247436 (4lQtnsl to City Clerk � • �� � ORDINANCE �4'7436 COUNCIL FILE NO PRESENTED BY � � ORDINANCE NO �� ��.L An ordi.nance amending Ordinance No. 6446, entitled: ='An administrative ordinance fi.xing the com- pensation rates of certain city pasitions and employments, I' approved January 23, 1925, as amended. THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAU�., DOES ORDAIN; Section 1. That Ordinance No. 6446, approved January 23, 1925, as amended, be and the same is hereby further amended by striking ou� of Section II, where they appear under the heading TtSpecial Employmentst�, the following lines: ='mGrips 16. 00 a performance=' t'�Head Flyman 18. 00 a performance=' =�Lamp Operator 18. 00 a performa.n.ce" ='�Propertyman 18. 00 a performanc�i� t'�Stage Carpenter 173. 00 per week or 18. 00 a performan.cet' s'�Stage Electrician 173. 00 per week or 18. 00 a performa.nce=' ; ..} and by substituting in lieu thereof, respectively, the following lines: "�Grips ° 18. 00 a performance�' ='�Head Flyman 20. Q0 a perfo'�mance�� t��Lamp Operator 20. 00 a performanceTt ='�Propertyman 20. 00 a performance�' t'�Stage Carpenter 197. 00 per week or 20. 00 a performancei' t��Stage Electrician 197. 00 per week or 20. 00 a performan.cerr � Section 2. That said ordinance, as amended, be and the same is he reby furthe r amended by striki.ng out the second and fourth paragraphs at the end of Section II; and by substituting in lieu thereof, respectively, the following paragraphs: , »1.. Yeas Councilmen Nays Passed by the Counci� Carlson Dalgliah In Favor Meredith Peterson Sprafka Againat Tedesco Mr. President (Byrne) Approved: Attest: City Clerk � R o �� r Form approved Corporation Counsel By_�.( d" Oiiylnalto City Clerk _ � � ORDINANCE ;� � 4'�436 COUNCiL FILE NO PRESENTED BY ORDINANCE NO ��`Z� i'�Hourly services rendered between 8:00 a.m. and 12:00 midn.ight shall be compensated at the rate of $4. 25 per hour, and hourly services rendered between 12:00 midnight and 8:00 a.m. shall be compensated at the rate of $8. 50 per hour. " "�tWhea three department heads, i. e. , the Head Flyman, the Propertyman, and the Stage Electrician, are --represented on the same performance, hourly services for these three employees rendered between 8:00 a,m. and 12;00 midnight shall be compensated at the rate of $4. 50 �er hour; and hourly services rendered between 12:00 midnight and 8:00 a. m, shall be compensated at the rate of $9. 00 per hour. " Section 3. This ordinance shall take effect and be i.n force on the first day of the first payroll period following thirty days after its passage, approval, and publication. �2» FE� 2 6 1910 Yeas Councilmen Nays Passed by the Council Carlson Dalglish 7 Meredith n Favor Peterson n ��� Against Sprafka Tedesco �E� 2 6 1'�0 r. President ( ) Appro d: ttest: Cit er , Mayor, �� Form approved Corporation Counsel By , PUBLISHED FEB 2 8 ]970 Dr�licate to Printer ORDINANCE ;���r���� COUNCIL FILE NO - PRESENTED BY ORDINANCE NO �� �� =�-�� An ordinance �meading Ordinanc� No. 644b. entitled: "An admiaistrative ordinance fixing the com- pensati.on rates of certain city positions and employmente, " approved Janu,a.ry 23, 192�, ae amended. THE COUNCIL t�F ffiHE CiTY G1F SAINT PAUL DOES �RDAIN: Sectian 1. That Ordinance No. 6446, approved Jaauary 23, 1q25, as amended, be and the �ame ie hereby further arneaded by striking aut of 5ection �I, where they appear under the he�.din� "Specfal Employments", the following liuee: "*C�rige 16. QO a perforrnance" "*Head F�.yman 18. 00 a perfarmance" "*Lamp Opexator 18. OU a perfarmance" "*Propertyman 18. 00 � performanck� "*Stage Carpenter 173. Ofl pex week or 18. 00 a perfarmance" "*Stage Electrician 1?3. 00 per week or 18. 00 a perfarmance" ; and by eubstitutxx�g in iieu thereof, respectively, the follawir�.g linee: "*Grips 18. 00 a performance" "*Head Flyman 20. 00 a performance" "*Larnp Operator 20. 00 a performance" "*Propertymaa 20. 00 a performance" '�*Stage Carpenter 197. 00 per week or 20. 00 a performa.nce" "��tage Electrician 197. 00 per week or 2U. 00 a performance" . Section 2. That eaid ordina.nce, as amended, be and the eame i� hereby furth�r amended by striking out the s�cand aac�d fourth paragraphe at the end of Section II; and by subatituting in lreu thereof, reepectively, the following paragrapha: _i_ Yeas Councilmen Nays Passed by the Council Carlson Dalglish In Favor Meredith Peterson Against Sprafka Tedesco Mr. President (Byrne) Approved• Attest: � City Clerk Mayor O Form approved Corporation Counsel By �.oplicato to Printer ORDINANCE ___ _ -.--_---__ .� , ,� . x COUNCIL FILE NO- � � ���� PRESENTED BY ORDINANCE NO- � "�' `7 � �� "'�Hourly servi.c�s xendered between 8:OQ a.m. a�nd i2:Qt� mfdni�ht �ahall be connpen�aated �.t the rate 4f $4. 25 per hour� ax�d hov�xly ee�vicee rendered between d2:OQ mid.night a.r�d 8:0� a.m. 8ha11 be comper�aate�i at the rate of $8. 50 per hour. " "�hen three departmer�t heac��, �. �. , the Head F�.yman, the Paro�e;r�tyman, and the St�ge Electrician, a:�e � represexi.ted on the sam� perfarmaace, haurly services for theee th�ee employeee rendered bet�roveen 8:00 a. rn. -.- a.nd 12:00 midnight eMall be coxragettsated at the rate of $4. 5U per haur; and hourly gervice� rend,ered betw�►e�M 1,2s00 xriidaight and 8:00 a. rn. ehall be cornpensated at the rate of $9. Oi� per hour. " �ectian �. This ordinance el�all take effect and be in force on the first day of the first payroll perfod following thirty days after its paeeage, approval� and publication. -2- �� �(� 1970 Yeas Councilmen Nays Passed by the Council Carlson Dalgliah Meredith n Favor Peterson �'� Against, Sprafka i' ' ;�, `ti �, k��i� Tedesco �;f>-i�' � ' Mr. President (Byrne) Approved: Attest: City Clerk Mayor O Form approved Corporation Counsel By 24`7436 2-11-70 This ordinance changes the rates of pay for the stage employees in the Auditorium. These titles are in the Special Employments Group in the Ungraded Division. \ °�.; �� • .� I st 2nd Laid over to � ` --���O 3rd and app —Adopted Yeas Nays Yeas Nays Carlson `Carison Dalglish �alglish \ Meredith Meredith Peterson ������ �Peterson Sprafka �prafka Tedesco �Tedesco / } V Mr. President Byrne �r. President Byrne O