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' _ Theuadereignedhereby pmpoeeef�hemal�ingof thefollowingpublioimprnvement bq the City ot Baint Psul.vis.:
Improve CONCORD TERRACE - 1970 (City Pro�ect P-0517A) on:
ADA STREET from Coneord. Street to Congreas Street,
ANITA STR�ET from Concord Street to Congress Street,
BANCROFT AVENUE f'rom Concord Street to Congress Street,
CLIl�TTOft AVENUE from Congress Street to Delos Street,
CONGRESS STREET from Robert Street to Greenxood Asenue, a.nd
from Ada Street to BancroPt Avenue,
DELOS STREEP Prom Clinton Avenue to 200' East of Gree�wood Avenue,
GREENWOOD AVENUE from Congress Street to Delos Street,
ISAB�L S'rREET froan Robert Street to State Street,
ROBIE STREE`.P Prom State Street to T.H. 56,
WINIFRED STREET from Ada Street to T.H. 56,
as follows: grade a.nd surPaee; construct curb and gutter; eonstruct street,
alley and. driveway returns; construct and reconstruct side�ralk; construct
storm water drainage Pacilities; construct sewer, water and gas service
connections; construct an ornamental lighting system (M-o5o5); and do all
other work Which is necessaxy and incidental to complete said i�provevment.
Also, constrizet an ornaffiental lighting system (M-0505) on ROBIE STREET
(realigned) from State Street to Congress Street and WINIFRED STREET from
Ad.a Street to State 5treet.
DELOS STREET from Clinton Avenue to 204' East of Greernrood Avenue,
GREII�1F100D AVENUE Prom Congress Street to Delos Street,
ISABII, STREET from Robert Street to State Street,
ROBIE STREET from State Street to T.H. 56,
WINIFRED STI�EET �rom Ada Street to T.H. 56,
as Pollows: grad.e and surface; construet eurb a.nd gutter; construct street,
alley and driveway returns; eonstruct and reconstruct sidewalk; construct
storm water drainage facilities; construct sewer, �water and gas service
connections; construct an orna�ental lighting system (M-o5o5); and do a11
other work which is neeessary and incidental to complete said improvement.
Also, eonstruct an orna�ental lighting system (M-o5o5) on ROBIE STREET
(realigned) �'rom State Street to Congresa Street and WINIFRED STREET from
Ada Street to State Street.
Meredith /
Peterson �ra� �-- .
Tedesco »......... ... . .. . . ....:::._..
Mr. President By�Yre Mayor.
'000 s-s�
� _ � �w,����r� FE� 14197r