247520 OR161NAL TO CITY CLBRK � �� " ��o , CITY OF ST. PAUL �OENCIL NO. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK LIC�NSE COI�SITTEE CO � CIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM � C MM SS�IONE `J DATF Februaxy 19, �.97� RESOLVED: That applic�,tion for Restaurant, On and Off Sale Malt Beverage and Cigasette licenses ma,de by Dennis M. Johnson and Gerald E. McGuire at 293 Selby Avenue r be and the same are hereby granted on the cond�ition that within .rJ� days of this date said applicants shall comply wvit�i all requirements of the Bureaus of Fire, Health, �nd Police, and the License Inspector pursuant to the St. Paul I,egislative Code and all other applicable ordinances and laws. FEB 191910 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays F E B 19 1970 Carlson Dalglish Approver� 19—_ Meredith �1n .�+'a�or� _ Peterson ' Sprafka � Mayor �1�Against Tedeaco Mr. President, Byrne PusttsHEO FEB 21 1970 0 � CITY OF�SAIN� PAUL � ��� � � Capital of Minnesota ��� l�r a.LJe a�ti�e�t o a�lic �a et p � POLICE Tenth and Minnesota Streets HEALTH FIAE PROTECTION WILLIAM E. CARLSON, Cammisaioner POLICE AND FIRE ALARM ROGEA M. CONWAY, Depaty Commiasioner DANIEL P.Mc LAUGHLIN. Litense Inepeetor February 19, 1970 � Honorable Mayor and City Council Saint Paul, Minnesota Gentlemen: Dennis Nt. Johnson and Gerald E. McGuire make application for Restaurant, On and Off Sale Malt Beverage and Cigarette licenses for 293 Selby Avenue which is on the North side of the stree�, between Farrington Street and Summit Avenue. This location has been licensed for a similax business since 1933. The present licensee, Brian L. Hockenberger, has held sueh licenses at this address since June 1968. There is one other 3.2 pla.ce within two blocks. The closest On Sale Li�uor as well as Off Sale Liquor place is about half a mile West of this address. The nearest church is one block and the nearest school is about three blocks away. Mr. Johnson is self-employed as operator of I,aundxy and Dry Cleanin� plants and servicing and installing such equipment. Mr. McGuire during the past two years has been self- employed as an appliance reyair man. Prior to this he was employed as a service manager for M. V. E., C�.SI Divn. at New Prague, Nfinn. ery truly yours� �`�O/,� ` , License Inspector O � t � . CITY +DF SAIl1T PAUL DEPAR2'�NT �E PU�LIC S�IFETY LiCSNSE DNISIt71J nat� � -/a z9 7� � l, dpplioation #'or '� D - LiQense e.. Name oP appliaant . p � n� . 3. -Buai.ueeg e�ddreae��� Res3.den�s /,�J ��29 IU��i�� `K��A1% � 4, Trada xx�me, if a�q_ �,�,,,c� � �t9 � ` 5o Retail Beer Federal Taa 3tamp�Retail S,iquor Federal Tax Stam.p v�rill be usedo 6. t� �rha� floor looated /�. Number� of roa�ns used`�; � _ _ . ..�. ?e Bet�een what croas street �-� ieh side of etreet ���i�e��� _ _ _ ��2�?r�,� __ _ 8, �re prem3sea naw ocscupied�_'IPhat bu�inese �pA, Q�l Hcm l�ng _.. . . � 9. .A�'e premzsea now unocaupied�Haw long vacant��(�n�Previoua use 10, �re you a new a�m.er�Have you been in a eimilar buai.ne�s before �,e �her� Rhen _ ._ ._ o 0 11. Are you going to operate this businssa peraonally If not, vrho �rill operate it 12. Are you in a�ny other bu�iness at the present tim,����e� 1�, Have there been any Qomplainta againa't your oparation of this type c�f place c�- _ �Phen l�here — _._ ......_-..�.-- — - 14. Hava you ever had a�r lioenae revoksd��fthat reagon and date 15, Are you a �itisen �P tha IIr�ted States,�2� Nati�v�e��atural3.zed Tloo -P—p---- , 16v illiere were yo� born /�,� �vn�n Date of birth��� q _ ..-r • 7 . _ , � 17. I am. married. My (wa.Pe g�) (hu�band 4 s� nams and addrea s is �� 18. (If inetrried feraQle) my maiden name i� 19. Ho�r long l�aro�a you lived in St e Paul .5" ,�.o � 20o Have you ev�er bsen arrested�C�iViolation oP v�rhat cri.mi,nal law or ordi.nancse __.,.-- 21. Are qou a regietered voter in the Ci� of 3t, Paul ye$ ,,� _ �°° (Ana�r Pully and eompletely, Thees a �licsation.s are tl�orou hl ahaclaad and an �alsifiaatian �rill be oau�e fo� enialo- � i � 22. Number of 3.2 p]aaee within t�ao blooks �C,Q �A-Z-22ft/ . �3. Cloaeat intaacioating liquor placse. t� Sale ;� Off Sale � (� w 24. Neareet Church �_��, Nearost $chool '����. 25. Number of b�oths � Tablea � o�Chaira�.��Stoola !� ,�_ .. 26e 1Phat oocup�itiun have you foliovved for the past five y�earso (Give names of empl�y�s� and date s a o employ�sd.) ,�c �.���2�'�Na� - ��?G�� - _ � — f� � � ` ��r.�.�ll�l��.rr � �—� . . 27, Gi�rej �e ana a�a�e�e� o� t�►o persons, x°eaidente of Sto l�uls M�.nnp, who can ga.�e inPora�tion ooncern.i.ng you;, rrame,�l�r�,�� /�i6.�2 aaare s e ,�20 8 2— G���� Na�e�,,,�¢��Q �,� G�/.�, Addre d w �� ' i. ture o pp ioa t State of Minn�asota� )ss C oun�y of �maey ) tieing firat du7.y aw�orn9 depd�es a�d say� upon oa t h read the oregoiug statement bearing hi.a sa.gnature and kna�►� the cunteate th�sreo p and-that-the eam� is �rue of his awn l�owledge exaept as �o those me�ttera theroin atated upon inform�tion and belief and as to thoae m�ttera he believe� them to be trueo ' ��,, .. ,�-, � �' ignature o 1lpplicant blxbsaribed and eROrn tu before aba � thi� ./�T�" day oP � 197D v I�o ry io 9 ey Countya , e sota KAREN S. JOHNSON My C�rmnni.saion expiresNota�Pubnc,Washit�gton Co., Minn: omm ssion x ; , 972. . (Notea Theee statement forma are i.n duplioateo �Both csopies muat be fully filled outa notarized9 and returned tc► the Licenae Divisiono�� . AFF ID.�V IT B Y APPL ICANT FOR RETA 1Z BEER DR LIQUOR LICENSE Re: ��,_� . Sale__r���iL� Licenae Name of app3ioant � Bu�iness address � '�� Are �ou the sols ouvner of this business?�. If' not, is it a partnership?_C��/� corporation? , o:bher? Othera interested in business, inelude �hosa by loan of money, property or otherwi�es Ra�e '��--�.�� -.��'._.._.Aaare s���y����-�� xo�r�����/'.s�� If a c orporation, give its name Are you interested in any way in any other Retail Besr or Liquor business? c� .As aole ow�aer? Partner? Stoekholder? Otherwrise? (Through loan of moneya etc. Explai.n) Addresa of' st�ch bueiness and nature of interest in same � , � %' - gnature of applicant State of Mi.nne s ota� �ss County oP Ramsey eing firat duly av�arn, deposes and says upon oath that e has read th foregoing affidavit bearin.g his signature and Irno�vs the contents thereof; that the same is true of his wm lrnowledge9 except as t� those matters therein stated upon infor�tion and belief and as to those matters he believes them to be true. r ,,'� '�L �//��-_. 8 ture of app icant uubsaribed,and sworn to afore me �his o��1'� day of 19 T° � � otary ubli , Ramsey County9 Minnesota KAREN S. JOIiNSOW My csommission expires NO��Public, Wasl�,�ton Co., Minn. . ,-�. 4, 1972. s�� � ��soTA) ) SS Ct)UNTY 4F RAMSEY ) � bein.g firat duly sworn, doth depose and say that he �kea this affidavit in conneetion with application for " Sale" liquor license ("`� - Sale" mal't beverage licenss) in the �ity oP Saint Paul, Minnesota; that yaur affiant i.a a resident of the State of Minnesota and has resided therein for �/ years, months, e�nd is n�v and has been for the time �bove mentioned a bona fide resident of said State and that he now residea at %"� ��� .� U� � Addre s s �����, , Mit�nesota. City or 'Io�— Subaoribed and aworn to bePore me th�s /�d�y of-�' 19 70 �� � �� �tary b1io, Ra y County, E�innesota � csommission ex irea �RfN S. JOHNSON P Nefart�w,hii.. .1pl,asL�agtpa,�o., Mi�n. fGly Commission Expires Feb. 4, 1972. C ITY OF Sl1IIdT PAUL DEPAR�NT �' PtT$LIC 8�1FETY LICffiJSE DNZSI�+1 . Data � J/O 19 70 1• dpplioatiar�. �ur �/� LiQen�ae • 2, Name oP applic:ant 3. Buainesa addree�� ��� ��D��� Residenae �. Trade xiame, i� as� �a �.�, 5 PI� B 5o Retail Beer Federal Tax �tamp�Retsil Liquor Federal Tax Stamp will be usedo 6. Qn �rhA� floor located f� l�umber of roamnst used`�:,�' ��y�. _ _ 7e Betw�en what aroa� street �rU/�ieh side of strset ,/�I��"y` 8, �re premiaea now occupied�t .�hat bu�inese � yQ� �How long . p p �dC osr long Qaeaat���"� Previous use d�t.PJ�/ � 9. �,re re�.i.aes naw unocau ied H � ���..�. _ _ . _ 10, wre you a nev�r rnmer_�H�ve you bsen in a simi].ar buainess bePore�� lrhere 9Phen 11. Are you going to operate �hia businesa persox�ally ° � If not, 9rho �ri11 opera�e i� 12. Are �rou i.a any other business Qt the gcesent time `Q�� 13. IIa�'e thsre been any csa�plainta againat your oparatio� oP this type of p]ace �� 11hea ilhere 14, B�va qou ev+er had a�y liesense revokad �. �hat rea�on and date 15. �re qou a �itizan of the IIr�ted Statea 1��.�Nativ�a ,� �aturalized 160 �ere were you bora �� �te of birth 7'y^ `3Z' 17. I am.�married. Mq ( fe's� (husband 4 s� nan� and addreas is 18. (If msrried femsle) a�q maiden riame is 19. Ho�r long havoe quu lived in St e Paul - 20, Hav�s quu evar besn arreated�'Piolation of wbat ariminal lavr flr ordi.nancse ----�-.--- 21. Are you a regiatered voter im the Ci�r of 8te Pl�ul Yes /�) Q, No„ (Ans�,�„IY�Y' fLilly a13�d QOmplefi�elye The9e A �11.c!&t1�118 are tMorou hl ahecl�d an�d an fala if icaf,�an. �rill bs cau�e f ur enu�l o_ 2Z. Number of �.2 p]ace� within t�ro blooke �}-yL� ��:��� . 23o Clo�eat intox3.oating liquor plaoeA t�i Sale`�,��- flff Sale , � ��j- _ 24. Neareat Churah � D �,, Neareat i4chool�,��. 25s Number of booths �`Tablea��Chairs �� �n}�`tool� 26. '@�'hat oecupation. hava you follow�ad for the past five y+�arsQ (Give names of empl�y�ex°� and datea ao employed.) ��,, ,��,.,,� p ��,,,��wt �1 �� � �s � x�� z� �� � T � _ 111 EW l°�(�a�Q c��__�;_ts'l.—�►2✓1 � 27, Giv�e� �e ana ��a�asre� o� t�o parsona, reaidents of Sto Pl�uls Minna� �tho Qan gia�e iaflo�me►tion oon.eerning youp ' Name ` Addx�s'�e Na�s �� (�t",L[� .Address •�2 ;� ° e Si re of pp icant State of Minr�asota� �sa C oun�Gy of Ramee�r � C� L/C� tieing fir$t duly s�oi°n, depa�ee ax�l saq� upon os t he Y�a� read the forego ng etaf;ement bearzng hia aignatux°e and knaer� the car�.teate thereof, and�that the bams is �i•ue� of his o�+m lrn�+rledge e�cept aa to thoee mattera therein. atated upon inform��ion and belieP and as �o thoae �ttex°� he believea th�m ta be trueo � � d Signature of Applicant Subsaribod arxi suox°n to 'before a�a ' thia a �� da� of �l�-G 19 7O No ry blic 9 y Cotantya , e sota KARfN S. JW�lNSON My Commisaion 9Xp].l�es N��ry Publlc, Washi�gton Co. Minn. on xp res Feb.4, I972. (Notea These atatement form,s are in duplicateo -Both copies must be fully filled outa notarized, and returned to the Lioense Diviaiono�� AFF IDl�V IT B Y APPL ICANT FOR RETA IL BEER OR LIQUOR LICENSE Re s �7 �Sa1e��j��.2� License Name of applicant Bus�.ness addx°ess Az°e �rou the sole crtvner of this business?�e If notg is it a partnership? �¢.a , � _��_.�._._ corporatian? , o:bher? Others interested in buainess, inelude �hose by loan of money, property or otherwises Namo ,p!o.,.��.i! Address � a � ��j ✓l� Ho�v � �j o�+v , If a c orporation, give its name Are you interested in any way in any other Retail Beer or Liquor businesa? �� As sols ov�raer? Partner? Stoekholder? OEhex°�rise? (Through loan of money, etca Explain.) Address of' s�ch bueiness and nature of interest in same �� � � . Si ture of applicant State of Minnesota� �as C ounty of I�maey being first duly aworn.9 deposes and says upon oath that he has read the fore oing aff'idavit bearing hia signature and ]cn.o�vs the contents thereof; tha� the same is true of his wm ]�.owledge9 except as to thosa u�tters therein stated upon information and belief and as to those matters he believea them to be trus. /%/�� r � �Signat e of applicant Subsaribed,and swo to before me �his C _` day af �,�,� 19 7� � � �•— N tary ublic, ey County, Minnesota KAREN S. JOHNSON M�r oomm7.33ion expires NO�rY Public, WasBj�gton Co., Mi�n. . xpires-Feb.4, 1972. s�a� � ��soTA) ) SS COi7NTY OF RAMSEY ) being first duly sworr�, doth depose and say that he makes this affidavit in conneation with applica�ion for " Salep liquor license ("�Sa1e" malt beverage licen�s� in the Ci�y of Se►int Paul, Minnesota; that your affiant is a resic�ent of the State of Minnesot� and has resided therein f'or � g �j/,�,� yeara, mon.ths, a�rd is _� noor and has been for the time above men�ioned a bo� fide rssident of said State and �hat he now resides at � ,S g�� ` Aaareas , v , Miiines ota. City or To ,� � ��� °� Subsaribed and sworn to bePore me this /��r� day oP �" ��C 2 19 7n � o ry b�lia, ey County, E�Iiinnesota �r oommission eacpires y�,+ �RfN g.��}.�NSOfV �C mmr f�con Exs i e�b�'' Ml�n. p 4, 1972.