247773 Ori�lnat to Ctty Clerk � � ORDINANCE 24� - '?�3 COUNCIL FILE NO PRESENTED BY ORDINANCE NO Ali ORDINAN�E REPEALII�G CH�PTER 81 �F 3'�iE LEf�IaLA'FIVE �ODE PER�AININa TO MUI�'ICIPA�, AUDI�4EIUM; SCHEDULE OF CHARaES. THT C4UAdCIL �F �'HE CITY �F SAI� PA�JL DC�ES ORDAIN: Section 1. That Chapter 81 of th� Saint Pa�al Legis- lative Code, as am�nded, p�rta3.ning to Municipal Auditoriwn; Sehedule of Charge�, be and the same is hereby repealed in its entirety. Section 2. This ordinance �ha.11 take effe�t and be in force thirty (30) days from and after i�s passage, approval ar�d publication. � 2 0 1�10 Yeas Councilmen Nays Passed by the,.Counci� Caxlson � Dalglish Tn Favor Meredith �e�!se:r--� C7 Sprafka Againat Tedesco � � U 1��d :A�a Rr.rka.��. s:: APProve A st:�- r.." ,, City erk �#1�a�r -- "� �� y orm approved Corporation Counsel By� " � . . . . . . . . . . i , ' i 79.01 � , , , LEGISLATIVE CODE ; � i United States of America, the State of Minnesota, or any political a subdivision thereof. � � �; � (Ordinance 8362, passed April 1.�, 19.�2.) ; ; ; � 79. MUNICIFAL AIRPORT � 79.01. The Airport is hereby named and designated as "St. Paul Municipal Airport, Holman Field." ,3 (Fro�n Co2cncil File 11861,2, adopted Ma� 7, 19�.0.) 80. DIVINE GUIDANCE FOR CITY COUNCIL 80.01. Clergymen at Council Meetings. The Mayor is author- ized to select clergymen of various religious faiths, one of whom to be ". present at one meeting of the City Council each «eek for the purpose of invoking divine guidance on the deliberations of the City CounciL , 80.02. Expenses. The Ma��or is authorized to ezpend from his Contingent Fund any necessary expenses incident to carrying out � the provisions of 80.01. �; (Ordinance 9965, passed Sept. 1�0, 1952.) �i 251. D1U1V1l;lYAL AUlll't'U1t1UM; .�'l�t1L'llULL Ul'' I�HAH(iL� 81A1. Commissioner. Under the direction of the Council, the Commissioner of Libraries, Auditorium, Museurns and Stadia shall �--� have control, management and administration of the Saint Paul �Zu- ' nicipal Auditorium and all property appertaining thereto. He shall �� enter into contracts for the leasing of any hall or halls located in the Auditorium building on behalf of the Cit,y, as provided herein, and such other contracts as are necessar,y in the management and administration of the building and the property connected therewith. � (A�rzended: Ord. 11882, Dee. 16, 1960.) 81.02. Charges. Any one desiring to use the Saint P�,ul Mu- • � nicipal Auditorium or the various halls and theaters therein shall pay for such use the following enumerated charges: (1) Arena. For use of the Arena: For the use of the Arena � there shall be paid as rent a base charge of $400.00 per day, which ' shall cover all costs not directly chargeable to any particular opening. To this base charge shall be added all direct costs chargeable to such particular opening, including regular labor, extra labor, ushers, ticket sellers, doormen, heat, power, light and water as measured by the various meters therefor during the period of rental and all other - special services or facilities required for such particular opening. The aggregate of these sums shall be the cost of opening aMd operating said Arena. 76o i-i-si ' ; - � � � . . 81.02 � CITY ADMINISTRATION AND MANAGEMENT ' , � For performance shows and for sports events where an admission fee is charged, a rental charge of 10% of the gross receipts of each - performance may be made, with a minimum charge in the amount of '. � opening and operating said Arena, as above defined. � For performance shows, where an adznission fee is charged, not � less than �800.00 per performance; where additional performances � are given on the sa.me day, $310.00 for each additional performance, , plus cost of attendant service; for twelve performances within a period of one week, $6,500.00 plus cost of attendant service; for twenty-five or more performances within a period of a fiscal year, a reduction of 10% per performance. For all athletic events involving teams from secondary schools, � where an admission fee is charged, the rental charge shall be $500.00 for one performance per day and for each additional performance i during the same day an additional charge of $250.00 shall be made. (2) Exhibition Hall. For the use of the Exhibition Hall, there ' shall be paid as rent a base charge of �350.00 per day, which shall cover all costs not directly cha�•geable to any particular opening. To . this base charge shall be added all direct costs chargeable to such # particular opening, including regular labor, extra labor, ushers, ticket ,�__ sellers, doormen, heat, light, power and water, as measured by the . various meters therefor during the period of rental, and all other special services or facilities required for such particular openin¢. The � �]IYM•0lY7�A nf �-l�non c.»m� c.�µll 1-... 7,� �+4� i�' . .J +:.�.... � � , `^oo��-aw�� �- � » v i. Nt, �i'ic. C.`�.�� vi v��iZlii� .w�iau V�VLKY�l1� said Exhibition Hall. For performance shows and for sports events, where an admis- sion fee is charged, the rental shall be 25�0 of the gross receipts of �� � each performance, with a minimum charge in the amount of opening and operating said Exhibition Hall, as above defined. Provided that the Council may in its discretion, make a flat rental charge of $550.00 per day, plus cost of attendant service. (3) Auditorium Theat�r. For the use of the Auditorium Thea- ter; For the use of the Auditorium Theater, there shall be paid as rent a base charge of $350.00 per day which shall cover all costs not directiy chargeable to any particular opening. To this base charge ' shall be added all direct costs chargeable to such particular opening, • including regular labor, extra labor, ushers, ticket sellers, doormen, and all other special services or facilities required for such particular opening. The aggregate of these sums shall be the cost of opening and operating said Auditorium Theater. For traveling productions, where the established custom in the theater trade is to rent theaters on a percentage basis, the rental shall be at least 20% of the gross receipts of each performance. ' For use for church services or by church groups for religious purposes, the Council may, in its discretion, make a flat rental of " $225.00 per day, plus cost of attendant service..y. ' i-i-ss 761 � ' - � t : ' . i � � � 81.03 � i � LEGISLATIVE CODE ! � I (4) Stem Hall. For the use of Stem Hall: For the use of Stem ' Hall for a dance only, there shall be a minimum charge of $100.00 per ; . day. � ; i For the use of said Hall for church services or by religious groups '� for religious purposes, there shall be a charge of $100.00 per day. �, 1 - i ; For other events and uses, there shall be a base charge of $100.00 per day, to which shall be added all costs for additional tables, chairs, " f and other unusual services and facilities which may be required for the particular use. The aggregate of these sums shall be the cost of opening and operating Stem HalL For all occasions when the Auditorium or any of the portions of ' halls thereof are being used to serve meals which are supplied by independent caterers or hotels or similar individuals, concerns or organizations, and the serving of the meal necessitates the setting up of tables and chairs and other equipment by the Auditorium per- sonnel to facilitate the serving of said meals, the individual, organi- zation, group or concern serving the meal shall pay to the Auditorium the sum of ten cents (10c) per plate for such meals served in the � Auditorium. �i Notwithstanding any of the foregoing provisions of this Section 81.02, the Council may by resolution indicating a public need therefor � ta��ivo oll .,4:,,.. _r u- - -i. . .,v. .,v... �.,. , . . ,. . - - ---..- .--- .,- ....� r,�•���••u v� ���c; �udi bC� iil'.1'�'liliJelUTC' S0L IOY'l;Yl Wl1P.1'P, Liie Ciiy, pursuant to a formal agreement, enters into a cooperative undertaking with another organization or organizations �•hereby or whereunder the City's reimbursement for use of the Auditorium or �_ �.., : -- any portion thereof is to be paid by receipt of a portion of the net or• � gross reveilues by the City. The provisions of any such agreement , entered into bet��een the Cit�� and anothei organization or organiza- tions ma,y be in lieu of all or any portions of the charges specified by this Section 81.02. , (A�nended Ord. 11882, Dec. 16, 19G0; Ord. 12709, April 21, 196!.) , 81.03. Free Use. VVhen the use is strictly for a public purpose or benefit of all the people of Saint Paul and where no admittance fee is charged, the Council may grant the free use of any hall in the Auditorium. 81.04. Definitions. The word "performance" as used in this ordinance shall mean the use of the particular privilege for a period _, of not over four consecutive hours; and the word "day" shall mean a period of not over t�velve consecutive hours. 81.05. "Gross Receipt.s." Whenever in this chapter the rental ' of any hall or theater or the Arena is permissible on a percentage basis of the gross receipts of any event, the term "gross receipts" - shall mean the total revenue received from the admissions charged, - less any federal state and city amusement taxes, if arry: 762 1-1-65 �� . ' _ ; , � 81.0� ' CITY ADMINISTRATION AND MANAGEMENT ; 81.06. Reimbursement. Whenever the free use of any hall, the � , , , theater, or the Arena is granted pursuant to Section 415 of the City , Charter, the amount by which the Auditorium Fund shall be reim- bursed from the Contingent Fund shall be the cost of opening and � operating such space, as hereinabove defined. ;: ; - :� 81.07. Deposit. The Superintendent of the Auditorium, under the direction of the Commissioner of Libraries, Auditorium, Museums and Stadia, may, in his discretion, in any rental of the Auditorium or any part thereof, require a deposit from the ]essee, which in no case ' . shall be less than the base charge for the space rented, as hereinabove � set out. � (Anaended: Ord. 11882, Dee. 16, 19G0.) � ��, 81.08. Writt.en Agreement. It shall be the duty of the super- � �.__ �. _, ;� 1-1-s6 762-1 � • 1 J A ` 82.04 CITY ADMINISTRATION AND MANAGEMENT } intendent of the Auditorium, under the direction of the Commissioner � of Libraries, Auditorium, Museums and Stadia to collect the fore- � going charges, and the use of the Auditorium or any of its facilities . . shall not be granted to any person or persons unless a proper agree- ` ment in writing, signed by such person or persons and by the Com- missioner of Libraries, Auditorium, Museums and Stadia on behalf � of the City of Saint Paul, shall have been entered into. Said agree- ment shall define the use for which the Auditorium is hired, the price to be charged for the same, and shall contain such additional pro- visions as are usual in agreements of this kind. (Amended: Ord. 11882, Dec. 16, 1960.) " 81.09. Previous Contracts. Nothing herein contained shall be ; construed as affectin� or changing the rental to be charged for the use of the Auditorium or any part thereof now existing under con- tracts or commitments heretofore entered into by the City. (Ordi�zance 900�, passed Nov. 5, 19.�7; Amended: Ord. 9012, Dec. 2, 191r7; Orcl.. 91,2.�, Aug. 3, IAkB; Ord. 9168, Oct. 26, 19.�8; Ord. 10079, MaJ 7, 195�3; Ord. 10171, Nov. 3, 1953; Ord. 1111�, Oct. 2, 1957; Ord. 11882, Dec. 16, 1960.) � � c.._ 82. CITY-0WNED PUI�LIC UTILITIES � Q�_l�l iT4i�itiPC l;reat,en. 121 aCCOTQ�LI1Ctl W1'l,'�. t'lie j�i0`vi�iviao vi Section 127 of the Charter of the City of St. Paul, there is hereby created a self-supporting city-owned and operated electrical lighting and power,gas and steam heating system for the purpose of supplying f necessary light, heat and power for lighting streets and public grounds within the City of St. Paul, lighting and heating public buildings and furnishing power thereto, and to provide light, heat and power for sale for private requirements in the City of St. Paul. ' 82.02. Bureau Established. The system created in Section 1 hereof shall be under the control of the "Bureau of City-owned Public Utilities", «�hich is hereby created as a bureau within the Department of Public Utilities. Said Bureau shall be under the direct supervision of the Commissioner of Public Utilities, who shall be assisted by an • Advisory Board hereby created, composed of the Commissioner of Public Works and the Commissioner of Finance, subject to the pro- visions of the Charter relative to supervision by the Council. 23.03. Powers. The Bureau� of City-Owned Public Utilities is hereby authorized to establish, maintain, and operate all necessary gas works, electrical lighting and power plants, steam plants, or other related works, together with necessary distribution s,ystems needed to supply public and private requirements within the City of St. Paul. Said Bureau may manufacture, generate, or purchase the electrical energy, heat, power or �as for distribution throughout said area. - 82.04. Rates, etc. When the system begins operation, the Bu- i-i-si 763 . � - � ; �.3 �� I st -� ' 2nd_� Laid over to 3rd and app�� �� —Adopted ��:�� Yeas Nays Yeas Nays Carison Carlson Dalglish � Dalglish Meredith ������ Meredith � Peterson '"�'�T�n� � Sprafka Sprafka Tedesco Tedesco Mr. President Byrne ��� n ��.,��� �jV"�r. �v'r�.� Yr�id�si (Yetereon)