247672 �`�`�6''�2 c��t�xo..�. PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT ' and ; ' PRELIMINARY ORDER. i T6enadsr�nedhereby propoeeethamsleingof t,hefollowingpublioimprovemant by the City oi Ssint Psul��s.: � reconstruct the sidewalk�on�both sides. of Watson Ave.�from Syndicate St:. to_._..._,� . i Hamline Ave. and by doing all other work which is necessary and incidental to ; .......................»---_................................... .......................................».................................._. .........._.... i complete said improvement. � ................._�_.................................................................... ............ »............................................_».... D�ed t�6is.,....�Z�.......dsy of.....................�:�k x��:xX.... .. , 19 .. a ............ ..... .. ...... ._� . .... ........ Counailman. PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHER.EA$, A written propoesl for the maldng of the following improvemeat, vis.: reconstruct the sidewalk on both sides of Watson Ave. from Syndicate St. to Hamline Ave. and b� doin� a.11 other work which is necessary and incidental to comlete said im rovement. ..............................................................................._.........................»... ......�.............».»..........E..................»........___...... 6nvtns been preeented to the Counoil of the City of$aint Paul..............._................_............................................_.... t6er8fore, be it 8E80LVED, Tbat the Comanieeioner of Publio Worke be and ie hereby ordered and directed: 1. To inveetigste the neoeeeity for� or deairability of,,the ma�ng of eaid impmvement. 2. To inveetigste the nuture,eutent and estimsted coet of eaid improvement� and the totsl�et thereof. ,I 3. To furniah a plsn, profile or eketch of said imprnvemen�. • ,� r�- 4. To atste whe�hes or aot esid improvement ie aeked for on�he peti�ion of three or more owners. b. To report npon all of the foregoing matters to the Commieeioaer of P'inanoe. Adopted by t6e ConnoiL.._.....�.--_-•--.........FE�.2 7 1970..��. Ysns Councilman .Carlson FEB 2 7 19�� Dalgl ish Apptoved....._..._..............»........................................ ��� " Mer�ed th Tedesco ....••..• .» ••... -�-�•- ............ �..,. ,���.��.��:: +lct�'� Msyor. �OOD 7�'-� Pre�id�t (Peterso�) � � " � PUBLISNED �R 71970