247519 �ORIGINAL TO CITY CL�RK ;��'75� 9 ` CITY OF ST. PAUL ��ENC�� NO. �� f OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK OUNCIL RESOLUTION-GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY �.-� COMMISSIONE DATF Resolved, That the City Primary Election, March 10� 1970; the City Gan�ral Election� April 2�3, 1970; the County and State �rimary Election, Sept. 15, 197U; an d the County and State General Election, Nov. 3, 1970 shall be held in the 159 election precincts of the ;I2 Wards of the City of St. Paul, Minnesota, at the places named in the "List oP Polling Places" on file in the Office of the City Clerk� and be it Further Resolved, That for the following precincts the elections shall be held at the places designated outside their precinct boundaries in accordance with Section 203.08 M.S.A. Ward 1, Prct. 3, Our Redeemer Lutheran Church Ward l, Prct. 10, New Harrison School Ward 7, Prct. 3, St. Joseph' s Academy Ward 7, Prct. 12, Hill School Ward 7, Prct. 13, Central High School Ward 8, Prct. 8, North Da�.e Playgrounds Ward 9, Prct. 2y, Rice St. �ibrary Ward 10, Prct. 16, St. Anthony Library Ward 11, Prct. 25, Groveland Pk. School Gym and be it Further Resolved, That the appointment by the City Clerk of the persons " named as Judges of Election in the "Certification of Election Judges`� binder in the office of the City Clerk in accordance with Section 203.21 M.S.A. is hereby confirmed, and be it Further Resolved, That the City Clerk is hereby ordered and directed to give notice of the elections in the manner provided by law� and that the registration records on file in the Bureau of Registration and Elections of the City Clerk� s Office shall be used as provided by law, and be it Further Resolved, That the City Clerk is hereby authorized, empowered and directed to equip the said polling places and for such purpose the City Cle rk is hereby authorized to engaoe the necessary labor and skill and purchase necessary tools and material, the cost and expense of the same to be paid out of the Election Expense Account, OS00, of the General Fund, and be it COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19� Yeas Naye Carlson Dalglish Approved 19— Meredith _�n Favor Peterson Sprafkz Mayor Tedesco A gainst Mr. President, Byrne � �OR[GINAL TO CITY CLiRK /� /�� l� - CITY OF ST. PAUL couNCa ''" � ' -�� r OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK ��E NO. COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESEN7ED BY COMMISSIONER DATF Further Resolved� That the City Clerk be and he is authorized and directed to purchase and provide the necessary supplies required for said elections and to do whatever else is necessary for the conduct of such elections,,the costs thereof to be paid out of the Election Expense Account, 0800, of the General Fund� and be it Further Resolved, That the �ity Comptroller is hereby authorized and directed to audit claims upon certification by the City Clerk to be paid out of the Election Expense Account, 0800, of the General Fund, and the proper City Officers are hereby authorized and directed to make such payments. COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Coun�LE B 1 a i��� 19_ Yeas Nays Carlson F�� 1 !3 �9�'� Dalglish pprove� 19— Meredith �n Favor Peterson � Mayor Sprafk2 � Against Tedesco Mr. President, Byrne 1970 PUBLISHED FEB 21 O : r.. p--,,::: €� �'� ) Z ,^�'x ( c� � �-y DUPLICATE'f0 PRINTER CITY OF ST. PAUL �OE NCIL NO. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESEN7ED BY (:OMMISSIONER DATF Resolved, That the �i�ty Frimary Eleation, March 10, 1970; the City G�.neral �.eation, April 28, 1970; the County and 3tate Pr�.mary Eleation, Sept. 15, 197�; �d the Ca�a.nty and State (�eneral Election, Nov. 3, 1970 shall be held in the 159 election precsinct$ oP the �l� Wa�ds af �he City of St. Pau1, Piinnesota, at the glaces named in the }'Liat oP Poll3ng Places" on file 3.n the Office of the City Clerk, and be it F`ujrther Resol9ed, That for the following pre�inct� the eleotion� ahall be held at the place9 designa�ed outaide the�.r precinct boundari�s 3n aacordance w3.th SeQtion 203.C?8 M.S.A. Ward 1, Pre�t. 3, Our Redeemer Lutheran Church Ward l, Prct. 10, New I�arr3�on Sahool Wa.rd 7, Pret. 3, St. Joseph� s Aea.demy Ward 7, Frct. 12, Hill Sahool Ward 7, Frct. 13, Central High School Ward 8, Prct. 8, North Da:4� Play�rounds Ward 9, �'at. 2 Rice St. I,ibrary Ward 10, Frct. 16„ St. Anthony Librsry Ward 11, Prct. 25, Groveland Pk. 3chool Gym and be it F`urther Resoived� That the appointment by the City Clerk of the persons named a� Judges o� Eleation in �he "CertiFioatioM of Election Judges'� binder in the offiae of the City Clerk in aeeordance with Seatian 203.�1 �i.S.A. is hereby confirmed� and be it Further Hesolved, That ths City Clerk i� hereb9 ordered and directed to give notice of the electione in the manner provided bq law, and that the re�;istration records on f31e in the Bureau of Regi�tration and Elections of the C3ty Clerk�s Of�3.ce �his�7.1 be u�ed ae� provided by law, and be it Further Resolved� That the City C1erk i� hereby authori�ed, empowered end direated to equip the eaid polling plaaes and for siaah purpose the City Cl,e rk is herebp autharisa�d to engage the neceasary labor and �kill and purchase neces�a.ry tools and material, the cost and eapense of the same to be paid out of the Flection Expen�e Account, 080�, af the General Fund, and bs i� COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19_ Yeas Nays Carlson Dalglish Approve� 19— Meredith _1n Favor Peterson Sprafku Mayor Tedesco - A gainst 14Ir. President, Byrne O ; :3 r.,.��,r DUPLICATE���'O PRINTE^. N��X i ��� � CITY OF ST. PAUL �oENCi� NO. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER DATF Further Reaolveds That the City Clerk be and he is authori�ed and directed to purchase and provide the necessary supplies required for said elections and ta do whatever else 3.s necessary for the conduct of suCh e].ection�,the costs thereoF to be �aid out of the Election Expense Account, 0$00, of' the General Fund� and be it b'urther Reavlved, That the City Comptroller i$ hereby authorized and directed to aud3t claim� upon oertificsation by the City Clerk to be paid out of the Eleation Expense A�QOUnt, 0800, oF the Gene�ral Fund� and the proper City Officers are hereby authorized and direoted to make suah payments. � i.. � y�z .. : t��..«. ,.. . COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays Carlson ' Dalglish Approved 19— Meredith n Favor Peterson � Mayor Sprafka A gainst Tedesco Mr. President, Byrne O