247768 � 24�7'�68 � ORt6 .AL TO CITY CLBRK ��� ���TT� CITY OF ST. PAUL FOENCIL NO. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTI N—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY �aI'G�'1 5f �-C�'T� COMMISSIONE OATF R�'SOLVED: That l�censes applied for by the following persor� at th� addre�se� stated, be and the same are herebg granted. Vendall !�o,, In^. 1820 E. 3$th Mpls. Cig.Oper.2M App.13498Ren " '" 30 add.mach. " " " P�oneer Vending Systems 1164 S�lby Cig.Oper.2.K " 13501"" " " 1#0 add.mach. " '� " ' Frederic J. El�chinger 1�31 Marshall C3.gsOper.2M " 1�502' " " 166 add.mach. " " " Elmer W. Klammer 684 S. Lexington Cig.Oper.2A� " 13505* „ n 2'j add�m��h. n a w V�king Enterprises, Ine. ')'14 Fark Ave. So. Mpls. Cf�.Op�r.?.�1 " 14112" " " 12 add.mach. �� a fl Interstate Unit�d Corp. 1091 Fieree Butler Rd. C�g.Op�r.2M " 14143" " • 66 �dd.mach. " " �' Midwest V�nding Co. 8645 Fifth Av�. So. Cig.Oper.2M � 1t�5�2w fl p 11 add.ma.^.h. " " " A.R.A. �ervice of Minn., Inc. 655-20th �►ve. NE Mp1s. Cig.Oper.2M '" 1�5�5" �► n 53 add�ruach. �� n n Paul �. Gray 491 Upland Cig.Oper,2M " 14666* " � 4 add.mach. �� " " The Moore Way Divn. Coca Cola Bottling Co. 53�1 Edi.na Industrzsl BZvd. " Ec3�.na, Minn. C3.g.pper.2M " 14613'" a „ 10 add.mach. " " " John Morrell & Co. 2103-5 Wabash Foods MPD�+t " 171 '" r G. Bartusch Packing Co. �67 A1. Cleveland Foods MPDRn1 p 322 '" " " ,� V�h.#622-26 „ a N Dumontrs House of Beauty 16'70 Fernwood Beauty Shop " 3�9 " COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Councii 19— Yeas Nays Carlson Dalglish Approved 19�_ Meredith Tn Favor Peterson Sprafka Mayor A gainst �Tedesco Mr. Pre�ident, Byrne I � OR161 .AL TO CITY CLHRK �����/� CITY OF ST. PAUL FOENCIL NQ,. � ' OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK LICEI�SE Cb1�IITTEZ COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM COMM SS�IONER DATF 1Karnh "�� 197� Contd. Page 2 Helen F� Schoen�eker 569 �rundel Grocer,y A-1 dlpp.4�46RzneW " " Off Sale Malt " " " H p Ci��.�titie h q p Isamu Shijo �23 �elby Ld,y.DC Fickup " 45� " Busy nB"'��, Inc. 1102 �+. Larpenteur Grocery A«.2 " �48 p n n FiroZ.F''ood� � n • " " Off Sale Malt " " " a w �gai�tt� n �t n Mary A. �eeker 37"/ l3ayton Beauty Shop " 560 " John J, & Amadel A. Anzevino 760 Payne �s-�aurant Cn2 " ,�6�" " " Off Sale 1�alt " " '" � " Cigax�ette '" � n n " Bowl.�.ng 8A " �65 " Arch3�e P. Schwiet� 1082-4 Arca�e Restaurant Cdl " 680 " " " Off Sale Malt p " " " " Cigarette " " " elbert Bais3. & Lawt+ence Lehner 457 Wabasha Restaurant G»1 " 729" p M d H p Tave rn " " OPf S�@ Malt " " " " " Cigarette " " p Dai.ry Home, Inc. 370 �niversity Milk Distr. "' 763 " p „ 5 �Gh�T���� M p p 01d Home Foods. Inc. 370 Univer�fty Cottage Ch. Distr. 76�4 '" " �6'" 2� Veh:# 839«�,�8 App.n n Minnesota 1�Iilk C o. 37� Univcrsity Milk Fast.Plt." 765" n N 37V'eh.�859M95 n n n " " Cottage Ch.Plt." 766" COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays Carlson Dalglish Approved 19—_ Meredith Tn Favor Peterson Sprafka Mayor A gainat Tedesco Mr. President, Byrne O OR161yGL TO CITY CLBRK J����Q LICEI�SF CdMMITTEE CITY OF ST. PAUL FOENCIL N0. �� � OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY March 5 1970 COMMISSIONER DATF � Contd. Page 3 Cr�ntile's, Ine. �+97-9 Payne Restaurant C-2 App.869Renew " • Off �al� Malt �' " " n "� Cigarette " �� � ei n Cig.�pel's2M n n n .�utomatic�ue Minn.� Inc. 1933 Un�.versity Ci�.Oper.�i " 1111" '" " ? add.mach. " a " Simon & Co., Ine, 1830 Como Foods MPDW " 1117" " n Pr. Gas pump M N N .Ace Service, Ine . 1066 E. 7th Restaurant G2 " 1123" " " �ff Sale Malt " " " " " Cigarette " n " Viaduct Tnn, In��. lo5b �. 7th Restaurant C�2 " 1130"' u � C�ga2`ett.c n f� n Tt� Arlington Cafe, Ine. 72r1 Payne Restaurant C.»2 " 1183" " '" Off Sale Malt " " " " " Cigarette " " " Mayville, Inc. 1355 Unic,versfty Restaurant C»2 • 1202" n � Tanei'21 �� a � " � �i.garette n u a Marv#.n A. Merrick 719 Burr Butcher " 15�7" Rice � Speedy Wash, Inc. 154t�-5o R�ce Gas Sta. 8P " 1.596'" Harvey Tepley 2600 Uni.versity V.M.Loc.1Ai " 1�99'" Loren Stamne�s 23� �T. 7th Barber " 1612" Larry Thompson 1377 �erton Barber "' 1647« Claude Ki,nzel 10�1 Arkwright Barber ' 1649'" COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19—. Yeas Nays Carlson Dalglish Approved 19—_ Meredith Tn Favor Peterson Sprafka Mayor Tedesco ASainst Mr. President, Byrne O OR161�AL TO CITY CLBRK � i / �,�� CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL N�,. LICEi�sE oal�t2TTE� OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK FILE COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM C MM SSIONER DATF March 5, 1.97� CBntd. Page 4 Rtgina Kinzel 1051 Srkwright Beauty Shop App.16�0�en. The �rosswa�s, In�. 103••,� lst �at. Bk. Bldg. Restaurant C..2 " 16,�1" Harold A. Thef.$en 1200 S. 6th Mpls. G`.�g.Oper.2M " 1699" " " 2 add.mach. " " " Mid�aay Dorlge, Inc. 1013-39 Un�.versity Cigarette " 17Q2° Ha.rold �. Theisen 1200 S, 6th Mp1s. 1 MM " 1703n �onsoli date d Ink co. 431 N. Gri ggs Cf,garet t� " 1739° McKay Mfg.�o. 473 �1. Cleveland �iga.rette " 1741" National Heat�.ng Co. 2475 �OSwell �igarette " 17�2• Phillips Petroleum, Inc. Z� 1015 Rice �3.garette " 17'�l" General Tire & Rubber Co. 95 E. 8th Ci.garette " 1772° N.W. Bell Telephon� Co. 1k15 Case Cigarette " 1773'" N.W. Bcl.l Telephone Co. 125� Sylvan Cigarette " 177�+" � 5 1970 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Counci� 19� Yeas Nays Carlson � � ���o Dalglish Approved 19—_ Meredith � Tn Favor Peteraon � Sprafka '� Mayor Tedeaco Against Mr. President, Byrne ��IBLISHED MAR 719T0 0