03-69� � �ORIGINAL Presented By: Ref"erred To: Council File # Q 3 � (�9' Green Sheet #1 204577 RESOLUTION CTTY OF SAINT PAUL, MIlViVESOTA �S Committee:Date: 1 BE TT RESOLVED, that the City of Saint Paul, Police Department, is authorized to enter into the 2 attached agreement, which includes an indemni£ication ciause, with the Minnesota State Fair to use 3 portions of Machinery Hill (north of Randall Avenue only) at the Minnesota State Fairgrounds for 4 police training on January 13 and 14, 2003. A copy of this agreement is to be kept on file and on 5 record in the Oftice of Financial Services. 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 r�' 03 -Gq ✓ DEu?ARTMENT/OPFICElCOUNCIL DATE INI7IATED roi��en��nt iiioizoos GREEN SHEET No. 204577 ^, � C NTA ER N PH NE INfi1AWn7E IN�iWJDATE G7uefFinuey 2923588 1 na..,�o��cron_ 4 wuxca MUS7 BE N COUNCIL AGENDA BY (DA E) Please process ASAP �,rv.no�,� � ' �c� � ��w�nCIALSF3MCESDIR_ ❑FlNRNCaL5E1N(ACCfG �TORIORASSISTANi)_ ❑XUMRNRIGfRS TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES 1 (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) ACTION REQUESTEU Signatures on ihe attached council resolution authoxizing the City of Saint Paul, Police Department, to enter into an agreement with the Mivnesota State Fair. ��,,,,. . a s,-��'�' ��� _�'ia `� '�k.� RECOMMENDATION ApptOVe (A) of RejeCt (R) PERSONAL SERVICE CONTRACTS MUST ANSWER TXE FOLLOWING QUESTIONS: 1. Has this persoNfrm everworked under a contrac[ for this department? PLANNING COMMISSION YES n70 . CIB COMMITTEE 2 Has this personlfirtn ever been a cilyemplayee? � CIVILSERVICECOMMISSION vES NO 3. Does this persoNfirtn possess a skill not rrortnally posussed by arry curteM ciry employee? YES NO 4. Is this persoNfirm a targeted vendoR �� YES NO Explain all yes answers on separete sheet and attach to green sheet INITIATING PROBLEM ISSUE, OPPORTUNITY �WHO, WHAT, WHEN, WHERE, WHY) ' The Saint Paul Police Cadet Academy will be using the State Fau Cnounds 3amiary 73 & 14, 2003 from 0800-1600 HI2S. Trainuig will consist of lugh risk uaffic stops. ADVANTAGESIFAPPROVED Cadets will leazn pxoper tecl�niques and safety issues as xelated to traffic stops (high risk). DISADVANTAGES IF APPROVED None noted. DISADVANTAGES IF NOT APPROVEU Cadets not properly trained. R������D JAN 2 3 2003 TOTAL qMOUNT OP TRANSACTION $ 50.00 COST/REVENUE BUDGETED (CIRGLE ONE) YES NO FUNDING SOURCE 001-04303-0282-40060 � acrmin Numsea � 4303 FINANCIAL INFORMATION (EXPLAIN) grsheetbillsta[efairground0] 1003 i � _ �;,�- -•. THE GREAT MINNESOTA GET-TOGETHER 12 DAYS OF FUPI ENOING LABOR DAY City of Saint Paul Department of Police Bill Haider Sergeant, Police Training Unit 100 E. Eleventh St. St. Paul, MN 55101 D3-� �( BY THIS AGREEMENT, the Minnesota State Fair authorizes City of Saint Paul Department of Police (User) access and use to portions of Machine Hiil North of Randall Avenue onl on the fairgrounds. The purpose of this usage shall be for police training on the following dates: January 13 0800 - 1600 High-risk traffic stops January 14 0800 - 1600 High-risk traffic stops Remuneration: $50.00 due and payable upon signing of this agreement. User will be responsible for any and all costs incurred by the Minnesota State Fair as a result of this usage, including but not limited to a{I property loss or damage to State Fair property caused directly or indirectly by User, its contractors, agents, guests, employees, participants or attendees. By signing this agreement, User agrees to indemnify and hold harmless the Minnesota State Fair, its officers and employees from ali swts, claims and actions of every character and description brought against the Minnesota State Fair for or on account of any injuries or damages received or sustained by any party, parties or property by any reason of any act of negligence or omission of said User, its contractors, agents or employees, or on account of any act or omission of User in its use and occupancy of the assigned premises or use of any equipment of any kind be{ong+ng to the Minnesota State Fair. , MINNESOTA STATE FAI BY: ,.✓ \ Event Co�r inator /� , , DATE: '/�/s � �', 1265 Snelling Avenue North * St. ��� January 7, 2003 "The undersigned understands and agrees to the terms of this agreemenY' DATE: (651) 642-2200 * FAX (651) 642-2440 * TTY (651) 642-2372 t: fairinfo@mnstatefair.org * web: www•mnstatefair.org •`.ii /