247480 OriQinal to City Clerk a ORDINANCE ��`�480 �C��J'' COUNCIL FILE NO � '�/ PRESENTED BY � ORDINANCE NO AN ORDINANCE SETTLING THE CLAIM OF IRVING LAMBERT AND BERNICE LAMBERT, INDIVIDUALLY AND AS HUSBAND AND WIFE, AGAINST THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL. THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section l. That the proper City officers are hereby authorized and directed to pay out of the Tort Liability Fund 0035-421, to Irving Lambert and Bernice Lambert, individually and as husband and wife, the sum of �150.00, in full settlement of their claim for damages and injuries sustained by reason of a fall on a defective sidewalk at or r�,r Marion Street and University Avenue, Saint Paul, Minnesota, on August 15, 196g. Section 2. That said sum shall be paid to thesaid clamants upon their execution and delivery of a release in full to the City, in a form to be approved by the Corporation Counsel, for all damages and injuries sustained in the manner aforesaid. Section 3. That this ordinance shall take effect and be in force thirty days after its passage, approval and publication. �R 4 1970 Yeas Councilmen Nays Passed by the Councii Carlson � Dalglish In Favor � Meredith � �— � Aga�'�nst Sprafka Tedesco (� 419� �... ,,, APBrov e t: Vic' Pr°'i ) ity Clerk or �O Form approved Corporation Counsel By PUBLISHED �� 71970 Duplicate to Printer ORDINANCE ����1��� COUNCIL FILE NO PRESENTED BY ORDINANCE NO G / — .�.iv' t;`�D�NAlV�T� ���;�}'T:L:IIeTG T�Is CLAIi�I ��' I:�,VING LA1�I3 ii.�a AP,Ti`,� ?� :-�,�wIC� 3 AI��I3T;xi.T� IlV7)T�jI�)IJA.LI.:Y ��'`I: .�A� HIT�B��dI) AT� �::Is'I', ��G r<.�I�?�`,�.' T��E (;I 1�Y <Jli S�iTNT �AUL TIrE Ci:tiNC��� C>r' �i'TIi CI�y'Y C,'�' SA�INT PAUL DO�S ORDAIN: �'ect�i�� l. Th�,t the pro�er City officers are hereby autlioi izec� ' and ciirectec� to �a� ou� of the Tort Liability Fund OU3�-1�21, to Irving ��am�ert ancl �3errzice ��ambe�t, individually �,nd as i�us�ai2d aYZCa t=�i�e, t�ie �ur�� of �';,15(►.�J, �n full settle�uent o�' ti�e�.r claim i�� �.r�raia�es �.ncl �.��zj��xi.es susta.ii2ecl i�y reasan o�' �, J��,l� ��3. a ue�ective �icle;•ra�i:E� <�t er r�aa Naai�on 4-'�tre�:t anci Un�_versity �venLge, >�..i.n�; `'��aa�, i•iinn�sot�,, oi� �4�bust �.5, 1�6�. ;:;ection `?. Th�.t s�,id SLIISl skAaZl be �a?_d tc� the said e�.amants us,orl i;,�;.��_r �:<.�eca3�Lic>�.a �,i�.� �?elavE.rJ% €�� �� rcln�.se in �u7_1 t.o the E�ity, in a fox�uz tc� �a�° �,��p�i c���ed by tlae Cor�or�t�on Cc�tans�l , �o�° a�l cl�.mages a�d ?rija��es ��a�tain�d in the znanner afores�,ic�. Sec���on 3. Th�.t t�iis ordin�,nce shall tal�e ef�ect �L��d �.�e ir� �orce t.lia Ly cl�.�: alter i�ts ��as�G.�e, a;�proval ai�d �ub�.acation. Yeas Councilmen Nays Passed by the Councit �� � Z��� Carlson � Dalglish In Favor Meredith _l�n+nrann � Against Sprafka Tedesco �'.i :��'.�e�ii���r�Y�:��?e)% ._ �'��., 4 ���.� •- � I st �� � � 2nd � � Laid over to _�� � , /, 3rd and app..__f�_.Adopted , `7" Yeas Nays Yeas Nays Carlson �Carlson Dalglish �alglish Meredith �eredith ��������� � Peterson �o sn Sprafka �6prafka U Tedesco �edesco .� � :, .,,i :, w. Mr. President Byrne ': ' °` 5 �F ` �` �k �Qt��) �C���� r�;� ����� (