D001198ncarwea coP�es ta: • ccyc�cc�s��o - Fnanca Oept.'s AzWUMing Divisian - Requestin9 ceG� • • No: �OdII Oate: (� --?� -. C� �j ADNIINISTRATIVE ORDER, Consistent with the authority granted to the Mayor in Section 10.07.4 of the City Charter and based on t6e request of the Chief of t6e St Paul Police Department to amend the 1996 budget of the General Fund (001), the DireMOr of the Office of Financial Services is authorized to amend said budget in t6e following manner: FROM: 001- C,eneral Fund 040�0 - Office Of The Chief 0248-Invesrigations 0354 - Law Enfurcement Supplies 0845 - Other-Specialized Equipment 04100 - Operations 0161- Salary Needs 0439 - Fringe Benefits 0848 - Other-Specialized Equipment 04200 - Ad�ninist�ation 0215 - Fees-Medical 0852 - Video Tape Equipment 04201- Directed Enforcement 0857 - Data Processing Aardware 04301- Records 0279 - Other-Repair & Maintenance 0354 - Law Enforcement Supplies 0389 - Other Miscellaneous Supplies 0811- Typewriters 04302 - Communication Center 0275 - O�ce Equipment Maintena�ce 0851- Radio Equipm¢nt 04307 - Motor Fleet 0344 - Parts For Vehicles 04340 - Building Maintenance 0271 - Building Repairs 0279 - Other-Repair & Maintenance TO: 001- GeneralFuud 04000 - Office Of The Chief Ol ll - Full Time PermanenY 0439 - Fringe BeneSts 04001- Fleet 0274 - Self Propelled Vehicle-Repair 03A1 - Motor Fuel 03A4 -Parts For Vehicles 0845 - Other Speciatized Equipment 04102 - Park Rsngers 0131- CertiSed Temporary 0274 - Self Propelled Vehicle-Repair 0344 - Parts For VeLicles 04300 - Support 5ervices Administration 0111- Full Time Perma�ent 0439 - Fringe Benefits 04303 - Training IInits 0111 - Fnll Time Permanent 04308 - Communications Services & Maintenance 0851 -Radio Equipment CURRENT APPROVED AMENDED SUDGET CIiANGES BUDGET 79 59,069 54,100 1,065,026 7,96Z,740 17,345 10,000 461 2,747 (36,Q00) (35,00�) (9,400) (368,900) (33,000) (15,79� (10,000) (461) �Z.74� 43,664 21,069 44,700 29,000 (13,000) 2,000 (1,500) 2,662 (2,400) 3,500 (2,400) 138,212 (11,000) 3,000 (2,000) 4,936 (4,93� 696,126 7,929,740 1,549 16,000 500 262 1,100 127,212 1,000 16,295 (8,179) 8,116 46,676 (15,249) 31,427 > > 7 � r � 4,172,213 325,000 1,338,127 28,000 537,000 17,245 279,452 64,161 252,b61 25,164 10,667 406 53,785 2,450 2,118 298,929 103,477 724,422 I,000 18,200 13,258 5,285 7,600 5,000 18,100 34,549 4,497,213 1,366,127 554,245 343,b13 277,825 11,073 71,958 15,708 7,A03 lOS,477 742,522 35,549 26,749 13,000 39,749 . > > > > r et� a e�� tor ate PP � S C I T Y O F S A I N T P A U L OFFICE OF THE MAYOR ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER BUDGET REVISION ..•., ✓C.� D - oo �I� �8391 �OFPICFJCOUNCIL DATE INITIA7ED POLICEDEPARTMENT 4/1/97 GREEN SHEE CONTACTPERSON 8 PHONE INITIAVDATE INITIAWATE DEPARTMENTDIRE �CITYCOUNGIL Chief William Finney 292-3588 A�IGN O CRYATfOBNEY � q7YCLEflK T BE ON COUNCIL AGENDA BY (DAT NUYBEP POR � ROVfING � gUDGEf DIRECTOR FIN. & MGT. SEqVICES OIR. ORDER ❑ MpYOfi (OFi ASSISTANT) � TOTAI # OP SIGNATURE PAGES 1 (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) ACTION REQUESTED: Approval of the attached Adtninistrative Order which will transfer budget money to provide sufficient funding at the budgetary control levels of the Police DepartmenYs 1996 General Fund Budget (001). AECOMMENDATIONS: Appmve (A) ar Aejett (R) PEFSONAL SERVICE CONTRACTS MUST ANSWER TXE FOLLOWING QUESTIONS: _ PLANNING COMMISSIQN _ CIVIL SEFiVICE COMMISSION �� Has this persondirtn ever worketl under a contract for this department? _ CIB COMMITTEE _ YES NO _ STAFF 2. Has Nis persontfirm ever been a city employee? — VES NO _ DiS7RICTCOURT — 3. Does this parsonHirm possess a skill not normally possessed by any curtent city employee? SUPPORTS WHICH COUNCIL OBJECTIVE? YES NO Explain all yes answers on separate sheet antl attech to green sheet INITIATING PROBLEM, ISSUE, OPPORTUNITV (Who, What, When, Whara, Why): To provide adequate funding at the budgetary control levels of the Police Department's 1996 General Fund Budget (001). ANTAGESIFAPPROVED. The Police DepartmenYs 1996 General Fund Sudget (001) will ha�e adequate funding at the budgetary control levels. DISADVANTAGES IFAPPROVED: None. DISADVANTAGES IF NOTAPPROVED' The Saint Paul Police DepartmenPs 1996 General Fund Budget (0011 will be overspent at the budgetary control levels. TOTAL AMOUNT OFTRANSACTION S S�I4 ,968.00 COST/REVENUE BUDGETED (CIRCLE ONE) YES NO FUNDIfdG SOURCE Geriel� FUlld ��Ol� pC71VITV NUMBER V8T'I011S FINANCIAL INPORM"ATION (EXPLAIN) � �