247488 ORI6INAL TO CITY CLHRK /�������� CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL NO. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK FILE �'I��$ ���� CQ�U IL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY ` � v' Febx't��ry 17. a97o COMMISSIONE DATF RE50LVED: That licen�es applied for by the followi.ng persons at the addresses statecl, be and the same are hereby granted. Frank Matthews Sh2 Coneordi.a �tusf.c Mach. 1 App,18 New �Iidway 269� Ine, 1554 �oncordia Restaurant C..2 " �2 '" � � Gig�Y'et�e n n n Severi.no R. F],ores, & V�ctor G. Perez, Jr. 36 s. Dale Rest�urant C-2 " 3,�6"' Kirby Distributor�, Ir�c., ,�ll N. Dale Elee.App.Rep. " 63?"' Ronald E. Johnson 779 W, W�h�eloek Pkwy. Groeer� A-2 " ',�,�a �" '" Froz.Foods " " " �� „ Off Sale 1�1t " " " n n Cf„ga2�!'�te p a r Cont�.nental 011 Co . 1�45 Arcade Gas Sta. 6F " 1163" " " Gen.Rep.Gar. n m a �ttperior ()il Co. 13`?0 E• Mar,yland Ga5 Sta. 9P " 1493'" " " Gen,R�p.�'ar* n n r Arnold E. 3'essrner 1903 ,tillwater 1 Mus�.c Mach. " 1�C94" Kenneth R. Stoffel 1760 Bush �tr.veh.Dr. " 1�96" Ji.mmy Dee Leggett 368 N. �IcCArrons Blvd. Mtr.Veh.Dr. " 1497" Phillip �mith 240I Hampshire Ave. 5o.�-St. Louis Pk.MAD b � 1.�15" Thomas P. Cowley 1229 ".herokee Mtr.Veh.Dx. * 1�51" �,,;�� 17 1970 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays g� Carison �i'�r� 1 7 19�� Dalglish � Approve 19—_ Meredith Tn Favor Peterson Sprafka Mayor �' A gainst Tedesco PUBLISHED FEB 21 1970 Mr. President, Byrne O