247508 ' ' ��"1�08 nRIGINALI TO CITY CLERK j CITY OF ST. PAUL couNCi� NO. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK FIIE � UN IL TION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY CO M M I551 ON E DATF WHEREAS, Minnesota has experienced disastrous floods in the major river basins in the State, causing loss of life, human suffering, dislocation of families from their homes, interruption of businesses and serious economic and esthetic losses; WHEREAS, The U. S. Army Corps of Engineers has made numerous studies in flood control and water reservoir measures for purposes of eliminating or reducing the disastrous effects of periodic flooding, particularly in the Minnesota and Mississippi River Basin Areas; and WHEREAS, The U. S. Army Corps of Engineers, as a result of such studies, has recommended in their Interim Study Report estab- lishment of the Blue Earth Sub-Basin Project as a vital and necessary solution for the control and alleviation of some of the catastrophic losses incurred as a result of the periodic flooding; now, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Council of the City of Saint Paul hereby determines that the interests of the citizens of the cities and communities in the river basin areas and the citizens of the _ . entire state would best be served by the completion of the Blue Earth Sub-Basin Project as a reservoir storage area; and be it FUR.THER RESOLVED, That the Council of the City of Saint Paul hereby endorses the proposed plans of the U. S. Army Corps of Engineers and urges that the Blue Earth Sub-Basin Project proceed without delay; and be it FINALLY RESOLVED, That the City Clerk forward copies of this Resolution to the U. S. Army Corps of Engineers before the February 19, 1970 regional hearings on the feasability of this Project and that copies be presented to the Minnesota delegation to the Congress of the United States and to the Governor of the State of Minnesota. FEe 1a1�10 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays 1 a 1��.0 '°�Carlson F EB `Dalglish Approved 19— �Meredith �n Favor �Peterson � Mayor �Sprafku � A gainst ��� � Tedesco �Mr. President, Byrne - CORPORAT PUBLISHED F��B 2� ��T� � Fiarry E. Marshail cti*Y �„ Albert B. Oison • � City Clerk and �°�� ; Council Recorder Commissioncr of Registration 6 ..�� �� �� �� OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK ' CITY OF SAINT PAUL BUREAU OF RECORDS 386 Cit�Hall St.Paul,Minnesota 55i02 Feb. 18, 1970 Enclosed is a copy of a resolution of the Saint Paul City Council, C. F. 247508, adopted February 18, 1970, endorsing the plans of the United States Ar�y Corps of Engineers, and urging tha:t the Blue Earth Sub-Ba,sin Pro�ect proceed without delay. Very truly yours, City Clerk AO�hp �� ORIGINAL�O CITY CLERK �l�r����� , � CITY OF ST. PAUL FOENCIL NO. ° • �OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK . UNCIL RESQLUTION-GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONE -'� � � DAT° WHEREAS, riinnesota has e�perienced disastrous floods in the major river basins in the State , causing loss of life , human suf�ering, dislocation of families from i;heir homes, iilterruption of Uusinesses and serious economic and esthei;ic losses; j�IiEREAS, The U. S. Army Corps of Engineers has made numerous studies in flood control and water reservoir measures for purposes of eliminating or reducing the disastrous effects of periodic floodiilg, particularly in the Minnesota and Niississippi R.iver Basin Areas; and WHEREAS, The U. S. Army Corps of Engineers, as a result of such studies , has recommended in their Interim Study Report estab- lish�uent of the Blue �arth Sub=l3asin Project as a vital and necessary solution for the control and alleviation of some of the catastrophic losses incurred as a result of tlle periodic flooding; now, therefore , be it RESOLVED, That the Council of the City of Saint Paul hereby determines that the inteiests of the citizens of the cities and communities in the river basin areas and the citizeils of the eiltire state would best be served Uy the completion of the Blue Eari;h Sub-Basin Project as a reservoir storage area; and be it FURTI�R RESOLVED, That the Council of the City of Saint Paul hereby endorses the proposed plans of tlze U. S. Army Corps of Engineers and urges that the Blue �arth Sub-Basin Project proceed without delay; and be it FINALLY R�SOLVED, That the City Clerk forwaid copies of this Resolution to the U. S. Army Corps of �ngineers be�ore the February 19 , 19'70 regional hearings on the �easability of this Project and that copies Ue presented to the riinnesota delegation to the Congress of the United States and to the Governor of the Si;ate of rsinnesota. � F�� I 4 I��'� COUNCILM�N Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays 1 � ���� `��Carlson � F�� `•Dalglish Approved 19— �Meredith �n Favor � �Peterson � Mayor �Sprafku . � A gainst �Q������ � Tedesco � --�� `� -�= -�-- .C D'!r. President, Byrne ^ �-' ' ��_�=�.�s,.�-- CORPORAT1�3f °�:���,��. �O . , �. '�°� � ��~'= DONALD�M. FRASER FOREIl3N AFRAIRS COMMITTEE �7x Dtsrwcr,Mum�sarn � BUBCOMMITTEE9; 9S2 HOUSE OFFICE BUILDINfd STATE DEPARTMENT ORCiANIZATION AND FORp6N OPERATION3 20���755 �o�gre�� o� t�je ��iteb �ta�t�e� �MERNqT10NA1.�RfdANIZAT10N8 DALE MACNER 1 AND MOVEM@NTS ADMINISTRATIVEASSISTANT '�Oli�` Oi ���iLE�La�i�i�VL� .NATIONALSECURITYPoLICYAND SCI6NTIFIC DEVEWPMENTS ���`J��OI�� �•�� ZO5�5 DtSTRICT OF COLUMBIA COM M ITTEE March 3, 1970 Mr. Harry E. Marshall City Clerk Bureau of Records 336 City Hall St. Paul, Minnesota 55102 Dear Mr. Marshall: I appreciate having a copy of the resolution of the St. Paul City Council endorsing the proposed Blue Earth Sub-Basin Project. With best wishes. �,.,,.-�"""Si ly, Don d . Fraser • ,tpTE � ' S`��.F w,�A :��- �i � �� ��` � �� f STATE OF MINNESOTA ��y'�' ��� OFFICE OF TIIE GOVERNOR �'Nes� HAROLD LEVANDF,R ST. Yc'�UI. 55101 (3ovERVOR February 24, 1970 Mr. Harry E. Marshall City Clerk City of Saint Paul 386 City Hall St. Paul, Minnesota 55102 Dear Mr. Marshall: Thank you for your recent letter and resolution adopted by the St. Paul City Council concerning the Minnesota River Valley. I appreciate receiving the resolution, but I will not make any decision on this matter until I have had an opportunity to thoroughly study the report of Corps of Engineera, which as of this time has not been submitted to me . Since ely, Harold LeVander G 0 V E R N 0 R HL/lk O JOHN/k.BLATNIK coMn�nrrees: f7H DISTRICT,MINNESOTA PUBLIC WORKS � . GOVERNMENT OPERATIONS Roo�.t 2449 RAYBURN HOUSE OFFICE BLDG. {�� ot�gre�� of t�je ��tfteb �tate� \{/ �ou�e of �e�re�entatibe�c �a�jf�gton,�.�. 20515 March 9, 1970 Harry E. Marshall City Clerk City of Saint Paul 386 City Hall St. Paul, Minnesota 55102 Dear Mr. Marshall; Thank you for sending me a copy of the resolution adopted by the Saint Paul City Council concerning the Blue Earth River fill dam. Public hearings on the proposal were held on February 19 at Chaska and Gordon City, Minnesota, and the matter is now under study by the District Engineer in St. Paul. I am taking the liberty of forwarding your resolution to the District Engineer in St. Paul so that he will be apprised of your views, while completing his report and recommendations. These recommendations will then be for- warded to the North Central Division Engineer in Chicago. Should the Corps decide to go ahead with the proposed dam following these procedures, several subsequent steps would be required before the proposal could come before the Congress. Only after clearing those various hurdles would the proposal be submitted to the Rivers and Harbors Sub- committee of which I am Chairman. The Committee would hold public hearings in Washington and we would welcome your views either in person or in writing. Thank you for your interest and courtesy in writing. With every good wish. Sincerely, lit' ,� John A. Blatnik, M.C. JAB:dj CLARK MncGREGOR COMMITTEE ON THE JUDtC1ARY THIRD DISTRICT.MINNESOTA DISTRICT OFFICE: WASHINGTON OFFICE: 120 U.S.CouRrFiouse AO9 CANNON OFFICE BUILDIN6 �ot�gre�� ot t�je �r�ite�► �ta�te� NEWEPHONE:7'25-'1773 � PHONE:EP�S-YE�� AREp CODE ZOZ l (� AREA CODE GIE ADMINISTRATIVEASSISTANT: �OU.VE Di �C��i LE�C�+`�N�IVLl� DISTRICTREPRESENTATIVE: DAYID N.KROGSENCi �������rott'�•�� 20515 MISS MARYELLEN SMITH EXECUTIVE ASSISTANT: RICHARD D.WILLOW February 27, 1970 Mr. Harry E. Ma.rshall City Clerk City of St. Paul 386 City Hall St. Paul, Minnesota 55102 Dear Mr. Marshall: Thank you for your recent letter and the copy of your resolution concerning the proposed dam on the Blue Earth River. I am enclosing a copy of the letter which I received from the Corps of Engineers explaining the purpose of the proposed dam in detail. You may be certain that I will have your views in mind when this proposal comes before the House of Representatives for funding. Sincerely, �i�"'.-�i 1��i�.'' �-'l Congressman Clark MacGre r CM:ms „� ,.” � . . �,���� DEPARTMENT OF THE ARMY /� ��L� I �d�.���- .� , ST. PAUL DISTRICT, CORPS OF ENGINEERS ( / � '* 1210 U. 5. POST OFFICE & CUSTOM HOUSE ��� � � ST. PAUL, MINNESOTA 83101 �� r., IN REPLY RFFER TO � �6 19 �J7� }, NCSED-PB 17 February 1970 � � �� ''j .,�� i Honorable Clark MacGre�;ox• ;��,:> House of Repre>entatives _,��Y Washin�ton, D.C. 20515 , ,,� ,3 - y { ,� Dear Mr. MacGregor: :�; This is in further reply to your letter of 29 January 1970 addressed to ?�5 ,� the Chief of En;;ineers inclosing copies of several letters concerning � opDOSition to the proposed dam on the i:31ue Earth River, Minnesota. , s, jde reca�;nize t.he caiicer.ri <�f pc.o��l.c i.r� nnd ad,j�,cent to t;hfA ��ro}�o:��d reser- � v�air �tr•ce.� wi�tt� r•r�p;a_�x�l �l:c� t,lic ��.eub�t��1.�� irnE�,lct on tl�eir c:oclrs:l., eeoriamle, a and env3ronmental va:lues. In ttie belief that mucti of.' this concern hras � been �enerated throu�h a lack of accurate information regarding the pro- } posed project, we have during the past week held informational meetings �} at Mankato and Chaska where our representatives have answered questions ` � a,nd described o� proposals. w, � � ,� The purposes of the proposed Blue Farth Reservoir include flood contral � �?,; :; on the Minnesota River at �,nd below Mankato �.nd on the Mississippi River ( at and downstream from St. Paul; water quelity control at P�ankato-North � ' ,� Mankato, between Chaska and the mouth of the Minnesata River, and on the "� , Missi�sippi River below the Pfiinneapolis-St. Paul Sanitary District treat- ��'�.. ; ment plant; and recreational developments in the reservoir are�, south of � ` and ad�acent to Manka4o tznd alon� the entire MinnesotA River from Mankuto � 9 � �O 'tt1E: :rnOt1'Ch. ,,, "` K� r The proposed pro�ect would involve the ucquisition of control on the fo1- ' ��"'�' ,� : �;, : ; lowing areas of la.nd: � '? Blue Earth Reservoir - acres '� Fee �,cquisition 12,800 '� Flow�.ge easements 12,900 Total axea - acres ?5,700 ---_ � .,, � `.�; ',. � � . � . .�.c,y„�. ' �M'1i`.. .�••� :..riNb' �YiA°�6IrTA5UMMi,'JMpL��.siAPk!'��*'^:&�;.:J'.,MC�'ti.r:;.'b�xiX3;lK'tF1�'.^R.:+�`163_�Nk�'K.:f- .°`—"--_� � £; : � ' � ���� �'� , NcSLD-P;� , � 9.� ,: # 1.7 rebriin 1 � �„ � I[onorubl.e C1�.rlc P�1tzcCrrf��f;or �����a� ��� ���, I�Sinnesota ��iver - acres },� E�ee acquisi�ion 3�+,500 k� Flowage easements 1,500 .�"_. �y,:. � Total area - acres 36,000 {;'��� '" � � `.�� , The trix l.ous in �,lue 1,artYi County dtie t� tkie reservoir l�.nc3 renui,rc�ments ���; would bc nbout '+�100,U00 coliip;,lc-ed �to a �otal tcix revenur of about �!") rnia.l�on ,��i�, in 19b3. �.:� �:`�...1 . .,iD.i.�1 2'he followin„ numbers of homes would be affected: a': ; °s p:: l31ue I�,az•tYi 13c�servoir• �,�;' + � Rural 1l�i� ��' . ;�^� ,. ;.; :uburban 25 k��,a Urb an � .��"' ���� Tota1 2�g �'�;�' � �'��,. �° i�Iinnesota lZiver � �i ���u•<,.=L �7 �'� Sublir oan p f,^+'��� � Urban p � ,�:.� � � Total 27 � `�`, �. ��a. 49,��� Urban homes are .located in the small communities of Garden City and Rapidan �a� °� Mills. Present pla.ns would provide for relocation of all exiati.n�; struc- � ; tures to a new sitc on hi�;h �;round aUout one-half mile north of the Present � � location of' Garden Cit �, �'� y, if desired by the owner� �;. � � ���. Provisions would be rnacie to provid� an equivalent area to mitigate ecolo�i- ��`•�� cal los;�es resultin�; from the creation of a 1+,300-acre permanent lake. In ���' � addition to th� l�rid ar.ea, presently cultivated areas would be a.c3nd�cn�ed �,�,`� ;; and trees would be ularrteci. TiZe �ermanent lake woulu provide n, ].a.r�*e po- ��v: .'� tential £or water- and "land-based recreation. A much larger recrep.tion r -- potential would be created alon�; the Minnesota River between Pdankato and �'• ' the moutti whicli wauld fit into plans of the State for thi� areer.. .���,. �� � Our present plan is to include recorunendations in our report directed toward ��"T Q;� correction of e:cistinU deficiencie:� in a�;ricultural lr�.nd and water manage- A�* ��'�:'. 6 ment rel�.tin�; to pollutiorz, erosion, sedimentation, and draina�e. `rhe�e xr ,a� problems �re in tlie areas of resporisibility of ather Federal and Str�te �*�;: � a��encies. Hopeful_1y, t�,ctions by these agencies cun improve the existing � � �,. � � 2 k: r�� ��' �y�. a•. ,�, ° �"''�e£���.."'•q ' ,�t"`,�iY�i:'����+'��,.;"a'�+�ii����.};v;Y:!,`h.�'_�«"''����r: . �9u�, _ ..�o.k. �._..____ �, a.i � d': �r •� � ' � � � . . . t�� ,,$ ��; � � ': NCSL�D-P�3 17 Februury 1970 `F. ,�� Honorable Clark P��acGre�;or p, k j��r w�,ter qual.it.y �f tlze I�ltae Erzz�th ��iver �.nd prolon� the usef'u7_ lif.'e of the { � w�� �� reservoir. lde woii_ld provide sufficient sLort�,�� for �,1Z purpo�es a� we11 x;� � ��� a,s sedi?nentatiori in the reservoir durin�; �.n economic life of 100 years. ���, 4'�� Our estimates indicate that only 1+ percent of the reservoir stora�e would rw�' be filled witt� sediment durin�; this period. We h�.ve investigated all ���' �� �` available alternative solutions for flood control including small dams. ° i� However, all stuciies have indicated that the best solution to the ma�jor �,�{a., re�ional water resources prablems Wlt�l which we are concerned would be , ;� a. system of large reservoirs in the I�4innesota River basin supplemented ;�` iy';:� by local protection works at cez•t�,in urban corrununities and flood�lr�.in <, , , � re„u].atiori. �in�.11 da.iu� h�ve �thcir plr�ce us supplcmenta..r�/ works in the �',. >� tieadw��ter,> �trea.� bitt; tiYey caizriot :>oJ.v� ti�c m.z�jc,r• ��robl.<�����; tti�it •Ltie Con�;ress � � ' �'� h�,s asiceci t�i:, to investi��•wte. � � °� ;;.. �`` Our only ftmction at this time is to determine the feasibility of �,vail- �� zble alternative sol_utions to the water and related land reaour.cFS prob- ��, r' lems of the :�'innesota River ba,sin and to obtain the views of the State of `�r�•, ��� t�iinnesota and the peonle who would be affected by wh�.t we consider to be �'�s� a � . � � the best pl<iii lrom �� rer;ion�,l viewr�aint. The fin�al decision on ir�plement- w� � ;� �`. � �' in; any pro�>osal made b;yr the Corps of I,ngineers would be ma,de by Congress. ��,�s n ,.� �i � ,� T triz:,t ttiat thi:� inf'orna:tion will serve your present needs. The inclosures �;� to your lc�t;tc�r r�rc returnr_d u.� reque�ted. ��' 9�� �{ �(� p t � '� ;;it�cerc�ly ,your:�, f� '' � ��y .,. � � �� �� � n �� �e � „� �'',�` �-G �'/L ;��� t.y� � 'J �a`, 1 Incl CIit1.RLES T. Mc�INN � ��� ' � As stated Colonel, Corps of �n�ineers ��� � '� Distriet I;nnineer fi�., �' � Copy fiirnished: '��° t� e,, � Tionorable Clark D4acGre�or �t�;:: � Pdinnear>olis, P�Iinn. 551Fo1 �"�`'` � ����� a � ra ;� *�. ';� {.;�+ �,;k= � ��;a, 4 d v,� � ,,;`,.e 9 � ':r �4�(;"�n�.: " �r�; � lr r+''�q,*yj. F177 . �: � ^.�,r��x f,�- ��r.,�;, �:. tr��� 3�"yi'vl �''� : "°+µ .... i... ., ,,. '�• � �3Ai.1�kNNZ' a`�r'�.I��CI�� ��''L��a.�.K_:l., .?."'3 iN'.,1'�:;: . ODIN LANGEN 'L�LHS RAYBURN OPFICE BUILDINB 7�Tli DISTRICT�MINNESOTA TELEPHONE:CAPITOL 4-8121 � EJCTENSION 2��i5 COMMI7TE6t APPROPRIATIONS �or�gre�� of t�je ��iteb �ta:te� HOME KEturEOV.MINN. SU9COMMITTEE3: AGRICULTURE �ou�e of �e�regetttatibe� LEGISLATIVE �a��jittgrott,�.(�. zo5t5 February 23, 1970 Mr. Harry E. Marshall City �lerk 386 City Hall St. Paul, Minnesota 55102 Dear Mr. Marshall: This is to acknowledge receipt of your recent letters enclosing a copy of two resolutions adopted by the Saint Paul City Council, C.F. 247493 and C.F. 247508. I appreciate your forwarding this information on to me. Best personal regards. �� � 1 Sincerely, � + �r- � /, ^ _ '° �DIN LANGEN Member of Congress OL:kb � .���s�� � . . EUGEN€ J. MCCARTHY COMMITTEES FYNNESOTA . FINANCE I '�ICr��teb .�ifaf¢� .�ienafe GOVERNMENT OPERATIONS WASHINGTON, D.C. 20510 a�l 6, 1970 Mr. Haz�ry' E. Max�shall, Clerk St. Pa.ul City Council 386 city xa�.�. Bureau of Records St. Paul, Minnesota 55102 Dear Mr. Marshall.: I have received your letter co�unerrting about the stuc�y of the Blue Earth River by the Corps of Engii.neers. I previously took up t�.is ma.tter with the Corps of Engineers. As you know, the District Engineer of the Corps of Engineers announced on Maxch 20 that he wt�uld not at this time �or�rard the proposal to the Division En�Lneer i n Chi ca.g+o f or hi s revi ew. I appreciate having your views on the proposal. You may be assured of my continued attention to this proposal and that I will keep your views in mirul. With best wishes. Sincerely yours� y Y l� Eugen J. McC hy EJM:�nr Feb. 18, 1970 � 4 Rj � t fl � �..___.�_... � a_._______._,_ � ,`. ,- � ��,�� _., •, ; '� `4 i' Enclosed ia a copy o�'.`a,/re�ol��t��on oP the Saint pa,ul City Council, C. �'. 247508,'�adOP'�� �ebrwary 18, 1g7'4s endoraing the p].ans of the �Tnited 9�ta,�ea Army Cc�rps of Engineera, and urging ,t�Y�-ttu%;'�1.'ue�i��b Sub-Basin Pro�ect proceed without del��C.;' `� `� �,i ,` � , , i �,r � k ,,t , ' ` Very truly yours, , r, . , __ � , � -- . ___ , ; �' �,� City C1erk AO�hp � � f �y`0� I , f`",' This 3.ette� ansi_.eopy of resol.ution sent to the followin�: __._�---=' U.S. Ar�y Corps of Engineers. Governor Nii.nnesota ➢elegation. ,s_.;;� , �(� ������ DUPLICAYE TO PRINTER C��( OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL NO• H LE OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION-GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY DAT COMMISSIONE ��:d,i ;;1"��}, i��i:�nL�pta laa� e�,r�e�^��x�cec� d�..�aat�c�us �Ibo�3, :.i�. Whe major river basina in the ���te, c�using lass af ].i:�e, ��u�nan �ua:�:erira�, di�loca�ti�u of ia�il3.es �:r�� �i.��c�in c���e�, interrup�;�.�ai c�� �3ixsi������:.�; a��c� �cr�.c�u:� e�o�ao�n:ie �a,rac� e��I�c;�xc �c�.��e�s a��i�i�,���, `�lir= �3. S. �?.�r°°�y t;or�s af i::Y1�;1T1E;@T`t> ��r�� ua�.uld numeraup ay-�,�aie, �a� ��ooc� ec��z-tral a�ac1 ��r�.�er re��rvoir anea�u�es �or purposes of elir��r�ati�.� ux� reducing th� dis�.�tr�us e��ects �� p�eriodic �Iot�din�a �a.�t�.�cial�rl� i�. tixe ,�TirYno�ota �znd P�ixssissip;pi �Live� �a�i� ia.��:�.�9 c�..aic:i ara's�I�.��s=��;, 'iryh� U. �. �.�:°��y i:crrp� U�' �ri�i���r�, �.e a r��u1t �,� ;aueh �tt;�cties, ii��� �reconn���a�.c��c� i�. t�7ei� Irate��ira ��ud,1 ��epc��'� �:��r:�=:'– lis�ime�at o� ��he �31�.e �arth aub–k3a�si�. Pro�ject �.g a vital ans� r�ec�s�ary solutioxi �'or the control �nd �lleviatian o�f so�a of tlie cat�stropT�ic la�s�s incur�r�c�. €�s �, result a� tlie perioc�ic ��oa�in�; no�v, tlz�rt�t�xe, i�� it �t�:;�OvV��, `a'ha��. ti�.e i�auu�il of tl�ae Ca.�y a�: :�a,��.t �'aul he���a�, dc�teri�in3s �'ra�t ��a� ir�tere�t� o� t�e citizen� o�: the citi�s� an�t commu��tieg in t�ae �iver �asin a�ea,c� �,�.ci t��e cfti�eus o� ��i� entire sta�e wuu1�3 best be �er�rec� b�� �t��e �om��.��tica� af: t��e ;�laze ���rth :�ub–���si� Pro,��:c� as a reservoi� stora�;e arQa; t��� be it �^�3��`i"'��?.f ��wi3�`v'�,�.:, ��,�,� �Y�e !'C�3d3�G1� �� �i��: Cit� o� ��irit P�,+�l h�reby e��c�ar��s tiz� proposc�c� p3.aaa� o�' i;h� iJ. �. �r.�iiy Corps of i:n;iu�err� �,r�ca �ar�;e� thtzt ���� Pi�e i;�arth ;�u�;–���f� �'r�j�c�� �Srv�ce�:� ��;�.t�a��,�t s��l�,��, a.�c� t�e �.t , F'IN.�.LLY �3�Sf3LVED, Th��t the Cit;� C1�;�� iog�a�.�c� co�ai�s cai t���:, F?eao��.����� to t��e �J. �. Army �orp:� oi ��n�in�ers l�e�ar�� tiie a e��r��.�gy 1�g �.97� re�io:���. s�e�,ri��� c�a. t►a.e �:e�sa?�ili��% c��' ���.i:� �'�o,�ec� �:��c� thd'� c,o;����� ��c; �:a���e5����;�� to t�x� i��a��3�s€�t�, t�ole���t:ic�xi �t� tlie �,.��.���a:ss o:� v��:: ",��.i�;��" vt�.t�� �r�.cl tc� t�z� GatTer�ns� c�� t><�� ��at� e�' �as�t�.r�e�c�t�.. � � t����°,.���� .,,��a, ��, ��d��4 y COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19— � �;� Yeas Nays �.` ' , . . Carlson 19_ Approved Dalgliah Meredith _�n Favor Peterson ,� Mayor Sprafka Against Tedesco Mr. President, Byrne O