247679 ������ Connail Flle No......�..... PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT and PRELIMINARY ORDER. Theuadereigaedhereby propoeeethema�leingof thefollowfngpubliaimprovement by the City of Beint Psul,vis.: construct the sidewalk on the north side of Wilson Ave. from the center line of Pedersen St, to Ruth St. and by doing all other work which is necessary and in- , � cidental to com lete said improvement. ,��,�..µ..�.�.......�.��..�.�.��.�...«.....��.... � ......»...........____.L�.»........................................ .......... .........»....». Dated tbie.... 26th. � ��_...�....�_._.February 70 y ..........................._..... .. ............»� 19 .... � ......... .... .......�_.� ...... .............. � Connoilmsn. i I PRELIMINARY ORDER. ' WHER,EAB, A Written propoesl for the making of the following improvement, vis.: � construct the sidewalk on the north side of Wilson Ave. from the center line of ..........................................................................................._-----..............--•--•----....................................._.........---.._............___ i ; �Pedersen..St....to_Ruth_.St�,and__by doing.all,other.work _which is necessary_.and_in�..� I c iden tal_,to..comp le te_,s aidM improveme nt:.................................................................................._�......... i _..».....................................•-•----...................------------......._..._........._........._.................................................._.........._.................. hsving been pr�ented to the Council of the City of$aint Paul.................................................................._............_.... t6erefore, be it R,ESOLVED, That the Commieeioner of Publia Worke be and ie hereby ordered and direoted: 1. To inveatigate the neceaeity for, or desirability of,,the making of eaid improvement. 2. To inveetigste the nsture, extent and eatimated oost of said improvement� and the total ooet thereof. � � � 3. To furnish s plan, profile or eketoh of said impmvement. � 4. To stste whether or not esid impmvement ie a�eked for on�he petition of three or more ownere. b. To report npoa s�l of the foregoing mstt�ere to the f:ommieeioner of F'insnoe. Adopted by the Couno�..._..............................�r��$..�=---•-��a�......... Ysne Councilman Carlson FE� 2 7 1��� ��U � Delglish APProved............... ..._........................................ .� Fie�-�ared Meredith Tedesce ----.... .... . ... � .. ...---- Mr. President BXtrre ��+pe Msyor. �000 �.ao � _ �) pU61.ISHED �IAR �' 1970