247435 2�`��3J ORI6INAL TO CITY CL6RK , CITY OF ST. PAUL FOENCIL NO. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK � O NCIL RESOWTION-GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONE DATF WHEItEAS, `I'he Cit,y Council izas �assed Urdinance Ivo. 14314 creatin� a Department of i�iodel City Elrea llevelopment--Summit-University Area, and providing for staffing of such departrnent; and WHEREAS, Tnis ordinance provides for the establishment of classes of positions in the Unclassifiec� Exempt Service, by resolution; �YHEREAS, This ordinance provides that the salaries for such classes o£ �ositions be established by resolution; now, therefore, be it RESOLVEll, That the class of position of Technical Writer--NIodel Cities is hereby established at the rate of �5.00 Per hour, for tne purpose of preparing tne IYiid-Planning statement and which position shall terminate one month from the date of this resolution. . . Adopted by MNPC February 9, 1970 meeting at Central High Rise, 55� w. Central Avenue by unanimous vote of those present. ' � / FOR �'p�y ' ��,�. �` � � i l 1970 ,� F� COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays Carlson ��� 1 � ���o Dalglish Approveci 19—_ Meredith '� Tn Favor Peterson ' Sprafka � Mayor Tedesco A 8ainst Mr. President, Byrne PUBLISHED FEB 141970 O P,..• .4�.l... .. � . � .y � � � `_1� ` � f • � ��� "� 3ynopSis of A�.NPC l�'Iinutea February 9 1970 � � f Central Hi�h Ri4e 7�3� p•�• K V The �'ebrunry y, 1970 nc3etin�; Nya e�ll.ecl to or�er b;;� Cr�ir�nan Pi1etF �t 8:�5 ' p.m. +it Central lii�zh Rise, 5jQ V�. CentrP.2. l'.r.1�(ann mcved. th�t the cudrnunity be heard after the neces4ary prE:licainary actions. i:lution eeconded snd �r,ssed. �ire. �ScNellis moved tr,.E t the synopsi� of the minutes of F'~�br.uary 2 be acc =r�ed. Yr. Lago9 corredted pa�;e 2, l�n�s 4 and 5 to read ". . .be refe�red back to the Yersonnel. �'inance r.nd ExF�cutive Comr�itte�s". biotion aeconded and passed by w�nnia�ous vote. Yrs. McAiellie moved acceptance of the gyno�sis of the minutes of February 6. Rev. Carty corrected the third paragr�ph from the bottom, line 3 to re:�d ".. .recommended by" instead of" ". . .hired by". �ir. ',agos corrected the fir�t F line of the same par�raph to rer,d ''�ir. Gormr�n moved thst. . ." ins±eAd of x hicie�lf. l(otion to Accept thP s,ynopsi s of the Febr��ar,y � mir,titec was :�<�conded and paASed. ; � Dir�3ctor Stewart re�oi•ted on the buildin!; and rea.d a re:iolution submitted to be paseed by the Li:�I'C an�j then by City Council. 3di•. iqann m�ved that the � Director's report bo ��cepted. Moti�n aeconde�i E,nd passed with tw�, na;,�s. 9 The following resolution was preaentedz Y'fiER�:AS, t:�e CitJ c'ouncil has p�ssed Ordinance no. 14314 cr�ating "' s D�partmant of Ddodel City Area De•�relopr�ent--SumMit-T?ni.versity a.rea, and providing for staffing of such depai�t:nent; ar.d �''�?F.RhAS, This ordinance provides for. the e�t�blishm�rt of classes of poaitio�s in the Unclaeaified Ex�rnF�t Service, by resolution; , �'�i�'REAS, Thia ordinance pr�vidr.s that the s31�.ries for such classes of poaiticr�� be established by rASalution; nov., therefore, be it KESOLYFD, That the clas9 of position of Technical "'riter--lwodel Cities ia hereby est�blished at the rate of �5.00 Per hour, for tne purpose of pzeparin� the 14id-Plannir.� stF�.;;e:nent and which position she.11 terminate one month� from the dr�te ot t�is re�olution. Nr. Y.ann moved adoption of the resoluti-�n. Motion seconded and pr�s�e�? by una�nimc,uc vcte. 8e��. Carty moved, eeconded by ��r. L��,ros thzt the first resolution be �,dopted: K'uE'dEAB, the HiNY� ��pruveg o£ the pro?�osed reMOde].ing of its rented office� e.t 155 North DAle St-•eet, Sr�ir�t Yaul , in accor3Rnce r�ith thP buildin�; plan� approved by Mr. Nilli:lm Stew�,rt, liodel Citic�s Dirc�c�or, and the estiraated co:�t of such rer.io��c�llTl�; is �7,500.00; t�,nd � R�iI:REAS, Sub3ect to approval bPin{T r.ecFived from t�ie Regional Uffice of II.U.D. to amen3ed f�iodel Cities br�:,;et, the L;NPC is to reiAburye the owner oi' the premises for costs incurred in re�aodelinR the leased premiees on the beh�,lf of the D:o:iel Cities progr�; nox therefor bW it RESULYED, That the Director of�Iode1 Cities is hereby aut'�orizE�.� and directed to execute trie a.�en,�ed Ie�,se for t��� above premises, .� - � S�rw psis of MNPC �tinutes February 9. 191� page 2 . b increaein� the rental for the aontYis of Febru�ry throu�h June, 1970 to the suan of E1,50�.00 per month, gn� the Council of the City of Saint Paul is rRquested to concur in thia action a:nd execute the eaid lease, � the Director of Model Cities ia hereby directec� to forwar�� a. copy of 5 tr�i9 reaolutior. to the City Council for appr.opriate nction hereon. � l�otion p�.ssed with tcvo nay votes. � ltrs. Ad�.ms reNd e st�ztement resi;*nin�r as Secretary t�nd es re�preser.t�.tive of � District; III of b;,'�t�C. 1ir. Gorman moved� eeconded by B�r. �iradley th�,t �r:;. Ade.ms's resign�.tion � from the boc�y be !lCCP.T�ted with a vute of thanks for t�er service to ttie �INPC progre�m. The motion carried with 4 nay votes. The urgency of tYie prcblem result�,ng in the dee.th o£ Keith Bs�nes� on February 7 � Pnd the financial lourden to this 1'aMily u�.s preaented by the comnunity. Chaira�en Pile.te e.pp��inted a committee of N:r. Robert Iiickman, Dur. Jti:nes Siielton � end Bir. Charlea R�padley to hrindle ar.y money collected. klrs. BPnner moved thrst LiNYC �hould ask people here to �ssist the family in burial and other � expense�. �`otion seconded and pnssed by unanimou� vote. Chairman ri2ate added �irs. Carty and Pe.ris Carter to the committee he.n3lin�; the collection. � The r�ount collected was 5155.80. Chairman Pilate �.dded to the Financial ; Com.�ittee the maii deeianated to handle e�►ergency 9ituEtior_s, Gir. Gene Poppler. � and Frrsnk Shea, L1F�1.'�ISpv� Cnunty Leg�,l Assista:�ce, to serve as persons to augtaent the 3tatpment that thia gx��up w�u11 seek an appropri�te action and if they � find �hat thef �et is sc, hot it can't wait, use the fac: lities of tne 1QNPC � office *o notify the co�amunity of ahat appropriRte actian x� should be taking. � Uur sS►mpathy is with t�is family ar.d �r�Lh people wtio h�ve sustaine�i this injury. � Mr. Shea reporte3 on r•eplaceraent of v�,cancies in the Council. A written report x will be submitted next wePk. � � � :'he meetir.g �as turned over to Care Chr�.irrnen and announcements of Core and � Taak Force meetings made. � Hrs. Brovm st�,ted that this Welfare report would be her last and resiEme�l " fr�m the I�iPC. � On motion of Mr. Liann t'r,e meeting waa adjourned at 10:15 p.m. � a ttendaric� + PrPsnnt Present ,�bsant A .+d���;��s�,Tsloiae rlcNeliis� Kac.hleen Alexander, 3�n � Aden, Scott A�d�att� Katie Firkus, Lel.and L. �r �arr, Floyd Pilate, Rev. Jospph In'. Harris, Rsginald A. Z 2-10-70 Bennex•, Ruth Fc�ppler, G�ne J. Hunt�r, ^varland F.J r Bradlsy, Charles R. Rawlin�s, Orean McIntosh, Rev. Eli� " Brown,�sther RPP,C�� Anna Milton, Alfreda � Carter, Paris Sayles, William Ricnnrdson,willie J � Carty, Rev. Denzil A. Williams, Hev. W.M. � Fentress, Andre � Frelix, John ; Gorman, Gary � Lagos, Manuel � Mann, Ja�nes 0. rlcNellis, Gra�ory � II. S � .