247657 ORIOINA�TO CITY CL[RK � /� /h� / . CITY OF ST. PAUL couNCi� �� s � �' � OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK F�`E Na. r C RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONE ATF � i i RESOLVED, That the Council hereby ratifies and approves the action of the Board of Appeals per- taining to the following listed properties as shown by the official minutes of said Board of Appeals dated January 28 , 1970, a copy of which, marked EXHIBIT "A" is attached hereto and made a part hereof by reference. Case No. Address Appellant 55-69-B 420 Summit Ave. Thomond R. 0'Brien 82-69-B 1055 Osceola St. Paul Tennis Club _ by Fred A. Kueppers Jr. rOKM APPROv G CORPORA710N— ���� � a 27 i��o COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Counc�� 19_ Yeas Naya Carlson �'E� Z 7 1�70 Dalglish Approved 19—_ Meredith �� Favor Sprafka � A�ti�� Mayor T��� Against ra� ' ��.:�� �� MAR 71970 Ntr. Vice Preaidrat (Peteswa) ��„�SN� °�� , � . � i/2s/�o ' ���'�� Meet ing No. 24 ��/ MINUTES OF THE MEETING ST. PAUL BOARD OF APPEALS Wednesday, January 28 , 1970 SSS Cedar St . , Bureau of Health Library - 1 : 30 p .m. Members present : Lawrence D. Cohen, Chairman Estyr Peake Norma Sommerdorf James Voigt Members absent : Gale Rehnberg Arthur Tieso Others present : James 0'Leary, Daniel Norrgran, George Stone, Dick Amey, Thontas �lnderson, Harry Ray, Oliver Mortimer, Thomond 0'Brien, Mrs . Conroy, Fred Kueppers , Mamie Greer, Pastor Charles Nelson The minutes of the meeting of January 14 , 1970 were approvecl as reacl. 81-69-B 827 Mound St . Oliver L. Mortimer by Iiarr N. ltay, � cont The matter of the appeal of a letter of the Bureau of liealtli clatecl September 12 , 1969 concerning an insufficient number of bathrooms at 827 Mound Street was continued. Mr. Ray stated that all units at 827 Mound Street are apartments . Mr. Mortimer stated that of tlie 15 total apartments , only three had more than one occupant and these apartments had their own private baths . Mr. Colien moved that Chapter 54. 11 of the St . Paul Legislative Code, providing that each dwelling unit have its own bathroom, be waived for 827 b4ound Street in the following manner: 1 . No more than three apartments share one bathroom on the first floor. 2 . No more than seven apartments share one bathroom on the second floor. 3 . No more than three apartments share one bathroom on the third floor. 4 . No more than one person occupy any apartment w}�ich shares a liathroom. EXHIBIT "A" - 1/28/70 Meeting No. 24 5 . Such waiver is to be granted until such time as the property, presently owned by Oliver L. Mortimer, be sold or the ownership transferre� at which time the sharing of bathrooms be disallowed and the waiver be nullified. Ayes : Cohen, Peake, Sommerdorf , Voigt. Nayes : none. Abstentions : none. Motion carried four (4) to zero (0) . 85-69-H 91 W. Colorado St. Charles E. Otte James 0'Leary informed the Board that he had been contacted earlier in the day by Mr. Otte who stated that he was withdrawing his appeal as he intends to demolish the structure at 91 W. Colorado St. It was understood that the Bureau of l�ealth was to follow through with their "Notice of Condemnation. " 65-69-H 530 E. Larpenteur Ronald P. Stein, cont 'd. Mr. 0 'Leary informed the Board that Henry Streich had requeste�l an opinion of Dan Klas , Corporation Counsel , as to whether or not the City had legal jurisdiction to require an individual to }iook up to city water and sewer outside of the city limits . I-Ie stated that 1�9r. Klas had not yet replied to Mr. Streich' s request. Mr. Cohen requested that the matter be continued until tlie opinion is re- ceived by the Bureau of Health. 55-69-B 420 Summit Ave. Thomond R. 0 'Brien, cont 'cl. The appeal to allow the proposed plan for fire exits at 420 Summit Ave. was continued. Mr. 0 'Brien stated that he was ready to comply with the requests in the letter of the Bureau of Public I3uildings , dated July 22 , 1969 which outlined a way to bring 420 Summit Ave . up to Building Code standards . He said he would need some time to comply with such rec{uirements . Mr. Cohen moved that items numbered 1 , 3 and 4 in the letter of the Bureau of Public Buildings to Thomond 0 'Brien, dated July 22 , 19G9 be complied with within six months and that items numbered 2 and 5 in said letter be complied with within nine months - with the uncicr- standing that the work specified is to be completed at the end or each time period. Ayes : Cohen, Peake, Sommerdorf, Voigt. Nayes : none. Abstentions : none. Motion carried four (4) to zero (Oj . 83-69-B 1619 Hubbard Ave . Mamie Greer by Fred A. Kueppers Jr. Fred A. Kueppers Jr. , on behalf of Mamie Greer, appealed a men►o dated January 23 , 1970 from Robert ��mes to Thomas Anderson indicating - 2 - . ` i/2s/70 , � . Meetin� No. 24 that a plumbing permit for the installation of a toilet room on the third floor of the frame building at 1619 Hubbard was rei'used as the upper apartment is in violation of the I-iousing Cocle. Mx. Kueppers stated that the third floor was converted to apartment usage around 1924 . He further stated that there are four apartments on the first floor, four on the second and two on the third. Iie also stated that there were only three bathrooms on the second floor. Mr. Cohen requested that the Bureau of Public Buildings concluct a life-safety survey at 1619 Hubbard and that the matter be continued until the February 11 , 1970 meeting of the Board of Appeals . 82-69-B 1055 Osceola St . Paul Tennis Club By Fred A. Kueppers r. Mr. Kueppers , on behalf of the St . Paul Tennis Club , appealed a notice of the Bureau of Public Buildings dated June 19, 1969 regarding an over-height chain link fence topped by 6 strands of barbed wire and located in an "A" residential area, t}ie address being 1055 Osceola. Mr. Cohen moved that Section 33 . 04-6 of the St . Paul Legislative Code be waived in order to allow the 7�' chain link fence , topped with 6 strands of barbed wire , and located at 1055 Osceola to remain. Such waiver is to be allowed only if the necessary liaUility insurance is obtained and kept in force for said fence as required by city ordinance. Ayes : Cohen, Peake, Sommerdorf, Voigt . Nayes : none. Abstentions : none. Motion carried four (4) to zero (0) . 84-69-B 2200 I-Iillside Ave . St. Anthon Park Methodist Church �_Pastor C ar es Ne son £, Orris�Fulstad Pastor Nelson appealed, on behalf of St . Anthony Park Met}�odist Church, a notice of the Bureau of Public Buildings dated October 31 , 1969 regarding a Certificate of Occupancy for 2200 I�illsicle Ave . Mr. Cohen requested that the matter be carried over to allow the Bureau of Fire Prevention and Bureau of Public Buildings to jointly inspect the premises and report their findings to the Board at the next regular meeting following their inspection. 1�4r. Cohen moved that the filing fee for the appeal be waived . Ayes : Cohen, Voigt. Nayes : Peake, Sommerdorf. /lbstentions : none. Motion denied two (2) to two (2) . There being no further business , the meeting was adjourned at 4 : 20 p.m. �-�,.�.. �1 aM Thomas W. Anderson Recording Secretary - 3 - DUPLICA�fE TO PRINTER '7 � r��I^' �- CITY OF ST. PAUL FOENCIL N��� �'�)e�� � OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONEp DATF RESOLVED, That the Counci.l hereby ratifies and . approvas t�� action of the Board of Appeals p�r� taining to the following listed prc�per�ies as shown by the official m3nutes af said Board of Appeals dated January 28, 1970, a copy of which, marked E�HIBIT "A°f is attached he�reto and mad� a part hereof by referenc�. Case No. Address Appellant 55-69-B 420 Summit Ave. Thomond R. 0'Ba�i�n 82-69-B 1055 Osceola St. Pau1 TenniS �Club by Fred A. Ktiepp�rs Jr. ... k`:.• t�'. ��� � Z � M.h COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays Carlson `�t`��� ' Dalglish � Approved 19—_ Meredith � rn Favor Sprafka � Mayor Tedeaco A gainst �Mr:•P�esident, $yrne.� s..,.. .. Y�'.! ... .. . G5