247521 OR161NAL TO�CITY CL6RK �L.a���1 • CITY OF ST. PAUL couNCi� '� � 1 OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK F��E NO. I,IC�i�TSE COI�IITTE� C ,, NCIL RES UT —GE RAL FORM PRESENTED BY `. �' February 19� 19�0 COMMISSIONE ��' DATF RESOLV'�r�D: That applic-�wtion for Restaurant, On and Off Sale Ma,lt Beverage licenses made by Clarence T. Bonniwell at 1217 R�.ndolph Avenue, be and the same axe hereby � granted on the condition that within�days of this date said applicant shall comply with all the requirements of the Bureaus of Fire, Health, and Poliee, and the Licalse Inspector pursuant to the St. Paul Legislative Code and all other applicable ordinances and �aws, ��E� 19 1970 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Councii 19— Yeas Nays Carlson F E g 19 1910 Dalglish Approved 19—_ Meredith �_jn Favor Peterson � Sprafka 1 Mayor �Against Tedeaco Mr. President, Byrne PUBLISHED FEB 2], 1�70 O • ��� / t��� ` CITY OF SAINT'PAUL Capital of Minneeots �LJe a�ti�e�t o a��ic c�a et � � POLICE Tenth and Minnesota StP2etS HEALTH FIRE PROTECTION WILLIAM E. CARLSON, Commissioner POLICE AND FIAE ALARM ROGER M. CONWAY,DeDnty Commiutoner DANIEL P. Me LAUGHLIN, License Inspeetor February 19, 1970 Honorable Ma,yor and City Council Saint Paul, Minnesota Gentlemen: Clarence Thomas Bonniwe3l makes applic�.tion for Restaurant, On and Off Sale Malt Beverage and Cigarette licenses for 1217 Randolph Avenue which is on the �orth side of the street between Griggs & Edgecumb Road. This location has been licensed for a similar business since �933, The present licensee, Arthur J. Notch was licensee as a partner from October 1955 to October 1g63, and as an individual from June 1941 to June 1943 and from October 1963 to the present date. There are two 3.2 establishments within two blocks. The closest On Sale Liquor place is about six blocks and the closest Off Sale Liquor place is one block. The neaxest church is three blocks and the nearest school is two blocks away. Mr. Bonniwell has been employed at the G. N.Ry. Co. continuous since December 1956. VeEy Truly Yours, . ��` License Inspector O � CITY �DF �SA,INT PAUL DEPART�NT OF PfJ$LIC SAF&TY LiCSATSE D�VISIdN Date 19�D � 1• ,�ppZioati:�m. �'or �-� -/I�.�L j ,�c ✓ c.r.a a � l�n� a D I=f S.�FI e� � License 2. Na� of app�ic:ant � J�+��^r� L %/�o,�n i,�� �t�NNI�i�/ �// 3. Bnainess addre�e,Ls�L.Z �/�lv c%�e/� 8esidenae ���, /�� .��v 5✓�i�S r� . 4q Tx�ada riame, if �z�q ' �v �Q�.0 l� ,�ivN 5o Retail Beer Federal Taa Stamp�Retail I�iquor Federal Tax Stamp �rill be usedo 6. C� �hat floor loca,ted /CJ rs / Number of rocoms uaed�`:��v�. 7e Betlrsen �at croas streetsU�,��� ����c�Rhich side of etreet b��� 8. �re premi.sea naw oacupied�l�liat businese �..,� ���. �-- Hrnv lon.g��?�_�,-S 9. A�'e premisea noar unocsaupied Hcnrr long va�ant P'revioua use . _o,. _. 10. Are y�u a ne�r rnvner es Have you bean in a si.mi].ar buaineas before �cS '�here /03� �v�..�v�, ��v� 'IRhen�qLG -� 7 �-t 11. Are you going to operate thia businsaa personally �CS If' not, who �ill opere�te it 12e Are you i�. anp other buaineas at the present ti� �Q 1S, Have thsre been any Qomplaints a�ainat your oparation of thia type of place�_ YPhea Rhe z^e 14, H�ve you ev�er had any licen�e revolosd �D �hst reason and date 15. Are you a eitizen oP the IIni.tad Statea C S Nativ�e e s Naturalized 160 llhere rrere you bora ��,fa:r���. N��`w�N. Date of birth �'(f S'�/9.�� ..o _ 17. T am �( married, bIy (ror3.fe°a) (husband Q s� name and addres a ig �.,T�u 3.rr N 7 7 /J � e �/ �/� L/L. //J� ��J � �„�,,,�,f�L��r /vl • iyN. �s�/� 18. (If married female) n�y maiden name ie 19. $o�r long have you li4ed in St d Paul ,�J �, �..�.r t _ �0. Hav�s yuu e�o+er been arrested eS Yiolatioa of vr}aat ar�m�rAl ]a�r or ox�dinance� n / A � �Ji S B rd�+r��• (- Q.ti��e�G�[ . 21. Are you a regiatered vot�r in the Ci�r oP $t, Pl�ul (e ' Yes Noe (Ans�r fully axbd Qompletelya These a 'Iioationa are thorou h]. ehecked aa� aa falaificatian Ai.11 be cause fo� enialo- 22, Number of S.2 placea �rithin t�o blocska ON L 23. Cloaes� intoa�iaating liquor placse. t�i Se�le�`Q��{S• Off Sale �� f b �.��1' 24. Nearest �huroh f�;v r. /UI,� �� Neareat Sehool �'�/�i./� S 25s Number of b4othe oi� r- Tablse o%r � Chaira /�/��, �. Stools1,� _ _.......,. . . - 26. iPhat oecup�ti�m. have you Pollov�ed for the p�at five ye,arso (Give names of empl�y�ar� and da�Ge g so employ�ed.) LT /' /'G 7� /�� g�li „r0 PI� r=J' �'•N I �/ N• � C[ �T/_Y�%t�., �i/�/ .S� =--�-- 27, Giv�e� x�ames and addres�ee o� t�ro parsons, reaidents of 3te Aaul, �41Yi11p� �rho can gi�e in�orm�tion, eoncerrl3.ng you4 � Name �V�Z� Y S/ 0 v�1 Addre a e / �' .�� IQ d S 3 /y ��— .S/ . �i���� CM�9S s��/�S L � r �a�,.r'� ,fi h aa�ss� � 5� � �v�,�Y�.r►��►,,c_ , . .-- . / 3ignature oP .1C�pp�iean�`� $tata of Minnsaota ss C oua�y of I�ameey . . _ • liei.ng firat duly sw�rn, depa��es amd say� n oa t he Y�� re�d the orego ng statem�nt bearing his signature and lrnaare the oontenta thereof, and that�the eama is �rue of his o�rrn lflnowledge except aa to thoee me�ttera therein s�ated upom. informe�tion and belieP and as �o those mattex°� he believ�ea them to be trueo � .�- /. Sig�nature oP wpplicant btiibscribed and e�vo=°n to before m� � thia /�i� �►Y o� „Fe�i_ 19.,�'., �"�> - � � No r^y blia� Ramaep County, , e sote► My Ccmmnisaian expires q- 3 - 7�' � (Notea Theee statement forma are �in dupliaate. �Both Qopies must be fully filled outa notarized a and returned to the Lioanae Divia iono�� �..;-::.��.� M. rrozcx _. [�ublic,Annka Countq,Minnesota :�:y Commission £apites Sept. 3, 1975. . AFFID�V IT BY APPLICANT FOR RE2A IL BEER flR LIQUOR LICENSE Re t �jy� Sale����f// , Licsense Name of applicant C L rr r zi�G � �/���:..�lf S '�N rY i���l/ Business addY°ees A�v c� /v�v. Az°e �ou the sole owner of this business2 V,�� If not9 is it a �rtnerahip? .��,:_ corporatian3 , otsher? Othex°s intereated in buai.ness, include those by loan of money, property or otherwiaes Name Addre ss Ho�v�r If a corporation, give its name �re you interested in any way in an�r other Retail Beer or Liquor buainesa? As aols owner? Partn�r? Stoekholder? Othermrise? (Through loan of money9 etc� Explai.n) Address of' such business and nature o�' interest in same � � �..iE�-�� �Signature of applicant State of Minnasota as County of �mseyr '�. �j�tsww�Ci being �irs� duly swrorn, deposes and says upon oath that he has read the foregoing affidavit bearing his signature and ]�n.ows the contents there of; that the same is true of his r�uvn 1alo�wledge 9 except as to those matters therein stated upon information and belief �nd as to those tt�tters he believes them to be true. / � �� �Signature of applicant Subsoribed and sv�orn to bafore me thia /y� day of /_-� (� 19�_ .�����,��'17 Notax°y Public, Ramae� County, Minnesota My aom�nission expires q - 3 19�' ��-r�o��i� ��. NOTCH '— ..�zy F�ublic,l�aoka Count9,Minaesota T�y Commieefon Fa�pisea SeD� 3, 1975. . . ST.ATE i�' MINNESOTA) � S$ COUNTY OF RA�SEY . ,����w�' L_:.. � being first duly aworn, doth depose and say that he makea thia affida,vit in. connection with applioation for " Sale" liquor license ("� Sale" malt beverage licenae) in the City of Saint Paul, Minnesota; that your affiant ia a resident of the 5tate of b4innesota and has resided therein for �� ;,IT QN C _years, �� ,,� �— months, and is nv�r and has been for the tim�e above mentioged a bona fide re�ident of said State and that he no�r residea at ,�� D �c, � �� c�c t S � � � TAdd ss � " ��� , Mirtnes ota. City or To�+rn G��.�.�� i.-� Subsaribed and a�orn to before me this �y� day of f,� 1�9 ��, � �� N� ry b1ia, Ramaey County, �ti.nneaota My commiesion expires q - ,3 - 7S � :. ...� ;.�. rroTC�i �., ,....f .uDiic,Anoka County,Minneaota M+Y Commieffion Ex�es Sept 3� 1�25.