03-707COUNCIL FTLE #: ��""� �, GREEN SHEET #: ?� D (��.��j �— Pzesented By: Referred to: P Committee Date: �� 1 WHEREAS, the City of Saint Paui Parks and Recrearion, in conjunction with the Saint Paul Garden Club; is implementing 2 a project to beautify the medians on Kellogg Avenue from Wabasha Sheet to Robert Street by planting a variety of shrubs, 3 perennials, and annuals; and 5 WHEREAS, the Saint Paul Gazden Club has received a STAR gant in the amount of $60,000 to be used towazds said 6 bearificarion project; and 8 WHEREAS, the Saint Paul Garden Club has requested that Pazks and Recreation manage and implement said 5TAR 4 funds; and 10 11 WHEREAS, Pazks and Recrearion is willing to procide construction management and implementation services upon the 12 amendment of the 2003 Capital Improvement budget; and 13 14 WHEREAS, the 5aint Paul Gazden Club has donated $10,000 to the City of Saint Paul to be used towazds this project; and IS 16 WHEKEAS, Patks and Recreation is requesring the use of Citywide Tree Planring dollars for the soil prepararion and the 17 purchase of shrubs and perennials related to this project; and 18 19 NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, by the Conncil of Uie City oY Saint Paul, upon the recommendation of the 20 Mayor, and the posihve advice of the Long Range Capital Improvement Budget Committee, that $ ll 0,000 is available for 21 appropriation in the 2003 Capital Improvement Sudget, and that the 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002, and 2003 budgets, as heretofore 22 adopted and amended by Council, aze hereby further amended as follows: 23 CURRENT AMENDED 24 FINANCING PLAN: 25 C99 - Pazks Capital Projects 26 3T069 - 1999 Citywide Tree Planting 27 7319 - Transfer from CIB - 1999 28 29 SPENDING PLAN: 30 C99 - Parks Capital Pmjects 31 3T069 - 1999 Citywide Tree Planting 32 0738 - Tree Plantings / Removals 33 34 FINANCING PLAN: 35 C00 - Parks Capital Projects 36 3T070 - 2000 Citywide Tree Planring 37 7320 - Transfer from CIB - 2000 ��'.3 BUDGET CHANGES BUDGET 125,000 (11,11812) 113,881.88 125,0OO.OU (11,11812) 113,881.88 355,797 (11,118.12) 344,678.88 355,797.00 (11,118.12} 344,678.88 490,000 (3,45634) 486,543.66 490,000.00 (3,456.34) A86,543.66 39 SPENDING PLAN: 40 C00 - Pazks Capital Projects 41 3T070 - 2000 Cityv✓ide Tree Planring 42 0738 - Tree Plantings f Removals 49�,�00 (3,456.34) 486,543.66 43 490,000.00 (3,456.34) 486,543.66 G4FM14TiJW34ResoWtions, AOs, Green SheetslResolutionslKellogg Gardens Reso/utionx(s Page: 7 of3 COTJNCIL FII.E #: O� ��� GREEN SHEET #: 7��('��.r RESOLUTION CITY OF SAINT PAUT,, MIlVNESOTA Presented By: Referred Yo: Committee Date: 44 FINANCING PLAN: 45 COl - Pazks Capital Projects 46 3T071 - 2001 Citywide Tree Planting 47 7321 - Transfer from CIB - 2001 350,000 (14,387.79) 335,612.21 48 350,000.00 (14,387.79) 335,612.21 49 SPENDING PLAN: 50 COl - Pazks Capital Projects 51 3T071 - 2001 Citywide Tree Planting 52 0738 - Tree Plantings / Removals 350,000 (14,387.79) 335,612.21 53 350,000.00 (14,3$7.79) 335,612.21 54 FINANCING PLAN: 55 COZ - Pazks Capital Projects 56 3T072 - 2002 Citywide Tree Planting 57 7322 - Transfer from CIB - 2002 350,OQQ (11,Q37.75) 338,962.25 58 350,000.00 (ll,037.75) 338,962.25 59 SPENDING'PLAN: 60 CO2 - Parks Capital Projects 61 3T072 - 2002 Citywide Tree Planting 62 0738 - Tree Plantings { Removals 350,000 (11,037.75) 338,9b2.25 63 350,000.00 (11,037.75) 338,962.25 64 FINANCING PLAN: 65 CO3 - Parks Capital Projects 66 3R042 - Kellogg Gazdens 67 7319 - Transfer from CIB - 1999 0 ll,118.12 11,118,12 68 7320 - Transfer from CIB - 2000 0 3,45634 3,45634 69 7321 - Transfer from CIB - 2001 0 14,387.79 14,387.79 70 7322 - Transfer from CIB - 2002 0 11,037.75 11,037.75 71 6905 - Coutributions and Outside Donations 0 10,000.00 10,000.00 72 7306 - Transfer from Capital Project Fund 0 60,000.00 60,000.00 73 0.00 110,000.00 110,000.00 74 75 SPENDING PLAN: 76 CO3 - Pazks Capital Projects 77 3R042 - Kellogg Gardens 78 0894 - General Construction 0 110,000 I 10,000 79 0 ll0,000 ll0,000 80 81 FURTHER RESOLVED, that the City Council waives the current STAR guideline requiring a one for one private sector 82 do11az match to allow for STAR funding of the Kellogg Gazdens project. 83 $4 FINALLY RESOLVED, that the City of Saint Paul accepts and sincerely thanks the Saint Paul Garden Club for their 85 donarionof$1Q000. G:lFM4Q71JW34Resolutions. AOs, Green SheetslResolutionslKelfogg Gardens Resolution.z/s Page: 2of3 COLJNCIL FILE #: v�"1 �1 GREEN SHEET #: 3 DOp'� S P>Y RESOLUTION CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MI�'NESOTA Presented By: Refened to: Committee Date: Adopted by Council: Date: /�j,��, �� �DB3 Requested by: Division of Parks and Recreation By: . �� Q��-v ��..:- Approval RecRmmended by Financial Services Director: // By: S y !" E �9 �. �e4a� �3g-� C�' ys5ta} �.�*,e�:�.s: �t �itY�e aa�'i� k� i�qia�t �r, •"'""`^ � �" b � _ ,._ d1YL� Y9C'JR?01E�ri= �t.%�i2w� �'x��d: _ �-�C.� (/C�"""e .___.__..._. . G:IFMIQ71JW31Resolutions, AOs, G�een SheetslResolutionsVCellogg Gardens Resolution.xls Page: 3 of 3 Adoption Certified by Council Secretary Form Approved by City Attoy�ne� � a3-'� Gresra Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet pR — PafKSandRetreation Contact P�sOn & Phone: Jason Wirka 266-GM1i7 Must Be on Couneil Aasn 14JUL-03 I Green Sheet NO: 3002582 � Deoarhnent Sent To Person InitiaVDate 0 ' � Assign 1 Recrea "oa De Directar Number 2 c�al ceFroancisl /"�S �� Por 3 i A �. ��`� Roufing prdp,r 4 ce o / 5 uncil Ci Co 6 ' Gi i er Total # of Signature Pages _(Clip All Locations for Signature) Action Requestetl: Approval of attached budget resolution authorizing a new Capital Imgrovemeni pro}ect for the planring of a variety of shrubs, perennials, and annuals in the medians along Kellogg B,�weiine from R'abasha �o Roberc Streets. �/✓.D. Recommendations: Approve (A) or Pianning Commission � CIB Committee Civil Service Commission _� S�� the Foilowing Questions: 1. Has this person/firm ever worlced under a coMract for this departme�t? Yes No 2. Has this person/Eirm ever been a city employee? Yes No 3. Does this persoNfirm possess a skill not norznafly possessed by any current city employee? Yes No Facplain all yes answers on separate sheet and attach to green sheet Initiating Problem, issues, Opportunity(Who, What, When, Where, Why): A Cultural STAR grant was awazded for $6Q�00.0� and the Saint Paul Gazden Club has committed to contributing $10,000.00; Pazks and Recreafion is requesGng the use of Citywide Tree Planting dollars for the balance of this beaufificapon project ($40,000.00). Advanta9es If ApProved: The beauUfication of a downtown thoroughfaze will be completed. Disadvantaqes If Approved: None DisadvanWges If NotApRroved: Parks will not be reimbursed for construction costs incuned. u sxnouni of Jp 11 q0�0.00 Transaction: Fundinq Source: STAR, Saint PBUI Flnancial lnformation: Gafden Club, CIB (Explain) CosVRevenue Budgeted: (y ActiviN Number: V8f10US