247648 � on�a�N��To crrr c�ereK ., �4�648 CITY OF ST. PAUL FOENCIL NO. . O CE OF THE CITY CLERK ' CO C L T N-GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONE � ' DATF i WHE � S, the City Council, by Ordinance No. 13672, Council File No. 34345, approved Augus� 3, 1967, as a condition to re- zoning of certain real property within the City of Saint Paul, required the owners of the property rezoned to dedicate to the City a eertain easement for pedestrian travel and nonmotorized tra�el; and WHEREAS the description of said easement as set out in the said ordinance has now been d�termined to be incorreet, and the Committee on Lands recommends that the City release and quitclaim the City's intereat to the said easement and receive Deed of Dedication for the same purpose as set out in the above-mentioned ordinance; now, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Council of the City of Saint Paul does hereby concur in th� recommendation of its Committee on Lands, and the proper City otficers are hereby authorized and directed , ` to execute a quit claim deed on behalf of the City conveying to �he Cardinal Investm�nt Co. , a partner�hip consisting of Martin Berland, 2saac� Berland a�d Harold Shear, that certain easement as more particularly set out in the said quit clai�a deed, a copy of �ahich is attached hereto and ineorporated herein by r�ference; and be it m N FURTHER RESOLVED, That the proper City officers are hereby ° authorized and directed to acce t on behalf of the Cit dedication p P Y > o of an ea�ement £or pedestrian travel over a portion of the Northwest 1/4 � � of the Northeast 1/4, Section 11, Township 28 North, Range 22 West, a Q lyi.ng southerly of Afton Road, now Londin Lane, as more particularly ¢ c°� described in the said Deed o£ Dedication, � copy of which is attached t� � hereto and incorporated herein by reference; and be it O ti. COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Counci� 19— Yeas Nays Carlson Dalglish Approved 19—_ Meredith Tn Favor Peteraon Sprafka Mayor Against Tedeaco Mr. President, Byrne O ORIGINAL TO CITY CLBRK � �L��V j� � CITY OF ST. PAUL FOENCIL NO. . OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER DATF 2 FTNALLY RESOLV�D, That the proper City officers are directed to place the said Deed of Dedication o� record in the Office of the Register of Deeds and the Registrar of Titles. FE� 2 6 1970 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Councit 19— Yeas Nays FE� 2 b 19]0 Carlson Dalglish A rovec� 19�_ Meredith �_In Favor Peterson ' Sprafka �, Mayor A gainst Tedesco RUBL-ISHED FEB 2 8 197d Mr. President, Byrne O r SECTION 2 This ordinance is subject to the follot�ring conditions: l. That the oi,mer of said property shall grant to the City of Sai.nt Paul. for public use an easement for pedestrian travel and travel by nonmotor- ized vehicles, inclucling the right and �rivilege to construct and main.tain roaths, ways, and necessary fences, through, over and across the follot�ring described r�roperty, to s•rit: Those portions of the follotaing described roroperty that lies Westerly of �he hereinafter described line designated as "Line A": That part of the I�Torthti�rest Quar�er (I�W ,�—�) of the Northeast Quarter (RTE u) of Section eleven (11), Toi�mship twenty-ei�ht (2�3) North of Range twenty-tvro (22 ti,lest, lying Southerly of Afton Road (now Londin La.n.e) as now located, except that part inc�.uded ti�rithin Burlington Hei,hts, Division No. 2, acc., and the .North 1 of the Northeast ,�—� of the Sauthwest 4 of the Northeast �, Section 11, Tavmship 28, Range 22. "Line A": Commencing at a point on the Sou-thUresterly corner of the hereinbefore described tract; thence Easterly alon� the South line of sa.id tract 180 feet �;o the point of begin- ning; thence Northerly parallel to the West line of said tract a distance of 328 f`t.; thence ti�esterly �narallel to the South line of said tract, a. distance oi �+0 fe t; thence ��g� northerl;� along a line parallel to and 1�u0 feet es of the Easterly line of Totem Road to a �noint, t�Thich �oin is the intersection of the last described line a:nd a line �G.rallel to and 1B0 feet Southerly from the South line of Londin La.ne; thence PTortheasterly along a stra.ignt line to a �oint on the South line o�' Londin Lane, said }?oint being a: distan.ce of 500 feet measured along the Southerly line of Londin La..rie in �. �eneral idorth��resterly direction from the �noint a.t which the Easterly boundary of said tract intersects Londin Lane; and there terminating. � J. WILLIAM DONOVAN� 223-5317 Valuation Engineer ROY E. BREDAHL, Jr. C I T Y O F S A I N T PA U L Ass't Valuation Engineer BUREAU OF VALUATIONS ��.���� 286 Ci1y Halt �V $eint Paul, Minnesota 55102 �� February 26, 1970 To the Honorable Mayor and Council of the City of Saint Pau1 Gentlemen; The Council of the City of Saint Paul on August 3, 1.g67, approved Ordinance No. 13672, C.F. No. 23�+3�+5, amending the Zoning Code, Cha�ters &0 to 6�+, inclusive of the Saint Paul Legislative Code. This action rezoned certain property as described in Section 1 of the said ordinance from "A" Residence District to "C-1" Residence District. This ordinance was made subject to certain conditions as set forth in Section 2 thereof. The condition set forth in Paragraph 1 of said Section 2 provides that the petitioner and land owner shall grant to the City of Saint Paul certain ease- ment rights as set forth therein to that portion of the property as also described therein. Compliance with this condition was accomplished by Deed o� Easement dated September 7, 1967, and filed for record Se�otember 19, 1967, in Book 2092 Page 75 as Document No. �707905. Subsequent to the acceptance and filing for record of said Deed of Easement, it vras determined that the legal description set fbrth in Paragraph l, Section 2, of said Ordinance No. 13672, and the corresponding description in the Deed of Easement is in error. The Land Committee has considered this matter and recoirnnends that the City Corporation Counsel be instructed to prepare the necessary ordinance amending said Ordinance No, i3672 using the revised description attached hereto. A1so, the Corporation Counsel be instructed to prepare the necessary resolutions authorizing the proper City officials to quit claim to the grantors of the hereinbefore noted Deed of Easement the interests acquired by the City thereby, and to accept a revised Deed of Easement fram said grantors. The above recommended actions are necessary to clear a fl.asJ to the title of the grantor's property. Respectfully Submi.tted, CITY COUNCIL LAND COP��TTEE � ^ J. . Donovan, Secretary lG3O—<-'uit Cl.im Cce;'t. 7 .. �:�a.�,.:,H�cn.. e+�.we�..ou• Car��o�,it:ca� !o IndividutaL �'U�� �n• •)� hti�nescta�'Un�fnrrn Convcyancin� Cilank8 f19 � , �r ' � 'T� ijE� ����'l��tt��'� Jlucic flrt,s........................................_.....d�r� of'..........................................._......_............_.., IJ..............., betwceri .C���....o..��.....5.��.7�,--F�ttll..t....8...mt��.e�.,f�1................ � ...................................................................................................... N ccr oratip�a zc�zcZer t�he, luics o thc Stcite o �.........................I�i�ri27iE��C7tet �cartr o tlze LrsG �a�r� ccnd P f ', f ........................... , 7 � f � ' T , The.--.C�rc��:raal....�nve�tment....�q.�.,.....a...par�n�.���_i.p...�.qns i.e.tinq...of...�Kartin...Berland� Zsaac....}��rl�nd.---and---Haro].d...Sh�ar.R ...........-- .............................................................................�--....... ............................ u the L'ourotr u ....RamE�esY.................................cc�zd Statc o ..................Mf.nn�so�a f .r >'...................�---.. f �----................................................................... )�a��F.i�'g.............of tlie second �art, ItICC� el�j, Tli�at th�c sa,id part� of tlre fa2•,st �;a.rt, irz- corzsider•atioiz of th,c surrt of One Dollar (��..00� and o�h�r good and valuable consideratior�_��;,T.,,�,, . .... ....-�......................�-�---....... ....... . . . ......._.........................----.....---�-��------��-�--��---..._.. Eo iG' i7z Ica.nd p�id tn� tlae srzid pa�•t..�.�'..�......of t,Tze sec,oizd pa��t, �he rerei��t i��liei��:of i.s laerevy c�cicru�wled,�ec�, doe.s here�J Grarii-, L'ar�ai�i, Qrci�t�lai�m,, a�td CorLt;er/ can.f�o tice .said �;a.r�.L'..H...._....of filce secotid part,.....���.�Y' h.cir�s a,nd a,s:i,,;�zs, 1�'orer>er, c.11 ilze trurf...................or ptzrcel..................of Zan%l l�ino c�racl. beifas irz the CountJ of .....................R�mSeY........................and Statc of ��7i.rznesota, dcscr•ibcd as follows, to-zvit: That paxt of the North 1/2 of the Nor�heast 1/4 of the Southwest I/4 o� the Northeast 1/4 of Section 11, To�anship 28 North, Range 22 taest, and part of the Northwest 1/4 of th� �Forth�a�t 1/4, Easterly of Surlington Heightz�, Diviaion No. 2 Ram�ey Co. Fiin�n. and Southerly of Londi.n Lane, �.n Section 11, Town�hip 28 North, Ranc�e 22 West, except the Westerly 20 feet thereof, d�acrib�d aa follows: Beginning s� a point on th� 5outhwesterly corner of said tractf �hence East 180 Eeetf thence i.n a general NortherZy direction towards Londin Lan� and parall.el �o the westerly bounc�ary of �aid prop�rty to a point 180 feet South o� the Sauth line of Lor�din Lan�f th�nce in a general North- east�rly direction to a poi.nt on t2�e Sou�h line of Londin L�n�, said point being a dis�anc� of 500 feet m�a�urQd slong Londin Lane in a general N�rthwester3.y direction �rom the point at which the Eas�erly boundary of s�id tract int�rsec�s Londin Lane. �rAte o� ��iztitegor�, ss. Cozcnt� of............................................................................. On tici,s..........................................................................................da o ........ 1�............... Le or y .....................................................•• , , f e mc, a ................................................................__......................................................_....•---.iuitlai�z and for sc�id Coce�ztJ, perso�zallr� appearerl ....................................................................................................................a nd........................................._.........................•---•..................................................... to rrzc pei.�o�c�il�� k».nu�rL, u�1zo, bei.�a�s each bJ nze dzclJ su�orn........................did saJ that ther� arc respectivel�� the............................................1'resiclent an,c1, the_._..•-•---...................................................................of the eorporatwn narn,ecl in t3te fore�oin,,�� i�i.stri�niert, a�icl that the secil afj'i,xed to said irzstrza�nen.t is tice eorporate sec�l of said eorpora- tinrz, a.nd t3cat, scaid instricnze�at rvas si�ned and sealed in behalf of sa.id corpora.tion bJ azctlaori.tJ of its • Boa��cb of ..._...... and said................::..................................................................................................and ...........................................••••-............-•-•--..... ..........................................................................................ac7cru�rvlcclsed saicL iizstrzc�nerzE to be tlze ft�ee act and deed of said corpo�•cttion. n � ti � � � � � � w � � � � ; ` � � � ` � � co p o i ; o y �: o y � s�, v� �• � I � � a Q O r. � � ^ � � � '�' ,o � �h Q�' � � r� �Y �: � (� � v n y �, " y � � : �, � o o � b � ' b N �� ; c' �i � 70 ,_] ° " P C � b "� � � r.� � � n 9 .-7 C� o =� � e�.ti. � � � e7 � n � � � � � . R, �, N r" � � �: ,�, � t..ro 0 D �,, � � A � ` � � � y� � � -I l 1 �� o O � � cc o � � �p Z � o � y � R R � �3 � -1 �r � t � � �' � � � n � � � � � � � " c�-� `'� � '"'� � • �� A � Z ` �'y' � c� �.. y ��-'' O � i � � ` � � O V ' � o � � � d < �j � � m � `� �= � �, � �� � i c ��/.y , � � � � � �' � � � R+� a i i D L�■ bo . � �_ � � b � � � . j . . r � �" . V �, ' .' � y �`f, (O . ? � � , .. �� ` . . . � I� . . � . D !`Zt �'l t i . . sax�dx� �o-�ss�unuoa 1C� •c�u�y�t '1���zno� hastu��I '�'FTqnd 1�.z��ol�i •uo-��ntoea.z pz8� o�. �u�t�gzna •�n�a �u�es �a ���� P��e �o pa�p puB �.�8 aq� ac� o�. �u�umx�sui p-��� g�.6paTn�cau�{a� .zaT�o��diuo� ��'F� t��E 'x��T� A�'�� •�o��I� P��€� �c.� pu� •6T ' �0 1C�p aq� �a�o�dd� pus ��ssed ' 'o�T aT�3 'L��uno� •Zn�d �.u�c�S 30 ���� a�i� �o T'��uno� ac��. �o uo��rttosa.z Y�uc.xo� �o� �.ue�►�snd pa��uexf� ��.}���,�.�►e �q �rc�� ����"S �a ��i� P'��� �o �-��u�� u� �a���s pu� paub�s sta[� �taaumx�.su� p°��s ��t{�. �u� •tt��d �uz�� �o �T�i� a�.I� �o Teas au� �'� �uau�ma��u'F P'F�s o� p���3� 1[��s au� ��� Pu� '�ua�m.���u� bu�ob -�so� �u� �'� ��3z��u •��asaccu�:t�' •�t��� �u��S �� ��'F� a�€� �o ���To��du�o� ���� ��t� P� '�[�aY� A��� aq� °soP��I ��£� R��n��.aad�a� ase �C��'� ��u� A�e pTp •uxo�ns ��n�a �u� Rq qa�a 5u-�aq •o��► °u�otxs{ rTT�BCZOS�ad ��u o� •TTau��tW `t' c�d�so.� pu8 •TT�q��E�nT •� 1C.zs�H •��x�g •� �BU�oqs p�a�adds x-�Z�czo�,�ad 'T�.utto� �ST�s �o� �au� ��u�.�M ��Tqnd 1Ci��ou 2 'acu a,zo3aq 'OL6t ' 3o Rgp ���{� up t �sv�x 30 �no� •ss ( ( �sc���ts�t �o �s�ss ...............�Z ..............................-•-----------•--...........................sa.c�dxa umss?uc2uoa Ryy� •zcu�yy� `��uno,�.................................................................................�2qnd ��c��o,,1C �. ,� �. . `` . ��6, , • ��' THIS INDENTURE, ma.de this da,y of , 197p: � between' THE CARDINAL LNVESTMENT CO, , a partnership consisting of Morton Berland, Isaac Berland and Harold Shear, of the County of Ramsey and State of Minnesota, party of the first part, and the CITY OF SAINT PAUL, Ramsey County, Minnesota,, party of the second part; WITNESSETH, That the said party of the first part, in consideration of the sum of One Dollar ($1, 00) and other good and valuable consideration, to it in. hand paid by the said party of the second part, the receipt whe reof is hereby ack.nowledged, does hereby Grant, Quitclaim and Convey unto the said party of the second part, its successors and assigns, an easement herein- after described, as follows, to-wit; An easement for pedestrian travel and travel by non-motorized vehicles, including the right and privilege to construct and main- tain paths, ways, and necessary fences, through, over and•across the following described property, being in Ramsey Courty, State of Minne s ota: ACROSS those portions of the following described property that lies Westerly of the hereinafter described line designated as "Line A": That part of the Northwest Qua.rter (NW 1/4) of the Northeast Quarter (NE 1/4) of Section Eleven (11), Township Twenty-eight (28) North of Range Twenty-two (22) West, lying Southerly of Afton Road (now Londin Lane) as now located, except that part included within Burlington Heights, Division No. 2, acc. , • and the North 1/2 of the Northeast 1/4 of theSouthwest 1/4 of the Northeast 1/4, Section 11, Township 28, Range 22. "Line A": Commencing at a point on the Southwesterly corner of the here- inbefore described tract; thence Easterly along the South line of said tract 180 feet to the point of beginning; thence Northerly parallel to the West line of said tract a distance .of 328 feet; thence Westerly pa,rallel to the South line of said tract, a distance of 40 feet9 thence Northerly along a line paral- lel to and 180 feet East of the Easterly line of Totem Road to a point, which point is the i.ntersection of the last described line and a line parallel to and 180 feet Southerly from the South line of Londin Lane; thence Northeasterly along a straight line to a point on the South line of Londin Lane, said point being a distance of 50c� feet zneasured along the Southerly line of Londin Lane in a general Northwesterly direction from the point at which the Easterly bounda,ry of said tract intersects Londin Lane, and there terminating. THE FOREGOING SHALL BE SUBJECT TO THE FOLLOWING CONDI- TIONS: , s ' ^ ' �� � � � 6� - � � � i � Except as otherwise provided herein, said area shall be kept and maintained by �the City of Saint Paul in its natural wooded � state, and no other structures, buildings, picnic facilities, camp sites or fires shall be placed thereon without consent of � the owne r. � The Company reserves the right to use said area for walks, roads and utilities, provided that such use shall not interfere with the rights granted the public and the City of Saint Paul under the terms of the easement. The grant of easement pro- vided for herein shall not relieve the owner of said property from liability for any special assessments authorized by Charter or Statute for which the owner would be legally � liable. IN TESTIMO NY WHEREOF, the said party of the first part has hereunto set his hand and seal the da and ear fir � Y y st above written. � x � In Presence of: THE CARDINAL INVESTMENT CO. ' � ¢ �' ` Co , � f :-�.`. ' g Y�1'~ � ��=:� �:F_:�¢!"��; -�� ; � �7�1 �; . . . �_. _-_. . .�, ; � . Harold Sl�ear_. , . �_.°�j '7� ���► • �...., , !. ,`r��,r---7'w-�—_ � / � L a N.i` / � ' � /L. Morton Ber and � •" STATE OF MINNESOTA) Sso 3 COUNTY OF RAMSEY ) { i On this �-'=�� _/.. ��, of � Y .�G��t-c�-� , 1970, before me a Notary ` HAROLD SHEAR and �,' Public within and for said County, personally appeared/ MORTON BERLAND, 3 � to me known to be thepersonsdesc.ribed in, and who executed the foregoing � instrument and acknowledged that he�executed the same as the free act and S f deed of the partnership and with full authorit of said r Y partnershipo f 1 � � � --,� � � �Q.�e.��,�,.� ; r ,'/ Notary blic V ; �t�vtt�� �: i...,�:.�.,w { ,+�r:n. ' Notary Public, i�a:nsey Coi,;;iy, f , ' My Commissiun Expires Af,�i! 18, 197� '