247662 � � � ORIGINAL TO CITY CL6RK '' � �Ll���J CITY OF ST. PAUL couNCi� � i �`� � OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK FILE NO. . C NC RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONE � �� DATF RES4L�T'ED, That Robert and Janet I{uhlman be and hereby are permitted to �onatruet a 3-ur�it addition to an ex3.sting 10-unit motel on p�oper�ty located on the south �ide of I-9�# between t�hite B�ar Avenue and Kenr�ard �tre�,t, and deseribed ass ��� xes� �33.08 feet of the east 937•3� fe�t of that part of the sou�heast quart�r of Seetion 3�+, �ownship �9 North, Rar�ge 22 W�s�, lying south of Trunk Higk�w�.y 12 as now loeated and eetabli�h�d, exeept the south 658 feet thereof; also exeept the west 34 feet of the ea�t 229 feet thereof; being R�giste�ed Land, Certifiaate of �itle �o. 1�7827; which lies northeasterly of a 1iMe rur� parallel wi�� and dis��nt 30 fe�t �outhwesterly of the following des�ribed lines Beginnin� at a point on �he ess-t line of' �aid 3ection 3'�, distant 510 feet north of �h�: �outheast corner �hereof; th�nc� r�n westerly at an angle of 90 degrees �. �rith �aid east s�ction li�e for 115.7� feet; �hence deflect to the right at an angle of � ��.00 degrees for 3�9.93 feet; t�ience deflect � to �Y�e left on a �0.44 c3�gree curve (delta an le 3�+ degr�e� - 5�# miMUtes 22 seconds) for .� • �; 17�.53 feet; �hence on tangent to said cur�e � - fo� ��1.29 feet and there ter�ninating; � con�a3.ning 0.61 acre, more or less; � � a, � '� a1:1 in accordanee with pl�.ns attaahed hereto; be it � �� Q � � COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays Carlson Dalglish Approver� 19`_ Meredith _ T� Favor Peterson Sprafka ����9 Mayor A gainst Tedesco Mr. President, Byrne O - . . , ���76�2 ORt61NAL TO CITY CLHRK ' . CITY OF ST. PAUL FOENCIL NO. � OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER DATF ��I� RES4LVED, that upon and pursuant �o �he pertinen� appeal, tznder the Zoning �ode, bq Robert and Janet Kuhlman, owners of the aub�ec� real �state, situate in the �it� of Saint Paul, and descr�ibed above, that the provisions of �a.id Zoning �ode hereb� are determined and va�ied aa and to the ea�en� necessary therefor and the setbaek requirement for said premises is hereby r�laxed to 35 feet so as to aceommodat� an extension of an exis�ing motel in "An Residenc� �istrict, sub�ect to �he conditia�n that said appel.lants,and �heir suec�ssor� and assig��, o�herwise, sha11 make dc�e eompliance with all applieable provi�ions of m�ni�ipal ordinances, state sta�utes and rules �nd re�ula�ions of public authorities ha.ving cagniza.nee. F E B 2 7 19�0 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays F�� 2 7 1970 Carlson Dalglish Approved 19�_ e Meredith Tn Favor � ��./ �%', I,'ete�se��. Sprafka C �6tin9 Mayor Tedesco A Sainst ���E PUBLISHED MAR � 1�7A Mr. Vie� Pre�ideat (Peteraon) � , ' . . ` ���f��� . BO�ARD OF ZONING, CITY OF ST. PAUL �1010 COMMERCE BUILDING • ST. PAUL, MINNESOTA 55101 • PHONE: 223-4151 February 11, 1970 Mr. Harry E. Marshall City Clerk Room 386 City Hall Dear Mr. Marshall: This is written in response to the appeal of Robert and Janet Kuhlman to allow the expansion of an existing motel in "A" Residence district and to relax the setback requirement to 35 feet. The property is located on the south side of I-94 between White Bear Avenue and Kennard Street. See attached sheet for full legal description. This matter was considered at the January 22, 1970, Board of Zoning meeting. The staff reported that the Zoning Code permits the City Council to allow a motel use in "A" Residence where it is adjacent to a trunk highway. The established setback is 50 feet for the property and the appeal requests a 15-foot or 30 percent variance. It was noted that the original motel was approved by Council in 1955 and a previous expansion was allowed in 1968. Subsequently, it was the finding of the Board of Zoning that the requests are reasonable and the Board, therefore, recommends approval of the appeal by a 5-0 vote. Very yours, � ;�� ' �� � �;-�- � _ ' � __ PETER J. �� TTA Secretary, Board of Zoning PJM:gaf CLS Z,F. �k6936 �..--, ��: f`��$��, � � �� �. � . ' 1595 S�LBY AVENUE � ST. PAUL, MINN. 55104 ' . , REMENDERS, INCORPORATED Telepho�e: 645-5565 MR. AND NlRS. ROBERT I{UHIMAN CITY VEIW MOTEL 1660 Hndson Rd. St. Paul, Minn. ___IEGA�L �SC�0�1 All t2ut part of th� folla�ring dsscrib�d traot� T� xest 433.os r.et or tt,e sast 937.3z rset oi t�at part oi the eoat.heaat quarter (SE�) of the section � 34� toan,�hip 29 north� range 22 vsat, �yirig sauth of Trunlc High�ray No. 12 as nar looated ar�d satablishsd, �xc�pt the south 658 feet th�r�of i al,so rxaept the Weat 30 Pest ot ttls �sat 229 feet thereof= bsing R�giatsred Lard� Certi.t'icate o�f Title No. 147827i Which liea northsaeterly ot a lin� ran paral],el xit.h and distant 30 fest soutt�eater�q of the lolla�ing dsscrSbsd linet Beginning at a paint on the eaet lins ofa�►id seci�on 34� diat�nt 510 north of th� south•aat aorner ther�of� thsnae run weaterly at an angls of 90 dsgr�e �rith aaid eaat ssotion 1.ins for 11�.75 fs�t; theno� d�flsct to ttu right at an ar�gl� of 44.00 degrse tor � 379•93 feet�thsnos d�tlect to t.h�a left on a 20.00degrse curve (dslta angle 34 dsgree-,54�23")Por 1?4.,53 fset= t,h�n� on tangsnt to said curva for 441.29� leet and there terminat�.ng� containing 0.61 aors� mors or 1•ss� Saut,h oi Higtaray # 12 B�tiresn Whito B�ar Ave. arxi Kanard St. zoNiN� Fs�E ����� DESIGNERS • REMODELERS • BUILDERS • KITCHEN SPECIALISTS �..-. w. �- _ _ _ _ � ��: , �3�A2D �OF' 7.,ONIN� REPORT AND ACTION January 22, 1970 °lat htap #�42 �Actinn, under Le�;islative Code Chapter 6� 'thru 64 n-ss:,A�1 ��a�ust 22� 1922 as amended to April 6� 1�G3 6936 - _ — 6378 . . ��.'':"�1�:��1'i'S NA'1L' , Robert and Janet Kuhlman 3125 . ;',1�,SI;'1CA'fION . � Am�ndnwnt � Appeal ❑ Permit ��ther X-844 Atlow [he expansion of an existing motel in "A" " , ��'�'�'�'IJ ' Residence District With a setback of 35 feet. . .��X:F,Ti��t� : South side of I-94 between White Bear Avenue and Kennard Street . ;,CGA:, �rSCRIPTIO.J � See file . 1'::L;I:�JT .;!�NINGs "A" Residence 1 - P:J3SUAN'� '1'� ?oninp Coda Chapter� 64 S�ctions .03 Fararraph: + . :,1'AI'F INVESTIGATION � REPORTs Dat�s 1/14/70 IIys ATB A. ZONING ADMINISTRATOR: Informed appellant th�t the Council would have to approve a setback of 35 feet from T. H. �12 and approve the expanaion of the existing motel in an "A" Residence District. B. fiISTORY: An appeal for a pestisit to con�truct a 6-unit �otel was gr�nted for thia site on June 7, 1955. An appeal to enl�rge the exiating motel wos epproved on Jan�iary 20, 1968. C. P1tOPUSAL: The proposal is to c�nstruct �n addition to the existing motel to conrain 3 unite. The propoaed etructure would have � setback of 35 feet. D, PRESENT STANbARD: Chapter 64� 3ectia► .03, Par�graph 20 permits the Council to allow a motel adj�cent to a trunk highway. The established setback for this property is 50 feet. E. VARIANCE: The requested oetback of 35 feet ie 15 feet lees than the establiahed setback, a variance of 30�. F. AREA ZONING: Adjoining to the east s large tract ia toned Commercial. The reat of the area is zoned "A" Aesidence. The Comprahensive Plan recommends Commercial use of this property. G. SITE CONDITIONS: The aite is occupied by an exiating motel. The ground slopes downward from the motel to the hiahWay. li. AREA CONDITIONS: A large percentage of the area i• vacent and rolling land. A sin�le-femily reaidence� a reetaurant and motel ie to the eaat. To the south are scattered single-family re�idencea. Coaetruction work ia in pro�rees on I-94 to the north. Council Letter 9. 3�ARD ACTION; To Recommend �A IApproval �Denial Dated 2/11/70 "9oved by: Gauger Yeas fdays Date of }�earin� X Ames 5econded by; Maietta Cohen 2/13/70 Danna (Alt) Council Action X Gadlar X GauRar Secretary' s remark�s x Maietta I�te X McPartlin (Alt) Mar►sur (Alt) � , � � '�,., ! ��•i C � I � „ ,�, �_�_ � � r-•.— - . i I I � ! v+! � jy � T �.� I �`? t J .�.,; �`r . I + i @ � C� ! � V . ' I i :1 � ! , � � .I , � O j � � p �,_ i . .� � . . . �' � I � � 0 0 O � I � .....� � O �',--____ _, _ ►- � � A `� � O �" � '�'`��_ � ��--�_ V ( i i .°—__` `- _ _ - '`1--_`_�` _ � i ' - -� �--�, _ �` � �-- � � �� � - ~�� `''�—_, - - - - . � i _\ \\ ;.'.`---_. __ _ � _—. V N V `�--'`-----�._ ,_ PA�IFiC . . . . c�wh �, , _ _ r � � � - � - v v vv � v v v � � � vv v ' — —' ii�o � ,, �.�.....,.. ' � '� ...�.. ? . .y= .... , � , �. � � , � .,,,� � � ,, � ,. ° i L� o V V v v I „ V V V V V V V V V ''•�'�.�r�,�.w�� •M � � � ....�,:. ------- - - � � �i.�� i u� •�.V L . . , `� 1 1 � ( i V W VVIV �/ VVOVVVV ✓ . � , ! �4 __ � 1 � � � , , ; � Q ; �vvvv � vvvvvvv .. j � �M ' -�-� v SueuRea�v Av� , � -..-� , � � � ; ' �' �b � � v � � i4O � w ;. � ' I � � i ; _ -�-- ; � � � � ' � � . o d 'o �, o� ; � � , � - -�- � o p a p n 0 0 _ _1 APPLICANT Robert and Janet Kuhlman LEGEND PURPOSE Allow the expansion of an existing � /� qiD � 1Sc motel in "A" Residence District ����� v G with a setback of 35 feet. � ONE-FAMILY PRESENT ZONIf�fG "A" Resiaence -�- TWO-FAMILY PETITION SIGNERS �� THREE-FAMILY FpUR- FA�1lLY T MULTI-FAi�ILY • • nCOMMER�IAL FILE No. 6936 NoRTH � n INDUSTRIAL v VACANT St. Paul Planning Board, Date: 1�14/�0 � Property under consideration MINUTES C7�' THE PUBLI� �i�R��iG 7�E�OP,E Tf� BUA'�lD 0�' ZUNYPtG on it�ursday, ,��z�xu�ry 22, 1470, at 2:00 P�T�, PKESENT: Measrsw Ames, Gadler, Grauge�, x.c�'��t1in, an� ria�.��:ta of th.4 �oarr� r�nd Me�srso Brc�r�ra and Ry�n, Dr, ReAden$ Mrsa �rsntz�*az, and lhiss Spexr of �he st�df�. 1ZO�R°� A1vD JAId�T KC3IiL�t�1A1V: �:n agpeal tQ al.�.�c,r the exga�s:Coz of an existfag mot�I in �n "A" Resid�nce Distr�c� with � setb�Gk of 35 feet an pr�pe�ty lacate�' an the ' soutl� side c�f �--94 batween Wi�ite Bear. �lvenu.a �c�d KLnn.a�rd �t�F•�et. Mxo Ryan su:.a�arized the s�:aff repor� ��a��n� ��:�t the pI'O�flS�I �S to coz�st�uct 3 addi[icsaal units to €,n ex:;.stin� mot�l, C�,��4er 64.03, �aragraph 20 of th� Zoning Ordin�nce peru�its �i�� Council to al�.�s�v a ff:���?. ad jacen* t� � tru.n�t highway. Tt�:� estai�LiShed setb�c'� f.ur �l�is �sr=���r�� is SO �e:t. I3i�cussson fcal2ow�ecl g� ta w�a�t�aer ,_hi. c�n �,� �se�rni.t��d �n a!� "A�� ResLdance Dis�rict. Tl4'� Y�k�TCI� 0� t�e '�C��..'Y.�� �''.3 ���: t9LS�°� Lf3.r'W 1�(Sl��f�� Nz��ez�;� a�peared in opgt�si�ia� �;� etse ��g��:t�l., �?r. ,, �suger m�v�d �ar €��prov�l af th� �p��^:�l.., wkafch eoras se��.nded by Mr. Maietta �x�d c�r�3,ed eFnanimous�e�. Submitted by. Ro��r 8d,. hy�tK r��be�� ;�o A�ees, Gh�airman _�y Citq• Clerk � �* � CITY OF SAINT PAUL MINNESOTA DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE 113 Court Hou:e 55102 January 30, 1970 File X 844 Page You are hereby notified that a public hearing will be held in the Council Chambers of the City Hall and Court House in the City of St. Paul at 10:00 a.m. on February 13, 1970, on the appeal of Roberr and Janet Kuhlman to wafve the setback requirements in connectfon with an addition to the motel on the property described as; All that part of the following described tract: The west 433.08 feet of the eesC 937.32 feet of that part of the souCheast quarter of the section 34, Township 29 North, Range 22 West, lying south of Trunk 8ighway No. 12 as now located and establis�hea; except the south 658 feet thereof; ; also except the west 30 feet of the east 229 feet thereof; being Registered Land, Certificate of Title No. 147827; which lies northeasterly of a line run parallel wiCh and distant 30 feet southwesterly of the following described line; Beginning at a point on the east line of said sectfon 34, diatant S10 north of the southeast corner thereof; thence run westerlq at an angle of 90 degree with said east section line for 115.75 feet; thence deflect to the right at an angle of 44.00 degree for 379.93 feet; thence deflect to the left on a 20.00 degree curve (delta angle 34 degree - 54 minutea 23 seconds) for 174.53 feet; thence on tangent to said curve for 441.29 feet and there termin- ating; containing 0.61 acre, more or less. The property is locatad on the south side of Highway I-94 between White Bear Avenue and Kennard St. For further information contact the Planning Board, Room 1010 Conanerce Building or telephone 223-4151. JAMES J. DALGLISH Commissioner of Finance O � . �, � �� , � � - ��, �`>�_ , ' 1595 SELBY AVENUE '� ST. PAUL, MINN. 55104 �-�� d.1 . , ' ' � _,4'c,y, y REMENDERS, INCORPORATED � ���'(�'� Telephone: 645-5565 �� �--,y` � . r,�^ 't,- r/�,� ._..v. __. ., , , �,��. _.. __� -� _._ � -�_ . _� ^ �_--�-- _=T�-�_T_ � . ,n .�. �_ �, ..- -� -�.-- , ,>�, _, . ,_ , - - _._ _ ._-,, -�_._ .. . _ __ ._�� ... _. � n ' ., .. _. � _. �• � y� . ..._„� �Jy.. _.. .. , ... �n � . -. . .. � i i.. ..� . , _ . , ,-. , ;�„ -. � r,_. �..,..n . .., ,. . ..,.,... . . . .. . _ : ..�.� � . ._ � ...1.. .�,�� ... , �. � . �,�:. �.,_ . . �� . . �.♦ j .:' � '... ��� 1 � r. . � . , •� . -, , . n i n, .t "/1. .. �.. ..... .-... ;._. . .. . . , . . .. . " '1 ..... �� '�. ...v,_.:."u ... .�"_ _'_" _ '_ ._. 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