247762 ORf61NAL TO CITY CLBRK � 2j4����� � CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNC�L � � FILE NO. LICF.:NNSE CONiMITTE� OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK CO CIL R L ON— ENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY �' `' , �,rCh S f �97� COMMISSIONE DATF W�ASs The Ladies Au�.i.liary of Post No. 162, Jpw�rsh W�,r Veterans has mad.e application for permission to conduct Tag Days on Monday and Tuesday� June 8� and 9, 1970, between the hours of 8:00 a.m. and 3:00 p.m. on the streets of the City of Saint Paul� therefore� be it Ft�SOLV'uD: That permission be and the same is hereby �ranted to the Ladies Auxiliar,y of Post Pto. 162, Jewish War Veterans to oonduct such solicitati.ons on the d�,ys, dates, and between the hours requested, RIId'��,'WAL Informa,lly approved b�a Council March 3, 197o � 5 1970 , , , COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Coun�il 19— Yeas Nays � 5 ��o Carlson Dalglish Approved 19—_ Meredith � Tn Favor � Peteraon ` Sprafka J Mayor Tedesco A gainst Mr. President, Byrne PUBUSNED �AR 71970 O C �-- 4 CITY OF SAIIVT PAUL S - Capital of Minnesota ,3�--`'� v 7�� 2 ! �e a�t�ekt o a��ic �a et p � POLICE Tenth and Minnesota Streets HEALTH FIRE PROTECTION WILLIAM E. CARLSON, Commissioner POLICE AND FIAE ALARM ROGER M. CONWAY, Deputy Coma�iadoner DANIEL P.Me LAUGHLIN, Licen�e Inspeetor Ma,rch 3, 197� Honorable Ma,yor and City Council Saint Paul, Minnesota Gentlemen: The Ladies Auxiliary of Post No. 162, Jewish War Veterans of the U. S. A. make application for permission to conduct Tag Days on Monday and Tuesday, June 8, and 9, 1970 between the hours of 8:00 a.m. and 3:00 p.m. They have complied with Ordina,nce No. 1333e, amending Chapter No. 450.00 of the St. Paul Legislative Code and Ordin�nces which deals with solicitation of funds, The application is �iade by Sarah�;. Weitzman, Fresident and Rose Kuretsky,Treasurer. ry truly yours, � P//�C r License Tnspector \ P 4� �: P r!LL.'. ,, � �� 4�'��y'� !�"- " � O �' � ' C�TY t7F ST. FAUL Office of License Znspector 202 Publ.ic Safety Build3ng St o F�ul, �finnesota 55101 Application for permisaion to solicit fund�, or to eonduct tag days, upon the strests of the City of St, Paul, �3.nxi.esota, Date oP Application ��(� 19�� le Name oP organization���1.. ��1`I.1,�.1RR�1 l �O a. �`�N V��.R��I�S , Addreas of organization � � �4r��� o � � f�_ 2� �hief officer of organiza�ion� ��h ti� �� 3. Secretary of arganisation '�,� ` � ����,� 4. Name ot' person or persons responsible for the dfstributian of eollected funds. � D �� U �^�� 1 � ��`�_._,____�•�n�� �; `�V hL /,.�__�f W� 5. Purpoae or object for which solioitation is to be made � .� 1 a� - � e 6. Use to be �de of func�s colleeted 7. Solicitation w�.11 be �de on �,�,� �• �J / 70 dates . '�"'� , bet�en the hours of���, (� �'� M �nd 8. Loaation where solicitation will �ake placse �ppT�� ,QQ 9e List �he amounts oP any wa�esg fses, commissions, costs or expe�nses p�id o�^ �icsh are expected �o be paid in con.n.ection with solicitation.e Al�o list nammes of persons to whcmi paymentsr have bsen made or will bs m�de and the amounts of such ymentso (A financial sta�e�nt including this info�tion may be attachecia� � �� ��r� . y ,. 10. Attach a eopy of budget showing solicitations for this fiscal or calendar yea r. llo Have you read Chapter 450 of the St. �ul Legislativs Code, �rhioh prorvides for the aecuring af permission to conduot the solicitation of funds, or tag days, upon the streeta of the Gity of St. Paul and do you full�r understand the regulations �lso provided in said ordinance? 12, Application made in behalf of the above orga�.ization bys ' � r Na, . • Ti'tle or �Jffice �,.�..- .���o x Name��Il��.,,� Title or /Jf'fice / STATE CfF' MINNFSOTA) �S� CQUNTY OF RAMSEY � `. �+ and being duly sworn. say 'that ey are the petitioners in the above application; that they have read the f'oregoing petition and l�ow contents and purposes therepP; that same is true of the ir oam l�iovuledge. ` � / ^ L,�/ ��Y,� U Subscribed and sworn. to before me �his ��-�� day of� 19 ?a Notary u ic, msey Cotimty, M' e ota DOROTHY ' UNKELWITZ bd� COIilIIt19 � expires Notary Public, Ramsey County, Minn. ct. 25, 1970 � l�ai'ah 3• 19?� �un. Willia�a E. Carlsoa, Ca�sr. of Public 8atety, Tenth and l�ibn. 3ts., St. Paul� l�ian. Attn: Mr. Daasiel P. D�cLaughlin Da�r Sir: The City Coeu�il today iafaar�lly approved the application of tbe Ladi�s Amciliary oY Post llo. 162, Je�ri,�h iiar Vet�raas oY the U. 8. A. faar perai��ioa to aonduct Tag Days on lbnday aad Tu�esd+�y, Jur�e 8, aad 9, 19'T0� betwen the hc�rtu�s ot 8:00 a.m.and 3:00 p.m. , iiill yaa pleaae paregar� th�e cvsta■arr reaolution! n�7' tr�Y Y'�'�, Cif.y Cler�C �