247653 �a3Qina1 to City Cl+�rk . • � ORDINANCE �4�6��� � COUNCIL FILE NO r PRESENTED BY ORDINANCE NO An ordinance amending Ordinance No. 7607, entitled: �'.An ordinance fixing the duties and responsibilities and the minimum qualifications for the various classes of positions in the Classified Service of the City, t' approved February 13, 1935, as amended. THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL DOES ORDA]'N: Section 1. That Ordinance No. 7607, approved February 13, 1935, as amended, be and the same is hereby further amended by i.nserting in its proper alphabetical order the followit�.g title, and specifications for Inven�ory Control Supervisor .�1.. Yeas Councilmen Nays Pasaed by the Councit Carlson Dalglish Tn Favor Meredith Peterson Sprafka Against Tedesco Mr, President (Byrne) Approved: _ Attest: City Clerk R i �� � Form approved Corporation Counsel By , lsri=inal tp City Ctltk ' � � ORDINANCE ������3 COUNCIL FILE NO PRESENTED BY ORDINANCE NO Section 2. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force thirty days a.fter its pa.ssage, approval, and publication. "3" �R 17 1910 Yeas Councilmen Nays Passed by the Council Carlson � Dalglish in Favor Meredith � Peterson � t� Against Sprafka Tedesco 7 Z910 .�.---�r.�'resident (By l� Appro f �Clerk Mayor �-�roved Corporation Counael By �a�isME� MAR 21 �97a Lnylicate to Printer ORDINANCE ���`���'-��� COUNCIL FILE NO FRESENTED BY ORDINANCE NO / ' � + An ordina�.ce �,xneading C)rdir�:ance No. 7607, entitled: "An o�dinance fi�cing the duties aand reepoasabi�.itiea and the minimum qualifica�tYVn� for the variaus claesee of position� in the Clasei#ied Se�rvice of the City, " approved February 13, I935, ae a.mended. THfE �OUNCIL OF THE CIT� l'�F SAtNT PAtTL UC?E� 4R]�.AIN': Section i. That Ordinance ATo. 76�7, appra�red �'ebruary 13, 1935, as arnended, be and the �ame is hereby further amended by in�ertin� in its proper �lphabetical ord�r the followim.g title, aaad specificatione for Inveato�y Coatrol Supervisor _Z, Yeas Councilmen Nays Passed by the Council . Carlson Dalglish Meredith In Favor Peterson Sprafka Against Tedesco Mr. President (Byrne) Attest: Approved: City Clerk Mayor O Form approved Corporation Counsel By E aplicate to Printet ORDINANCE �°���'��=�� COUNCIL FILE NO - j �RESENTED QY ORDINANCE NO � Section 2. Th3� ordinanc� shall]: take eff�ct and be in force thirty daye after its pasaage� approval, a.nd publi.cation, _3_ � �, ; ���a�' Yeas Councilmen Nays Passed by the Council Carlson '� Dalglish Meredith Tn Favor Peterson (� A gainst Sprafka Tedesco �, � ;� �,�7 Q Mr. President (Byrne) Approved: _ Attest: City Clerk Mayor O Form approved Corporation Counsel By � ✓ ., - � �. � . ������ Ti�l� oi cla��; IiVVE;�,"TORY �ONTROL SI3PERV[SJR aJ � /� I�t_ties and responsibilities, tJnder direction, to be responsible tor the operation of the storet�.ouhes :for ��hool shop supplies and s�:hool supplies and e�uipmen�; and �o per:�orm related work as a�signed., Examples of �vc>rk _�erform�3, To sup�rvis° th� r�ceivizig, �ssuingg and storin�; of all the parts a�nc� su.;��lie� stocked in �he School Shop� 7o su.pei•vis� th? Y'�C�YVll2�� issLingt and stoi•in� of all s��pplies :ii�d equit�mer.� stocr.�ed i�� the School Storehause� T�� be res�;flnsii�l^ for o�-derizz� a.11 parts �.r:d suppl�es needed te maintain an aclequa.te inventory� i� marzi�aln i.Y1V2:i1�C)I�y z�cords a�d accounts, '�'� m�in�y�:n ��ntrol ��co��tzzts for tlz� �hv� and the S$orehouse btirl�e;°s,: To assist in t��stin; ne�v i�em�< T� b� res.p���zsii�I:� ior t�.e School. Sl�ol� Pe�:ty Ca�h A�eount, '1'� �orres�.on�1 �:�ith vendors ��hen necessary: To 51�nCY\%I5C anci �esform p:iys�.�'al inventari�s: �o ��.S.pervise ernploy�es in.rol�r�d in t:�e Sto�ehr�use and S�nrro�. Sr�o� o�erations� �'� znak:e r��orts and re�oYn::�eF-��lations: �/Iini;�n�xn_� �ualifi��ations: Zit��l SCa�]rJt;� Ui<iCTL1�.�1C?1'a �lI1C. tVVG �j''C'.n2'5f e3C�'��rie-�ce 15 c�Tl Ar�coun��:i�l� ��1�rI: .IJ� in r�._� ;�oa?•d oi Ed��cat:ou� � a -.L�� .. ` , z . ����6�,�� Ti�le uf class; ii•dVz�.,l`T'ORY �C):n7'TRt�L STiPERjrrSOR � �� �t;.tie5 and resl�orsi��iliti�so �Jnder c�i�ectic�n, to kze respons�ble for �he operation of the �tore�.:ous�; ��r scho�l sho� supplies and s�hool suppliz-:s and ec�tliT���r��nt; and to }�erform r�lal;Ad �xiork as assi�ned.: E�:amgles of �vUr?: �Se�•form��; Tu stlperv�se the i•�c�iviii�f ��;suxng, ancl storing of all tlie paz•ts anc: supplies �fiocl_:ecl in �hc School �hop, ':�'o supervis� �tz� x��r_es,vi�i�,� issuix��, and sto-ring of all �u.pplzes ai�d eqt�i�mer.� stocl;ed in the School Storehouse: "1'o be rebpon5i'�le for o�cieri�i� al.l paz°ts and supplies needed to maintaixz an ac�ec�trta'te inv�nforya i� rnadi�i�.iiz inve�itor;r x•�corc�s and �ccounts, ':�� rn�.znia�.n c�r.�ral a�c��tis�f.fi fol• �ine Shop and Ehe S�orehouse bt�.d�e.:s,. '�`� ..tssi��; in t-:5fiin� ne�=r it;�ms: �'c� b� re��onsi�:�1F� �oi t�-;.e Sc:hool Sl�op Pett�r Ga�h As�count. �I'o ��rres�on:a �,vith. t�enc�o�•s -�hen necessary-, `�'� s��ez•v�s� �.r.e� p�:�fol-rn �l�ysa.�al ix��;�entor�.es� I'� s�,pez•vi5e �=:.r.��±lay.�Ps in.�;olverl in t:12e Storehouse anc� S�hc�o{. �ho� c�.��e�•ari�,ns. °X� znaA:e r��a,ezts ant� retio.mrnenda�ionsv S�.�iLIZL1A1�117 l.ilJ.C:�1��.'ef�7.�.01�5.� b i'11��1 5l,�lOi:� �PriC�ll�s�Cl�Xa iL11C: t'�.�IC� Y��.�I'S� EX�'i�'.�'lE-i1Ce 3.$ c�Tl A��ouni:,.n� �l.ei:�': .�:i;. iia xhe �o?rd o- Ed���.�a.�;on� _2� ���6 r� This ordinance establishes specifications for the new title of Inventory Control Supervisor. � � 4� I st • 2nd Laid over to �� 3 3rd and app G' —Adopted Yeas Nays Yeas Nays Carison \ Carlson Dalglish � Dalglish Meredith \Meredith Peterson ��'�"������\ Peterson Sprafka \Sprafka � J V Tedesco � Tedesco Mr. President Byrne \Mr. President Byrne �O