247629 ` ��~���GJ OF!"61NAL TO CITY CLERK CITY OF ST. PAUL FOE NCIL NO. ' OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RE U ION—GE FORM PRESENTED BY Robert F. Peterson COMMISSIONE APPR�VAL OF PLANS la th� r�atter of cor�structipg concrete curb and gt�tt�r on both sides of ARt�IDEL ST. fro� the So. line of Lot 20, Soderbe�g's Add. to Maryla�d Ave., u�der Prelia�inary Order Ho. 2�i141, approved October 31 , 1969, a�d Final Ordsr No. 246860, approved Janaary 6, 1970; the North side of IDAHO AVE. fro� Flandrau St. to Mlhite Bear Ave., under Preliminary �rder No. 246203, �pproved Noves�ber 5, 1969, and Final Order No. 246859, approved January 6, 1970; both sides of IOMIA AVE. fro� Chatsworth St. to Milton St., under Preiimi�ary Order No. 246361 , approved November 19, 1969, ar�d Final Order No. 246935, approved January 13, 1970. Also cor�struct concrete curb on the East side cf MAYW40D ST. fro� lowa Ave. to California Ave., u�der Preliminary Order No. 242854, approved March 27, 196g, and Final Order No. 244070, approved !!ay 27, 1969. RESOLVED, That the Plans apd Spacifications fo� the abcve �aaaed is�prov�ne�t as submi tted by the Co�1 ss ior�er of Pubt i c Works be and the sa�ae are hereby approved, ana! be i t FE�THER RESOLVED, That the Pu�chasing Age�t be and is hereby directed to advertise for bids on this ia�provement. FEB 2 b 1970 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Councii 19— Yeas Nays F E B 2 b 197� Carlson Dalglish Approveci 19�_ Meredith n Favor Peterson Sprafka J Mayor A gainst Tedesco PUBL,ISHED FEB 2 8 1970 Mr. President, Byrne O DU4LICAfE TO PRINTER ""; f' � . J ".• .rl ��� � � {��,.3 CITY OF ST. PAUL .'� ;": FoENCi� �O. �'-�`��f����" OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERALHr�ORM w �:; ���� ���(;� PRESENTED BY Robert F. PefierSOn COMMISSIONER DATF r ';'a'!' ! `� " � --:i,�� I'. , 6;;�,,Ihl APPROVAL 4F PIANS Ir� the rc+atter of constructtng co�crete curb a�d gutter on both sides of ARUNDEL ST. From the So. line of Lot 20, Soderberg's Add. tn Maryla�d Av�. . under Prelimtnary Order No. 246141 � approved Detober 31 , 1�6g, and Final Order Wo. 246g&�� approvad January 6, 1 y70; the North s i de af I DANO A`JE. f rom Fl andrau 5t. to L�h t te 8ear Ave.. under i�reliminary Order No. 246203, approved 'riovember 5. Ig69, and �ina1 Qrder No. 246859, approved January 6, 1970; both sides ot tOWA AUE. from Chatsworth 5t. to Mliton St., under Preliminary Clyder Nca. �4�i3b1 , a�provec! Nov+amber 19, 1969, snd Final Ordef No. ��+�935, apprc�v�d J�nuary 13� 1970. f�lso construct concrete curb on th� i�ast side ofr MAYW04D ST. from lowa Ave. to Californta Ave.. z�nder Preliminary Ord�r tvo. 242�354� appraved March ZJ, 1�69� and Final Urder No. 2�+070> approved tlay 27, 1969. RESULVED, That tha F'lans and Specifications for Che above nanied improvement as submitted by the� Commissioner of Public Works be a�d the same ar� hereby approved, and be it FU�tTfi�R RLSU�.SlED, That th� PurGh�sing ,"�ger�t k►P and is hercby dir�cted to adverCise for bids on this �mprov�m�nt. COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Councit ��� � � ��'��19— Yeas Nays Carlson ,� A rovec� ���`='�� � .a ��l� Dalglish � Pp 19-- Meredith Tn Favor Peterson � ' Mayor Sprafka �-' A gainst Tedesco Mr. President, Byrne O