247440 � � > d��si t�cier ciar� � � � O�RDiNANCE ��"�44a � i. COUNCIL FILE NO PRESENTED BY �-�' �� �` ANCE NO. r� '.- An ordinance amending Ordinance No. 7607, entitled: "An ordinance fixing the duties and responsibilities and the minimum qualifications for the various classes of positions in the Classified Service of the City,t' approved Februa.ry 13, 1935, as amended. This is an emergency ordinance rendered necessary for the preservation of the public peace, health and safety. THE COUNCIL OF THE CIT'Y OF SAINT PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section 1. That Ordinance No. 7607, approved February 13, 1935, as amended, be and the same is hereby further amended by inserting in its proper alphabetical order the following title, and specifications for Gh'rcf�i�c A.�arrri Biepatc�r � Supervi�or of Fire Cc�mm�unications ..1.. Yeas Councilmen Nays Passed by the Counci� Carlson Dalglish Meredith In Favor Peterson Sprafka Against Tedesco Mr. President (Byrne) Approved• Atteat: � City Clerk � Mayor � �j� Form approved Corporation Counael By ����`�� � � , �inal to City Clerk ` • � � � O�RDINANCE 2�`74�� COUNCIL FILE NO PRESENTED BY ORDINANCE NO � Section 2. This ordinance is hereby declared to be an emergency ordinance rendered necessary for the preservation of the public peace, health and safety. Section 3. This ordinan.ce shall take effect and be in force from and after its passage, approval and publication. -3- FE� 2 � �li� Yeas Councilmen Nays Passed by the ouncii Carlson Dalglish / � n Favor Meredith C� S'$per�eart--�' � Against Tedesco �7�0 � . Vic� Pr � �� ved: ��d 2 � �� �� � Ci Clerk ��xxr.�; Mayor � 1�'orm approved Corporation Counsel By �tt�►s��Q MAR 71�70 TaPlicate to Printer �@� � � �,ry� _ � ���x ORDINANCE COUNCIL FILE NO , PRESENTED BY ORDINANCE NO __ An ordinance am�nding Ordia�astce No. 760?, entitled: ��An or�.ir�ance #ucing th� dt�t3ea and responeibilitfe�e and the minimvm qt�.ali�ications for the varioue claseee of positione ixa the Cla.�a�ifiecl Service of the City, " approved Febz�uary 13, 1935, ae amended. T'hi� 4s an emer�ency ordinaace rendered neceseax+y �o� the pre�ervatior► of the pub1�C peace, health and safety. THE Ct3tTN�I�.. OF 'I'I�E: CI'I'Y OF S�IN'T' PALT�. 1aC)ES CIRDAIN: Section 2. That Ordinance �1'0. 7�aQfi, a�►groved February I3, Z935, as ame�:ded, be and the sarne i.e her�by �ttrther ameaded by Y�sezta�ng in its propex alphabetical o�der th� fol2dwing title, and epecifications fox C�i+�,f-�'`ai��-�rr�se�.�4eke Y Supervisor of Fire Communications �1- Yeas Councilmen Nays Passed by the Council Carlson Dalglish In Favor Meredith Peterson Against Sprafka Tedeaco Mr. President (Byrne) Approved• - Attest: City Clerk Mayor O Forxn approved Corporation Counsel By £qplicate to Printer ORDINA� NCE ,�,�r1�;,��� COUNCIL FILE NO PRESENTED BY ORDINANCE NO Sectiom 2» ThYe ordinaace ie hereby declare� �o be an �rnergency ordin�.n�e rendered neceseaxy for the preaerv��ion of t2a� public peace� health and �afety. Section �. This ordina.ace shall take effect and be i�t fo�ce from and aftex� ite passa�e, agproval as�d publicatior�. -3- ��� � �' ����� Yeas Councilmen Nays Passed by t�Council Carlson Dalglish Tn Favor Meredith ��''�... � A gainst Sprafka Tedesco c � , . t� �� id�it.:C�Yrne:) ,` �, n"�-°���� Approved: Attest• Mr. Vic: L�'rc��!a�.t tl iic:zavaa) City Clerk Mayor O Form approved Corporation Counsel By t � , , �� !��lJ' Title of �lass: CHIE,� F�RE ALARM I�ISI�ATCHER /��/ . � Duties and responsibilities° Under di.rec:ionv to hav� x•esponsiblc char�e of the a�tivi�ies of �-he Firc A rm Division of ti�e Bureau of �ire Proteckion; and to per�orm�lated worlc a� as�:�gned, Exarnple; of work pe fc�rmcdo To dir��", superv�is . sci�edule� and assign the work of �he Fire Ala�:m Dispa't �hei�s: Ta keep r��ar.ds of all ydraiits �.5ed and to repor� 1:hi.b to �he V`laaer Depa.r'cmen . To �es� l,ines and boxes fo "openseo and "grounds"y and fur groper �ro1'�a�ts and rect ier ci,trT�ent� To keep re�orcls� vn r�ut�ofr 'ty runs and report these to the I"s.re Ghi�f. �tnd to the r3�pa menfi accountan't� To provide fire al.ai m sfat�s'�ic for the annixal report,. To pPrform the duties of a Fzre I�rm Dispatcher II during �he day .shifte Niinimum qualifications o �` Two years° experience in the posztion� and holdin� the title of,; �1T� �larm Dispatchsa I7� �,L_ . . � . . �4'7�40 Title of �lass: � CHIEF F��tF x1LARM DZ�PATCHER 3�u,tins and responsibilities° Unde3� cii.rec�iony to hati-� P�b�Ut7bs.ble rharge of �he a�tivi�ies o£ a,:h� �'ii:e �larrn Divisiun of t��e Bt�.:eeau. of Fire Profection; and to perform rela':�d wo.rk as ass���necl� � E�,ariZples of �vortc�3ci•formedo � To dAx•c�F, sup-r,.'I•�Yis�� sch�dui�, an,d assi�n the worlc of �the F�re Alazm T�isp�ti;�iers.. To lcee?� re�oz�ds of �ell �az•ants used and to reporY thi� to fihe V�r a�t�r Bepai•��r.ent.. To ��s'c ],ii�es ant� bo�:es fur ' 'opens`° and F'grounds`�„ and fqr prope�• �volt'a�n az�1 a•�ctifi c�;,rxeni:�. To �cec1� re�or�� on uut�of��,Cit}r�1•uns and report these to the ii ire ClZi�f and to the dep�r�m$n� accoui�tant< To pro�✓ide fire alaz•;.n sta�is�ics fo�the annual report� To perform th-r. duties of �. r'ire filar�n Dispatcher Ir d�iring �he day shift� \ i+iiin1mum ��ualifications° �� T�va year�o eY��eri�nce in the posi�iont and hlr�lding the title o�`� Fir� A1.af�m �+ispatc?�er Ix, `� '� � ,�_ i Tii:l� �af r_1��5° SLIPEI�,VT�O� OF FIRE COMMFJNSCATZONS Dutie� and re spons��il;'r,:�•�o ".lnder dire�T�ion, �o haw�e responsible charge of the ac�l'V1t1ES r,f the C�mmtzn��a'tions Dizrision of the Buxea�. of Fire Proteclion; a�d �o pez•form related work as assigned� ExampJ.es of work per�ormed: 7a di.recY, supervia�c, s�l�c;d��le� and assign th� wGrk af �i:;ze Fire Alarm Dispa'F�herb To ��aper�'ise the lceeping of records of aIl hqdrai�ts used and. to repor� �h�� to :he Water Depar;ment: To st7n�rvise ihe te�;;ing ci .lines anc� bo::e.s for e9opens" and `tl�;�-c>ts.ttds'`, a;�d fo�• prcper �roltage and ze�bx�aer ca:;.rrent. `I'o a���cr•�isc �hc kee�in� �£ reeords on o�*�of-�C�.�y� run; and to rcport �t�ese to the Fi,re Chief and t� :he department a��o��ntan�� `To pro��rzde fire ��larm s'Ca��stic� for th� ann�,al repor�. T� �L�ner�i5e th� t:�ping of all r�xdio and $elephone corn9 mt;.i�•�ca�ions ccn�erni;�� emergen�ies.; and �fhe �2orage cf same� To p�rform the dL�.+.ieb of a Fire Alarm Dispa��her IZ d�.ring ��h� c�a.y 5h.zft: iY1in�,m�zm qU.alificatiorxs� 7��,o year�;� �;cpers�.z�e in s:he po��tionn and ho2di�g the title cf, �'ire r�Iaa�m D��pa�t�he�r �Z� ,Z_, Petge 2. C. F. 24?1�0 - Am�rndiz�g Ord. 76t?� by �ns�rtir�g title �n� �p�eiPicatidns Par "�hie� Fire A]�trna Diap��cher"� and d�ecl.aring this to be an emerg�r�y ordi�ance. Third R�a�ding on tMeae ardi.t�a�ees w311 Feb�u�►ry 1g�h. Yeary taruly a, Gity Clerk hp /'___` ...+ ..._�.��,•, / �,� Feb. 11, 197'0 �, � 1Mr. John Haider, �: � Dire�tar� o� Personael, � [, City Civil Service Bureau. y1 ,.---___..__��._, r ...___..___..__.._�.. '��. Dear Sir: .. � `..`�. The Cit� Council today �a�ve'~P'i�e`t ^�eading te,�he follawing described ordinances s ,%'�-'� � ' , � ,,,'y, �' r C. F. 2�+7�+36 - Amenci`�,,,��d. 64��"by rai�ing rates per per'�onmqti�� of the following: Gr_ips, Hea�'��.yman, Lamp Operatar, ,'.��agertym�.ri tage Carpenter and ;';�'" Sta�e ����etr��:n, � C. F. 247�3�7 - Amend. � . 3250 re Placin� (*-) before � � "Filter ��ant Labor�r" and "Filter Plant ,--- ��`\,.�.Opera��' I" in Sec. 6, Grades 2� and 2�; --,_-__ .;;;: �.,��e:r'�,3'n� in Sec. b, Grade 2�+, "Water / ' Prant Aide"; (-�) before "Power Pl.e,rit Helper i! rt' � and Stationary Firemsn" in Sec. 7; Stxaking i € � � f�rom Gr�.de� 27 and 31 the titles "Filt�r ` �, j' � Plant Operatar II and Filter Pl.ant Operator III" �.�., �`r;' and substituting "Filter Plant Operatar I nnd II"; � InRerting in Sec. 6, in Grade 27 "Lim� R�covery `°_�" Operator". C. F. 2�+7�3$ - Amen�iir►g Ord. 'r607 �bolishit�g titles except as to iz�ttmbeuts� of th� t'ollawing: "Filter Plairt Labarer"; "Filter Plarrt Opera�or I"; Pawer Plant Haiper" axui "St,r�t3ot�ry Firemsn"; �naerting titles and a�peece. for "L3.m� Recov+ery ()per�►tar" and "Water Flent Aide" ; Striking title and specs. Por "Filter Plant Operators II e�nd ITI"and. subetituting titles a�d +sgece. �'c�c "Fi].ter Plaat t)perstor I azyd II"; eubstituti�ng new speca. for "l+�itrtene�rice Man", "P131�Ip�t� ETtgj.IIC�Y' I EttLd IIh. C. F. 247�+39 - Amend. 4rd. 3250 Inserting ia Sec. 6, under "Fire Group" atter mn�teriel ia Grade 35, th� t'ollawing: GRADT 36 � ChieP Fire Alsrm D3spatcher, aud de- claring this to b� an emergeacy ordixx�nce. 4 copies for the Ordinance, 1 for the City Clerk � �_ . �"°�-,--.,., � � � I st �" • ' 2nd � Laid over 40 � � � 3rd and epp —Adopted Yeas Nays Yeas Nays Carlson Carlson �. Dalglish Dalglish �,� Meredith Meredi+h � `,"� Peferson ,8�#acsan�► � ���'1'4�� �� Sprafka Sprafka � Tedesco �� Tedesco Mr. President B ne � ;�� � .:�a�;�xr� �„��..��x::,, �t�° .e9:.:Ei �Ir. Vice President (I'aterapa�j