247512 �����2 c���xo........_.... PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT and PRELIMINARY ORDER. Thsuadereignedhereby propoeeethemakingof thefolYowingpubliaimprovement by the Citq ot 8aint Psul,vIs.: reconstruct the sidewalk on both sides of Garfield St. from Goodrich Ave. to ! Sturgis St. and by doing all other work which is necessary and incidental to com- plete said improvement. � .......»............._____».......................................................... .........................................................................----------_.... Dated t�his.........�Z�b......day og......--••--•.................��I�x.u� ...................._ .. , . .... ............ ..._�`a�.a���.°�..�`�...�_.r...................._............_ ----• Counoilman. i i PRELIMINARY OItDER. ' WHEREAB, A written propoeal for the making of the following imprnvement� vis.: reconstruct the sidewalk on both sides of Garfield St. from Goodrich Ave. to � .................._............---........----------......................................____..-•------•---..._..........__......._........................................................__ � �_Sturgis_.St:._and_by_doing_all..other work.which..is .necessary_and _incidental_.to__com-� i �lete _said__improvements................___......._.....__......_......................................._..................-•-•------__.......» ...._ _.............................................•---.......................--------.._...._......_...........---.._..............----•-•---•--............_..............._......................... hsving been preaented to the Council of the City of Saint Paul.................._........---.....----......_.........---......._.................. t6erefore, be it R,EBOLVED, That the Commiaeioner of Publia Worke be and ie herebq ordered and direated: 1. To inveetigate the neceesity for, or deairability of,.the making of eaid improvement. 2. To inveetigste the nature, extent and estimated coet of seid impmvement, and the totai coet thereof. ��%f� 3. To furnieh a plan, proSle or eketch of said improvement. � �� 4. To stste whether or not eaid impmvement ie asked gor on 4,he petition of three or more ownere. b. To report upon�11 ot the foregoing mattere to the �mmieeioaer of�nanoe. Adopted by the Counoil..._.........................................�F.�..�..$.19 i.lt Y�►s +,,��r�'. Councilman .Carlson ��� �` '=' � '" ° Da1 g 1 i s h APPtoved.................................................................... Hn t t e.,r1 Meredith Peterson Tedesco �-------- - - •• �•• -- Mr. President $�rzne Mayor. � �� PUBLISHED FEB 21 1970 � ` J