247683 t Y���yyy l OR161NAL TO CITY CLHRK �/I" /���{ . CITY OF ST. PAUL OOE NCIL N�,, �z � �' FFICE OF THE CITY CLERK �C� ��T� COU IL RESOLUTION-GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY Ma,Y'Crl 3� 1.970 COMMISSIONE DATF RESOLV�;D: That application for the transfer of On Sale Liquor License and Sunday-On-Sa1e Liq�snr License, issued to Maynard H. Moenke at 567 Stryker Avenue to The Browr3 Derby Lounge, Inc. at the same address and their application for Restaurant, Tavern, Off Sale Malt Beverage and Gigarette licenses for the saane address , be and the same are hereby granted on the condition tha,t within ��o day� of this date said The Brown Der�y Lounge, Inc. shall co{gply with a11 requireme�}ts of the Bureaus of Fire� Health, and Police, and a3� the License Inspector pursuant to the St. Paul Legislative Code and all other applicable ordinances and laws. � COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council � 3 191019_ Yeas Nays Carlson �� 3 ��70 Dalglish pproved 19�_ Meredith n Favor Peterson ' Sprafka Q Mayor A gainst Tedesco Mr. President, Byrne ��s�� � 7 �970 O . , , , CITY OF SAINT PAUL Cspital of Minnesots ����ic'�� �e a�ti�e�t o a��ic �a et p � POLICS Tenth and Minnesota Streets HEALTH FIRE PROTECTION WILLIAM E. CARLSON, Commisaioner POLIC& AND FIBE ALARM ROGER M. CONWAY, Deputy Commla�ioner DANIEL P.Mc LAUGHLIN. Lieense Imyeetor Maxch 3, 1970 Honorable Mayor and City Council �aint Paul, Minnesota Gentlemen: The Brown Derby Lounge, Inc. is joined by rlaynaxd H. Moenke in making applic�tion for the transfer of On Sale Liquor License No. 7737, and Sunday-On-Sale Liquor License No. 3s47, both e xpiring January 31, 1971 from Maynard H. Moenke, at 567 Stryker Avenue to The Brown Derby Lounbe, Inc. at the same a,ddress. The Brown Derby Lounge, Inc. also makes applic,�,tion for Restaurant, Tavern, Off Sale Malt Beverage and Cigarette Licenses for the sa,me location. The officers of the corporati on axe Donald R. Orth, President and Secretary; and Kenneth L. Anderson,Vice-president and Treasurer. P'iessrs. Orth and Anderson are also the two stockholders. This location has been licensed for a simila,r business since 1933. The present licensee, Mr. Moenke, has been licensee since 1960. Mr. Orth was associated with the Midway Enterprises, Inc. from April to December 1969. Prior to this he was a computer operator for 15 years with Unisac Corporation. Mr. Anderson was been a lia,uor salesman for the past five years for Griggs-Cooper Co. V ry t ruly yours, �i� C�'w�.c.(�J ,, i/��0� � � �� . License Inspector �O FELHABER,LAR.SON� FENLON AND VOGT ArroRlv$ys nT LwW RICHARD S.FELHADER ' . W-s8es Fnwt N�oNwi.B�rrc Bvnrnrro GU3TAV A.LARSON ltoasxr 1,FENLON • . $i.PAUL,MINNE�OTA 86101 THOMAS M.VOGT � � �an cora aiz ssz-eazi EDWARD ].BOHAER DAVID R.HoLs CHARLBS F.BISANZ,JR. RUSSBLL J,SUDEITH.JR. WILLlAM T..ECLLUND DwNist R.WACHiLB� , February 24, 1970 City of St. Paul Department of Public Safety License Irispector St. P�.ul, Minnesota Re: The Brown Derby Lounge, Inc. Our File Number 3148 Gentlemen: � I hereby request the transfer of the liquor license that I presently . hold from my name into the name of The Brown Derby Lounge, Inc. , a � corporation purchasing the establishment from me. �` ����� M ard H. Moenke We, officers of the Brown Derby Lounge, Inc. , hereby request the transfer of a liquor license from Maynard H. Moenke to The Brown Derby Lounge, Inc. , a Minnesota corporation, that is purchasing the establishment from Maynard H. Moenke, the present holder of the liquor license. � , , � Donald R. Orth, Pre 'dent . � �ti�2�G enneth L. Anderson, Vice President � ' CITY �F SAINT PA�IL � ' D�PART�NT �' PU$LTC SAFETY LICBNSE DIVZSItyN Date 19?0 . 1. Applioatian Por Q/f/ � ��,�� �/ Q � �j� ' Liaen�e r- 2, Na�e of e►pplic�ant �nald R�,Orth �,,, 3. Buaiaesa addre$s��7 �rv ,gr Avenue Reaidenae lg�g ��,,.th Ha�pt� St, PA��t� MinneBOta 4o Trsde xiame, if a�.y The Brown Derbv.,Lounge, Inc. 50 &etail Beer Federal Tax Stamp � Rei�il Ziquor Fedear�l Tax Stamp X will be uaeda 6. t�i �+rhat floor located Main Floor N�er� of roc�as used'�:Two rooms ?, Betwesn ro�at crosa streeta��or�e-•Stqvene �fhi�csh �ide of street We�t 8. �Are premieee aow oocupiedy�w�lfhat businese M ��e So� lo�xg 9. �,ra premiaea novr unoocupied�Q Ho�w l�ng vacant Previoua use 10, Are you a new rnmer �� l�ve you been in a similar busine�s bePore y�� .� ...-.._-_ �fhere 1853 LTnivers�t,y.�„�e„�e '�e� ��1 1 to��]sce ber 1� 19,�69 ..� St. Paul Minne�ot� 11. Are you goixig �o opera e his buainsss pereonallyYes I� not, who vrill oparate it�he Brown Derby�ouo�e. Ine. --I will be dfreetor anci maciager 12. hre you in anp ather bueiriess at �he present tim�s �o _ _ ._ A 1.°,, Have thsre been any a�plaints againat your operati.an of this type of plaoe No YPhen Rhere 1�. H�ve you ev�er had ��y lioenae revokisd�t rea�on and date 15. Are you a citizen oP the Ux�.ted S"tatea��Nativ�e X Naturalized 16v 1lhere �ere you barn St. �aul. M#nne$c�tt Date of birth -28 2•26 � . 17. T am mQ�-ried. �Iy (w3.fe g�) ���°� name and addreas is Lc�rraine 1666 North Hezel, St. Paul, ARinneeota 18. (If married fem�le) �y maidext nams ia 19. Hr3w long have you lived in St e Paul 1��ime_ " _ _ 20, Hav�a you ev+ar bsen arreated No Y3olation. of what cri�nal lave� or �rdinanae�� 21, Are qou a registered voter in the Ci�r of $t. 1'�u] Yea �Toe (Anata�r fully ar�ci oompletelye These a lications are tMorou hl aheal�ed and aa faleifioai�on qrii.11 be cara�e fo� en3.�lo 22, l�umber of S,2 p]�aes �rithin t�wo blooka ' � ' 23• Cloaea� intoaciaating liquor plaaeo t� Se�le O�f Sale 24. Aeareat Churah Nearest School 25. N�mber of' tboothe Tables Chairs Stool� 26. '9Phat occupation hage you Pollovaed for the p�st five yearso (G�ve namea of empl��x°� and dates eo employ�d.� Managgr_-,��� Enter�j,g�,,� Inc._ - Anr� 1 te December 1� 19B9 � t _ 27. GiQ+e� x�mea and addreeaee o� t�wo persona, reaiclents of St„ l�uls �I[3.nne, xho eaan give iafo�m�tion eoncerrt3.ng youe : N&m9 �'i red Aeth� Add2`9et� ?.D�q�h�ir� n Aven �e Aa�e Donald $ethke Addresa 1148 Geranium Avenue East ' � ✓z�� , Si�nature of pp ioant State of Minrr�aaota) _ �ss C ounty of �mae�r Qo ` being first du].y s�rtox°n.9 dapdsee �►nd sa� upon�t�h��re��the orego n.g a�tate�nt bearing hia signatux°e and kno�r� the co�ntenta thereoP, and-that the eame is �rue� of his aan3. lrn.awledge excep�G aa to thoee mattera therein �tated upoal inform�tion and belief and as to �hoae mstte�°s he believes th,�m to be true. /� � r � Signa aP �pplicant Subsaribed arui a�►orn to before m�a ' thia da� oP . 19�� No i°y bl , Ramaey ou�t eacte► LL 'J. SUDEITH, Jr. Notary Public, Ramsey County, Minn�, ]U�y Ccmomiasion 6Sp1I'AH Mv Gommiccien f�c^rM net,���� �973 . _ (Note� These statemant forma �re in. duplioate. �Both copies must be fully filled outa notarized, and returned to the Lic�nse Division��r • AFF ID.A,V IT B Y APPL ICANT FOR RETAIL BEER OR LIQUOR LICENSE Re: ��Sale ����' LiQenae Name of appiicant`_ Th�Br_Q�vn DerbY_Loun�e. Inc. Busineas addx�ess56? t er Avenue St. Paul Minnesota Az°e �ou the sols �nnm.er of this business4_�. If not, is it a partnership� No corporation?_ ye8 , o:bher? (?thers interested in business, inelude those by loan. of money, property or othex�tises Nam�Kenne.�h I,,�p�ndersQn Address2000 Jefferson Avenue xawr Stockholder St. Paul Minneaota �, ard Moenke 175 Wes� Baker Street Seller St. Paul, Minnesota If a c orporation, give its name_ _�� �rflven DerbX Loun�e. Inc. Are you interested in any way in an�r othar Retail Besr or Liquor business? No As sole oaraer? Partner? Stockholder? Otherprise? (Through loan of monsy, etcB Explain) Ye8 - Loan being paid to applicant dw ises nc. �ddress of such busine ss and nature of intereat in same 1553 Univer8itv ,�4 venue, St. Sig ure of applican State of Minnesota as County of �msey Donald R. Orth being first duly s,�orn, deposea and says upor� oa�h th�t he has read the foregoing affidavit bearing his signature and knowa the conten�s thereof; that the same is true of his r�wn. lrncmwledge, eacept as to thoae matters therein stated upon information and belie:f and as to those mQtters he believea them to be true. ignature of applicant Subsoribed and sworn. to bafore me thia 25th day af Februar 19 70 � N tary Pub c, ey Coun 9 �di.nnesota RUSSELL' 'J. SUDEITH, Jr. M�r esommission A7CPl� Public, Ramsey Coun �1�� M�Y. ��� . ■ e s�� � �nJrr�soTA) ) s8 Ct7UNTY OF RAI2SEY � Donald R. Orth being Pirat duly s�rorn, d4th depose and say that he makes this affidavit in conneatiou �ith applicsation for " Sale" liquor liee�se (" Salen malt beverage licenae) 3n the �ity of Saint Paul, �dinnesota; that your affiant ia a resiclent of the State of Minnesota and haa resided therein for 44 yeara, 4 m�ths, and 3.s ncwr and has bsen for the time �bove mentioned a bona fide rasident of aaid State and that he now resides �t 1666 North Hazel � Addre a s St. Paul , Minnesota. Citq or Town G�z���'� • �•�2%nJ ° Subsaribed and sworn to before me this 25th day of Februar�_1510 tary b o, Re►maey Cu , b�tinnesota Ddy aommiasion expirea RUSSELL` 'J. SUDEITH, Jva Notary Public, Ramsey County, Minrt. My Commission Expirez Oct. 27, 19�3 ' CITY flF SAIl�1� PAUI� DEPART�dENT �' P�T$LIC SJIFSTY LICE1tiTSE DFtTISIdN Date 19��� , 1. Applioati:on Por ��� � L � �/ �,c�p,�, - S�iQenae 2� N8��8 of applic:ant Knnnrath j,,,,,Ar��rann �_ 3. Businese e►ddre+�s�r6T �tr,vker Av�c�ue $esidenoe ��l TBff�yrBnn Aven��A 4o Trsde �me� if S� Zhe Rrnwr► Z�� 3,.e�no _ In�_ 50 &etail Beer Federal Tax Stamp X Retail i�iquor Fedearal Tax Stamp x �rill be uaedo 6. Cin �h�►t fluor located �gin Flonr N�er of roaana used'i: Two rooms ?o Betw�sen �at crosa gtreets� ,. P_ t l�hich side of street Wpgt YtL.g.., .��i P 31.��?,T�. _. . . 8. �re prem3ses novP occupied�e8 What businese� �.�� Ho�+r lcmg 9. �Are premiaee no� unoccupied�_Haw long �acant Pre�ioua use 10, �re you a new c�emar es Have you baen a.nn a simi].ar businea� befpre No '�here 'IPhex�. 11. Are you going to operate �hia buainess persanally �o If x10'�� 7fh0 1P1�.1 Op�Y'8t'te 1�'i►�h�! Rro�ar.41 ]�j'b�v,;j,.n4 n°'P. jOC. "•Z witi ha, r�irsaninr,,,,�nr� rr,nt78g'@I 12. hre you in an�* other bueiness at the present tim�a No 13, Ha�'e thare been any Qomplaints againat your oper�tian oP thi� type �f pyaae � V1h.en ' Rhera 1�. ��ea �ou ever had ax�y licsenae revolasd ' No �hst reason a�ut date �� -.- - -r - - - --.- .. . . l5. Are yo�z a Qitizen of the Ur�ted S�atea Yee Rativ�e X Nat�ralized _.r._...d. _ _. ....�.,__._�_� ` 160 lihere �re you born St. Paul, Mi�nesota �te of birth 12-27-37 � _ 17. I am m�rried. My (ro�3.fe es) ���nam� and addresa ig�ren Ander�nn, 2000 Jei'ferson Avenue St Paul M eeo 18. (If married female� my maideri nams i� 19. Ho� long �ave you lived in Ste Paul � �Oo Hav�a you ev�er bsen srrested 9iolatioa oP what criminal la�r or �rdiriancse �� 21. Are �rou a regie�ered voter in the Ci�r of St. Paul X Yes Noa (Anslaer fu11y �nd oompletelya �hese a �lications are thorou hl cheal�ad and aa faZaifioatian will be Qauae for eniala_ � _ 22. �umber oP 3.2 plaaes �rithin t�ro blooks 23. Clo�eat intaa�iaating liquor plaoem � Sale Off Sale 24, BTeareat Churc�h Neareat Sehool 25e Number of b�otha None Tables 33 Chairs 120 Stoola 31 26. W�t occupe�tion ha�'e you follovred for the past five year�o (Gi�e names of empl�y�ax°� and date s so emplu�red.) Wholesale liquor salesman - with Griggs-Cooper - five years 27. Giv�e� names e►nd addres$e� of ttw�o p�raons, residents oP 8to P4�uls Mi.nnp, rorho Qan give informatioa eoncerning youb ��sFloyd Anderson Addreae 1126 Desoto, St. Paul. .�innesota �a� Russell �, �d � , .Tr �ddresa 2014 Jeffers.on Avenue, St. Paul, Minnesota � �nature o pp ioan 3tate of Minnsaota� • �sa C oun�y of Ramaey Kenneth L. Ander being first duly s�rorn., depa�es snd say� upon oa e Y�a rea the forego atat�emen� bearin.g his sa.gnatuz°e and l�ovr� the cantenta thereoP' and �tha,t-the aams ia �rueLL of hia owt3. lano�rledge esccept as �o thoee mattera therbin a�ted upam. inPormation and belieP and as to thoae mattex°s he believ�ee tham to be true. � ig2�ature of �pplicsant Subsoribed arxi �woi°n �o before m�► ' thia 25th day of February 1510 ,. �� . �� � No ry bli 9 Ramaey Count n , eauta RUSSELL' 'J, SUDEITH, JKa �r Ct�713.88�013 AXpi2"68 �otarv Public Ramsey County.,'Minn� My Commission ExPi�[es� 27�19T3 (Notea These statement forma are i.r; duplicate. Both csopies miust be tully fi�.led outa notarized9 and returaed to the Liaense Divisione�� , • AFFIDAVIT BY APPLICANT FOR RETA IL BEER 4R LIQUOR LTCENSE Res �_Sale �l Q � �� LiQenae Name of applicant_ The Brown Derby Lounge, Inc. Busix�ess address 567 Stryker Aver�ue, �t� �aul�l,�l�i�r�g.�gta Are y�ou the sole own.er of thia business? Np. If noty is it a partnership? NO corporatian? Yee , otrher? Others interested in business, include those by loan of money, proparty or otherw�.ses Nam�Do�ld R. Orth Add�ss 1666 North Hazel �� Stockholder St. Paul Minnesota Maynard Ht Moenke 175 Wes� Baker St�eet Seller St. Paul, MinneBOta If a a orporation, give its nams The Brown Derb,v Lounge, Inc. Are you interested in any way in any other Retail Bser or Liquor buainess?No As aole ommer� Partnar? Stoekholder? Other�rise? (Through loan of money� etce Explain) Aadresa of such buainess and nature of interest in same Signature of applicant State of Miinne s ota ss C ounty of �msey _ Kenneth T._ pndersnn bei.ng first duly sxarn, deposes and says upon oath that he haa read the foregoing afPidavit bearing his sigr3ature and l�ows the content� thereof; that the same is true of his a�rn lrnawledge, excapt as t� �hose matters therein. stated upon information and belief and as to those m�tters he believas them to be trus. $i�natur°e of applicant Subaoribed and svrorn. to bafore me this 25 day of February__1970 ✓ Not ry ubl c, Ramaey Co y, Minnesota RUSSELL . SUDEITH, Jr. �� QOinm`19Si.Ori A7���6{$iblic, Ramsey County, NI�� My Commissio� pir , � 97+9-- s. " . . _ s�i� � ��so�A� ) SS COUNTY OF RAMSEY } Kenneth L�,Ande�n being first duly sworn, doth depose and sa�r that he makea this affidavit 3.n connection �+rith appl.ication f or " Sale" liquor licenae (" Sals�' malt beverage licen$e) in the �ity of 3aint Pau1, Minnesota; that your affiant is a rssiden� of the State of Minneso�� and hae resided therei.n f or 32 yeare� 2 mol�.ths, a�d is noer �nd has been for the tim�e �bo�re mentioned a bo� fide resident of said State and that he now resides at � A dress t. Paul , Mi�nesota. City or Town �� � Subsoribed and s�orn to before me this 2�5th day of February 19?0 'GG � v otary b o, Ramaey ty, Minnesota �dy co�isaion expirea RUSSELL `J. SUDEITH, Jr. Notary Public, Ramsey County, Minn, �iy Commission Expires Oct. 21, 1979