247524 ORI6INAL TO CITY CL6RK �����C� CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL NO. -� � OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK FILE r C IL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY ' COMMISSIONE DATF / WHERE:4S, The Council of the City of St. Paul has approved on February 11, 1970, preliminaxy orders C.F. No. 247433 and C.F. No. 247431� instituting condemnation proceedings to acquire certain lands and easements for the opening �.nd widening at Dale Street; therefore, be it RESOLVED That in accordance with Ordinance No. 13851, C.F. No. 237405, approved March 20, 1968, the Commissioner of Finance is hereby authorized to hire, retain and employ Chandler B. Davis and Robert J. Tansey, Real�ors, for the purpose of appraising real property to be acquired for the opening and widening of Da1e Street as described in C.F. No. 247�+33 and No. 24743�a, approved February 11, 1970, incorporated herein by reference, and the terms and conditions of �:he appraisal assignments being more f'ul.ly set forth on documents designated Appraisal Assignment Nos. 136-A and 13C-B on file in the office of the Comptroller of the City of Saint Paul. EORM ppR�v . CorP�r 10 � Sel F�� � g 1970 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays Carlson �� � � �9�� Dalglish Approved 19—_ Meredith ? Tn Favor Peterson ' Sprafka � Mayor Tedesco A Sainst Mr. Preaident, Byrne '�BL:ISHED FEB 211970 O _ • . . � /��/� 4 ` c� f Ci . � �,�,_�-- . i CITY OF SAINT PAUL APPRAISAL ASSI�I��l�PT� I?�. 1�6-�� VALUATION BU.2�AU 286. CITY HALL DATE: F�bru�.rv 7_5,, i 97U ST. PAUL, MTNN. 55i02 Fin. Dept. Fil.e No.17Z-" ? i.��'�'? :v11r. Rober� J. Tansey Nuske - Tansey Company ProjeCt: na,� P Str?P� :-?yd�ni�,� Gua,rdian Building St. Pa.u1, Mir�nesota C.F. �:�'� ��+ ��oroved 2 i��rG Authori Tr� �`��� � y, ( �` P.7.R rund Code 'v, to be reinbursed Dear Sir: Fund: from 1�9 MSA Fur.ds (3-1013-�) You are hereby requested to make appraisals of certain garcels of real estate in the above refarenced project located On Dale Street bets•reen Minnehaha Avenue and Topping Street said parcels being designated as follows: Gn or before A�ri:. i, , 19�, you will furnish the Valuation Bureau of t�e ��.�,� of S�int Paul, 2 eopies of your apprai�al report for each of the �:,o��e listed p3rcels. These appraisals are to be made in accordance with the Ci�-� of S�int Paul Valu�tion Bureau appraisal specifications, a c�py of which is sttacY:e3 hereto. +ailure to provide documentation in acc�i•34nce with these specifica�:ions will regui.re resubmittal to the appraiser for furth2r sugrort at r.o additior.al cost to the City of Saint Paul. On receipt of yaur ite:nize�l invoices in dupl.icate �nd satisfactory completion of this a�si�:i.^ent you will be paid the sum of Eignt ni:ndred fiity dollars ($ 850.00 ) . or on the follo�aing basis: . . ' CIi� CF SAINs PAUL APPRAISAL ASSI�C,.'�'`wN'�' I�O. 1 =h-,', VALUATION BJicEAU 286 CITY HALL DATE; F'ebru�rv 1h, 1.970 ST�. PA�JL, M�NN. 55102 Fin. Dept. File No. _l?1;'! ' 17L;'7 Mr. Chandler B. Davis Project; na�P c+r�P+ "i;��.,,;.r� Davis � Lagerman, Inc. -�---- Endicott-on-Fcurtlz Building Saint Paul, N:innesota Authority: C••r' • �r�4752�� 2.N�Y'CJ?: r�j_i��717 � PIR FUnd Code 60G0, to be rei-.^.bursed Dear Sir: Fund: r�r� i g�„�Afc� �„Y,�� (F._�n-��_n��,_,__ You are hereby requested to make appraisals of certain parcels of real estate in ths above referenced project located On Dale Street betiveen D4innehaha Avenue and TQp�in� �tr _P . said parcels being designated as follows; � an or before A�ril 1, , 19 70 , you will furnish the Valuation L�ureau of �-r� ^;ty of Saint g�ul, 2 copies of your apprai�al report f'or each of the a�ove listed garcels. These appraisals are to be made in accordance with �he C��j of Saint Paul Valuation Bureau appraisal specifications, a ecpy of which is attac::eK he:�to. �ailure to provide docur�entation in accoi�dance wi�h these specifica�ions will reguire resubmittal to the appraiser for furtr�r supgort a� no �d�i:ior.al cost to the City of Saint Pa�.xl. On receigt of ycu...n itemiz�d invoices in duplica�e and satisfactory completion of this assio-�ent you will be paid the sum of � Eight hundred fift+V dollars ($ 850.00 ) . or on the follow:ng basis: