247541 OR16tlG1L TO CITY CLERK � jr��5�� . CITY OF ST. PAUL couNCi� NO. ��N� ��IT� OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK FILE CO IL RESO TIO —GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY �'" COMMISSIONE rF F'ebruary 1�, 197� H,�QLVED: That licenses applied far by the f�oll.owing persons at the addrasses stated, be and the samc are h�reb3� grant�d. � Clark Qil & R.efining Co. 2236 W. 7th Gas S'ta• 6P �pp.l�7��. �� � C3.gai'ette n d n Gross Bros. Kronicks, Inc. 2427 �. 7th �ciy.DC Plant " 145b7" �ontinental Bowling Corp. 2417 iif. 7th Bowlin� 1EaA '" 14691" Baptist Hospital Fund, Inc. 1700 Univers3.ty Restaurant C-2 " 46 '" Shirleq M. M�rchetti 1.564 Englewood Beauty Shop " 90 " Jean Campton 723 Grand 2nd.Hd.D1r.Gen„Antiques2l�� Sam Baglio 551 Toppin� Foods MPDG�1 �pp•2�6Renew " • I Veh.�555 n n � Joe Willf.ams �ater�ng Co.� Z�c. 520 N. Snelling ��teri.n� "B" " 2'�5" " _ " 3 Veh.�S65-8 � �� � Intez�atate United Corp.9�Remington Rand Corp. 2750 W. 7th Restaurant C-2 " 2g9" Keith D. Jacksor� 737 N• �n�Z13.ng Barber " 324" Donald F. Burns 1112 Univer�f.ty Gas �ta. lOP ° 327" n '" Gen.Rep.Gar. n n u " n Cigarette n n � n n Cig.�per.^1.M n n a Walter J. Kttbitschek 1141-3 R�.ce R�staurant C••1 " 365" " " Off Sale Malt " " " � � M q H �`.�.garette Harry & Yale Johnson 5�5 �. Sn�lling Hotel 80R " 385' " " Cigarett� " ►' � John T. O�Reilly 68�1 �elby Pest �ontrol " 4�5� COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Counci� 19— Yeas Nays Carlson Dalglish Approved 19—_ Meredith Tn Favor Peteraon Sprafka Mayor Tedesco A Sainst Mr. President, Byrne O OR161I�AL TO CITY CLBRK ������ ! CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL ��� 1,ICENSE COMMITTEE OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK F��E Na. : COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY FebruarY 18 1970 COMMISSIONER DAT� � Contd. Page 2 Jarom�n & Be11, Inc. 2,�83 �. 7th Orig.Gont.'"D• �pp.y�3�endt� n „ Off 5a1e Malt " " " n n Cigarette n n a Lef.�h H. MeDonald 703 Uniner�ity 2nd.Hd.M.V.Dlr. a 512' P1aza ?.�quvrs, Inx. 2431 W. 7th Restaurant C-1 " 52�" �� • T'ave r1� n a n N * �ff Sale �alt "' a n q N vy�Sr�'ti�l q M M St. Paul Auto Tru^k Rust Froofin�, Inc. 789 Universi.ty Gen.Rep.Gar. " 53oM Herbert ^. & Iklores L. Behrcndt 638 x. Sr�elling Grocery A-1 " 5�.5' "" « Bakery n$�� n a n " � Cfgarette a a a R3.chard E. Jone�, Inc. 899 $iec Restaurant C••1 " 590" � n Taqe�`n n n a p " Off �ale �alt " " " Q '" Ctgax�ett� '" n '" The Ma�nor� Tnc. 2�50 W. 7th �staurant C-2 * 607" r' " Tavern " " " n n Cigar�tte ■ n n The House of I�organ. Inc, 741-3 Edmund Re�taurant C«-1 p 757"' " " Off S�1e Ma1t n n � M M �� n ■ G`igarette n '� Cig.Utxr.2M ri n • Geo. 0. Kohls 738 T��as Restaurant C-�. " 896" w a ave rn " " " " "' aff �ale �alt a n n M M CigAl�tte n n u ,Angus Kotel Corp, 16�w71 N. Western Hotel 140R " 911" a " Cigaret'te n n n COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Councit 19_ Yeas Nays Carlson Dalglish Approved 19—_ Meredith Tn Favor Peteraon Sprafka Mayor A gainst Tedeaco Mr. President, Byrne O OR16I�1AL TO CITY CLBRK ������1 CITY OF ST. PAUL FOENCIL NO. �cB� co�IT2� OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY February 19, 197� COMMISSIONER DATF Contd. Pa�e 3 doseph R. lkm0 156 W. 7th Restaurant �2 �Ipp.957Rcne� p �� Off Sal� Malt " " " a ►� Cigarette n n n Mus�zenss Bar, Inc. 2516 �►. 7th Restaurant C-2 " 1093" 8 ~ Ta9e1'll a M a a �' C�gai`ette n �� a George A. �hiarella 684 N. �nelling Restaurant C-�� 1162• � a On S ale M�I t ■ u � � � Off Sale Ma1t " " " n n Cf,g31'�tte n n • Phi.l J. Korm an 719 Burr G�ro ce ry .�t-1 a 1173" " " Off Sale Kalt " " " n n Cf.gal"ette n a n Trio Lounge, Inc. 864�6 Urti.versity Restaurant C-1 " 1178N " " Off Sal� �4a.1t " " • n u �igarette n n a • ��� C.ig�Pe�* a n n I,ittle �ipper Bar, Inc, 1f�5 Hudson Rd, Restaurant C-2 " 1187" " �" Off �ale Mal.� " " " " " Cigarette p " " n n �g�p�Y.�� n n N 5�1 Enterr�r3.ses, Inc. 501 Blair Restaurant ^-rl " 1219" " " Off Sale lyfa.lt " n " " " CigaPette n n n 0ictorian Bar, Inc. 859 Thomas Restaurant C-1 " 122�" " " Off Sale I�a1t " " '" " " C'f.garette M N n Ronco 8€�rp. 879 Rioe Restaurant Cw�•�, " 1251" '" " Off �ale �alt " " " p " Cigarette " �� " COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays Carlson Dalgliah Approver.l 19—_ Meredith Tn Favor Peterson Sprafka Mayor A gainst Tedesco Mr. President, Byrne O ORt61NAL TO OITY CLBRK ������ CITY OF ST. PAUL FOENCIL N�,, Lz��g ap�z� OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY February 19� 1.9�� COMMISSIONER DATF Contd. Page � Crf.terion Reataurant� Inc. ^39 University �estaurant .�pp.12�6Rer� ■ w �'aVCr21 b w n u � L�.g12'�tte r r a Narald ,AI„ A rndt 43� �ase Grocery A�•2 " 13�1" n « Butcher " " " " " (?ff Sa1e �alt " " " n " Cigarette " n " I.1oyd Jensen 720 N. Sr�ll�.ng Confecti.onery E'B" 1353" n ~ Cig��'ett� n n • George L. Stafford 1157 Stunmit Orig.Cont,"D" � l�$N " " Veh.Peddler n '" " SchwanES Sales Enterpr��es, Ir�. Marsl�all, �tinr�sota FdstF.YP '� 1400" " " Veh.Peddler " 14i)1" Roland Berry 472 Hopk3.ns Foot P�ddler '" 1�+I9p Continental 0�1 �o. 2121 Universitg Liq.�'uel Dlr, " 1428" " " 3 v�n.#99s�oa� p �► ■ " " Btxlk 0�.1 Sto r. " " " Slwpper�s �.ty Dry Cleaners, Inc. 1139 P�yne Lcjp.DC P1ant " 1466" Marvin L. sinn 2559 W. 7th Gas Sta. 3P p 14('�" n � �`tgarette a n n �t. Paul Goodwill Industries �09 Sibley Ld,y.DC P1ant " l�j" Ri.tter Be�uty �nterpx�.ses, Inc. 468 Marshall Beautg Shop " 147�'" Gerald Krummel 666 Arcade G�,S Sta, 2g " 1�76■ � " Gen.�ep.Gar. ►a n p Eile�il Leonard 1301 W� 7th Heauty Shop n 14,'jg" COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council FE� 1 9 19�►_ Yeas Nays Carison Ff t 19 1970 Dalgliah pproved 19�_ f , Meredith Tn Favor Peterson � Sprafka .') Mayor Tedesco A gainst Mr. President, Byrne RUBLISHED FEB 2� 1970