247620 / OR161NAL TO CITY CLBBK • • ���V�� � CITY OF ST. PAUL couNCi� � " OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK FILE NO. COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY � COMMISSIONE DATF RFS4�VED, TY�at upon and pursuar�t to the pertiner�t appeal, under �he Zonin�; Code, by Fhillip� Petrol�um Compan�r, owner of �he �ub�eat r��.l es�ate, situate in the City o�' S�int Paul and described ass �he ea�t 156 feet of the �outheast � of Sea. 3�, �. �9, R. 2� exaept tMe south 280 fee� thereof, 2�nd e���:pt all that pa�t �hereof lgi�� north of a line rtanning West at right angles �o the east line of said �o�theast � from a poin� distamt 570 fe�t �outh- of th� aenter iine of T. H. �`12, mea.s�red on said �ast 11n�, sub�eet to publia rights in White Bear Avenue; ar�d lo�ated on prop�rty on th� southwes� ao�Mer of �ite Bear Av�nue and I-9�, �hat the provisions of �aid Zonir�g Qode hereby a�� determined and varied a� and �o the extent neee�saz°�r ther�for _, to p�r�it the in�tallation �f a 112-�quare foot sign a� a �otal � G height of 8� f�et a,bove the exist3ng g�ade; sub�e�t to �he � � � condition that said applicant-per��tte�, and it� s�ecessor� and � ��. ��- � a�aign�, sha.11 make due aompliana� with all applieable provisisns � of municipal orc1inanees, state statu�es �nd rule� ar�d regr�lations � N ;� of publi� autho�itie� having aognizanae. � FEii 2 5 1�70 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Councii 19— Yeas Nays �E� 2 � 1'�� Carlson Dalglish Approved 19—_ Meredith �In Favor Peterson ` Sprafka (� Mayor A gainst Tedesco Mr. President, Byrne pUB11SHED FE B 2 8 197� O , BOARD OF ZONING, CITY OF ST. PAUL '1010 COMMERCE BUILDING • ST. PAUL,MINNESOTA 55101 • PHONE: 223-4151 February 11, 1970 Mr. Harry E. Marshall f� �.� � City Clerk �� ���;.�j � '�i' Room 386 City Hall Dear Mr. Marshall: This is written in response to the appeal of Phillips Petroleum Company to vary the requirements of the Zoning Code to permit the installation of a 112-square foot sign at a total height of 84 feet above the existing grade. The property is located on the southwest corner of White Bear Avenue and I-94. This property is further described as: The east 156 feet of the southeast � of Sec. 34, T. 29, R. 22 except the south 280 feet thereof, and except all that part thereof lying north of a line running west at right angles to the east line of said southeast 4 from a point distant 570 feet south of the center line of T. H. ��12, measured on said east line, subject to public rights in White Bear Avenue. This matter was considered at the January 22, 1970, Board of Zoning meeting. The staff reported that a petition to rezone this site from "A" Residence to Commercial was heard by the Board of Zoning on June 6, 1968, and the Board recommended denial; the City Council concurred and denied the petition on July 18, 1968. A new petition on the same site for Commercial zoning for a filling station was heard by the Board of Zoning on April 17, 1969. The Board recommended approval due to changed conditions; the property adjoining to the south was purchased for a new Fire Station. The City Council granted the rezoning on June 14, 1969. A permit to construct a new filling station was granted on August 23, 1969. The staff explained that this property is in Height District One which limits structure height to 40 feet but allows a one-foot increase in height for each foot set back from the property line. The proposed sign will have a height of 84 feet, 44 feet more than is permitted in this district, or a 110% variance. The sign could be built without a variance but would have to be built in the middle of the site. After some discussion it was the finding of the majority of the Board of Zoning that this site would be an appropriate location for such a sign, and that the requested additional height would not be detrimental. The Board, therefore, by a 3-2 vote, recommends approval of this appeal. Very truly yours, , �' __�f/' - y � , ;�.... _. �-�PETER/J. I TA Secretary, Board of Zoning PJM:ga f CLS � Z.F. �k6931 "� � �- + tt .�-r< �`�} ��,-�. G�: 8� °' - • ",� ��'� � . ~ �-�o , � �� ' PH1W°� PHILLIPS PETROLEUM COMPANY „ 215 SOUTH t1rN STREET 812•932-7481 MINNEAPOLIS, MINNESOTA 58408 ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT December 2, 19b9 Re: Sign Height Variance ss 26699 Southwest Corner of I-91� and irJhit e Be ar Avenue St. Paul, Minnesota The; Honorable Mayor & Cit�r Council c/o City Clerk Room 3�6 City Ha11 and Courthouse St. Paul, Niinnesota Gentlemen: Phillips Petroleum Company, Phone 332-7461, wishes to apply for a variance to allow tham to install a 112 square foot sign at a total hei�ht of $!�� above e�sting grade. The legal description of our property is: 'I'he East 156 fe�t of the Southeast 4 of Section 34, T.29, R•22 except the South 2$0 feet thereof, and �xcept all that part thereof lying North of a line running West at right angles to the E,a.st line of said Southeast � from a point distant 570 feet South of the center line of Trunk Highway Num.ber 12, measured on said East line, sub�ect to public rights in White Bear Avenue, The property is now �racant and will be used for a serv:ice station. ltie are requesting this variance so that our sign can be seen by the traveling public from I-9�+- Ths sign would not be visible from I-94 at the height which the present zoning allotas. vde wish to appeal the following Sections: 60.19, Billboard.g & Signs; 61.06 Heights District Limitations & Exceptions. A check for $30.00 is �nclosed - filing fee involving commercial property. � N�f ���� ���"'�"�r.- Yours ve� ._.t�� �i 1�# � � ,t���� � �..'...w�,..y,� � . I•�� . - .. b�� EJF:is E. . �.ihrman �c. i�ivisio�(',�g���1�' �AR� �6r�� P�uf� Nldt���'(, cc - Mr. Adrian Bror�m Plarining Technician I - �m=� , i3�AitD� OT' 70NIN� REPORT AND ACTIJN January 22, 1970 nlat Map �k42 ' !1�tin� under Le�?islative Code Chapter 60 thru 64 h-sss^�l Au�;ust 22� 1922 as amended to April 6� 1963 6931 -- _— - -- 6777-3 1 . A'':'I,1�:!IIJ'f':; NA"�tE ; Pl�i l lip� Petrc�leum Comp�ny 65 L0-! L 2. C;.1S�IFICAT'ION s � Am�ndrtwnt t.=.� Appeal ❑ Yermit �Other X-842 Variance to allow installetion of a 112-square foot 3. ^URP�SE % sign at a total height of 84 feet above existing grade 4, L'KF�TION ; 5outhwest corner of White Bear Avenue and I-94 5. I,E(',AL DESCRIPTION s The E. 156' of the SE� of Sec. 34, T. 29, R. 22 except the S, 280' thereof, and except ell that part thereof lyin�; N, of a line running W. at right englea t� the E. line of said SE� from a point distant 570' S, of the center line of T. H. ��12, measured 6. P<�Sl:NT 7.011INGi on said E. line, subj . to public rig}ita in Wtiite Bear Avenue. --Commercial-- �� . P:1:.SUA"1T TO Zoning, Cod� Chapters 64 S�ction: ,03 Parat�raph: �3 . STAE'F INVESTIGATION � REPORTs Dste; 1/15/70 �ys ATB A. ZONING ADMINISTRATOR: The Zoning Administrator denied a construction permit because the proposed sign exceeded the height district limits. B. HISTORY: A petition to rezone this site from "A" Residence to Com,nercial was heard by the Aoard of Zoninq on 6/6/68, and the Board recotmnended denial ; nc�� Citv Council concurr.ed and denied the pe[ition on 7/18/68. A new petition on the same site for Commercial zoning for a filling station was heard by the Board of Zonin�; on 4/17/69. The Board recoimnended approval due to changed conditions; the property adjoinin�; to the south was purchased for a new Fire S[ation. The Ciry Council granted tl�e rezoning on 6/14/69. A permit to cotistru�:t a new fill in�; staCic�n was �;rante�l c�n R/23/69. C. YRUPOSAI,: Conetruct a �ign wi th an area of 112 yquare fe��t wi tli a l►��i��,l�t <�1 t+'+ l��et . D. PRESENI' S'I'ANDARD: This property is in Height District One which lin�its structure height 40 feet but allows a one-foot increase in height for each foot set back from the property line. E. VARIANCE: The proposed sign will have a height of 84 feet, 44 feet more than is permitted in this district or a 110% variance. F. AREA ZONTNC: Adjoining to the north is highway right-of-way; to the Past is •r,oned C rnrmiCrcial; the rest of the area ia zoned "A" Residence. G. SITE CONDITIONS: The site has been greded and is bein� developeci with a fillin� station. H. AREA CONDiTIONS: A new Fire Station is bein�; con;�tructc�d on [h�� .��Ijc�inint; �t�opc�rtv tu rh� south. f3urns Avenue is developed with Gin};le-Camily resicien�•��>; , tii�l,urhnn Avi�nu�� to the catit i.s heing improved and the area ea5t c�f Whitr R��ar Avc�nu�� is v�ct�nc nn�i in rhe procesv of bein�; filled and Rraded. Council Letter 9. 30ARD ACTION; To Recommend �`~ ►Approval �Denial Dated 2/11/70 °9oved by; Maietta Yeas Nays Date of HearinF* x Amea 5econded bys Gauger Coh�n 2/13/70 Danna (Alt) Council Action Gsdler x x Gaug'r Secret�ry' s rsmarkss x Maietta Date McPartlin (Alt hc Mansur (Alt) T_u �-___-_- -_-�-- __ ._ `-�� .--=-_.---� �-��-.: .9�l:---. - . ____. _-��_ • _��``"__~-��r� �� �,� -���� •` -._� _. -�-�� � '... '- F �_� � �����._�_"_.__� ��.��..-.a_��� -- .�-�.� ... . - �� .r�. 7? �� � 0 ' � ' . . r�- . �� . � .y •, i� ••. L 1 : � cs�►` � - . •M ; i 1 ' � . 1_�_� .�__ � _. _ , . _. _ _ , �. � � .���w` � -.� .- - - - �--- --,- ; � o 'Ir - _ _-. _ - � ' , �� ' � , �, . =-�_. •".�":•�_. . � � ' . � ` `���' � . ..:_�'� .r._ .` •�- ',� -..:.� �� ; ��__..: u� .r V . � ` ` \ � .� . `--�`��'_.�-_��•r'S-' �.-- � � 1 .. � •_ rr= _. __ ��•-�)-�_ r..' ' '.LL. ' __ � �� - -- - - 1�.... ..�_ .w .. - _- ' . � �' � .'�.�„_ ' IY � � _'" � _ ' __ _ _ _ __.... .��_ ,.-'dl. 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'. . .NI�' ` _ '�_=-_.�.. _ " ..' _.. � I •�_ `_ `.+�C.��`..�..- - -- ��_�,'!. ... • . `. . O ! ��'i��� .r.-'L,�_-`_�, -- `-u...:_-_. � •� 1 !-� . � � . .y. � � /�/ �.r.-. �:"=_.� �,_._ - - ~ . ._ ._. � � f ' I . • . , O i�i ar_ - .�.�r'��:. �.' ^�_ - .�_"'�" .__--' � ` I � r �\' � �, � ' �� � ._ _�`�T` _'�a ' - .. -- c �� �, �r �; � ' o � � � �, �, o `� � ���=-�=_-�� :-�-�.� �` -- , -�`� ' � I I , -.�— a:.� �-.V� - sr_ -- .; �AVE : ��_ �_�s-�-_ --_�-=�, E , �+ -�_=_�- _ _ - -- . . ._ _ _ -- --- , _ � ,� �.-�:.._ -,, -.�---- y.. -�:� - -- W .. _ �,:.. . , � - -- _ ` ...._ � � ' 1� + ^ i . �-�` ��_--�_. .y..�_� �..r - _.�� _ 1 ��� � '' �I�;�'�1� � � i� I�_ � � ___ _. .-- .�..� __ _.- ' _ APPLICANT Phillips Petroleum Company LGGEND , PURPOSE aa112nsquareafoot signaataaltotal LAND USE height of 84 feet above existing grade. Q Q(vE-FAMILY PRESENT ZONING �ommerc�al -O- TWO-FAP�ILY }� THREE-FAt�,�ILY PETITON SIGNERS -�- FOUR-FAMI�Y �� MULTI-F,�,��:91LY o . n COM[�ERCIAL FILE No 6931 NoRT►+ n � INDUSTRIAL u VACANT St. Pau I Planning Bocrd, Date� 1/14/70 � �Property Under Ca�sideration i�slN��:, ��' 'i'I�..� PU$T.s�" �F,l�.KII�� :�FFC�RE `.F'HE SOt�RiD (3F Z�N�NG :�n Thursda��T .7anu�xy 2?_, 1�170, at 2:C)0 P,�+I� PK�iENT: �essrs. �A�nes, Gac�J.�r, Gau�er, McPa�rtl�.r, �r.d M�2ietta of t�e Board and l�essrs o L�a�w� �nd �y�da, �r o �Ic�i.dea�, Mr�. F�antzen, �nd Misa Sperx of ehe staff. pH:�I.LI� P�TRQLLUM �f��IPAN'Y: An appea�. for S�'�3Y:19I10E to ali�ur the instellt�ti4n o� a 1�2-square iaot si�n at a tota�, h�ig€�t �f 8�o- f+eet above �he �xiating grade on pro��rty located ou the suL�hwes� cr�rn�r of Y�"h�.te Be�r Ave�ue and I-9�a. Mxe Ky�n sim�oasxiaed the �taf� xepax� s�a�ta�g tja�� this pxo��,�rty is in Hefght l�istTict I which l�.mits st�.-�artsre i���.gh� �i: 4�0 feet but al;.aws a one-foot inrrease in h�ighr fr�7� each favt set ba�ck frc��i the p�nperty line� t�,� proposed sign wi�21 h�ve � h�i;ht of ��; feet, 44 �c:�t �nc,±-e �han i� pe�ni.t;��c�, nx- a v�riance c£ 1Z� percent. The 3ior,. conld �� t�+si�t �aitl�out var:i.ancP bu� wc,ea3.c' h�ve to be bui�.i in the mi�id2e o� the sitev Aij�:ning �.o th� ��arth 3s h.i�hwr}� rxght-of-way, �o �he eas� is �acs�d ��u���±�ci.ai, �and L-he re�st ef t.he �rea �s �oned "A�� Reaideace. The si�ca would�'l: �lac�C ::�c� �;i��r c,f, *he ogp�sz.ng �:r�r�':i�::o I3abadq �r�rseaz�d in �'p�2C�:�.E)i1. ��+ �his �saziance, Mr� Gxd3.c�r e�.�res€�ed conr_�:�:c�, �ha� 4it�s typ�� A� sign bQ �ermict�d to be erected all o4JE� txze iyig��waqs. 13ro Heid�� exp�a�.r�.ed �.ha�. �tap �p}y��I. is nee�e�! to enable �tBe ere�tion af th� sign so ?-hat it i� ncst ln t�:e mr���uve�Y�� a�:ea of th.e g�s stari.an. Tt �s a qa���•L•xon of lor�aei�a�. wi�:�f_n tt�e s#.te.. Mro Mr�iet�t� �'eels i� i.s ;�n ap�rc��r�.at� �.c�catio� for �he s:e.�;n �ncr ths� �.•'�e gas s��tion shculd be ab�e �to er�ct c�n�e �;�a��e. H� s�9d th� hAgher i:i1� �kgn is, �h� b�tter, oecacase t�i�n it won't c�bsta:t3ct the people`s �:iy�.ng �z�u�� Mre Maiei��� mnve�l f�-r. dp�r.av��. rf t_h� �p�4��y, �ic�3��ki w�a 3C'.�°,.i?Ytd!�d �y P�Iso �r�i��ex, and p�sse�l by a 3-7 mr�xgin. Messxs� �s�cl.er a�.rl Mc�art�in VO�.�zi 3,� o�apositio� �o khe motiona Subiufti.ed by: Rc.ge:: W� I;yr�r� �.c����,t �� �lmesa �tisi��n.a��x -6� ,_ City C1erk , •. - • CITY OF SAINT PAUL MINNESOTA DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE 113 Court House 55102 January 30, 1970 File k 842 Page 1 You are hereby noCified that a public hearing will be field in the Couacil Chambers of the City Hall and Court House in the City of St. Yaul at 10:00 a.m. on February 13, 1970, on the appeal of Phillips Petroleum Company to allow variaace of fnstallation of a 112-square foot siga at a total height of 84 feet above existing grade on the property described ae follows: The East 156 feet of the southeast �, of Section 34, Township 29, Range 22 except the south 280 feet thereof, and except all that part thereof lying north of a line running west at right angles to the east line of said southeast � fran a point distant 570 feet south of the center line of Trunk Highway #12, measured on said east line, subject to publfc rights in White Bear Avenue. The property is located - on the southwest corner of White Bear Avenue and Highway I-94. For further information contact the Planning Board, Room 1010 Co�erce Buildfng or telephone 223-4151. JAMES J. DALGLISH Co�maissioner of Finance O • . ;,�`°�""' �� � �r�.� < •r�.i:ft.�y 'M�� ( ..��� i STATE OF MINNESOTA DEPARTMENT OF HIGHWAYS CONSTRUCTION DISTRICT 9 1E48 UNIVERSITY AVENUE ST. PAUL, MINN. 551 d4 February 10, 1970 Mr. James J. Dalglish Commissioner of Finance 113 Court House St. Paul, �innesota 55102 In reply refer to: 31.9 s.P. 6283 (9�+=392) 903 Ramsey County At :>Thite Bear :�ve. Your File '�+o. x842 Dear A1r. Dalglish: In reply to your notice of hearing for February 13, 1970 as to variance of sign for the Phillips Petroleum Co. at its location on '.Jhite Bear :�venue. The Department of Highways has no objection to said sign as long as no portion of the base, standard or si�n encroaches onto or overhan�s the highway rignts of way. Sincerely, '��.�•� D. R. McFadden Deputy District Engineer O � � i , -- � .. ��}, ;�' 1 � �_^ _ -' " , 1 - DRIVEWAYS AND APPROACH�3; l �� ` -_.-- ., � , _.,_--- �' , ��np/ �.�- 1. PROVIDE EXPANSION AINTS AT CUILDINI � �� ~ ^ � TION JOINTS AS ._-^-' . . � '� ,.� f^ - SMOWN ON P�OT P�N,� r,t'�.��� [ �y , ;�25 FEET AND AT ISLANDS AS SFqWN ON �.Xfi--�---�� --���- � - ----��---� �-��-------�± � '� -�' � OE SU85TITUTED FOR COf�TRACTION JOIN � • ��',�L.f•� A � ARMCA LOAD BEARING �OINT AT P[RIM[l � �' . "�-� � � ` AItE LOGTED UNDER (SONCNETl, �!Q � 2, CARE MUST BE TAK�II 70 PREVlNT LOW: � � i '�� / �C> � WILL NOT DR/11N. �� \ r ;� 7. REINiORCING TO ��fE�6 X 6 X 10/10 W[�,1 cti I! � 1� / �r � �. ASPHALT TO BE��G No_T_D✓�R ;� I �� .,j ��, �; S. APPRpACHES T�GONF"ORM TO REOUIRCMI � �� ! �y '�, L /J AUTHORITY. / 2 / ' �9 � � (/ •` 4�1 EOUIPMENTi` ; i � - �I � r � t, LrRECT PHhESTAL BIGN AT START OF COI � �I " ��, � ;��',J� Z. WHCRE YANKS ARE DENEATH CONtRETE� L: � �^� WITH P�A GRAVEL OR COMrACTED SAND f ` , OF F/I�L TO SURFACING TO DE GNAVEL. ` .` � �. PROYIDE 6"DOUBLE R[INFORC6D CONCRE �'� J � r � n,� A I�INIMUM OF 2� IN [ACH DIRECTION. / F. , I �' ... � � -�' � � m „_,.�,,,.• 'S MA LL GO V E/tN. � yl� ' � ._,__.._-- � . D� EL,�CTRiCA L: r � ' •� 1 f PERIMETHR AN� ISLAND LICNTS A11E SMO • � "..._,.-� t �. _., � �( j SHOWN OM PLOT PUN NEAR LIGMTS ARE � � ��!�\`�, .__.- -'� g�'/ x BSiC� � ��2. DO NOT RUN CONDUIT OVlR TANK AR6A. d �` � `�»-----y--- � • ��_•,,.. x ��c ��, > d �. 1 1'lOUi' fire rat�.n�; raquire / PLUMBiNG: I� ' � 2. : �%�'' sheetrock throu� �i�^_.� 1. ALL UNDERGI�OUND PI�ING TO BE A M�NI t building and c,anopy W ��I� 3. l,��J't�: F/C�" Flywoocl� deck, mi]. l:ij�:�. r'�� APPROVLD sY OWN[R�5 REPI�ESENTATIVI F 2, SLOPE VEIVT LINES TOWARD TANNS A MI � ".. ' `'7' -` 3 � � � � LS�v-1T1 all steal, baazr.s vr , �± �' } � PLOT PUN AND EXT[ND ]� ABOVE ROOF „ .�,..".''t +• • h 5�' C1� S..eeLroCk�. � !, 00 NOT RUN PIPING UNDEN OFIICE Ft,pp i /�; � 5. 1:4e r.��etal �:rash enc�osur�3. 1�, 1�ppM FLAORS 1! PCRMITTED ONLV IF NI ..� '� �'• '�j$(? ;flet�,y 1$,J:aj'1(� f Q2"'IIS'. � � �. ►IpV10[AIR L�HES TO EACM AIR REEL C b, CONTMCTOIi IS RESPOMSItL! ►'O11 LOG ��;�..n,;;�. 7� �!se a.l.urr�nwr; ove,rhead ors. � � ' H[CT�NG FEES. � �.:1� 8. i;^it jalou9ie ��indows. � �� 9, I'reat e::terior c;oncret� �aith 1 t HEATING: � i � part oil,'& 10 parts s, ddard �i � soyvent. ' ,. F���i� . z ` # i0. ��ontractor to furnis oil for air compitissor. 1. DE316N TEMPEMTURC ` V O' � J J, MINIMUM 512E FUqNACE OUTPUT z31 � � � 11. �ontractor to b��; res onsible ','or rece�vin� and s*,orir�; all i eC�u1.�m9Tlt sut.p�iad,� � Phillips Patroleu.*n Co�par�y. � f 12. !?se t�Pa� 23 vent �a�r� on gasoline tank vents. ; ( _ _. ._____,___. � r..�j 13. Ir.stail air ri��: � � �,�,nd '�cnockout for future hois� in �izsh stall ' I I4. �,11 3/4" gravel ar as to ha 1/2�� to 3 jc��� Wasrza grav�l., 3'' � � K,�� .,y�_,� � ��` ; - .- thi�k layer over 'rnil. poly., as locaily availabla. ', ° '� � ~'�' � � � � E��.�s.�< ��o. � + ; °'�� l�. G�n�^'s re�rese�.�t tive to be present during a soa? tast. of �l � gasaline pipin� , 50 F�si. Do not backfill until �;ip�r.g is ,,vo-� : ��t `�� � ���.o l a�.proved. � ' { E,��_ r�,v�. �J ', __ _. __ � '� ` K i6. CanoF,v footin�s ; o b� below frost line. �ti , � , ,� o u,� ,; 1�. �o not run �lec � ic mast or tanl: vents through roof. ' ; i _ 1 -3.E, t's� ,�F�C or Le � ox furnace. I,t '' ' 19. !`se o tional a .anger;:ent without sum ) for was;.e oil ` ,., , , � '� ` p � F X ' � ,��.:�,��, �listosa± sy ste , � �%" ' 2C. idd �:ower pol as necessary. Location of each pole ::iust e ' ,'� � • � . apt ro��ed pri t,o �nstallation. ^ ,�L 0 A '�- a � =d b Fhilli�s Fetrole� �o. �' e , � � 21. �uiic ir.p., p r � te b�. f.�rn.isr�., y t- ,,�' � � 22. Gbtain si�n��,�arr.:it, wreckir.g �ermitis, and all other licenses\ ;.�,��, f ' � � ` � ar.c ;�er:nits .s required. \ _.. _ � v<, ,y;, 23. ;bbreviation�: � :;. Single reinforced i,.G. 'r�.�ste GiZ � ,:;. , '- ,�, N� D.;'. liouble reinforced F.G. Fual Oil z�• '' 5.,;. cavin Jur.iper li.i�. �rainage \ ,_ .yT:. Ao� To Scale ue��ression "� � � ; S.L. ::lope �asement 'I`yF. T���.ic��(reYea� ~- • - �� "'` � t�'.'�:.L.Fluoresca:�t yard wh�.r: �}IOwT.� ' Zl�flt. � E 2k., `.av.ir. �;;.zri� �rs to be ��' -2�.''; P:ugho Piz:e to be 1£i '-21�' . - � � . � '� ylack !i�lls ::Fruce to he 1�''-2t�'� ._ _ _ __. _ _ _: �'"_ __v, ?5• �ower righ* oi wa�.� for safet�r visibilit�r oetween north -- __ ___- --_---- ---.. ._. — �,. �rac-ert;� line and service z�ad with approt�riate aut�lority. � � �.etlace ��ith sod. �;li cut a'rea and a�d alon� frort of � _______ _ _,___,._�__ �;:operty a� re�lured. �urb cuts a.nd side�ral�cs :re in place. E;dd norLY���rly a�proach as ind�cate�. � . 7r ?E, �:li:�inate side door fror� sales cffice. �teplace c��th ::or,- U � �in�ous Flate F�la:s. =------_-_-— �"f. r ?£', ::od � reas �o n�.:ve 3'' b�_ack dirt base ovar ?" clav soil b�r.��er. � itoli sod i:_ i l�ce. - �;� i,��:�' s��::t� to .,.aut cit;; vaies. 3C�, Ch3,ir�. link fence to b� cyclona t;;�,e, 4 ' hi,5r. �ai�izizad with � �' rosts set in ccmcrat�. 31. Pro�ide t�:���C;'�:I1^,`�r,Or�c'3.Q�.18 �over over signs durir_� cor�- .,. structicn �� rer�eve u�:or< c0��l�;lzt�on of �or_struct�or.. , � _ a �y J � � _ __.___ , Y. .. x Sr.a?-�o..� /`4 G.: -: s=.- : � �'-�`� in/ •-,' ;r:. :.:� P" �`�" •�}✓ FOR B�o� pHILLIPS PETROLEUM COMPANY � FoR APPR �, BARTLESVILLE. OKLAHOMA r , . � ;�' -- - � - --- .._.____--- / ._ .._ � � � ,� FOR CON�ST L / / �/ �� iJ�'i/ /� ,�- �:. ; ' / . , � �. . / / ...� l F..._ �� �+. . .:._ .' , �.., . � . . ,,. ,. .x; .... � .. : ""�. .,> --- -.- - - -- --- - -- r J , . n. � D E S I G N r' � i= [�� ' ' ! '� � L � / � � � % � �'�/ � �,;� '.J r- .� ,.. . - , � ` ! . F-� _ , �" , L'�i � j� � �- r\ V � �_. � � ' � .. DRAWN / ! - � %, :J V � �.— _- -�-�- — C ' . y'`' j .,/._ . , = � _ ,� �� CHECKED -` n ' -- -__---- ------- , _r_ _ � p , A P P'D � �' :�i' . /- ���.i -_ f . .' V. � ' � . _ � � � _. . . . , _ , �'p ' hA�° �"�J . �y � . V � f ' . , . ' . �t, t.`il ��. . 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