r� ..,. t _. ', �_ . _. ��lj� .���..^ . _�e. ' �.:,�,_ ".:: . �r +_ J'� , ', . f _ a��,_��m � ^ . .,- -�:. ; .. . ,., _ (, I � y k' jc:j�� . . Fiul�s,., ,.�..�:'�" , , .�. e A. vl 'Y Cl�.� �l_ �� LI� �' E� f .1.. ti -.�;, �� i. �� �ar�ia�t;P]���r ter tr�e �~i�.terial tz� �xxa?� •� �.�nd�r � � ra , 1 �n , ce Group � n Gr��3e ?0 t ,� ¢, �.;_t� Utt�rz�u°�� �ux et�r; C.F. ?_�+77 �•�enda_r., xd. �7ri07, S�eci��.csationss, �y it��ert:i.r,,� i;� i.ts p� R]���18l�Qtf.r_�,1 orc3er tt�P title ancl sp�clr'ica- � tions ;tadi.�a�n �up�rvisax. Verv truly ;�ours, G'it;;: C,1 eri: �a �4'7'�74 This ordinance creates the title of Stadium Supervisor. This has been requested by the Department of Libraries, Auditorium and Civic Buildings, because of organization changes within the department. Daplicate to Printer ORDINANCE ������� COUNCIL FILE NO PRESENTED BY ORDINANCE NO , Aa ord�inance amending C�rd�n�a:ae l�a. 3250, eni�tled: '�Axi admin�s#rative ordinance �rel�'t�.�g to th�e Civi� Service Bureau of the City c�f Saint Paul, approviag arid adoptia� rules and regv,la�fo�� �ther�for, '' THE �OIIAiCIL OF' TH� G�'Y f.1F` SAINT PAUL DC1�5 ORI�AIPd: Section 1. �ha�t f)rdi.nance Nc�. 3�250, approved August 20, 1 g 14, as axr�ended. be and th�► �ame is heret�y #urtliar arnea�ded 'b� �serting ia Section 6� �,mmediateYy after the rrma�tdrial in Grade 29 �der the heading A/ta�.ual and ivTai.nteuax�c� Group, the following: 6aRA�T3E 30 Stadiurri St�►p�rvisor Sect�.on �. This ordinance ahall take �ffect aad be in force thirty days after its paseag�, approval, az�d publicatioA. Approved: 3vf1 Service amrnissfaner ��� � � ���� Yeas Councilmen Naya Passed by the Councit Carlson � Dalglish In Favor Meredith ���� � A gainst Sprafka Tedesco ,_ ,. . . , ,,. , �, -Mr. Presiden��..(�a?�ne) ` ., '" "---------'- 'y e'si�`: ,�.