03-7council Fi1e # 03' '� e �� aeR'. ; . ._ . i . `�' , p �v; . �e ��,. Green Sheet # 113847 RESOLUTION Presented by Referred To Couunittee Date 1 WHEREAS, the Board of Ramsey County Commissioners has refened a repurchase applicarion for properiy at 2 783 Como Avenue to the City of Saint Paul for a recommendation; WIIEREAS, the City of Saint Paul has reviewed police, building code, illegal activity, and health violations within the past five years; THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, the City of Saint Paul recommends that the Board of Ramsey County Commissioners approve the repurchase application with the following three conditions: 1) That the applicant be required to post a$2,QOQ performance bond with LIEP (License, Inspections, Environmental Protection), 9 2) That the applicant be required to obtain permits from LIEP, and 10 3) That the applicant be required to post a$25,000 escrow account with an escrow agent approved by the City 11 to complete the repairs of the property; 12 FURTHER RESOLVED, that the City Clerk is requested to forward a certified copy of this Council resolufion 13 to the Ramsey County Tas Forfeited Lands Office, Room 620, Ramsey County Government Center West for 14 final processing. Yeas Na s Absent Benanav ✓ Blakey ,�- Bosfrom i/ Coleman � Hattis ,/ Lanhy � Reiter � �o O i Adopted by Council: Date .� p Adoption Certified by Council Secretary BY� � �3— � � OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA �� Requested by Deparnnent of: � Form Approved by City Attomey � Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council Approved by fa r: Date � By: � -., : �.,. _ ,. . �;. ,� DEPARTMENTR)FFICEM.OUNCIL oq7EINInATeo D � ^� T D City Council Offices Dec. 26 Zooz GREEN SHEET No 1 138�� COMACT PH2SON & PIiONE wurmm mNymas ' Jim Reiter� 266-8650 ����� �.� MUST BE ON CIXINCIL AGEPIDA BY (DAT� ASEI6N ,• NUMBERPoR anAiioRtEY arcClFMlt ROIfING � F�WICIRLfERVICFid0. RNIINURLfERVl4CCTC � ❑rnvoxioxwamrawf) ❑ , TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) Resolution recommending that the Board of Ramsey County Commissioners approve with the repurchase application for property at 783 Como Avenue. PLANNING COMMISSION CIB COMMITTEE CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION Has Mis persoNfirm everworked uiMer a contrac[ torMis department7 YES NO Has this persoMrm ever been a cily empbyee? . YES NO Dces this personlfirtn possess a sldll not namaltypossessetl by any curteM cily empbyee7 YES NO Is this pewonlfrm a fatpeted vendoYt YES NO Councat �i���arc� Cenier aEC 2 � 2002 NOUNT OF TRANSACTION S SOURCE INFORMATON (EXPWNj COST/REVENUE BUDGETED (qRCLE ONt� ACTNITY NUMBER VES NO 1 Property Records and B,evenue Riehard J. Wendt, Division Manager 620B Government Center West 50 West Kellogg Boulevard St. Paul, MN 55102-155' December 13, 2002 Donald Luna City Clerk City Hail, Room 170 15 Kellogg Blvd W St. Paul MN 55102 Re: Repurchase application relating to tax-forfeited land Dear Mr. Luna, o� -� Fas:651-266-2210 RECE�y�p DFC 1 � ?002 c�rv �L��� Enciosed please find repurchase application, received from the prior owner(s), for land forFeited to the State of Minnesota, "Trust ExempY'. The County Board policy adopted on December 21, 1999, No. 99-507, allows for "each repurchase application to be referred to the municipality in which the property is located. The municipality will document whether the property is considered a municipal problem based on documented police, building code, iilegat activity, or health violations wi�hin the past five years. The municipa{ity, by resolution, shall recommend that the County Board approve or deny the repurchase application and return the repurchase application to Ramsey County along with the resolution and docurnentation of any violations." Along with a copy of the repurchase application, enclosed are the following documents to assist you: 1} Code Violation Reports; 2) Police history summary; and 3) Resolution No. 99-507, regarding the Tax Forfeited Lands repurchase policy recently adopted. While the repurchase policy does not have a specific timeline for action by the City Council, we ask that, if possible, we receive the CounciPs recommendation within 6� days. Piease forward a certified copy of the Councii's resolution to the Tax Forfeited Land offiice fior fiinal processing. If you have any questions regarding the enciosed documents, or require further assistance, please do not hesitate to contact me at (651)266-2081. Sincerely, � --� � Kris ine A. Kujala, Supervisor Tax Forfeited Lands Minnesota's Fust Home RNe Connty prm�ed an recycled paperwith amimmum ot 30%postmnsumer eo�ten6 � 03 -�7 Donald Luna City Clerk City Hall, Room 170 15 Kellogg Blvd W St. Paul MN 55102 Re: Documents relating to tax-forfeited land P I N : 26-29-23-13-0003 PA: 783 Como Avenue Police History Summary See attached document Code Violation Report See attached document Additionallnformation None CC: Lucille Johnson — send a copy of this the next day y'� pA °t - ���: PQLICE:;+' •.- SPPD RMS QUERY Address Search Address Search: 783 COMO AV (Sector: 1 Grid: 48 ) for ali available dates Retrieved 1 record Complaint # 99007339 o� -�t Information requested by: (749400) 1 Printed at:11/22/2002 08:5627 Occur Da[e & Time Ot/1 6/1 999 1 4:35 Incident Type FIRES Disposition Apt# ADV hlU�;-2E, �3ii= cS�N� �'��GE -"F�=��:�EiIENT t='- —�� .��2r� F'.t�l .__ ���� Property B,ecords and �evenue Richard J. Wendt, Division'vf3.lager 6206 Governmeat Center Wes! 60 West Kellogg Boulevs�d 3., Paul MN So102-1557 November 25, 2002 Please check and send resuits for any past or currenf Code Violations on the following property, Please fax to the above num6er. Thankyou. 783 Como Ave. 26-29-23-13-0003 0 3 •'1 Fax: 651-28& 22 i 0 ?v � Cov�. � - Cr��sr,., �. �i�i�eQ l���-�t� (�-�s�- h��� �, �� �„�I,�,� ��,-��.� h�� � G� C.vyl ���h�J 6�G ��Ju n G7. , `� P��s s� s ,ss.��P ���- ��r��g� � r�� � y�..�- .� U.�- . �J�..,�,;� s �4's GL'� �'I�,:1 '{-,u.a LaFp !u� 4 �.�-c��,�.. ��'l.� �K aiinneaoh��e Fixet aome $de com��y D�'dl�d �n nC"�eE p�p �P! �MNWOe Of l0I pG:c<rrune 2n�t � �/f ��/ �;��— � TUTHL F'. �_'! Application to Repurchase after Forfeiture 03 -�1 I„�u2T��u/�'boe� PF�f°SOI`(A.�- t�@P2�}��� Appiicant's name � Applican['s relationship to the property make application to repurchase the following described parcel of land, lying and being in the County of Ramsey, from the State of Minnesota, "Trust ExempY': Legal Description: Lot 3 in Block 1, in Royal Oaks, an Addition to the City of St. Paul. Subject to Restrictions contained in Document Number 5517 PIN: Address: Forfeiture Date: 26-29-23-13-0003 783 Como Avenue August 1, 2002. I understand that, pursuant to Minnesota Statutes, section 282.241, the owner at the time of forfeiture, or the owner's heirs, devisees, or representatives, or any person to whom the right to pay taxes was given by statute, mortgage, or other agreement, may repurchase any parcel of land claimed by the state to be forfeited to the state for taxes, unless sold. I further understand that the parcel of land may be repurchased for the sum of ali delinquent taxes and assessments computed under section 282.251, together with penalties, interest, and costs that accrued or would have accrued if the parcei of land had not forfeited to the state. I agree to pay all maintenance costs accrued on the property while under the management of Ramsey County as weli as any outstanding rent payments for occupying the property until the adoption of a resolution by the Ramsey County Board of Commissioners accepting this application. The reasons and circumstances for the forfeiture of the property are as follows: s� P � � rr.. � rr�� documentation if necessary) Payment will be made in certified funds, payable to "Ramsey County" and submitted to the Department of Property Records and Revenue, Attn: Tax Forfeited Lands Section, 50 Kellogg Bivd West Suite 620, St. Paul, MN 55102-1557. Applicant Information To be fiiled out by Prior Owner or Applicant acting on behalf of the prior owner with statutory authority. �i,trzT�yur��6CY��En�o�i�r[— ��F P, oT—T�t� �'�'T/}iF pF�a�{hl�'r, �lur{Vae� Print Name print Name � � 2 �, K�� u�o � D� p i�, Mailing Address � /�f /�-P�- � wo D �� /�� �`� ✓<"�' �i Clty, State, Zip Code � �_�<� U/ � � ��� :�� Signature Signature Z Date a3 -'1 ATTACHMENT TO APPLICATION TO REPURCHASE Applicant: Burt Murdock, Personal Representative of the Estate of John Robert Murdock Property: 783 Como Avenue, St. Paul PI N: 26-29-23-13-0003 Forfeiture Date: August 1, 2002 Applicant, Personal Representative of the Estate of John Robert Murdock, is one of the sons and heirs of John Robert Murdock. At the time of decedenYs death, there were insufficient cash funds in the Estate to pay the real estate taxes. Through inadvertence and mistake, the taxes have not been paid. Appiicant mistakenly believed that when the property was taken for nonpayment of taxes, the property would be sold and the proceeds would be appiied first to pay the unpaid taxes and costs incurred by the county and the balance wouid be paid to the Estate. Patrick F. Flaherty has been a friend of Applicant for over 50 years. He and Applicant attended high school together. Mr. Flaherty is a retired attorney and former senior partner with Moss & Barnett, a well respected law firm located in downtown Minneapolis. Mr. Flaherty recently became aware of ApplicanYs default in payment of the reai estate taxes on the property. He then confronted Applicant with the severe consequences that would result from the default, and Applicant retained Moss & Barnett to assist him in making this Application to Repurchase and in selling the property if this Appiication is granted. Appiicant nas persanaiiy acivanced sutsicieni fu�uis fo pay me down paymeni amount totaling $2,613.63 and delivers with this Application a cashier's check in said amount. Applicant intends to deliver the remaining balance due totaling $9,447.96 to the county prior to the time the Ramsey County Board of Commissioners meets to consider this Application. Granting this Application will prevent undue hardship and an injustice from occurring in that the heirs of John Robert Murdock will be able to realize an inheritance from their father upon repurchase of the Estate's interest in the property from the county. If this Application is granted, Appiicant will prepare the property for sale and will list the property promptly with a licensed real estate broker with the intent of selling the property. �I�esolution Board of 0 3 =*1 Ramsey CoutatzJ Com.missione�-s Presented By Commissioner Rettman Date December 21, 1999 No. 99-507 Attention: gud etin and Accountin 9 9 5 Page 1 of 5 Dorothy McClung, Property Records & Revenue Tax Forfeited Lands WHEREAS, The Ramsey County Board of Commissioners desires to establish a repurchase policy for tax forfeited lands that is consistent cvith Minnesota Statutes and reElects the Board's standards for promoting the public interest; and NIHEREAS, The Ramsey County Board intends to establish a fa?r and equitable process for the repurchase of tax *orieited land that will cozrecC any undue hardship or injustice or aromote the use of such lands that will serve the public interest; a:,d WHEREAS, The Ramsey County Board of Commiss�_o:�2rs acknowledges the responsibility of local governments to establish ordinances governinq the use and maintenance of pro�erties in their jurisdictions and supports efforts of local governments to strengthen neighborhoods by ridding the neighbor�oods of nuisances; Now, Therefore, Be It RESOLVED, That the Ramsey County Board of Commissioners will approve a repurchase application of tax forfeited lands by a prior owner upon a finding by the Board that such rep�archase either will correct any undue hardship or injustice resulting from the forfeiture or that such repurchase will promote the use of such lands that will best serve the public interest; ar:d Be It Further RESOLVED, That a repurchase application will b� processed by Property Records and Revenue in the following ma�^�r: a) Recommendation of Municipality Each repurchase application will be referred to �h� r:�unicipality in cvhich the property is located. ..The municipali�y c•rill document wnether the property is considered a municipal �roblem based on documented police, building code, illegal ac�ivity, or health violations within the past five years. RAMSEY COII�'TX 1�OAl2D OF COMMISSIONERS YEA NAY OTHER ,y Bennett Lttto Guerin Sue Haigh Rafael Ortega Victoria Reinhardt Janice Rettman Jan �Viessner � Rafael Ortega, Chai; B (Continued) Y Bonnie C. Jackelen Chief Clerk - County Board �eSOft,.lfl01'1 Board of Ramsey. Coza�.ty Commissioners 03 =r1 �Presented By Commissioner Rettman Date December 21, 1999 No. 99-507 Attention: gudgeting and Accounting Page 2 of 5 Dorothy McClung, Property Records & Revenue Tax Forfeited Lands b) Resolution by a Municipality The municipality, by resolution, shall recommend that Board approve or deny the repurchase application and repurchase application to Ramsey County along c•:ith the and documentation of any violations. the County return the resolutio�! c) Recommendation of the Director of Property Records and Revenue If a municipality finds no.violations in the past five years, the Director will forward the application to the Coun�v Board with the recommendation to approve the application. If a nunicipality finds that violations have occurred within the past �ive years, but recommends approval of the application, the Director will recommend approval and transmit the entire record to th� Chief Clerk for referral to the Chair of the Finance, Personnel and Managemen� Committee. If the municipality finds that violatio�s have occurred within the past five years and recommends denial of the application, the Director will recommend denial and transmit th= entire record to the Chief Clerk for referral to the Finance, Personnel and Management Committee; and Be It Furt'r:er RESOLVED, That a Director to the Finance, handled in the following a) Notification repurchase application referred by the Personnel and Management Committee will b� manner: The Chief Clerk �rill schedule a hearing oz each repurchase application before the Finance, Personnel and Management Committee. Property Records and Revenue will send a notice to the applicant notifying the applicant of the time and date of the hearing. Notices will also be sent to the municipality and any other persons who have asked to receive such notices. RAbSSEY COUl�3TY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS YEA NAY OTHER Tony Bennett Dino Guerin Sue Haigh Rafael Ortega Victoria Reinhardt Janice Rettman Jan lViessner _ Rafael ORega; Chair — - (Contittued) _ . . By - Bonnie C. Jackzlen Chief Clerk - County Board Resolution Board of 0 3 =�i Rc,�msez� Coun�z,� Commisszoners Presented By Commissioner Rettman Date December 21, 1999 No. 99-507 Attention: gudgeting and Accounting Paae 3 of 5 Dorothy McClung, Property Records & Revenue Tax Forfeited Lands b) Hearing procedures The Finance, Personnel and Management Committe2 t•�ill review the application and the recommendation from the r�u�icipality. The applicant will be allowed to present any information that may be pertinent. The Chair of the Committee may allovr other interested persons to present pertinent information. Based oz the information presented on the application, - the recommendation from the municipality and information presented at th� hearing, the Committee wi11 recommend approval or denial of the application. The CommiCtee may include restrictions or conditions o� the repurchase. Tne final recommendation of the Committee will b� forwarded to the Ramsey County Board of Commissioners. c) County Board Procedures Recommendations from the Finance, Personnel and Management Committee will be included in the administrative agenda of the County Board. The County Board will consider Che recommendation and record from the Committee. No additional testimony will be permitted unless a majority votes to allocv suc:: testimony. The County Board may approve the application, deny the application or approve the application with restrictions or cond?tions on the repurchase. For every repurchase application considered by the County Board, the final resolution will contain l.) A determination of whether or not undue hardship or injustice resulted from the forfeiture and whether repurchase will correct th� undue hardship or injustice; and 2.) A determination of whsther or not the repurchase will promote the use of the property that best serves the public interest; and Be It Further RAMSEY COLS�TY BOARD OF CO:QMISSIONERS 1'EA i�'AY OTHER y Bennett Lmo Guerin Sue Haigh Rafael Ortega . . Victoria Reinhardt Jauice Retmmn Jan Niessner Rafael Ortega, Chair (Continued) ay Bonnie C. Jzckzlen Chief Clerk - Counry Board B�esolution Board of .�Zc�msey County Commis�zone�-s 0 3 -��1 Presented By Commissioner Rettman Date December 21, 1999 No. 99-507 Attention: Budgeting and Accounting Dorothy McClung, Property Records & Revenue Tax Forfeited Lands Page � of 5 RESOLVED, That repurchases, terms as described herein: a) Homestead Property if approved, wi11 be allowed on Except as provided in clause c) below, repurchasers of property classified for property tax purposes as homestead property at the time of repurchase, will be allowed'installment payments calculated in accordance with Minnesota Statutes, section 282.2'0l, Subdivision 1. . b) All Other Property Except as provided non-homestead property calculated in accordance Subdivision 3. c) Payment in Full in clause c) below, repurchasers of will be allowed installment payments with Minnesota Statutes, section 282.161, If the County Board has good cause to believe that a repurchase installment payment plan for a particular parcel is unnecessary and not in the public interest, the County Board may require that the entire repurchase price be paid in full as a condition of the repurchase. If the applicant has had repurchase contracts on the same or other properties which were canceled or, if a current contract, are in arrears and a cancellation is pending, the repurchase will require payment in full; and Be It Further RESOLVED, That the County Board ?mposes the following additional restrictions on repurchases: RAMSEY COWi TY BOARD OF CO�fMISSIONERS YEA NAY OTHER Tony Bennett Dino Guerin Sue Haigh Rafael Ortega Victoria Reinhardt Janiee Rettman Jan �Viessner Rafae] Ortega, Chair =..- (Continued) g - Bonnie C. Jackelen ChieC Clerk - County Eoard �. Resolu�ion Board of Ramsey County Commissioners 03-? �Presented By Commissioner Rettman Date December 21, 1999 No. 99 'S07 Attention: Budgeting and Accounting Pag� 5 of 5 Dorothy McClung, Property Records & Revenue Tax Forfeited Lands a) Code Compliance Any property that is being repurchased but is cond�mned at the time of repurchase shall be subject to code compliance. Tne repurehaser shall present and file a certificate of code co�<<?liance with th� Director within six months from the date of County Board approval. The certificate of code compliance must be certified by an appropriate city official and must' indicate that the property has been inspected and that it conforms with any ordinances, building and zoning lacas applicable to the property. Tnese conditions oz repurchase will be entered on the repurchase receipt and, if the repurchaser defaults on the code compliance reauirement, the repurchase and the installment contract shall be subject to cancellation as provided in f9innesota Statutes, section 559.21. b1 Tnsurance Requirements Repurchasers of tax forfeited properties that have structures and are being repurchased under a contract must provide proof of insurance in an amount equal to the Assessor's m=_='.:et value of the structure and must have P.amsey County listed as aaaitional insured on the policy; and Be It Further P.ESOLVED, That this policy is effective for a11 nea� repurchase applications received after January 1, 2000 and supersedes Resolution 97-3�2; and Be It Further RESOLVED, That the Property P.ecords and P.everue Department will work coith the City of Saint Pau7., its plar:�ing councils and the other municipalities in Ramsey County to exolain the tax forfeited processes and provide sample resolutioas ior use by the city councils. RAbISEY COU�;TI BOARD OF CO\4MISSIQ\ERS YEA NAY OTHER iy Bennett X Rafae( Ortega, Chair io Guerin X •e Haigh _ {�_ . .faelORega ___b__ By �� Vicroria Reinhard� � _ Bonnie C. Jzckel Janice Rettman _X� Chief Cler.l• - o ry Board Jan tiViessner �_ �ee� 12 _13 14 -"� 5 _ 4 3 2 1 _ ��_ O� 7 t� 25 I O� -�1 B � m (6a) � ra• 6 12 �,� 6 . 11 ,a�� r ia� � 'cE wATaQ Y1 � � r 14 "�. c9� N IJ]) N (J0'! � Hv . ���� 69274 S�. Ff. (a2J � �o ` ( $) �Q'i (28 v Q1 �n 5 57� 45 7 � g i�o.a �� �� b �3a�.., Q� M 7 � 16 — U Z \ do m $ ' (3a' 2 ` c� �. .. a9� a 1 r g NO i y � 110 3' � 110.it' °' r (73J � $ l38) _. : �_.. � P2) m � 2 -- , . 3 ° e� 49 � � F- ,10 ' (35) -. (30J G N 105.89' � _ 14 �5 16 4 3` 2�1 ~ 1� .���� 2 � .� �1� 13 �„� ` � 6 � ` 4 5 94 m 23 : � qpC�� �� ,2 - �„ - �3z, $ � �, : i a� ae _., � �_ n.a� za• a• 2s• � g � 2s' ta� so• tio• i�o� w• ss• ss• __ ..____._ I _ ___ OPENE0104&18 OPENED : ---- JESSAMINEryA E �38»Z 2i518� o --�--- F so . 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