247430 ORIGIIJAL TO CITY CLBRK ����1�0 CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL N�,. �� � FFICE OF THE CITY CLERK FILE � N I R TION-GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONE DATF RE � Hornblower & Weeks - Hemphill, Noyes, of New York ' ty� New York, has submitted to the office of the Gity Gomptroller Bond No. 28877, being one of a series of General Improvement Bonds, Series No. 7, to gether with a letter re- questing the City to validate one of the coupons attached the reto, Goupon No. 24, in the sum of �16.00 due on the first day of February� 1971� which coupon has been mutilated so that the names of the Gity officers at the time of issuance of said bonds� namely: Joseph E. Dillon, Mayor, Joseph R. Okoneski� City Clerk� and Joe Mitchell� Comptroller, have been partially or completely torn off said coupon; now� therefore � be it RESOLVED� That pursuant to the provisions of Minnesota Statutes i967, Chapter 475� as amended� the proper Gity officers are hereby authorized to validate said coupon by the following procedure and in the following manner: the face of said coupon shall be stamped "validated" over the signature of the present City Comptroller, Joe Mitehell, and the back of the coupon shall be signed by the present Commissioner of Finance and City Treasurer� James J. Dalglish; and be it FURTHER RESOLVED� That the City Comptro lle r is hereby authorized and directed to transmit to the said Hornblower & Weeks - Hemphill, Noyes� of New York City� New York, together with the aforementioned Bond� No. 2887'7, a certified copy of this resolution authorizing the validating of the afo rementioned bond coupon. F ,R A RpVEO AssL Corporetion Cowa�t . FEB 11 1970 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Councii 19— Yeas Nays Carlson �'E� 1 � ��,Q Dalglish Approved 19__ Meredith �_jn Favor Peterson ' Sprafka Mayor �Against Tedeaco Mr. President, Byrne PUBLISNED F�� �.'�' ���� O s���'����;� DUPLICATE TO PRINTER I`I CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL NO. ^ OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK FILE COUNCIL RESOLUTION-GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER DATF '���PEAS, Hornblower & �deeks - Iiemphill, Noyes, of New York City , New York, has submitted to the office of the City Comptroller Bond No. 288�7, being one of a series of General Improvement �3onds, Series No. 7, together with a letter re- que sting the City to va�. idate one of the cou�anss attached thereto, Coupon Na. 24, in the sum of �16.00 due on the first day of February, 1971, which coupon has been mutilated so that the names of the City officers �t the time of issuaneE of said bond�, namely: Jaseph E. Dillon� Mayor, Joseph Ti. Okoneski, City Clerk, and Joe Mitchell, Comptroller, Y�ave been parti�lly or completely torn o�f ��,id coupon; now, therefore , be it RE50LV�D, That pursuant to the provisions of Niinnesott� Statutes 1967, Chapter 4'75, as a�nended, the prope r City o�ficers are he reby authorized to valida.te gaid coupon by tl�e �ollowing procedure an.d in the following mannerz the face of said coupon shall be stt�mped ��validated" over the signature of the present City Com�troller, Joe Mitehe�l, and ttie back of tlle coupon shall be signed by t�e present Co�r�issioner of �'inarlee and City Trea3urer, James J. Dt�lglish; and be it �'U�TiiER R��OL�T�t�, That tho City Comptro lle r is hereby aut:�oriz ed and directed to trans�nit to the said IIornblower & Weeks - Hemphill, Noyes, of New York City, New York, togethe r with the aforementioned Bond, No. 288�'7, a certified copy of this resolution authorizing the validating of t�e afo rementioned bond coupon. � �� . ; � b;� �, f ,��a::�� COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays ,.y ;�,: � Carlson Dalglish r � Approved 19—_ Meredith `� Tn Favor Peterson Mayor Sprafka C' Tedesco A gainat Mr. President, Byrne O