247684 OR�OINAL TO CITY CLERK CI 1 1 OF ST. PAUL � couNC�� �/�r � �
PRESENTED BY '�. M�Z'Ch J� 197�
RESOL�ED: That application for the transfer of On Sale Liquor and Sund.ay-On-Sale Liquor
Licenses, issued to Melvin L. Lipschultz at 1209 ��vest Seventh Street to
Ma.rvin D. Cooper at the same address andhis application for Restaurant,
Tavern, Off Sale Malt Beverage, Cigarette and Bowling (S alleys) licens�s
at the same location� be and the same are hereby granted on the condition
that within (��� days of this date said Marvin D. Cooper shall comply
with a11 requixements of the Bureaus of Fire� Health, and Folice, and the
License Inspector, pursuant to the St. Paul Legislative Code and all other
applicable ordinances and laws;
� � ���0
COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19—
Yeas Nays � 1�]0
Dalgliah Approve 19—_
Meredith �n Favor
Peteraon �
Sprafka � Mayor
Tedesco A gainst
Mr. President, Byrne pUg1,ISNED MAR 7 a970
� Capital of Minnesota + �
�e a�ti�e�t o a��ic �a et �
� �
POLICE Tenth and Minnesota Streets HEALTH
ROGER M. CONWAY, DeDaty Coma3e�ioner
DANIEL P. Me LAUGHLIN, Lieense InsyeeWr
Maxch 3, 1970
Honorable Ma.yor and City Council
Sa.int Paul, NLinnesota
Marvin D. Cooper is joined by Melvin L. Lipschultz in
making application for the transfer of On Sale Liquor License No.
7670 and Sunday-Jn-Sale Liquor License No. 3618, both expiring
January 31, 197i, from the present licensee, Melvin L. Lipschultz
at 1209 �a'est Seventh Street to Marvin D. Cooper at the same address.
Mr. Cooper also makes application for Restaurant, Tavern,
Off Sale Malt Beverage, Cigarette and Bowling (8 alleys� licenses for
the same location.
This establishment has been licensed for a simila.r business
since 1934. The present licensee, Mr. Lipschultz, has been licensee
since 1957, ���a�l'
Currently Mr. Cooper is in business operatingAin the
First National Bank Building. ��
Very truly yours,
. ` ��-` `
License Tnspector
February 25, 1970
Mayor and City Council
City of Sa.int Paul
Ramsey County Cou�t House �
Saint Paul, Minnesota 55102 ,
� Honorable Gentlemen:
The undersigned has sold the on-sale liquor license located at 1209 West
7th Street, Saint Paul, Minnesota, owned by the undersigned to Marvin D.
The undersigned hereby requests the City Council of the City of Saint Paul
. to authorize the transfer of this license to Marvi.n D. Cooper and Melvin
Lips chultz.
The reason that the undersigned desires his name on said license is for
security purposes and when the total amount of the purchase price due and
owing the undersigned by Marvin D. Cooper is paid in full, the undersigned's
name shall be removed from said license with the consent of the Council.
. Resp ctfully submitt ,
. s�/ ; L ` ,
� ' schult "
� ^
- ,
February 26,y1970 -
� To The Mayor and City Councii
City of Saint Paui •
Court House
Saint Paui, Minnesota .
Honorable Gentiemen:
The undersignedYas entered into a purchase agreement to purchase
the Iiquor License Iocated at 1209 West Seventh Street,-Saint PauL,
_ _
_.____ _
Minnesota. - - _
I hereby request the Councii to transfer said license to the under-
signed and Metvin Lipschuitz, who is the present owner of the license.
The iicense wiii remain at the same Location where I have entered
. into a tease agreement for the premisea.
The reason for Mr. Lipschuitz's name remaining on the License is
for security purposes. His name wiit be removed when I have paid
him in futt pursuant to our agreement.
� Respectfutiy Submitted,
in D. Coo ' r �
_ , .
Data � / �- 7 19 � �
1. Appl3.eatian for Cn LiquOr - Liaen�e
2. Nasue oP applic3ant lUf rv�n T'�_ Ceener ,,,^
s. Bus�ees aaa��a 12Qg West Seventh 5'�, Residence 187Q Eleanor
4e Trada x�me, if any�$t 7th Street F.3c�rov1 & L.i�r_ .
5a xetail Beer Faderal Taa Stamp Retail Liquor Federal Tax Stam.p _ �rill be usedo
..,.v... _. _ _ _
6. C� what Ploor looated f'1rSt Nutnber of roanns used`°,���,m�
7v Betvreen v�at crosa etreets Which side of etreet _ rj�,h
8, �re premisea novr ooaupied���ha� businese ,��e Hcn� long��a_ r��
9. �re premiaea naw un.ocoupied�Haw long vacant Previous use
10� wre you a new amm.er �e� Have you bean ua a s imilstr bu�ine�a bef ore rg�il�'_gnL
�Phere 2st Na.titmFil F3�nk A1�jQ_ Nhen ,�,4� t!2�.��Q -
11. are you goa.ng to operate this buainesa personally___p@�
If not, who �aill opare�te it
12. Are you in any other business at the present tim+e Np
13o Have thers been any aomplaints againat your operation of this type of plaQe���
fl�hen iPPhere
14, Iisve you ev�er had any lieen�e revoIaed ND 'p�hst reason and date
l�o Are you a Qitisan of the Uiv.ted States�Aativ+e p�g Natural�zed
16v ilfhere w�are you born�y���Cn��Q Date of birth �-�?-�0
17. I am pe9 married. �y (wiPeBs� (�[) na�e a�.d addreas is Ruth
iE70 El�anor
18. (If married fem�le) my maiden name i� R11�h RC►.��t3b1U211
19. Ho�r long have you lieed i.n St a Paul 45 yfFi�'�
20� Hav�s �rou ev�er been srrested No Violation o� �rhat criminal law or ordinan:QeY�
2Z. Are qou a registered voter in the Ci�ky of $t s Pau1^�y�S Yes Noe
(Ans�aar fully and Qompletely, Theee a �lieations are thorou hl checak+ad anct an
falaification wfll be Qa�ase fo� denialo-
22, �umber of 3.2 places within two blooks
23• Cloaest intoxicating liquor plaoeo t� Se�le Off Sale
24. �eareet Churc:h Nearest &shool
25, Nwnber u� b�otha 5 Tables 5 Cha3xa �4 Stoo18 a0
26. iPhat accup�,tion. ha�e you follow�ad for the past five q�sarso (Giqe namea oP empls�Sre�
and da�es eo employed.)
Restsurant Bu�it�e�s, lst National �k Buildfng, St. Paul, Min�tesats
27, Giv�e� nsmes aad addrease� o�' �a pereone, reaidenta of 3tp l�tuls �3.nno, �arho caan give
3.n�orma►tioon oancern:ing yvua
xame Joseph J. L'udl�y 1�aare s e W-1�E0 First National, St. Paul
r _ .. .. ._... .. _.__
xam� Georq�_o�3� Adaress th a d Euc
�ure of pp ican
State of �innasota)
C oun�y Qf �mee�r
MS�1� L�. CCiqp�r being first ciuly aroroY°n., depo�es ax�d say�
upon oath t he Yua� re�d the foregoing statemen� bearing his aignature and la�ox�
the contenta thereof, and that�t�e asm� 3.s �TUe- of his o�rn. ',l�.owled e ex t as to
thoee mattera theroin etated upaal inform�tion a belieP and as h e ttex°s
he believea th�m to be trueo
ture of �pplicant
Subearibed and sworn to before �s •
thie �_day of r 19�
blia� ey County esota
� (�+l�l�.g8�.pa AXpZl"8$ Notary Pub�ic, Ramsey Countj+, Minn.
.. ,. ., v. 16,.1974� _
(Notea These statem�nt forms are �.n duplicate. �Both csopies muat be fully filled outa
notarized, and returx�ed to the Lioense Division���
. Re s �Sale � /•� u ��Q. LiQense
Na� of appiicant
su��.nes$ ac�areas����09 West Seve.� Street
Are �ou the sole owner of this businessR��. if note is it a �rtnerahip?
corporatian? , other?
Others interested in busi.ness, include those by loan of' r,�aney, praperty or otherra:ises
�a� None Addresa Haw
If a cs orporation, give ita nau�a None
Are you interested in any way in any other Retail Beer or Liquor businesa? NO
As sole owner4 Partner? Stoekholder?
Othervvise? (Through loan of money9 etee Explain� pr•g�p� �ner wi 1 �.v� not� for
,,,�art �aymen�
Address of such buainess and nature of interest in same Nnng
Signature of applican
State of Minnesota�
�s s
C ounty of �maey
M3rV111 L�. COQp@r being first duly sworna deposes and says upon oath
that he has read the fore�oing affidavit bearing hia signature and l�o�a the contents
thereoP; that the same is true of his cmm l�o�wledgea except as to thnse matters therein
stated upon informatian and belief and as to those matters he beliaves them to be truee
Signatuz°e of applicant
Subsoribed and sworn to bsfor'� m19( �
thia day of ��.
��� - ��-�-��-�_
N ary Publicy s�r County, Mi esota
My aOmmi8s3.o�1 AXp].Y'98 1:�SEPH J. DUDIEY
pittr!i�-Ramsey County, Minn.
�vty Commission Expires IVov. 16, 197��
s�a� � �nJrrESOT�)
) ss
Marvin D. CQOp,�r,_ being f ir�t duly svrorn, doth depose
and say that he make� this affidavit in connection �ri�h applioati�n for
" �n Ssle" liquor license ("�Sale" malt bevera�e licenae) in the �ity of
3aint Pau1, Mianeaota; that your affiant is a resident of the State of �innesota
and haa resided tharein for 45 yeara, months, and is
now and has been for the time �bove mentioned a bo� fide rasident of said State
and that he now resides at 1870 Eleanor
� Addre s s
St. Paul , Minnes ota,
City or Town
Subsoribed and sworn. to before me
this �3 day of �--(/f.-�- 19�
ota blio, Rams oun , �dinnesa
�dy oo�nission expires
Notary Pi�.S;�� Ramsey C�unty, Minn�
IMy C�:r.missi.�� E ,�;r�� PJ�v. 15, 1974.