247438 OriYinal to City Clerk
� � � � � O'RDINANCE �4'�4�8
, ,.
PRESENTED BY � ' , ^ � �--� ORDINANCE NO � �
An ordinance amendi.ng Ordinance No. 7607, entitled:
srAn ordinance fixing the duties and responsibilities
and the mini.muxn qualifications for the various classes of
positions in the Classified Service of the City, t'
approved February 13, 1935, as amended.
Section 1. That Ordinance No. 7607, approved February 13,
1935, as amended, be and the same is hereby further amended by striking
out the specifications for the following titles:
Filte r Plant Labo re r
Filte r Plant Ope rato r I
Power Plant Helper
Stationary Fireman
and by substituting i.n lieu thereof the following statement:
n(This title is her�by aboxi.shed exe�pt as to p-resent incumfi�ents:��t
Section 2. That said ordinance, as amended, be aud the same
is hereby further amended by inserting in their proper alp�r�betical order
the following titles, and specifications for
Lime Re cove ry Ope rator
Wate r Plant Aide
Yeas Councilmen Nays Passed by the Council
Dalglish Tn Favor
Sprafka Against
Mr. President (Byrne) Approved:
City Clerk d
Form approved Corporation Counsel By �
Orlsfnal to City Clerk
� �� ' � ^ O� RDINANCE ��'���8
. . .
Section 3. That said ordinance, as amended, be and the same
is hereby further amended by striking out the title and specifications for
Filte r Plant Ope rato r II
Filte r Plant Ope rato r III
a.nd by substituting i.n lieu thereof, respectively, the following titles and
specifications for
Filte r Plant Ope rato r I
Filte r Plant Ope rato r II
Yeas Councilmen Nays Passed by the Counci�
Dalglish In Favor
Sprafka A gainst
Mr. President (Byrne) Approved:
City Clerk Mayor
Form approved Corporation Counsel By
Ori�lnal to City Clerk . �����^
. . , + " ORDINANCE , `'"
Section 4. That said ordinance, as amended, be and the same
is hereby further amended by striking out the specifications for Maintenance
Man, Pumping Engi.neer I, and Pumping Engineer II; and by substituting in
lieu the re of, re spe ctive ly, the following spe ci.fication s:
Yeas Councilmen Nays Passed by the Councit
Meredith In Favor
Sprafka Againat
Mr. President (Byrne) Approved: _
City Clerk Mayor
Form approved Corporation Counsel By
OriQieal to City Clerk �
� ' V
. � � . � J ORDINANCE r
24 ���8
Section 5. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force on
the first day of the first payroll period following thirty days after its
passage, approval, and publication.
-11_ FEB 2 6 1970
Yeas Councilmen Nays Passed by the Council
Carlson �
� Dalglish In Favor
�eterson � �
Sprafka Against
Tedesco F��j 2 6 1�7�
Mr. President By Approv :
A s •
Ci le Mayor
Form approved Corporation Counsel By
P!lBLISFlED FEB 2 81970
. �_ �
_ ' 24"74�8
T'itle of cl��s°
I�uties ancl l�sponsibzlii:zes�
Unc�ei st7.p�;�vi5ion� so ;enair anu rnainzain the huildin�, structures
ancl rne�hanic�ll equiPmsent at th.e V'T�,S�er '1'reatment Plant, VVater
Ptzm�in� Staiian, and at tr.e Lirtie �2e�overy Plan�; and ta gerform
�elaf�ed wor': as assi�nec�:.
E:camples of wo��Ic p�rfo:�•med:
To re�aai.-c and ml�niain fil.t�rs, cl.ear wells, chlorina�ors,
floc�ula'.o�'s, �l�ii.fiersr ard xnJ.aie�l piping �nd equiprnent>
To x��air c�nd �>�atntain c:onveyors, compre�soss, sludge pumps,
r.hnmzcal :�e.edei•sy pnet�ma��� �.nd hycirauli.c fi.lter operating
c�on?�rols,. and si2ni.lar equipment.,
`10 �.ssia: in t?1� repai� an�3 maintenan�e of instruments used in
rerordin� ancl conirollin� wai:er treatment and lime r�cal:.ining
`To regair an�� n��int�in s�sac°e ��ea�in� units and radiaEors�
7o znake orci:,n�rl anc� emert;�ncy :���airs to puinping eqtiipment
and li��e recov��J ea,uiprr��ne�.
To remave oJ.d .:u�d install �1e�v ecJtiipment as needed:
To rep��<r anc� mair_tain st�•��ctures �.� �he �Iater Treatment Plant,
Liine Re�o�e���r I'�,snt, �,nd 'ITai:er Pumpzn.g `�t�ti;,a.U,:
�,'t�.nimu.rri qualifications:
Hi�h bchool �ra�uation anc�. two yearse experience as a Wa�er
Plant Aide, Fzltvr Plans� Labor�r��'�lter Plant Operator I� ''
Power Plant Helper;: or �'tarionary Firem�n.
. . � . �4'74�8
'C��'_� 01- L1:::�<,
��LJl�f-�.li;�s �f'.1�ICsY��I�'.�'�f, .I.
�'U.t7�'ki c.I�r!. .L'€`.bpOi�J:i?7�11`lv^:i:
:Ji�der �L.�:��i•c��:�:'.on� �;o �.3.c'IVC: t�ls��r�;ep. ut;,�•in� a 5'.ai£"t., of the o,s�ra':ion
azar� rr���i�zt,�'!a.�a�^ a4' ���urraFixin s�atioz� ee�;xi.pxi��entt to a.ssis� in abov�
1,'� tl'!L ��i�C.fi:�,:�TU11 ?�li.lii�}lllt� ti��i�:2011; arl.t�. t"O T3t' C'i0iT7! iC.'Ic1�f,C3 work
�1.5 �!a�'.�;11^�
_.7i_11Y1��IC';� O� '�;JU.7,'�� rC?7'�OI'>.Y3('.C�:
7'o a�sbsc �;?:i� r:.rA�ira<,e:r. i:ti ct�ar�e oE tlzc s�.�1'�: in t4ze ogera�ion ot
pu.rs��.Arzg ec�;�'_;.:r.:^nl, r:�i�� c:orra�7resso:c•s, �z�aEin� p ::�nr, an al
oY�zez• c.qt�ir�:?�3nc �l.,w:cin� a 5�iif�: a`: �F2� ?'�i.i.r�Carron Pkmping Syafion,
'To L� in c;lya�g� �� i-lz:: eape-rt�i;ion of a laz g? puin��in�; station du.ring
�� shil'�. o#:�:�:� `:za;� ai: t.i�e i.^.cCr�,z•:rvn ��tzr���in�; ��a�ion.
r�0 CiG' 1'Ui�':�.Z)�'. Y:s�til�l:ti�'.I1ct:1.C,C' ::?.il:i �;G Z"S";::11:<' E'.I27�'1•�i:t:,11Cy TG1Jc�1.`iY'8 �O
S '
1JL!iY;:���z���� t�('.cl:lil!? �Lil� Y':?l:ll:.''ti� t?t�U'-�Y11E�T1.'�".
�:t c� �ii ���i���cr,ea�1: i��'�i�ec�L�.z x��t�_
`�'c7 lc�ep ��:.��ras o1: s3�iii a��x•at:ic�ns:
'I'o read, iri�ez���xnf, a.nr� rc:��ox�ci. �aube5 and recording inszrumenxs.
� Miniznum qualif'i.cations�
��Sigh school grarlti��:ion �z�d on� yeax� of experience as a Stationary
g'ireman or Ins�trumeizt Rep�,irm�n, or two year�-� experience
a� a Fil;er Plari�. Operatoz• I, Main�enance Man, or Lime Recovery
GPera«or= �r rhiee y�a7•s' e�perience as a Pawer Plan� Helper
or Wa�:er �'iarx� �.:de: E�per:en�e as a '�I'�lt�r P1anW Operatox I
does x�a�i q•c��.l,�:iy-: �,iL.s: f,�rn'c'� a ��cond�r:l��r� C;rade C erigi�eer`s
1.C:G"'lrltlE c
� . . ' � � %��'7��8
Title of class.
Dutie� and respo�-zsibilities>
Under direction., to be responsible during a shift foi• the continuous
functional ope.•ation of the .Lime Recovery Plant; and to perform
relal:ed wo�k as �.s�i�;r.r��?,
F.�;am��les oi �,vnrl: perforrned�
To be in chargn of a shift in the op��rlticn of all equipment
in the Lime Reco�rery i'lant�
To coll.ect and analyze sarraples of groducfi cluring pzocess..
To do routiia�� rzzaintenance and tc make emergelicy repairs
to equip•rnen�,
To su��er�ri��. th� work of subordinates durin� a shift<
'I'o Ice�ep reco:rds oA shift oPerafors.
`To £^.clC�, iF�terpret, and record �auges and recording instruments<
Minimuzn qualifications<
Higla school gradk�tion and two ye�r�' experience as a Water
Plant Aide, Power Plant Helper, ar Stationary Fireman.
.�. , ` � � ���'7438
��'zi'� �` c.11ss�
��;,,�:�r�.,_�? �s,l�r��r �.�n�
l�u+:ie� �nrl responszbi.J.i#�i��5e
�7i1der su�ez•vision, lc ;��; tx•�ine�.� in tl�� oneration anti maintenanCe
of Filter �.nd Li:i-r:�e l�eco�,��r;r I'lan��: ec,tiipment; and in the
inain��nance of nl�r_�aii�� �:>c�La;�rr7c�nt; anci to per.f.orm xnanual
la�io� at tl�.e I�illc�x Pt:m�-;ir�o �,n,l �,irrae Recovery Plants; and
t� pesform r.�lated �vur.�c �ts �s�i;iZ�.�lo
E�>ry���le:s oa` wo�Ic �erio?:rr��l°
s o ;zs sist in t:h� rn:�.i rit`tlailce and �e f�:.a i,� of buildings, me�hanical
<:quiprn�nt anr� aa�pc�:���^nar_c:e5 �;�rtai.x��.n�; to water treatment,
, ,.
�'J�;it°A �l",.1"-�r 1i1;� clI1C� !.1:i22� 3f'ti;C:V'CT'S�,
'ro as.5i;;'� in ii�e o�;�^ration Ui Iirne r.ecov�ry pl�,n�
�`� o;��r:9ei: tIa^ ?ir.•:i�^ i�:�:>�'��i�, �o�l�lirn ali�.i�iinatc feeder and other
C11f;7C11C1� fL�.ti 1"T'_�.C�?'f.i7.^S lil "z'.�A•, �.��1'£el`�.i+2'0,.'1..''4iYlCL2'� Flan�� and
��CC'� ri�i:�SS'1"'jF 3'C:CO'?'CS..
�"� collcwi: w'���r sa,�n��±<.5 :.�,�«i ta a�s5is� it� ma;cin� routinc
c��rr�i.c�a?. a.riii i;�c;te.�iol�Lic:�? tE>,srs.
`I'o c�11.�r..t s}_�:,r':��•, Ar.zte.A•i.�.? in. p.r��ess, �nd iiiiished lime
s�.m»i.c>�,. �znc' a.�5is1- in �:��� 1a.�oratorSr �.nalyses of such
5 i.l.TT?ii�.(:u.
'�'c� assi5� ,FZ�� .,i.l':�* I'la*tt C5�1�r�_�fio�� �, : _
`�"o unloa� �.i�d h�ncil� cher,ii.c�,l� ar..<l s�.rplies fz•oAra caps �,nd
i ._ �rttc��:s �o s�:o�:•.•?�,� at7�± G).Z�r��i�:�lJ. ;.=.��ci :nachines�
3'0 .�aii.tain �and re,.axJ� :FiP�rk�s
ia ;�e�forr�� rrl�nt�a:l� �:�oi�I: it� tt�e op�_�z•a`:ion, ra�aintenanc:e and
;•e�ilir of ti-�r 'i:.:--,.te e• 'T:c�;at:.i�er�i:, ?='urr���nL� �,�id Lime 1[�e�o�v-ery
`:v:.i�zi_�::u.xn E�c.alisic�.ti.o�:;��
E:�i.U�� school �r�r=u�t�.iar.,:
• • ,• j . • • ���� +�V
T1tiiC Q1 C�.�1.�5`
r�L�ER PLr�.f�77 OPER�TOR I
T��;ties and res�onsi�.�iliti� s.°
Under uupervision; to assist in thn operation of water soFiening
anc' puz�ifica�iorz in tl�e W�Ztc�r I?epartmen� Filtratian 1'lant;
and to p�rforrn r�la tecs `vorlc as a.ssigned,
Exam;oles of work performed:
"�'o checi; and to opez�ate :ni1>ing;, i'l.occulation, recarUonation,
settlirz;, slud�e pti:n�in� aiad filtering uni�s.
To check and adjust ��{uir�mei�.t fox• the applicatian af chemicals
to the �vate�•:
To assist in tne 1ze�pi�zU of r�cords of operationso
To make tes�s of the c�ater at pr�scribed intervals as to
�lzl��ine resic?u�+l, turbiditys all;alini�y and calcium {Versenate;.
I'o c]o ;�oL.l:ine ?�rsaintenanc� and emer�ency re�air o:f �vaYer
treat�.x�ent and chQn�iG�I feed ec��,�i,pment�
To assis�: �Nitl� otL��:• ciuties �s are c�Lscribed for the position
of Fil��r Piar�-� Qperato� xI,
Iv?zniinum Rulliiica�i.ons�
I-ii�h s:.haol g�•�dua�:ac�n �.nd two yea-rs� experi-tinc.e as a Wa�er
Plan�,: r��de or as � �=1�ili.er Plan� Opera�o� :ft one year of which
rratzst ha��e becn i.Ei shi.ft o�ex•a�zon ass:.gnment on VVater Treatment
�°l�.r.� facil°.;.i�;;:
. • .
� ' � 24'7���
Ticle oI c?�s�;>
Dui:ies and re��ons�_i�il.ii:i�s�
I1ncler dir�:.�tion; to be res�or�si�lc durin�; a shift for '�he continuous
��inc'lional o�3ot��t�i�n of v�a��:�- so:�cenir�; an� purification in L-he
�:j�i:er �e���x�t:i=:�.-�i�t �� iltrafiion F'l�n�:; �nd to perform related work
as assi�;nedG
E�Lai��.��les o.�` tvoa•I; �;e:�-�ormW��
'I'o con�l-ol_ 111 v�lv-�� roa• tli;� i3roge� fiu�v of water into and
t�zrouU,-: �4» �1�,��i:,:
� ,
�o chc�:�: �inc,. sl�,���•�-is� th� o�cra�ion ane� minor main�enance
oi 1S^::`!lAl�e, fle�rul�etion� recarbona�ionY seY.cling, sludge
�t�.:r:;�ir;;; ar�r1 ii1r�:�i.11Q; llili.f:s..
`ro con�:ro1. �'ie. a���lication o� �1?. rh�ms",�;als to the water;
`�"o conha.•el t�.� n�i o� tlz� ���ater..
`�"o ����r�:�s-.^ 'c�.�c o��ei•ation and minor maintenance of a�l
ch�n;��.al i'e.-,cl ar_achin.�� �tnu of il.�e pner.zmatic.; handlin�
of c�iez:�;.cal�.,
`To s��- �.ncl con��ro1 �.il clZlorin� eq�,�ipment,
To opc, �?1� fzli:e�- units and io ba�.k w�sh�
°Co �e r�:�g o��sible foa� l;eepinb the i:l.•ter ,operation re�or�ls.
`To super �ise assist�nt oper��ar� and �va#'er plant aides assi�ned �
�o '�'�a��r �`i'�L��tment Plant- o�e ra�iof2<
To mak� t�srs of zt�^ ��✓a�er aL pres�ribed intervals as zo chlorine
r�si�tt�ly ac...r'r�idityr allcali.izity and calcium ;Versenate;,,
Ivlitzin�uzn qt:ialifYCa�ic�ns�
[-Iigh sciiool Lradua{.i�n ai�.d f:�vo years` erperience as a Filter
P1ant Jz�eraior � ar on� �Tea� as 1n .Instiumeizt Repairmane
Ex��crien�,e �� a ��i.lter �'lan� O�e:�a?:or I Goes no� quaiify�
� ' � � J � 24'�4�8
':�i[�ie oi cla.ss:
� ��71r�z1�i���tG �i�tGil.Tr���r�� i:t
D�.ties ;:�nd :�e�;onsibilities:
�Jnclei su�crvi�ionY to have cizar�;e �f. i°:�.c� o��.ration and
anain��nanc� c�i pur_��pin� S'E:1'C2�I'1 equii�rnent; and to perform
r��ateJ. �,vo�°t; as �ssi�neci: •
�.,;�,:�a,�i_es OL WOI'1C p�?]'fOTIY2GCl:
�'a bc in char�e o�C anc� resg:Qi�s ibl^ :ior tl.e oper.l�'1GI1 of the
i«ati�i� plant, el�ctr.ic pt?!`nps, ��ir comp-r�+ss�:-a; and all
:,qi.ii�ment a�� �,�.c I��cCarr�n �'ur:sZ�iri� S#:ati�n d�.i•in� a shii��
'To c?� rout:ir�e r:�ziiz'���nai��e and to r.zak� e%�r�r�;cncy renairs
�:o purn�.in� ^c�v.l�xnniit�
7o supervis�:� tla:� work oi szif�orclin�.�es d��i•in� a sl�zift.:
To k�:ep �ccc,•:15 of s�ift a;.:e��.fion.s,
�.� O ].'E;c C�� lll�:�i.'la3'.z.f:� r1..71��t :i'v^,CQ1.i s';i.Ll.l�:;b' �11Q 2'�':OS'�.2%I?�
lI1 S�1'L7.i:"1'::I7�S..
�.C! t`�.L:�iL':'�715� UjJ?i'yl�1GI1 b:i j;i'?ti° lU1.lE�.`37.351D��R �iL'.^:i.' %�t,+,_Iij31Y7�
. °'`-c`l�1 Q il. �
'���if2imum qualifi�:a�ions°
Two yea��s° e.�:periex�cc: as a Z'��.��in� s�..r..,�in.���:r I, :;��ttst iurnish
a iirs�'��•cl�ss G�•a�'� C �n�i.ri�er"s 1:���.nsc,.
I st � � � ' , 2nd ��
Laid over to
� � � �
3rd and app —Adopted
Yeas Nays Yeas Nays
Carlson �rlson
Dalglish � r... p � �Dalglish
,�� 1'��� `�
Meredith eredith
Peterson ��terson
Sprafka �prafka
Tedesco \` �edesco "
Mr. President Byrne �r. President Byrne