03-680Council File # O3� �E�� RESOLUTION Green Sheet # 205852 OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA Presented By Referred To Committee: Ddte !Z 1 W HEREAS, after consideration and review of the analysis presented in the Draft Environmental Impact Study and the 2 comments received from agencies, organizations, and citizens, the Saint Paul City Council, in a resolution dated February 24, 3 1999, selected the Preferred Alternatives for the Phalen Boulevard Project; and 4 5 W HEREAS, the City of Saint Paul ("City') has begun design and right of way acquisition for the section of Phalen 6 Boulevard between Payne Avenue and Johnson Parkway; and 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 W HEREAS, the City is in need of permanent easements from the Ramsey County Regional Railroad Authority ("RCRRA") in order to complete the construction of Phalen Boulevard between Payne Avenue and Johnson Parkway; and WHEREAS, the City and RCRRA have developed an easement agreement which specifies the terms and conditions of the permanent easement to be granted to the City by the RCRRA; now therefore be it RESOLVED, that the Saint Paul City Council accepts the dedication of the easement; and be it FURTHER RESOLVED, that the proper City officials, on behalf of the City of Saint Paui, are hereby authorized and directed to execute the easement agreement and to file said easement with Ramsey County. Yeas B a ec� ` Bostrom ,/ Reiter � Harris ✓ Benanav J Lantry �/ Coleman � Nays II Absent 7 O O Adopted by Council: Date Adoption Certified by Council Secretary By: •.. By: Requested by Department o : WORI By: Recommended by OFS Director: By: Form Approved by City Attorney: Public Works Paul St Martin 266-6ll8 �PS MUST BE ON CAUNCIL AGENDA BY (DA7E) ASAP DATEINITIATEO I G 6/20/2003 ASSICaN � GTYATfORNEY NUMBERFOR ROUfiNG ❑ F��CIALSERVICESOIR ORDER ❑ MAVOR(ORASSISTANn EET No. 245�552 � ._,._����R,.����� �C! � GTVC�wc ❑ FINANCIALSEkV/ACC7G ❑ ❑ ❑ _ TOTAL # OP SIGNATURE PAGES 1 (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) ACTION RE�UESTED ' _ . - �ppaove Council Resolurion authorizing the proper City Officials to enter into an agreement with the Raznsey County Regional Raikoad �uthority, for pem�anent easemenu needed for construcrion of Phalen Boulevazd, RECAMMENDATIONS'Approve (A) u RejM (R) _ PLANNINGCOMMISSION _ CIB CAMMIT7EE _ CNILSERVICECAMMISSION A STAFF PER$ONAL SERVICE CONTRACTS MUSTANSWERTHE FOLIONANG QUESTIONS: 1. Ha5ihi5persoNfirtneverworke0untleracant2ctfprihistlepartment? YES NO 2. Has N's peisaircrtn ever been a cdy empbyee? YES NO 3. Does this persaNfirm posses5 a skil not namally p�¢u¢d by any curtml ciy ertpioyee'+ VES NO 4. Is t�'a persoNfirtn a Wrgeled verboR YES NO �pWin all yes answers on separo[e sheetaM atbch to green ahee[ INITIATING PROBLEM, ISSUE, OPPORTUNIry(WHO. WHAT, WHEN, WHERE, ���� WHY} The majority of the secrion of Phalen Boulevard between Payne Avenue and Johnson Parkway will be located on property currently owned the Ramsey County Railroad Authority (RCRItA). The City and the RCRRA have developed an easement agreement to allow Phaten Boulevard ro be constructed on RCRRA property. ADVANTAGESIFAPPROVED: Project will move forward. JUL 02 2003 .� .. •..�� .. DISAOVANTAGES IF APPROVED: DISADVANTAGES IF NpT APPROVED: Project will notmove fonvard. TOTALAMOUNTOFTRANSACTIONf N � A FUNDING SOURCE N/A FINANCIAL INFORMA710N (E%PLAIN) COSLREVENUE BUDGETEU (CIRCLE ONE) YES NO kCTIVITY NUMBER N/A