247761 ORIQ:NAL TO CITY CLERK �����+ • CITY O� ST. PAUL FOENCIL NO. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK OUNCIL RE OLUTI N—GENERAL FORM � PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONE DATF RESOLYED: Tha,t the Purchasing Agent, on the reque�t of the I3epartment of Public Safety, Bureau of Fi.r� Proteetion, be author3.zed to purchase from Minnesota Mining & Maauu�'acturing Coaipar�y as pa,tented items under secti4n 290 of the City Charter without F'ormal Bid or Adv�rtis�ment the necessary "Opticom" system equ3.pment and techuical �ervices to instd.11 this equip�ent for 190 3.ntersectians of the City of Saint Paul, and 25 Model 151 "Opticom" emitters for emer�ency veh�.cles, at a total cost of �200,Of30.00, This equipment is waxran,teed for a �hree yeax period by Minnesota Mining $� Manu- �'acturing Company. The Corporat3on Counsel is her�by directed to draPt necessary contract for signatures o� b�th part3.es. Funds Yor this purchas� have been allocated out of the C.I.B. Funds for 1970. �1and ��g 6000-820 to be reimbursed from 9170-460-001 �-1- '� �"� APPRO�VED AS TO FOI�I: APPR4YED: �G����,,t�' _ `. ��f?'CORPORATION COIINSII, C � 3 FIASII�G AG�N'I' COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council �� � � 9— Yeas Naya Carlson 5 19�0 Dalglish Approved �R 19— Meredith � Tn Favor Peteraon � � Sprafk2 � Mayor Tedesco A gainst Mr. President, Byrne 1��SHED MAR 7 1974 �O � , _. .� � � . ` � r��rMn GENERAL OFFICES • 3M CENTER • ST. PAUL, MINNESOTA 55101 • TEL. 733-1110 Februa 17 1970 ��,u/ '. � � �� Mr. Robert Heaudry Purchasing Agent City ot Saint Psul St. Paul, Minnesota Dear Mr. Beaudrys The 3M Company offera to undertake a firs tix�d prica contract in th� amount ot T�ro Hundred Thousand Dollar• ($200,000.00) to provide and install 200 fntersections in the City of St. Paul, Minnesota with "OPTICOM" Brand Tratfic Control Devicea and apecial indicator lights as speci�isd by the City o� St. Paul, as well as to furniah twenty-five (2S) �lsl "OPTICOM" Bmittera, under the terma and conditio�s aa outlined below. Except for the work involved in pullinq �l�etrical wires throuqh conduit, �rhfch will be eubcontract�d, all hardware, equipment, wfre, and labor, less th� �loodlaaap bulbs, will be providsd by the 3M Cca�any. It is und�rstood and aqre�d that there �ay b� int�rsectiona wher• du• to uncontrollable cirewastancsa th� wir• cannot be pulled throuqh existing conduit (brok�n, capacity, etc. ) . Khere thia condition is exp�rienced and deteruin�d by mutual - aqreement between the City of St. Paul and the 3M Coapany. the intera�ction will not b� wired nor "OBTICOM" Devices inatalled. The above described intersectiona that cannot b� wired will bs reconatructed to provide euitable conduit by th• City of St. Paul prior to �►uqust 1, 1971 or alternate interssctions will be deaiqnated by the City o� St. Paul to b� wir�d and supplied with the "OPTICOM" equipaient. As s�gmenta ar� completed, segsents to be mutually aqreed upon by the City of St. Paul an8 3M Company, th• cos- pleted installations vrill bs inapected and approv�d by th� St. Paul police and Fire Alarm Departaent. 1i11NNESOTA RIINING AND RIANUFALTURING CORIPANY � ' Mr. Robert Beaudry - 2 - February 17, 1970 Upon completion of installations that are capable of being installed without reconstruction, the City of St. Paul will within ninety (90) days after installation app�ove and accept the completed installations and submit payment to 3M Company. All work shall be completed in good workmanlike manner in accordance with the warranty set forth below. In the event that the subcontracted portion of the proposed work involving the electrical conduit pullinq operation exceeds in cost, the $31 ,500. 00 allocated in this proposal for such work, the 3M Company proposes to notify the City of St. Paul. When the specific intersections are designated and a firm fixed price subcontract bid from a responsible firm is received, if such bid exceeds the afore- mentioned $31,500.00 amount, the 3M Company reserves the right to renegotiate the total firm fixed price of its prime contract with the City of St. Paul, or, in the alternative, renegotiate downward the total number of inter- sections on which the "OPTICOM" system is to be installed in order to conform with the anticipated costs as proposed and the amount of funding available from the city. Sincerely, �' � ��`� //"/ /` e-� t-� ���/�-�' E. L. McKenzie Department Manager New Business Development ELM/jac Specification attached / � / / � � S/ �Y �!__�� � .. � . 3m � GENERAL OFFICES • 3M CENTER • ST. PAUI, MINNESOTA 55101 • TEL. 733-1110 � Reflective Products Oivision February 23, 1970 cc: Hon. Wm. Carlson - Comm. Public Safety Mr. Robert Beaudry Purchasing Agent City of Saint Paul St. Paul, Minnesota Dear Mr. Beaudry, As a supplement to our letter proposal of February 17 to provide and install 200 intersections of the City of St. Paul, Minnesota along with supplementary attachments may we advise you that we now have a firm bid from a reputable electrical contractor covering the subcontracted portion of the underground and detector mounting segn►ents of our detailed proposal submitted February 17, 1970. We now have the necessary data to revise our proposal of February 17, 1970 and hereby assure the City of St. Paul of the complete installation of a minimum of one hundred and ninety (190) intersections subject to the . same physical conditions detailed in the February 17 proposal, i.e. The conduits must be in such condition as to permit normal pulling of wires and not involve broken conduit nor those conduits which are overloaded and cannot accommodate additional wires. Accordingly, 3M reaffirms its offer to undertake a firm contract to provide one hundred and ninety (190) intersections with "OPTICOM" Brand Traffic Control Devices, special indicator lights as well as to furnish twenty-five (25) �151 "OPTICOM" Brand Emitters for emergency vehicles: 190 sets of Intersection Hardware includinq the following: Phase selectors Phase selector brackets Detectors Detector cable Wire harness assembly Indicator hardware and cable Installation of aforementioned hardware at the designated intersections. Sincerely, �, �� ��%'��C' � E. L. McKenzi���� Department Manager New Business Develpp�ent RI I N N E S OTA RI I N I N G A N O R1AN U FACTU A I N G C O Ri PA NY � �` � 2-24-70 . � , � Dan Klas � Corporation Counsel ' c - ____4_- „ _.__� � Dan; vs OO W See attached, if resolution is OK would you approve and send back � .d for Mr. Beaudry's signature or rewrite. � � o Tha , A o ton � . N d � d f E O L �